Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne! Thought I'd drop in and push you to your next page! Push.....push.....big pushhhh!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Ahha! It worked!!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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And Anne, chicken soup is good for a cold!
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne!
Just dropping by at your place.
I like the photo of the bush. I went to Albany last year for a family reunion. Only stayed for 2 days. i really like albany, but i am a city girl and the country is not for me. It is nioce for a holiday, but i dont think i could live there permanently. But it is absolutely stunning down there.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Anne, fabulous sunset picture. 'just visiting to wish you a good night and beauty sleep. ... And then, you get to do it all over again! Every day is a day to rise and shine. Cheers, my dear.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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15/01/07 Anne thank you for my chocolate picture, I think a visit maybe in order to check on the quality control, what do you think?
The sunset is truly wonderful, what a way to end the day!
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Gosh that's a lovely photo Anne.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, you know I think the power pole adds a bit of character to the photo.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Anne, yes it is Hampton Court Palace, we went to the Hampton Court flower show in the summer all set by the river, beautiful place.
   Bianca  From Perth, W.Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne
Yes, I agree with Ian, that the power pole adds character and just finishes the photo off quite nicely. ANyway was just popping in to say hi. 19/01/07
Anne  From at work
Now I wish I had moved the camera over to get a bit more of the power pole in after Ian & Bianca's comments.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, it's OK just like that. The power pole explains the presence of telegraph lines in the picture without being too intrusive. It is a great photo.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Anne, I keep trying (my children would add Very Trying).
My Anne sends her love and best wishes.
Greg  From Albany

Thanks for that chat today Anne. I really needed that. I have had a very relaxing couple of days down here and Gavin took me for a long scenic drive after I left you. Most enjoyable and I dont think a camera would have done the views justice.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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This is a beautiful picture that you have posted Anne. And here I thought Wickham was barren. Thanks for sharing this!
ap  From india
23rd jan eve 4 o'clock...and i see this pic of yours Anne..i feel i am almost there...and were you standing or leaning while shooting this??
just wanna know the camera angle(shhhh,wanna show that i know something abt photography..just kidding)a lovely pic..thanks for sharing
ap  From india
Anne i have uploaded some more pics in the flickr chk it when find time..
Billy  From Perth
Hey Anne, Eon Cameron mentioned on the radio a minute ago that the comet can still be seen for the next few days but will become harder as the moon becomes fuller. It's a beautiful sight.x
ap  From india
Anne,it is protea for sure..the other names that follows it given by Rola well is beyond my range..chked it in the net and it comes close to what Rola has mentioned..something new i learnt..from Anne's garden..
Red pincushion protea, Leucospermum cordifolium
this is what the name i saw for a image thats similar to your pic..
and this is the link i used =1323061
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, how are you feeling, I hope you are a little bit better now.
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Anne, get well soon.
tricia  From queensland
Hi Anne
Thanks for the visit yes it is my husband and me. I finally had time to follow Gath's instructions and load a photo... and it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Nice picture, but I see you are still spying on those little things in the privacy of their bath, aren't you Anne? What will the neighbours think?
ap  From india
er whose tea Anne??i never knoew they gulp tea too!!
ap  From india
er whose tea Anne??i never knew they gulp tea too!!
ap  From india
when i said too,i never meant to make it twice!!it was an accident..but how it happened is mysterious..
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne! Are you having a nice summer down there? They are predicting an unusually hot summer here. Have a great day.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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27/1/07 Hey Anne, thanks for popping by my place. Emily loves her ballet, not sure if she will make a career out of it, only time will tell.
I've been very busy over the holidays so hopefully I can catch up on all thats been happening here. I love all your photo's, you have a very good eye and are able to capture the moment.
Cheers for now, and I'll call around again real soon.
MaMa Dragonfly  From Kansas
Enjoying everyones input and the sun shining through my window at work. Pray for our military!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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30/01/07 (in Canada)

Just dropped in to say hello Anne! Hope your are having a great day!
Big Red  From PA    Supporting Member
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Hello Anne! I see you were visiting my site. Thank you for missing me. I have stopped in from time to time, but things have been a little hectic for me. I had some reading to catch up on so I could return the books to my friend. My correspondence to friends was sadly lacking too. But the biggest time gobbler is my new puppy. His is a 12 week old Boston Terror (I should say Terrier). He is so cute, but does take up a lot of ones time. I forgot about that. He only weighs 7.6 lbs. Thanks again for calling on me.
Big Red  From PA    Supporting Member
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PS: 'Bath time before tea' is just beautiful!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Bounce, bounce, bounce straight into the bird bath, safe at last... Will Anne find 'freckles' in time and return it to its rightful owner or will it bounce away????
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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G'day Anne, ok heres the story.
I visited Spadescopio, and gave his Dog Freckles a Ball, ooops silly me, threw it a little hard and it landed on Rosemary's Page, who threw it to Linda, who threw it to keith, who threw it to Andre, who tells me it's here! So can you please help me find it, I've just got to get it back to Freckles'.
Oh no!!!! you didn't, you did !!!!
Thank you for your assistance, I'm off to Perth. Its going a long day! hehe
Cya around and thanks again
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, haven't been here for ages, before Christmas I think. Just wanted to say Hi!
Bec  From Pilbara WA
Hi, what happened to my comment I wrote you earlier on today? it's disappeared, the replies are still there though.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Okay.... Time for a CP I think!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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REgarding your picture, I think the bath water needs changing, and it appears the bubblr bath bottle is empty.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Still can't type worth a darn, but the one bird is asking where the fresh towels are. Don't you put out clean towels for your guests?
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gosh. The shower doesnt work either. Bring on some rain, or turn on the sprinkler please!
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