Big Red from PA

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Hello one and all to my humble abode!  The cheese platter is on the right, the meat platter on the left.  Frescatta bread and condiments in the middle.  Help yourself to the champagne fountain.  Personally, I prefer Fosters!      -- Big Red


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   GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Oh why not, as I am here, and it is Sunday morning.
And I'm feeling a little devilish
02/Mar/08 6:56 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Just stopped in to say hello, but I'm disappointed. The meat and cheese is all gone and all I could find was some empty Fosters bottles. Oh well, have a cold one on me Red. Cheers!
14/Mar/08 9:45 AM
   Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea    Supporting Member
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Hi Big Red, are you glad that your state is getting back to 'normal' after 3 plus weeks of national attention?
24/Apr/08 3:15 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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Hi, Big Red! Thanks for asking about my dog, Patches. I think she probably had a lot of Boston terrier in her mix -- I don't really have a good shot of her little underbite. There are a couple more photos of her on my page, if you'd like to see her. She will have been dead a year on September 4th this year. We had thirteen joy filled years together.
29/Aug/08 9:09 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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So Teddy is 32 pounds! He out-weighs both his parents combined. There must be a lot of love as well as kibbles in Teddy's daily diet. Oh, honey, I do miss Patches but we know when we get them that their forever and our forever are different. The love goes on, though -- they are worth it. Well, love is always worth the price, I think.
29/Aug/08 2:34 PM
   Joan  From West Virginia, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi, Big Red! I am glad to see you posting again - I was missing you and your comments. Better get in a supply of Fosters as winter is winter is settling in with a vengeance (I'm making sure I have liquids in case of power failures - wine of various healthful properties and Heineken for chuckles)!
Have you viewed the full moon lately? It's the closest to the earth in the year at this point, and very beautiful. And we just got treated to the juxtaposition of the crescent moon and Jupiter and Venus a few weeks ago - aren't we lucky in the East to have had clear skies for these events?!
14/Dec/08 1:28 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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BigRed and family!
31/Dec/08 10:32 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well, you have been a TRUE BLUE LURKER lately. It's nice to see you are still around. Hope all is well in your world and a belated Happy New Year! Cheers!
18/Jan/10 9:48 AM
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