Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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At the going down of the sun,
and in the morning.
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
25/Apr/13 6:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Lest we forget
25/Apr/13 7:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks... reading.. reading...
Glad to hear it is a virus Heidi .. not that you are suffering but that things will improve with your back pain. Good news about the puppies eyes.. how exciting ..

Victoria I am glad your mothers hip replacement went so well.Seems to me that your hubby has done well.. it will be good to get a few things done that have been on the backburner for a while..

Well done on the acquisition of the self watering pots Tricia. Hope you will post a photo ... in bloom..

What a PAIN Cyn!!
Hope the issues with your cuz haven't created any deep rifts that will cause ill feeling in the future Broni.

June it is good to have a date. I will be thinking of you.

Love and hugs right back at you Julie
25/Apr/13 9:05 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Before I get to work.. I will share my post on easy .. I think Heidi may be one of the few that read there anymore..

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

My grandfather was a country man, a horseman. He was in the charge to Beersheba, of the movie 'The
Lighthorseman' fame... he was never the same after the war... He was relatively young when he died.. in his 60's. His superficial war wounds were treated and left a limp. The deepest wounds scarred his soul. How could such carnage NOT make one doubt, or even stop believing, in the sanity of mankind?
He was the most loving wonderful 'Granpa' a little girl could have.
25/Apr/13 9:09 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I went to the Anzac Ceremony at Em's school yesterday - quite by chance, the kids did well. Poor Em had head lice and the school rang Andrew (school policy is to send the kid home) so he rang to see if I could pick her up. I went up there with all guns blazing thinking she might have been made an example in front of the other children, They (and she later) assured me she hadn't. She was mortified enough as it was. I brought her home and de-loused her, but it was a traumatic day for her and she took it out on me, something she's never done before. After dragging that awful comb through her long hair hundreds of times to ensure I'd got them all, she was so sick of it all and when I mentioned that if she and her Dad were finished early helping their friends put up a carport today, they might like to come here for afternoon tea and see Karin and the kids. This was when her frustration came out - 'No, it's all arranged, we're staying at Cat's for the day and now you come along and spoil it!' With that she burst into tears. I was shocked at the time, she is never cheeky.
(But I have seen the funny side since and Col and I keep looking at one another and saying 'and you come along and spoil it!')
Well, I'm off to make Anzac biscuits now and then hopefully go down to Cleveland to see the RAAF flyover of the super-hornets. Col is with his Scout Group at their local Anzac Service.
25/Apr/13 9:32 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

We have an early morning tomorrow to puppy-sit (first time in several weeks, as we've been very busy. It will be a long day, as we have tickets for a symphony concert in the evening. Might be able to drop by for a visit in between. Take care, all!

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and for all!
25/Apr/13 2:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Oh Cyn! You party pooper!
Julie, would love to hear how YOU are?.
Bean, we will remember them.
Heidi, stay safe for a change.
Zusy, Let's not forget.
Well sad to say things didn't go well yesterday.
I am good.
Love and hugs.
25/Apr/13 7:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB... That wasn't nice! You went and spoiled it all! What did you do? Pour lice on Emily's head?

Broni.... sorry things didn't go well. What happened?

