Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Warm {{{HUGS}}} to all of you!

Mama, we are blessed to have you with us! Your life experience and wisdom and command of the English language provide many insightful comments. Thank you for being a part of this 'forum.'

Suzy, I hope Dana is feeling much better now! That was a rather IMPORTANT bit of information they forgot to tell Dana!

Tami, we join you in hoping that your Dad has many more years to share with your family, your Mom, and the boys!

Heidi, I'm glad you're done with mowing for now. Enjoy watching Don & Barb interact with Kola tomorrow!

Nola and Cyn, it's good that you know the paperwork necessary. But as Cyn said, we hope it never needs to be implemented, Suzy!

Cyn, I hope Col is feeling better and his work will stop always expecting him to be there for them. He needs to take care of himself and advocate for himself.

I can't remember the rest of what I was going to say. {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for those in need.
27/May/13 2:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Guess who wasn't watching the numbers again.

Sometimes the best thing that you can do Is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just Breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
27/May/13 2:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Col went to work today and all went well, thank goodness. But he has made the decision to resign as Scout Group Leader, another area in his life which has caused more stress than necessary. You know what organisations and committees are like - there's always b1tching and back-biting going on and he's been the one they all complain about one another to. That will ease his stress levels somewhat while he looks for alternative work. At least we as a family might see more of him on the weekends now, there was something happening most weekends with Scouts.
And he has a weeks leave from 10th June, our Tassie visitors are coming, it's our 25th anniversary that week and after the visitors go to her mother's for a few days we will go away ourselves for a break. Can't wait!
27/May/13 8:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like Col has made some sensible decisions, CynB. He needs time away from stress, and that's usually what weekends are. It also sounds like you're both going to have a wonderful week in June... both time with friends and time for yourselves alone. I wish you both health and stress free relaxation.
27/May/13 11:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, wonderful to hear that you and Colget a chance to get away for a few days. It seems Col has really taken a good look at his stressors, and is working to reduce the levels. I hope he finds the perfect job where he is appreciated for his work ethic, and not taken advantage of because of it. Hugs to you both.

Julie, good to see your post, and your TOPP plus one was good advise, too. So what is happening with YOU? You forget to tell us so often.

a bit cloudy today, but forcasters say no rain. I think it is humid out there, even feels humid inside with air con. I need to go to the pool again today, fulfill my contract for this month, so I am free rest of the week just in case, for once, the 'next week' delivery of chair really happens as promised. Nothing else pressing. I invited Joy to come eat or go out together for a meal, but she has plans. Only other thing is to check the flowers, with no rain and breezy, they do use up more water.

I might have to go buy myself a BBQ sandwich somewhere while out today. Holiday, cook out, that kind of thing has me wanting BBQ.

Suzy, I am sorry my post about Joy and her Mom got you thinking as it did. It is important to be prepared, but not necessary to dwell on it. No one of us knows what will happen in our future, we just have to trust and carry on.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/May/13 11:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Don and Barb are on their way over here. The puppies haven't been played with yet today and are all rairin' to go. They've hit the exuberant stage now and mob people.
27/May/13 11:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI Heidi, seems we were typing at same time.
27/May/13 11:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That went well. I had the puppies in their play pen. Once Don and Barb arrived, I released them. Kola made a bee line to Barb and started kissing her madly. Then she started going back and forth between Don and Barb, playing with both of them. It's as if they knew. The other puppies stayed around me, only occasionally playing with Barb or Don. Kola is definitely their puppy.
28/May/13 1:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I woke up this morning with a very sore throat and a sinus headache. It's only gotten worse during the day. A little nausea has joined it. OTC meds don't seem to have any effect. I guess I'm gonna just let it run it's course.
28/May/13 6:35 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
The last time I posted, I thought it didn't go thru. But it must have been just delayed.
Cyn...committees and meetings are rarely much fun so, good to hear that Col is giving it a miss. He has done more that his share over the years.
Enjoy your Tassie visitors, Anniversary and much needed holiday.
Heidi..., I know you wont miss the work involved with the puppies, but with all the joy they bring, it would still be sad to see them go.
When are the pups ready to leave the mother? reminded me that I must water the pot plants also. We have had a few showers of rain but some pots miss out being on the patio. Hope you manage to get the BBQ sandwich you have yearned for.

The dog next door must have just been zapped by the electric fence as he was yelping madly. That got Sonny barking which is enough to wake the deepest sleeper. Sonny is adorable but so mischievous. Can't wait for him to grow out of chewing things (if he ever does).
Must get moving. Have a good day all.
28/May/13 6:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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NOLA, yes, I got my BBQ sandwich with a side of cole slaw. It was a HUGE sandwich, I could not eat it all at lunch. IF I get hungry again, will warm it for my dinner. I also got the flowers watered. One of my newest pots had a coating of white powder on top of the mulch. On a whim, I picked up one piece, and touched my tongue to it. It tasted salty. Is someone watering my flowers with salt water? Could someone be that mean and spiteful? Flowers were doing just lovely, too, the geraniums and moss rose on the driveway. I really hate to think anyone would do something like that. I do hope they will be OK.

