Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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If you want an accounting of your worth, count your friends.

Merry Browne

10/Apr/11 11:30 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I feel very wealthy right now
10/Apr/11 11:30 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, it's not a question of being organized for meals (I am anything but) - but with hubby's hours of work and with making meals for D and the girls, I don't really have trime to make proper meals during the week. We can't afford take-out.

I feel better now after a shorter nap. Onwards and upwards .....
11/Apr/11 2:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up for a few minutes. Then back to bed to rest the back. I'm gonna really hurt after tomorrow morning, when the farrier will be here.
11/Apr/11 3:34 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Hello all. Feeling a little nervous today. I have to travel to Kelowna to spend the night and get a wisdom tooth out at oral surgeon in the morning. I won't know until I get there if I will need to be sedated. I am hoping not. Hopefully all will go well.

Also dealing with mom. She called me early last week at about 5:30 AM. She had vertigo really bad all that night. Kept her up being sick. Took her to the doc. He's not sure what the problem is. Mom called again on Wednesday not sounding right. Said she probably had a TIA, AKA a mini-stroke. Took her back to see the doc on Friday. Sent her for blood tests, might want a CAT scan, too. Then got a call Saturday morning around 9. It was an EMT saying my mom had another TIA and was refusing to go to hospital, would I come to her place. They had gone by the time I got there and mom was feeling much better. It happened on her way home from the store a block away. A neighbour was outside doing yard work and came to her assistance. His wife called the ambulance and he helped mom to her place. I am hoping she will be okay until I get back.

I feel better now. Thanks for listening.
11/Apr/11 3:53 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rena, my thoughts and prayers going out to you and your mom. I hope the doctor can figure out what is wrong. We are always here to listen to you. Don't keep what is bothering you inside, the stress is not good for you. Please come back and let us know how mom is.
11/Apr/11 3:58 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami is right Rena. A lot of us are going through or have gone through a similar situation. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
11/Apr/11 5:08 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rena, so glad you came to share your worries with us. Do let us know how the tooth extraction goes and how your Mom is too. Hope both of you do just fine. Hugs sweetie.
11/Apr/11 6:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rena... you're going through a tough time with your mother and the tooth just adds to the stress. I hope everything gets diagnosed and worked out quickly.
11/Apr/11 7:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Rena, I hope if this happens again your mother will cooperate and be checked and treated. Thinking of you...
11/Apr/11 7:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Rena - thinking of you. I hope things settle down with your mother. As Theresa said many of us know what it's like having to deal with parents as they age. Is there anyone else can watch her while you're getting the tooth done? It would make it all easier for you if there was.
11/Apr/11 9:04 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Finally have the 5th batch of brownies in the oven. Have 2 batches wrapped for hubby, and will wrap mine when this is done. I have it on one big tray. I am actually getting sick of looking at brownies.
11/Apr/11 9:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Never say those words!!!
11/Apr/11 9:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, if it helps, I would be willing to take some off your hands.
11/Apr/11 10:16 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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You guys are all so kind. Thank you. My mom promised to take it easy and call the ambulance if anything goes wrong. TIAs last only a few minutes to a couple of hours and don't leave any damage. The problem is that she could have a real stroke. She has had one in the past. I am in Kelowna at the motel now. Taus is getting hungry so I guess we better go find some dinner. We are going to have fish and chips. Hope it's good. I don't get to eat breakfast in the morning.
11/Apr/11 10:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am sure I will love brownies again in a few days but after baking 5 batches, one at a time, I am slightly sick of them. I only have one good brownie pan. It is the reason my brownies come out so well. I won't bake a brownie in anything else.
11/Apr/11 10:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rena, thinking of you tomorrow and keeping your mom in my thoughts. Who knew that raising parents could be so hard
11/Apr/11 10:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite-Nite all. State testing starts tomorrow and I want the beastie boys and me to get a good night sleep.
11/Apr/11 10:30 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Nite nite TTT, seems I've been missing you here.
Rena: (((HUGS)))and lots of LOVE to you & your mom...PLEASE keep us posted, we care a lot!!
Heidi & MizT: Healing vibes to both of you.
Good to see Suzy,(LOL at the dolphin comment!!)Broni, Gail, CynB, Theresa and anyone else I missed.
Snow has melted, supposed to be nice tomorrow. Hope my lilacs survive, they started budding a week or so ago & then the white stuff came!! YIKES. My neighbor Chuck said to not plant anything until after Memorial Day. I don't put much stock into what he says, he has DIRT & tumbleweeds for a yard!!
11/Apr/11 12:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics (and some Eagle-aholics)!