I'm feeling like a human being today, finally. I don't feel like I was run over by a Mack truck any more, and I think the fever has broken. I'm not going to push it, though, and I plan on doing as little as possible. I do have to feed hay to the cow herd, though, but the tractor does most of the work.
25/Apr/13 11:29 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon All from Sunny but chilly PA.
Nothing of any great importance going on here other than the final preparations for my niece's memorial...It should be a great reflection on the way she lived and I'm certain we'll have fun remembering all of the good times, even though it's hard to believe she is no longer walking among us with her video camera posting things for posterity. Such is life...therefore the lesson to take away is to live and enjoy this side of the bar and treat others well and when you transition, good will be left in your wake.
Heidi....happy to hear that you are feeling better and do hope you will be able to hold onto the 'doing as little as possible' plan for a few days to rebuild your strength. issues come and pass...this too will join that pattern...pray that all smooths out sooner rather than later.
June and Ken, Holding you both close to my heart at this time...but so glad to hear that you've been able to move forward w/o too much difficulty.
To the rest unmentioned by name or activity...know that I hold you all close to me and revel in the good and cringe at the bad, but the heart fills much quicker than the mind and memory can share, but I'm either praying for you, angry for ( or in some cases) with you for overdoing, or ready to jump into the fun and games with you at all times......, so may this day/night shine light upon your dreams and aspirations to be all that you could hope for...Peace.
26/Apr/13 2:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spoke too soon. Fever is back and I feel weak as a kitten.
26/Apr/13 6:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, go to bed!
26/Apr/13 6:45 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks... you have a computer in your bedroom?
If not get back to bed.. ok? My page says you are online..
Mama.. how long ago did your niece die? It seems that much has happened since then .. on one hand it feels like it was ages ago and on the other only yesterday.. The rhythm of life eh... the pages just keep turning..
BTW Mama..sent you a skype invite..

26/Apr/13 11:07 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Cyn.. aren't kids funny... that is going to become one of the family catch cries that induce great mirth for decades.. so wonderfully ludicrous in content but isn't it wonderful that she has regained enough sense of worth to make that retort. I cannot imagine that happening a few years ago. How her confidence has grown.

I was having a discussion only this morning about people lashing out inappropriately.. my neighbour lashed out at me about the dogs when his wife was diagnosed.. he couldn't lash out at the cancer but he could vent on me. I didn't enjoy being on the receiving end but did recognise that the anger was really all about the cancer.. not my dogs. Margaret apologised to me later about his outburst.. I'd already worked out what it was really all about. It didn't matter.

I need to vamoose.. meant to be painting.. the work won't do itself...
Love and hugs to all.
26/Apr/13 11:19 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Bean, must respond now or I'll forget the question mind is such a sieve anymore...My niece died 26/2/13...think I did that right...or February 26, 2013... I know that's is for the all of you get busy and live..

Heidi....I'm with everyone one else...back to bed lady....NOW! Feel better.

Later gaters...♥

26/Apr/13 11:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I can report (don't I sound like a newsreader) that Emily got over her annoyance with me very quickly, came over with her Dad yesterday afternoon and was very happy to be here - so much so that she stayed the night. It had been a very bad day for her.
26/Apr/13 2:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I thought Emily was too smart to remain irrationally mad ay you, CynB. I'm sorry for her, though. Nobody deserves a very bad day, especially a child like Emily who's had too many of them.
26/Apr/13 11:24 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Sitting here waiting for a man who is going to cut down one of our trees. We had to move the play structure last night so he can get in there. He said he would be here this morning, but it has been raining and it's very dark out, so I'm not sure if he'll be coming or not. The tree is getting into the neighbour's foundation and it has also been attacking his roof. Neighbour is really nice and not angry about it ... in fact he offered to pay half. Of course we declined his offer.

Tomorrow we are going to see in-laws and celebrate their 62nd anniversary. So this afternoon or evening there will be shopping to do.
26/Apr/13 11:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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And they're here.
27/Apr/13 2:48 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all. was nice to hear that Emily is now happy and you must be also.Childhood can be a very emotional time but you seemed to put yourself in her shoes and understand.
I remember when Renae stood up to me once and my reaction was being pleasantly surprised because she was always so timid.
Broni...many hugs. xx
Heidi...hope you get better soon. Not much chance of getting some needed rest when there are so many things to do with the farm and animals.
Theresa...your neighbour sounds nice. Does the yard look bare if the tree is now gone?
June...thinking of you and Ken!
Mama...Along with yourself, Jane from 'easy' is also preparing for a memorial. Hope it is a joyous remembrance of happy times.
Bean...what are you painting?
Julie...puppy sitting and a concert! Have a great day.
MizT...your flowers will bring a smile to not only yourself. The petunias that I potted are out and so far are all red, and I bought a mixture. The marigolds are just starting to bud but the grasshoppers have eaten a few plants.

