Imms from Somerset UK

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Okay, I wont beat about the bush, I am pretty pants at keeping these sort of sites up to date, so please accept my apologies now!

So who am I?

A mum (of 2)

A daughter (of 2)

A worker (of my employers)

A friend (of my friends)

A VW Camper Van Owner (of Georgette)

A sudoku-ist (of


Question : What do you call a group of sudoku players?

you know, like "a gaggle of geese" a "a pride of lions"

I want to know your answers - made up, or maybe you really know?

Maybe we could even get an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.....


Do you know what, I was leaning towards a Number of Sudokuists, but A "Grid" of sudokuists has a certain ring to it.
Competition Closed


sorry Gail, no prize other than the fame!
Thank all for taking part!


A few years ago now!!!!

View this photo at Flickr
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   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Imms,
Welcome to sudokuland and your own page.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Stop for a visit anytime.
02/May/07 3:33 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hey Sue - Thanks for the flowers they are beautiful! Hope you like the chocolates!
03/May/07 2:48 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Where in Somerset are you Imms?
12/May/07 7:40 AM
emm  From germany
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Hi Imms - I love carrot cake, especially when it has a thick layer of cream cheese icing - delicious, thank you so much for dropping one in. I'm leaving an apfel strudel for you to enjoy!
14/May/07 3:33 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hi Grannie Mo - I am in Yeovil in South Somerset, just on the border with Dorset.

Hi emm, the strudel was lovely - one of my faves - how did you guess???? My brother has been living in Hamburg for the last few years, anywhere near you?
14/May/07 6:41 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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With all my pleasure ,Conrratulation to have your own page .I left some beautiful flowers on Your table .I would like to for your lovely visit to my 'Egyptian Guest House and You are any and evey time you wish . and have a very nice
14/May/07 9:52 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi I M M S.
I am sure will give you the excuse to the spelling of my name ,however as you say M and W
is far from each other but don't mind You just return back from the pop just now (cheers to Your beautiful time)

It is not only W or M But it is more than that ,It is not Madgy or Wadgy It is 'Wagdy'

Have a nice night.
15/May/07 4:17 AM
   Liz  From South France    Supporting Member
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Hello Imms

to this GREAT site. I love to take part, but don't have enough time to turn around these days, since I retired, last June!! Thank you also for your post on my page. We arrived back in the Ardeche, yesterday evening after spending 8 days with friends in a)Corsham and b)Pensford. We used to live in Radstock, just South of Bath. I don't know Yeovil very well, but went to Yeovilton Aircraft Museum quite often when my two were young. Look forward to hearing from you again.
15/May/07 7:06 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Imms, and welcome (belated) to your own special page! I have a tradition of leaving a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa as a page warming gift, so I hope you like sweets! Enjoy! In terms of your question, we on this site call a group of Sudoku players FRIENDS!
16/May/07 6:46 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Imms - to your own page in Sudokuland! I am really glad you are here. I hope you enjoy this bottle of Cherry Wine I left on your table. It was made here in Michigan. Cheers.
16/May/07 8:22 AM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I was born in Bethnal Green, London but moved to Cheltenham when I was 14. Went back to London in the 60's but lived most of the time in Cheltenham.
Moved to France 18 years ago.
My husband has family who live Devon/Somerset border
16/May/07 9:15 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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In answer to your question above could it be 'a number of sudoku players'? or, perhaps 'a skittle of sudoku players' (as in 9 pins)?
16/May/07 9:18 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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As I sit here (whilst enjoying my cherry wine, flowers, chocolates and more - boy I love this site!)I am pondering the answers to my question... keep them coming.
Thank you to those who have replied so far.. xx
17/May/07 4:15 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Imms - I measured my Mountain Dulcimer and it is 3 feet (1 yard or 36 inches) long. I must appolgize. I don't remember the metric system. We don't use it here and it has been a long time since my children studied it so I have forgotten it. If you are not familiar with the instrument, you lay it on your lap, strum with your right hand and play the frets with the left hand. I tried to take a close picture and I didn't get the full instrument in it. Thanks for asking.
17/May/07 4:36 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Imms - for the Carrot Cake. It was so delicious. I just love that cream cheese frosting. Please come and visit any time!
17/May/07 5:22 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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I hope you like my video. This isn't my camper, but is very similar. Many many happy times
17/May/07 7:32 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Imms! Welcome to your page. It's taking me a while to get around to visit everyone. I like your video, although I don't recognize the song. It's nice to hear other people's music. Enjoy your page!
18/May/07 11:59 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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To your page Imms. I'm traveling around trying to reach as many of the new page owners as possible before my page warming gift of jambalaya is gone. I have made plenty, I'm glad of that, so I'll just place this in your frezer until you are ready to use it. Hope you enjoy. BTW, I love your avatar. Thanks for the music and van tour of the country side. It was fun. Peace!
19/May/07 5:07 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hi there! just chasing up the Brits to see if they're interested in joining André and myself and a few others in London on June 15th - check out the Great British Bash on the MORE section!
20/May/07 10:08 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Imms I will be in London from 12th till 19th June staying in the Roehampton/Putney area with my sister, and attending the 'Bash' of course. Would be great to meet up if poss.
23/May/07 8:54 AM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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On Being a Domestic Goddess

