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Easy Sudoku for 21/July/2012


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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21/Jul/12 12:00 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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21/Jul/12 12:00 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Where did you come from, Cee?
21/Jul/12 12:00 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Well that was unexpected.
21/Jul/12 12:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good Maen.
We had a very wet night. It poured non-stop all night! We needed every drop.
21/Jul/12 12:01 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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I come from a land DOWNUNDER HalT
21/Jul/12 12:02 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Good morning people of the world.
21/Jul/12 12:02 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Moon Day
National Lollipop Day
21/Jul/12 12:03 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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21/Jul/12 12:03 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Heidi and Karen Goodmaen.
21/Jul/12 12:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Will someone explain today's picture. That doesn't look like coins to me.
21/Jul/12 12:07 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Glad to hear that you got the rain we sent you Heidi. Please feel free to keep it for as long as you need it.
Our place is akin to a swamp.
21/Jul/12 12:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oops. Missed a '?'.
21/Jul/12 12:08 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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You got that too Heidi. Thought it was just me. Looks like Indian writing to me.
21/Jul/12 12:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We need every drop. The ponds had dried up, and so had the springs which feed the creek.
21/Jul/12 12:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's a very strange picture. I wonder if someone who can read it will show up here today?
21/Jul/12 12:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Moon Day? Shouldn't it be Moon Night? And isn't every night Moon Night?
21/Jul/12 12:14 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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Maybe Malaysian or Thailand. On the right hand side there is some sort of google reference.
21/Jul/12 12:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Or am I just very confused today?
21/Jul/12 12:15 AM
Maria  From Portugal
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21/Jul/12 12:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I must get going. I have a huge amount of farm work to do today.
21/Jul/12 12:16 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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21/Jul/12 12:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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21/Jul/12 12:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Very appropriate, Grasshopper!
21/Jul/12 12:18 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Been a long time since I got to use that smilie.

Cant upload any new ones yet.
21/Jul/12 12:19 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Big day coming up and it's past my bedtime


21/Jul/12 12:24 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Moon Day commemorates the day man first walked on the moon in 1969.
21/Jul/12 12:27 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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And sadly this remembers watching it on black and white TV.
21/Jul/12 12:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You think that they'd call such a momentous occasion something better than 'Moon Day'.
21/Jul/12 12:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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(I don't have the energy to get up and start working.
21/Jul/12 12:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I remember watching it on black and white TV, too, HalT. You're not so old.
21/Jul/12 12:44 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Heidi, so glad you got some much needed rain.

Mr. Cee - I too remember watching the moon landing on B&W TV. I was working as a telephone operator that night and the boards were so slow (everyone watching TV...) that we were able to watch on a TV that the phone company had brought in for us - with the old rabbit ear antenna.
21/Jul/12 12:47 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning to each and every one...Make the day a day of kindness by simply wearing a smile on your face. If you can do more to reach out to others then do so...you will feel better too. Peace
21/Jul/12 12:47 AM
jacalmi  From Canada
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This picture is very confusing.It sure doesn't look like coins to me. Maybe it's a bill or prescription for health reasons?I've never seen a coin referring to cancer and TB. I'm really hoping that some one knows what this is.The puzzle was really hard too, with all the white.
21/Jul/12 12:48 AM
   Colo Jim  From the Springs
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...coin a phrase in a different language..?
21/Jul/12 12:48 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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We all gathered in the school hall and watched a TV specially set up for the occasion by the school. Still remember it like it was yesterday.
21/Jul/12 12:53 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Perhaps the picture is trying to solicit money for cancer...a strange picture indeed, but interesting.
21/Jul/12 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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==> <== THESE are coins. (That's directed to the person who submitted today's picture)
21/Jul/12 12:57 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Hehehe. I missed the moon landing. I was more than likely, snoozing in my crib.
21/Jul/12 12:59 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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I see you found some Aussie money Heidi.
21/Jul/12 12:59 AM
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