We have a green tree snake in a palm tree in the back yard. It is about 3 ft or 1 mtr long, very pretty and so well camouflaged. Luckily they are harmless which we cannot say for many of the Aust snakes.
I have 4 late shifts this week,1 clinic and 1 off.
Will do the puzzles and catch up next time.
Take care.
27/Apr/13 3:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nola, yes, others are already enjoying them, and telling me that 'petunias are my favorite, I used to have long planters of them on my porch' and such. I am glad they are enjoying them with me.

Heidi, hope the virus and the pain is better today.

Theresa, yes, I also want to know, does your yard now look empty with the tree gone?

Cyn, I am happy to hear that Emily got over her little outburst and was happy to be with you.

Last night I slept so well, I went without pain meds for over 12 hours. I now think that was a mistake. I have hurt since getting up and meds not helping. My ribs feel like they are fractured, well, you do not need all the details. I think I should take my advice to Heidi and go to bed for a while and see if the third dose of pain meds for the day will be the ones to do the trick.

Hugs to each of you, but very gentle ones today. Till later.

27/Apr/13 6:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yep, yard looks very bare and sunny. Once we have the play structure set up again, it won't be quite so barren looking.
27/Apr/13 8:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, thinking of you and Ken and Belinda. Hugs...

Cyn, poor little kid. It sounds like she bounced back though. I hope she is developing some resilience. What am I talking about? She'd have to have developed three kids' worth of resilience to deal with some of the things that have happened to her and still manage to smile sometimes.

Broni, right now I'd love to sit with you out the back and have a chat. Hugs.

Mamacita, thinking of you. Hugs.

Theresa, I loved watching when we got our dangerous trees cut down. We got an arborist who climbed the tree to cut it rather than one who brought in those apple picker thingys. It was fun to watch how he balanced himself and his chain saw and how he held the branches so they didn't swing out and break things when he cut them.

Nola, if you could sleep in, that sounds like an almost restful week, but knowing you, you will be up before dawn and so not getting enough sleep. Sleepy hugs.

MizT, so glad you not only get to continue to enjoy the flowers at your new home, and make other people smile at the same time. I hope the extra dose of pain meds worked. We tried to tell Alie not to avoid her pain meds (only Tylenol - aussie version) because it wasn't as bad because it is harder for them to work once the pain gets back to high levels. But she didn't listen. I don't think she got much sleep last night.

Which reminds me that I haven't told you about our week. We headed down to Moulamein to pick up Mum. It only took 9.5 hours to get there, much quicker than when we had the baby with us. The next day we went to Swan Hill to pick up Mum. Luckily we had called the day before because funeral director went through a mild panic because they couldn't find her. They searched everywhere and eventually called the crematorium who also searched everywhere and found her. Apparently if all normal procedures had been followed she would have been sent back right after the cremation. The funeral director stayed late waiting for a courier (must have paid through the nose to get a courier at that time of the day - the crematorium is in a different city) She confessed to us after it was all over... Just like mum to get things messed up!

While we were in Swan Hill we went shopping, including Alie's favourite Op Shopping!

The next day was Anzac day and we watched the parade. This is a town of 500 so the parade was a pipe band, about a half a dozen veterans and about a dozen kids. It took about 35 seconds to go past and I still balled my eyes out!! The school ran the service and the kids were brilliant. Lost it again during the last post and reveille. After the parade we supported the RSL by buying the lunch they had made for everyone (we met one of the pipers), then dropped into the pub to say hi to neighbour and arrange to see him that night. Then we went to the gallery and caught up with some of mum's painting friends. We bought prints of some of her emu paintings - can't wait to
27/Apr/13 8:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, here's the rest...

We bought prints of some of her emu paintings - can't wait to see them framed! Then we dropped into another friend of hers and had a cup of coffee. We also got to go check out the Op shop and picked up some bargains. Then we stopped to check out the paintings done by another friend of hers who had stopped painting. Mum had taken one look at her paintings and given her some paints and told her to start again. She's very good, though very different in style to mum. We actually got to rest for a couple of hours then. After that to the pub for dinner and two up! Ran into someone from the men's shed who wanted Alie to stay so they could arrange a gig at the shed.