Rolanda, thanks for the info about Bunnings! Are the stores quite large? It must be a big chain, and someone in administration must be philanthropic to make the store available for weekly Sausage Sizzles!

I hope the Sudoku gathering was well attended and fun!

Rolanda, a busy day, but you got a lot accomplished! Sit back and enjoy your visitors this afternoon and evening!

Suzy, thinking positive thoughts for you niece and her bf! I hope they find work quickly and are able to earn enough to finance several more legs of their planned journey!

Suzy, I really don't know about cats and growth spurts. "Our" cats were our daughters' cats when they were of that age.

Judy, how nice to see you - and know that you were able to join the gathering in Melbourne! We're anxiously awaiting photos!

Liz, hope you are feeling much better soon!

Theresa, I hope any nap today was shorter!

MIzT, I hope you and Al slept well and you're both having a good day!

Thinking of Heidi and hoping she got some sleep. Maybe I'll find out when I turn to page 40.
11/Apr/11 1:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi all, don't have time to stay and play till later, and no, I haven't put the photos on yet so don't bother asking. Hubby is going 'on' in a minute but just had a quick read through, and want to add my best wishes, Rena. Hope the extraction goes painlessly (!) and that you get answers about your Mum sooner rather than later, the not knowing is the worst. ♥
11/Apr/11 2:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Tami! Yep, still counting!

Theresa, I agree with Tami! You may not feel organized about meals, but you are planning ahead and getting some things prepared in advance! That's organized! MizT seems to do the same thing. Good for you both!

Rena, it's so good to see you here! Thanks for sharing! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow while you're at the dentist! Also will be thinking of your Mom! Sounds like she has some good neighbors! Can Gumball check in on her while you are gone? I hope the doctor will be able to determine what is causing the problem and, once diagnosed, plan a course of action! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you, your family and your Mom! All the best and hoping for a quick diagnosis and determination of what can be done about it! Always remember that we're here for each other and want to be supportive! Sending positive thoughts and prayers!

Wow, Tami! Five batches of brownies! What makes your favorite pan special? It must really make a difference, since you're so determined to use it and not any other. Good luck to all of the students taking the test and all of the teachers dealing with nervous students!

Thining of all of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
11/Apr/11 2:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you and Scott! Hang in there! Hopefully there will be movement on the waiting list!
11/Apr/11 2:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just missed Julie! Finally some time to sit and catch up. Hubby has left for the airport and will be going to Malaysia for a few days.
Umpired for the Men's bowls yesterday. The chap hubby does some work for has just moved to a new office. No curtains and the afternoon sun is unbearable. Hubby told him I had some old curtains. They were not suitable but I had some old material so I put some together, in a very hurried fashion. Enough to block out the sun anyway. Also did some gardening and etc and now my back needs a rest!
11/Apr/11 2:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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So pleased you all had a lovely time in Melbourne yesterday. Gail, We will be patient.
Rena thinking of you and hope things will be OK with your Mum. Good luck with the tooth problem. I would not mind being in Kelowna with you, it is such a pretty place.
I sometimes cook extra and freeze it. Just nice to have something easy when I feel lazy!
I smile when you all talk about dealing with elderly parents. Makes me realise my kids might be saying that in a few years time!
11/Apr/11 2:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bless Beanie, she has put her photos up!