I've washed the dishes, dried the dishes,
Put them all away.
I've tidied up and hoovered,
And kept the dust at bay.
My laundry's done, the ironing too,
With strength that I could muster,
The teatowels, sheets and pillow slips,
I even ironed the duster.
The toilet gleams, the sink as well,
The bath is shiny white;
The bath mat neatened nice and straight
Until it looks just right.
The stairs are clean, there's not a mark
Upon the wooden treads,
I dusted all the corners
When I went and changed the beds.
There's a line of flapping washing
Hanging smartly on the line,
The dog's walked, cat fed, chickens too,
And it's only half past nine.
There's a tray of fresh-baked fairy cakes,
And seven loaves of bread,
Fourteen jars of home made jam,
To keep them all well-fed.
A pot of boiling home-made soup
That bubbles on the Aga,
I don't see why domestic bliss
Should always be a saga.
All my hems are taken up and
All my socks are mended,
All my buttons sewn on tight,
Any less and I'm offended.
Half past three, a cup of tea,
And dinner's on the go.
Potatoes, carrots, peas and kale -
I grow my own, you know.
Family back by half past five,
And happy smiling faces,
Sitting round the table,
In all their rightful places.
Dinner done, more dishes washed,
It's really never ending.
I sit down in my comfy chair
And finish off the mending.
I knit and sew and cook and bake,
I don't have time for telly;
You'll find me in the kitchen
Making wine and apple jelly.
And later on, a nice hot bath
To ease my aches and pains,
I'll get up in the morning, smile,
And do it all again.
I'm dedicated, strong and calm,
While under such duress,
I'm organised and punctual,
I've never heard of stress.
For I am woman, brave and staunch,
And never could be less;
I live my life for hearth and home -
A true Domestic Goddess.
Ofcourse it's me, as you well know!
But you'll be glad to find
That this Domestic Goddess
Exists purely in my mind!
24/May/07 4:24 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Imms to your page. Thank you for visiting me, and wishing me a happy birthday.
When was it your birthday. The carrot cake was very nice thankyou, managed to get a taste before the hubby and boys scoffed the lot !!!
24/May/07 2:50 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Good morning Imms , i am glad with your visit to me ,carrot cake is one of my family's favourite ,i will leave a little for them ,
24/May/07 3:27 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hello again Imms. forgot to leave a gift for you. Just made Sour Cream and Apple Pie, it has just come out of the oven. I left you a slice served with custard ..enjoy !!
24/May/07 8:31 PM
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Hi played golf in 31°C but it was worth it 'cos I won.
Hope you make it for the 15th I'm trying to get a ticket for 'Loose Women' on the Thursday as I'm there
25/May/07 3:14 AM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Happy Belated Birthday for the 19th Imms.
You are young spring chick, hm .. 15 years my junior. heheheh..... same age as my neice !!!
Like your baby photo. Your Toria is gorgeous.
25/May/07 2:38 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Imms - how are you luvvie? Love Jack Johnson.
Great pics - not sure about the combination of bombay mix and baby oil? Did you see the movie Little Miss Sunshine?
25/May/07 9:04 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Imms, I know what you mean by 'driving me round the bend'
I used to say get rid of them before they turn 12, my boys are now almost 21 and almost 18
but they are gorgeous - when asleep, little angels !!!!
26/May/07 12:38 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Little Miss Sunshine has some great combi scenes in it...

