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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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mary  From NYC
3:30 my best time yet
joe b  From ontario
where is the spagetti sauce ?
or is this a different child
Donna  From Rhode Island
mb  From england
blue eyes  From california
Another blonde joke: A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little red sports car and was pulled over by a female police officer who was also blonde. The blonde cop asked to see the blonde driver's license. She dug through her purse and was getting progressively more agitated. 'What does it look like?' she finally asked.

The policewoman replied, 'It's square and it has your picture on it.' The driver finally found a square mirror, looked at it and handed it to the policewoman.
blue eyes  From california
. . . The blonde officer looked at the mirror, then handed it back saying, 'Okay, you can go. I didn't realize you were a cop.'
Misty  From KY
I feel like this most days.
k davis  From albuquerque
3:23 a easy one
Nan  From left coast usa
10 minutes with no helps - poor baby is about to cry!! our last 3 days have been 83 degrees or hotter here in san diego - my turkey defrosted before i could get it home! lol hooray for turkey day (a week off from school!) and sudokists!!
Don  From New York
you need more sudoku games
tweety bird  From lady sudoku
bill oh bill, what poison didst thou provide
i'd planned on keeping my eyes open wide
but when reason returned to her throne
i found that i'd actually flown!!!!

fi  From
fi  From sydney
oops pressed the enter key by mistake
8.03, not to bad for me

Fiona from smartie tube - they don't have tubes of smarties in australia, i remember them from my childhood in england (memories...)
annonymous  From i dont know
he is adorable
val  From bolton england
6:01 not bad.i to hope everythings alright with lisa and family.
claude  From huy belgique
Ian  From Llanelli, Wales
Getting better...2.55, which I suggest is faster than the baby (judging by his expression).
Westy  From Vancouver WA
First time sub 4 minute....finally! I don't know how you guys do it on a regular basis. Kind of a homely looking baby for the reward of 3:52 though
tweety bird  From to all the cats
well purrty felines, how be you?
sated well on hocolate, penguins and bolly too??!!
nothing personal, you understand...
but of this i must be sure before i stand
lest one of you may still hungry feel
and think of me a handy meal!!
Jimbojak  From Adelaide Sth Oz
Getting better. 4:05
Next step under 4:00
neline the playmobile  From france
AAAAAAAahhhhhhh!! this baby is so ugly i'm gonna make nightmares... i was doing tomorrows puzzle too cause it's 11:55p here
The 13-Year-Old  From New Jersey
Yay, best time yet, 5:54. This one was rally easy though, I had to admit. Couldn't get the picture, but that's okay...

Nan  From left coast usa
just a baby about to cry. 10 minutes - no help, just enjoy! 83 degrees here in san diego - my turkey defrosted on the way home from the store lol happy turkey day all you turkeys! Going kayaking tomorrow - a week off from first graders is just what i needed! must go cook now!
Marching Girl  From costume ball
O Chocolate Pot
I am here with you
Let me reach down deep
Find something to keep
Pray a Twix Bar or two
I'll never finish with you
Ted S  From Melbourne Australia
4:10 off to a flying start. It does seem that I have some work to do in the(Fiona)'grovelling department'. This whole chocolate dipped & wrapped in particular attire has given me a most restless sleep, with Christmas nearly here, the marketing of French, US, Aussie, Caribbean, British versions will test my resolve.
xuper  From Zaragoza,Spain
who speak spanish?
Ahmed  From Sheridian
i really like your hair
Joseph  From His secret Admirirer
I really like those shoes
pj  From PA
3:40 my best time ever & probably a fluke, but I'll keep trying!
Ahmed  From Jamila
I really hate your mum but your sister is hot
Keanan  From Eric
Why do you like me
The Crone  From The Witches culdrone
So Ted you are not in costume, and Trevene the hocolate is only availbale on the Lady Sudoku, so enjoy. I can not ryhme, as I run out of time, to work my magic to find out whom is whom?
Gene  From Avantika
Dont forget are date tonight.Remember are slumber party
Ruby  From
r  From a
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Well it's of to see if my luck gets better, as I go see you my dear friends and work on the other puzzles.
k  From brissie
Jane  From Washington
Abigail  From Melbourne
3.50 i thought that was pretty good, nice day today
Bonnie  From Tombstone
Not the first or the fastest but I did it. Thats all that matters to me.
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