...mine are still in the camera...
11/Apr/11 5:48 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hello my Friends.
11/Apr/11 6:37 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. It's thundering in the distance, so I can't stay. Hope everyone has a good day.
11/Apr/11 7:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Way too scared to look at my internet allowance this month, think I am close to blowing it from looking at the PBS doco and only got see about a third of it, so if I disappear you know why.
11/Apr/11 8:02 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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"Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light."
11/Apr/11 8:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I just heard on the news about tornados in Iowa and was worried about the eagles - but just looked and found a parent asleep on the nest - assuming all 3 babies are fine and warm under him/her. Phew!
11/Apr/11 8:36 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Glad all is well. I am off to school early to get ready for testing. Today and tomorrow is reading, Wednesday is Math. They split it so the kids are not testing for hours. I get to sit in the hall today and tomorrow and monitor. Wednesday I will administer the math portion to my kids. See you all later.
11/Apr/11 8:51 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
TTT: Good luck with the testing.
Rena: Hope all goes well with the tooth & your Mum. You can vent here any time you need to. That is what we're here for and no-one will EVER judge you!! Love & Huge Hugs to both of you.
Heidi & MizT; Hope you are both doing better.
Glad to see Julie, June, Gail, Broni, Theresa, CynB and anyone else I missed. Have a great day/night all! TTFN
11/Apr/11 11:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzanne, thanks for the good wishes. My back is much improved since the block. I have been awakened last 2 mornings with back pain, but higher in the back and it goes away once i get up and get moving. Perhaps I am sleeping so hard I am not moving??? Lovely good sleep since Wednesday, big improvement there.

The storm that caused the tornadoes in Iowa seems to have lost some strength over night. Yesterday where were severe weather warnings in a strip from Canada to the gulf, but this morning, not a one. We are forecast fome t storms late afternoon and evening, but from looks of the storm system now, we might get off with just some rain, Hoping it does not intensify.

I am off in an hour to bring home food. I have a few other stops also, so keeping fingers crossed that I can get home fore the rains. I do not like driving in rain. guess that means I am getting old??

Thinking of Rena this morning, good luck with the extraction.

Teresa, nice saying you had there, I like that one since I am one of the cracked hehehe.

Tami, enjoy your morning sitting in the hall, I hope you have something to entertain yourself .

Broni, hope it is not long till you get more time on your internet allowance. Do you have a wi fi area anywhere near? Here, our library is wifi, and although they have computers to use, many come with laptops and sit and use their connection.

Theresa, is that thunder part of the dsame system moving across the USA? My weather map does not show Canada weather.

Must see if I can find the photos, do want to check those out, thanks Gail for letting us know Beanie put them up.

June, making curtains in a rush? Hubbies can get us u-into some predicaments can't they?

Al asked I bring home ice cream yesterday when I went out for milk. I hope he tries it today and that swallowing works

Must run, still ffuts to do fore I leave this morning, Huge hugs to all with extras.
12/Apr/11 12:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The farrier has come and gone and ALL the horses behaved.... even Sadie!!! Then, 10 minutes later, the sky opened up and the rain came down like somebody emptied a giant bucket on us.
12/Apr/11 2:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm SO glad to hear about the pain block working, MizT. I hope mine works as well. I'm in really bad shape.
12/Apr/11 2:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I am one of the cracked ones too.

I'm not sure where our storm came from, but the winds are out of the south-west. We don't really get a view of anything south of our border. A house in Ottawa was struck by lightning early this morning. So far it has rained most of the day and it's windy.

D was supposed to go for physio, but got a call from the school - the oldest grandie is sick. She mentioned this morning she wasn't feeling well, but she often says that. She was in a really foul mood this morning.
12/Apr/11 3:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Broni, I have learned to not even try to look at the eagles unless I'm using someone else's wifi! Our allowance is just too small.

Theresa, even though your oldest grandie has convinced the school she is sick, she may not be - physically I mean. It's easy to forget that they have also been through a great period of stress so when you say she was in a foul mood I think things like 'little rat', then remember and slap myself on the wrist. Bad Suzy!! Love your saying..

MizT, I hope the storms miss you, and that your back continues to stay pain-less, meaning in less pain.

12/Apr/11 7:27 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning, Beautiful day here 23*c and sunny so I think I will play bowls.
I just check on the eagles every so often, give them 30 seconds and if nothing happening switch off. One of the monitors commented yesterday that the winds and storms are normal weather for that area at this time of the year and the eagles are used to dealing with it.
12/Apr/11 7:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, so pleased you are having relief from the back pain and hope you will have the same relief later in the week Heidi.
Theresa, hope your daughter gets her physio. So pleased that she is doing well.
Hugs to all.
12/Apr/11 7:44 AM
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