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Tough Sudoku for 18/March/2006


Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Orna  From Sweden
17:08 easy tough today for a change!
Tammy  From VA
MensaMan  From
But if x-wing link h3,b6 forbids c4=6 we see I2=1 or b7=5 so in any case I1=2 is forbidden, allowing the weakly linked 3's to confirm s2 is locked. Knowing that, we can see that neither g1,I1=4 leading to E1=4, consequently easy to 81. Its a no-brainer, really. Happy St. Pat's day!
andrei  From US
Steve: I am afraid your ingenious depth 11 solution of yesterday's puzzle needs a more complicated matrix pattern than the one I described above. Bruno and I have those too but they are too complicated to explain here.
andrei  From US
DJ: I am not sure what you mean by 'color.' Our statement is this: if there is a square matrix whose entries are sets of candidates (possibly empty) so that the union in each row is a strong set, and in every column but one each pair of entries is in conflict, then the union of entries in the remaining column is a strong set. To see this, argue by contradiction and use Pigeonhole Principle.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Exactly what puzzle is Mensa Man talking about?
DJ  From AZ    Supporting Member
Andrei: I meant numbers or atoms. I wasn't able immediately to relate your example to the POU theorem. I think I get it now.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
The pigeonhole theorem is exactly what the 'Almost Locked Sets' idea uses, every single time. The generalization of same requires either a contradictory proof, or one could easily construct a proof by induction after showing validity on a trivial set. I think so, anyway.
Neo  From Memphis
Could anyone tell me how you guys approach to these puzzles using matrices.I dont use no particular strategy to solve,I guess, I have completed it in a crude way.
Karen  From NR Oh
Wish I could figure out your 'code' for solving, because it seems like so much Greek to me! I'm not a Mensa member or even close! But I sure enjoy solving, even with check moves. And I enjoy the descussions about ways to solve.
Jeana  From Maine, USA
21:46 Good mAen all!
naomi  From toronto canada
19.33 i got to 46 filled and then looked at some of the solutions to help me get 'unstuck' it seems so easy when you have the solution there...but i am starting to get the toughs sometimes...many thanks to all the sudokers who have assisted me in the past week.
also, for the uninitiated, the rows are numbered 1 to 9 starting from the bottom and columns are listed as a to i starting from the left. so a1 is the most bottomleft corner of the grid and i9 is the topright corner
Linda  From UK
I'm with Karen from NR OH - Steve and the gang - what are you all talking about???
Nurn  From Galway
Happy Paddy's Day to my favourite geeks!!!
Kim  From UK
De\r Steve & Andrei I love reading your posts...unfortunatly they make no sense to me what so ever....needless to say I am no where near solving the puzzle....will have to look on a site for 'idiots guide'....back to my comfort zone mediun/hard!! cheers all!
Cami  From Los Angeles
24:29 - I actually think I solved this one without using x-wing or y-wing or any of those techniques that I'm just beginning to understand. Is that possible, or did I just make a lucky mistake?
Tony  From Blaine, MN
Either today's tough was easier than usual or I'm getting better at this.
rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
7.54 thought that was straight forward and quite easy for a toughie
who are the cheeky pair in the picture
have a great day/night one and all
Happy St Patricks day to those still on the 17th
gloria  From kuala lumpur,malaysia
easy...'touching' picture
tammy  From Sydney
16:10 cute boys
Jill  From Tacoma, WA
17:49 after setup. Much better than yesterday's tough!
mb  From taiwan
ivor dunnet  From
Nick  From Toronto
mb  From delaware
July 2, 2007.
03/Jul/07 4:29 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 10:19 AM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
25/Jul/19 10:52 PM
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