When we got home Alie confessed that she had a tooth ache. We gave her Panadol and told her to try gently brushing her teeth as it may just be food caught in there. The next morning she was crying with the pain so we packed up the car said goodbye to the people a the gallery and neighbour and hit the road again. This morning she gets to see the dentist and we find out what is going on...
27/Apr/13 8:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Wow Suzy...that was a report and a half...your week sounds as if it was enjoyable..a bit of a laugh thinking of how your Mum was able to stuff the funeral director.. those who laugh last laugh best huh? Hope Allie feels better and the dental problem is a small fix with little discomfort.
Nola, thanks for the reminder that Jane is
planning to have her memorial shortly too...I'm sure both will be joyous remembrances...I know that all seems to be headed in that direction
right now.
Theresa, the downed tree seemed to allow the sun to shine and brighten your world too...great. It will be good once you put the play structure back. Have a good time celebrating the in-laws on their anniversary...make good use of the added brightness the downed tree has given
To those who have sent me Skype invites...(Rola, June and Bean as far as I can remember) My new account is slightly different and I haven't gotten them.. use Ouima Snowden and see if I get them please..sorry to be a P.I.A, but thanks anyway.
Cyn...Its so good to hear that it seems that Emily is gaining the confidence in herself that we all wish for our kids and grands...being able to express their feelings w/o fear of undo censorship or judgement...good that she has you around to help in that direction.
Heidi and MizT....sending healing vibes your way in the hope that you both will soon feel renewed and strengthened once again...the healing vibes are plentiful, so if anyone else is in need , please help yourselves.
Okay folks...I'm outta here...Have a wonderful day/night and will see ya when I see ya...Peace!
27/Apr/13 10:20 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks.
About to go and spend some time with Margaret while her husband has a flu shot.
Haven't seen her all week. There has been so many comings and goings I didn't like to pop over this week. [while I was in Sydney my 100yr old neighbour died.. I didn't know until yesterday.. the funeral]
27/Apr/13 11:19 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Nola I'm painting window frames.. 2.4m tall windows so I need a trestle or I would be up and down the ladder like a yo-yo.. the trestle is cluttering up my sunroom and I want it out. The prep is a REALLY big job with that expanse of glass & frames. No where near finished and RSI is setting in.. in a dilemma.. will probably strap it up and keep working.
27/Apr/13 11:22 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Be back to finish reading later...
Have a good weekend everyone
27/Apr/13 11:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well that was an interesting morning. I was visiting Dana and delivering op shop bargains we had picked up for her (ramekins, a casserole dish, and some clothes for Tahli) and hubby took Alie to the dentist. I decided I'd go and check on how Alie was going when Dana says 'Oh by the way I have a cyst on my ovary, it's too big for medication to shrink and I have to have an operation'.. she's making a bunch of plans for how she's going to get there (she has to have it done in Wollongong) etc etc. and I said to her 'Honey, you just left home, you didn't become an orphan'. I said you'll probably go on a waiting list and have to wait a year, no, apparently she's classified as emergency...

So Alie has a hole in her mouth and my girl with teeth so straight even dentists think she's had braces will probably end up with braces because of what the tooth trying to come up is trying to do. And my other girl is dealing with upcoming surgery and trying to be all brave about it. I've sent hubby to her to double whammy the 'not an orphan' message.

27/Apr/13 1:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still have the bug.

The puppies are getting their first taste of solid food right now. I fed Mama Sandy in the box with them and they're tasting her food with her. One is really scarfing it down. Not bad for 2 1/2 weeks old.
27/Apr/13 1:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... your 2 girls are having too much excitement in their lives. So are you. I wish you all a little boredom.
27/Apr/13 1:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot... I got to see the colouring competition entries while we were in Moulamein - the Carol McGeachie memorial colouring competition. One of the entries showed an emu (mum was known as the emu lady) going into the Tardis which was headed to heaven.. made me a little teary, but i also smiled because the Tardis was taking her to heaven.. she wouldn't have even known what the Tardis was.
27/Apr/13 1:22 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Coffee time.... and reading time..
WOW Suzi.. what week.. hope Alie is sorted quickly.

