Anne from Albany W Australia

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 Little Beach at Two Peoples Bay, Albany

West Australia's Sunday Times, 13 Jan, 2013, quote:-

"The turquoise water and white sand of Little Beach near Albany,

has been named one of Australia's top-five secret travel spots in a national survey."

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay, Albany

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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To page 8 Anne! Hooray!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Considered my teeth wrapped, Belgian chocolate what are you doing to me.. heaven in a box xx
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for passing by my room with some lovely flowers.
You have had a very busy time and then getting sick on top of it, especially at this time of the year, takes it out of you. Hope you are feeling heaps better now and back enjoying your sudoku.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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oops forgot to say
thank you for the kind words about the NZ photos, there is still a few more and hope everyone does not get bored with them. I think I have sustantially helped the NZ tourism board to market their country via this site.
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne, thanks for calling by. I hope Reggie was nice to you. He only bites - he doesn't bark yet. Just whines if you don't play with him.
All this walking around the world must be good for you. I might have to join you to help me lose that 10+kg extra I'm carrying. Maybe I should join Rosemary and GannieMo in their quest.
Enjoy your walk and I'll catch up with you soon. I hope you enjoyed the birthday cake and took a glass or two of champagne.
Lisa  From Northern Ontario
Ahh, Anne...the glorious beach! You have made me miss the beach in Belize...I hope we go back in March!

Thanks for the picture! :o)
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Looks like a great way to start or end the day with a walk along the beach.
as we are so far inland we dont get the smell of the ocean or an afternoon refreshing sea breeze.
ty for the lovely photo
Tricia  From Queensland    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne
love the beach walk. My dream is to live near the ocean
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Anne I am walking it now.. with a glass of wine in my hand! Cheers for the lovely photograph x
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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2/10/07 - Just finished our wonderful three way chat on Skype! That was a fun thing to do on a boring Saturday night (Sunday morning for you & Greg). Thanks for calling!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Anne! Hope you have a great day!
Billy  From Perth
Hip ray hip ray hip ray.
x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful birthday Anne, health and happiness, cheers xx
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a very Happy Birth Day, Anne and a healthy and happy year ahead xx
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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♪♪ Happy ♪ Birthday♪♪ Anne, I hope you have a great day and an even better year
I have left a little something for you at the start of my page♥
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Birthday Anne!!!
   Celia L  From Toronto    Supporting Member
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Anne, I hope you've had a lovely birthday day -- how was lunch and what did you eat/drink? I raise a glass to you -- white or red? heck...let's just open the bubbly!-- I'll meet you on the beach. OOXXOO
   Sue  From Melbourne Australia    Supporting Member
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Hope you have a happy, happy, birthday!
giblet  From Victoria
Happy Birthday, Anne. Hope you had a wonderful one, with good friends and lots to eat and drink. Thank you for visiting my page - I left a message for you on there, (but was not sure if that was the rightplace?) but the bottle of wine and flowers were much appreciated.
I hope you don't mind my asking your advice -
my daughter Imogen is going to Costa Rica in Sept to count/tag sea turtles. Then she is hoping to travel around S Am, and Galapagos Is and Cuba if the money lasts out. She wants to buy a camera, but hasnt a clue what is good. I told her there were some oustanding photographers on here and that I'd ask your opinion (and Ian/S and naL) - she wants to take wild life pictures so would need a telescopic lens, as well as it being manual as well as automatic (to change the depth of field etc?) She can afford up to $5oo I think but would prefer less. Is it safe carrying a good camera around? She will probably be staying in youth hostels most of the time after leaving C. Rica. I remember you mentioning your camera (months ago?) but cant recall the details now. Thanks Anne. [cake.JPG]
Ian  From Boston
Well, I tried to hold the door open for you to post first at the end of your birthday, but it didn't work.
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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15 Feb. - Anne, I LOVE this photo. I can see clearly that you are just as good on closeups as you are on landscapes & scenery! The sheer curtains, wood table & crystal vase all add to the contrast of textures with the lovely pink rose. Hope you sent this one to Gath so those who don't have time to visit pages can see it someday, too.
Kathy's Rob  From Valrico, FL
Excellent photo. I loved the Guinea Pig plate phots you sent to us. We haven't shared it with out granddaughter who has one for a pet.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Check out my page still a beautiful rose. Happy (Canadian) Valentine's Day!
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your thoughts Anne, My Annie is having a snooze right now but I'm sure she will respond in the morning - she is catching a late afernoon flight.
SpadeScorpio  From Toronto, Canada
Hi Anne, Nice to meet you. Actually my wife and I have been together for 7 years, but we finally decided to get officially married in our backyard on September 17, 2006.
I had a look at your flickr page....very nice pictures.
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne - I just viewed your pictures on Flickr. They are great! After viewing them, it would be fun to visit Australia. Maybe some day.........
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Looks good, so I'm on for breakfast, but what exactly is a SMOKO? Do you have any milk?
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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ANNE - thanks for dropping in - it was quite cool in Colorado.
I echo CG - what is a SMOKO?
John  From Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Anne, the food and the view are both wonderful. Your flickr photos have rekindled a desire to visit Australia. If only I could get there without the 20+ hour plane ride! I enjoy reading your comments and others on the jigsaw pages almost as much as I like the jigsaws. You mentioned a virtual tour of Alaska, so I thought I'd share some images of a trip I took two years ago. Hopefully, you can find them at
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello John
I left a message for you on jigsaws because I wasn't sure that you would see it on my page. Thanks very much for the above invitation, your photos are fantastic. Alaska is certainly different and would be a very interesting place to visit. That seems to be quite a popular holiday destination these days for Aussies.
Tues 20th Feb.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Smoko - is morning or afternoon tea for those non australians, or a tea/coffee break.

Noemi B  From Israel    Supporting Member
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Hello Anne,
Wonderful plate you have ! It looks so tasty !
Yes, the Venice carnival was great , we had a great time walking among the masked ladies and gentlemen . We even wore our masks there , but had to take it off in order to be able to take photos Thank you for your wishes for our anniversary - it was a very nice surprise to both of us.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Anne! A new picture on your home page. Very nice picture!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Anne, what a beautiful picture you have here of New Zealand. It looks like it is a beautiful place to visit. How relaxing this must have been. Thanks for the nice visit. Come and see me sometime.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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lovely photo of lake Te Anau anne, was a storm brewing the day we were there. the lake looked much colder and was quite choppy.
Sheryl  From VA
Beautiful NZ photo Anne. In fact, I've enjoyed all of your pics-it really let me see some beautiful country. My husband & I have a trip to Australia on our wish list for the not too distant future.
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sheryl, thanks for visiting my page and I hope you return to see my message to you. I hope you have the chance to visit Australia and New Zealand because there is a lot to offer and many beautiful and breathtaking views. Good luck.
ap  From india some day i will make it..and see all that wonderful places in person..till then will see it thru Annes lens..
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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1st March - first day of autumn. Time on night duty to visit a few pages and I haven't been to visit you for ages. How are you, I've seen you on lots of other pages, you do a great job visiting us all.
Sandra  From New Iberia, LA
great pix. great page. glad i joined (or crashed?) your page/party. i went to the flickr page to see your pix and got only a black screen . i'll try again when i'm not on battery. thanks for letting me visit!
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