Imms from Somerset UK

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Okay, I wont beat about the bush, I am pretty pants at keeping these sort of sites up to date, so please accept my apologies now!

So who am I?

A mum (of 2)

A daughter (of 2)

A worker (of my employers)

A friend (of my friends)

A VW Camper Van Owner (of Georgette)

A sudoku-ist (of


Question : What do you call a group of sudoku players?

you know, like "a gaggle of geese" a "a pride of lions"

I want to know your answers - made up, or maybe you really know?

Maybe we could even get an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.....


Do you know what, I was leaning towards a Number of Sudokuists, but A "Grid" of sudokuists has a certain ring to it.
Competition Closed


sorry Gail, no prize other than the fame!
Thank all for taking part!


A few years ago now!!!!

View this photo at Flickr
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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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A new page for people to post comments to you...
01/Jul/10 9:26 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Had to take River for a hearing test today as both us and nursery think he isn't hearing everything, typical tho he got a cold last night so when he got there he was all bunged up anyway, so although they saw a problem they dont know if it was a temporary thing cos of his cold or more permanent so have to go back in 3 months for another test! On top of that his cold now seem sto have passed!!
Hopefully my little boys pics will show up on the parents page soon!!! Hint Hint!!
21/Jul/10 7:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Howdy Imms, I just saw a photo of your two adorable children on the Parent's page today.
How is River's hearing going?
24/Mar/11 12:50 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Update on the kids.. River has been scheduled twice for a gromet operation, the 1st was cancelled as he got tonsilitis 2 days before, then the second as he got chicken pox the day before.. well, the 1st spot appeared a day before the operation was due.. now waiting to see thr consultant again to see if he still needs the op or not. Toria has just finished her 1st year at secondary school.. and is doing really well and making me very proud :-) xxxx
01/Aug/11 8:09 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Toria and River are on parent's page today. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
04/Feb/12 2:46 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Imms, Toria and River are back on the parents page today. How are you and the family. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
28/Dec/12 4:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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IMMS, the last lot of photos of Toria and Rivers have been on the parents page the last three days. Today is Rivers and the dog. I like the way you have angled the photo to fit it in the square. How is Rivers hearing now?
29/Jan/13 2:10 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
Check out my page
you and that you have had a good start to 2013 :-) x
31/Jan/13 9:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The parents page keeps rotating and Toria and Rivers have been on the last week or so.
How are things going with Rivers hearing?
We were in UK for a couple of weeks in September.
Visited Henley, Swanage, Wales, York, Colchester and even met up with and stayed with Brenda from Stevenage. I love meeting other sudokuista.
11/Dec/13 10:49 PM
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