isn't the 'turd' great? caused a bit of a debate but according to prof blubber, it is in fact a salp...
26/May/07 10:57 PM
   sweetie  From india
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thanx for the carrot cakeSUDOKUITE
27/May/07 10:40 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Imogen. Dropped in, watched your Scottish Summer video, and enjoyed. Thanks for posting it! Also enjoted seeing your photos of Toria and the cats (and the carved pumpkins). Thanks for sharing them!
03/Jun/07 4:04 AM
   win  From Myanmar
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Hi IMMs,

nice to have friends from Sommerset.
i'm from Myanmar(Burma)
i've been to Yeovil last 10 yrs ago.
i really love the country side.
do drop in my page. hope to visit again there.
05/Jun/07 5:13 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi IMMs,
Glad you like Mika. He has an amazing voice.
I love your YouTube of the VW van, and the Jack Johnson song is just perfect with it. Thanks for the carrot cake. I have left you a bottle of Brown Brothers Spatlese Lexia to enjoy... will go perfectly with the carrot cake.
08/Jun/07 1:15 PM
   Imms  From Somerset UK
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Hope you like my new You Tube, if you haven't seen this version of the video, check out for Joss Ackland bouncing up and down in the back seat about 1/3 of the way through. Always makes me smile.
This video is taken from the PSB film, 'It Shouldn't Happen Here', took me at least 3 watchings to get any understanding of it whatsoever - but very entertaining film.
13/Jun/07 6:15 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Imms,
Checking to see how you are doing. Had a chance to check out your Flickr photos. Your Toria is a cutie, like the VW also good job restoring it.
14/Jun/07 10:56 AM
   Kevin  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Hi Imms havent visited before, so to sudokuland, lots of great people here, as to you question what do you call a group of us, I vote for an asylum, because we are all a little crazy, but have fun on this site. welcome and have a great day/night whatever it is.
19/Jun/07 5:08 PM
   sweetie  From india
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HIA IMMS its the one who asked you your full name .Great work do drop by Hope to see you soon Till then take care n ENJOY .
19/Jun/07 5:21 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Imms, I've finally been able to put pics up on my page thanks to Gath's new toy so I wanted to invite you over to have a look.
Come in, help yourself to a drink, grab a chair and relax.
12/Jul/07 10:25 PM
win  From Myanmar
hello IMMS,

do you mind if i share my sadness with you.
ofcourse everyone like to share happy things with friends.
but here on the sudoku page you're the one i would like to reveal my sorrow.
as i've told u i've been to Yeovil last 10 yrs ago, there to visit my brother and his family.
Last week it was a sad news to hear that my brother had passed away.
The funeral was on the 24th which we cannot attend so we pray for him here as our buddhist way.
He was a retired orthopaedic surgeon from Yeovil General Hospital.
The last time the family gathering was in Oct. 2006.
sorry imms to say sad news to you.
i was dreaming of visiting Yeovil again, but now it will only be a dream.
31/Jul/07 6:19 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Imogen! Just stopped in to say hello, but seeing where you are with your comments, I just can't resist giving you a little push (and I'll be gentle)! PUSH, PUSH, PUSH....
06/Aug/07 5:46 AM
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