The news from across the road isn't good. I didn't stay long.. her son, DIL and grandkids arrived. The doctors told her that she probably has about 4 months. She doesn't look good. Very puffy in the face already but her indomitable spirit is still evident. Hubby can't talk about it but her children are coming over next week while he is at Rotary to discuss eulogy etcetera.. she would like to make some decisions before she is too befuddled with morphine. She doesn't want these decisions made when grief is the prevailing emotion.
27/Apr/13 1:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She's a wise woman, Bean.
27/Apr/13 1:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have a problem here. Sandy has suddenly decided that she will not let the puppies nurse. Her udders are bulging and must hurt her, but she will not go near the cuties voluntarily. I just gave them all some milk replacer, and will take Sandy in to see the Vet in the morning. This may be caused by a uterine infection or mastitis.
27/Apr/13 1:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh dear... Suzy you posted while I was posting.. that isn't good.. got to admire Dana's independence. Healing thoughts and vibes for her and Alie's dental situation.

Take it easy Heidi.. how exciting to have all those puppies..

A friend is coming over to check out the water leak in my car. I HAD hoped it was coming from the radiator.. relatively easy to fix.. but no.. appears to be coming from under the engine block. The Holden Astra has a design fault involving the water pump (I think).. I'm having to top it up everytime I drive it.. not game to drive more than about 20kms.. it starts to overheat. It is extraordinary what I have learnt over the last few days about cooling systems in cars. The internet is really a life saving resource at times. must get back to work.

27/Apr/13 2:10 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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She is Heidi.. I am in a bit of a state of disbelief. We have been friends for over 20 years.
That is not good news for Sandy.
Cabbage leaves works on human breasts when they are engorged like that.. might be worth a try.. how terrible for her. Cya.
27/Apr/13 2:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I did not know what the Tardis was till I looked it up, perhaps a deficiency of knowledge specific to my generation hehehe BTW spell check does not know what it is either. I do hope both the girls health problems are resolved soonest.

Heidi, just when you let the pups taste solid food, Mom decides they cannot nurse. At least you know you can get food down them without every bit depending on bottle feeding, that would be time consuming. Hope the vet can figure out and solve the problem.

BEAN, how sad for your friend, and for you watching her slowly waste away. I am glad you can be there for her. Hope you can get your car sorted out soon. Overheating cars are not fun to deal with.

The third time was the charm, that pain medication and a nice long hot shower did a lot for reducing the pain this afternoon. I spent a lot of time in my recliner, dozing and watching Nat Geo TV. They kept repeating 2 programs again and again, so I managed to get most of them, sleeping different parts of each broadcast hehehe.

Bed time now, hugs to each of you, with extras.

27/Apr/13 2:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - loved the story about the Tardis.
Not so good about your girls and their problems.
Hope Dana realises that she is not an orphan and that's what family is for.
And Alie, poor thing! - Lachlan just had surgery last week - they removed 2 baby molars and exposed a molar that was stuck up in the roof of his mouth. They attached a hook thing on it which will be attached to braces next week to pull it into place. Meanwhile $10,000 later.......orthodontist, aneasthetist (sp), day surgery etc etc.
27/Apr/13 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All!

I am trying to read and (hopefully) respond, bur my eyelids are extremely heavy, and I can't stay awake! I'll try again tomorrow. In the meantime, here are plenty of hugs to go around. and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} !!
27/Apr/13 4:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, that's the kind of thing he was hinting at for Alie! Ouch! I hope it moves on it's own - it has a month or two to give it a go...

MizT, I'm glad to hear your pain levels have reduced. Dr Who has been around since before I was born. The doctor keeps changing, but the Tardis stays the same... (I think, I wasn't watching it back them so have made an assumption)

Sleep well Julie

27/Apr/13 4:23 PM
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