HEIDI, it seems Kola knows where she is going already, she is thier puppy for sure. Do you have prospects for the other puppies? I think you sounded as if one of them had claimed you already, but you are not keeping all of them are you? How old are they now? How long do you keep them with their mother? Sandy is not letting them nurse now is she?

Some of the residents (about 4) got together and cooked out on the propane grill downstairs, just off the patio. I thought the grill could only be lit by a staff member, at least that is what I was told. Their dinner sure did smell good when I was down there. They cooked steaks.

Short visit to the pool today, but that fulfills my 4 visit minimum a month. If I can work in another this week, good. If not, I maintain my scholarship. I wanted to be free for any day they MIGHT deliver my power chair.

I think I found a spot for a container of petunias that gets more sun. One ot downstairs is growing nicely, barely enough sun, other one is struggeling, you see it reaching as far as it can hunting sun. there is a planted strip between drive and parking spaces, it has lantana in it, It looks as if one plant at the end did not come back, so a blank space, where I could sit the pot to see if it perks up. I will try to look more closely tomorrow to see just how many hours of sun that spot gets.

OK, enough rambling, hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
28/May/13 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sandy weaned the puppies by the time they were 4 1/2 weeks old. She's completely dried up and has nothing to do with them any more. They'll be 7 weeks old tomorrow, and are scheduled for their first shots tomorrow afternoon. No puppy leaves here until it's had it's second series of shots. I plan on putting an ad in the local paper this week for the male puppies. There were only 2 females; Kola is placed and Ruby is very closely bonded to me. She's not going anywhere. I plan on being VERY fussy about where each puppy goes. If the home isn't perfect, the pup stays here. Even then, circumstances can change, and each puppy comes with a lifetime guarantee. If at any time in the dog's life, the family finds that they can't keep him, I will take the puppy back at my own expense. No dog I've bred will ever end up in a pound.
28/May/13 9:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everybody!

Cyn, good for Col making a probably tough decision! No doubt he will miss the scouts and all that represents, but removing the stress will make his life and yours more enjoyable. All the best to him as he looks for alternative work. Hooray for the upcoming week with friends visiting, anniversary celebration, and some time away for just the 2 of you! I hope improved health is on its way!

MizT, seems like a good plan to complete your pool commitment today 'just in case.' Fingers crossed that the power chair actually arrives this week!

I'm glad you found a yummy BBQ sandwich! How nice that it was large enough to make 2 meals! I hope there is some other explanation for the salty tasting residue in the flower pot. How awful to thing that someone might deliberately try to kill the flowers you work so hard to share with the other residents!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that you're under the weather and the OTC preparations are not helping. How exciting that Kola, Barb and Don have already formed such a wonderful bond! I wish everyone were as responsible a breeder as you!

We were going to go to see my sister tomorrow and get hair cuts, but she called yesterday to see if we could do it today. We could, so we are both looking less ragged tonight!

Nola, I have forgotten what breed of dog Sonny is. Is it a 'chewing' breed? How old is he? Our 'grand puppy' is a miniature schnauzer - and definitely a chewer! Fortunately, her chewing is concentrated on her toys, and not furniture or shoes! She's also still in a puppy stage (just turned 1), so they hope she will grown out of some of her chewing eventually.

It's time to head to bed. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
28/May/13 3:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had an interesting Lions Club meeting tonight. Placing the flags on the veteran's graves was discussed, and all of a sudden, the brilliant idea of photographing those graves, especially the Civil War ones, was brought up. Everyone exclaimed what a great idea it was, and all the people who had ignored my suggestions to do it suddenly decided that it was to be done immediately after the meeting. Of course, the only camera available was on a cell phone, wielded by a notoriously poor photographer. But that wasn't important. It had to be done immediately while it was someone else's idea. Oh, well. At least it was done. I bet the pictures will vanish before next Memorial Day, though.
28/May/13 3:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Speaking of chewers, my little demon puppies are learning to use their jaws. I got home from the meeting, and let them out of their pen while I was still wearing long pants. All seven puppies descended on me, grabbed my pants and pulled as hard as they could. There I was, out in the driveway, with my pants down around my ankles. Fortunately, it's a long driveway, and nobody was passing. I don't like this new game of theirs. I'm also learning to wear shorts only around them.
28/May/13 3:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Watch out for your ankles if you don't wear long pants Heidi!
Love and Hugs to all of you.
28/May/13 9:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fortunately, they don't go for my ankles. Much. It's the fabric hanging down that they find irresistible.

Today the puppies get their first shots. That should be a LOT of fun. Collie puppies of this age are always car sick.
28/May/13 11:56 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope you get the pups to the vet with a minimal of car sickness today. AND with your pants still on! that was soo funny, I could just picture it, pups 1, pants 0.

I am glad the photos were taken. Too bad some people just can't make a change till it is THEIR idea. Been around some like that. I could get Al to do most anything if I could figure a way it was HIS idea hehehe.

JULIE, I also hope there is some other explanation for the salty residue on the soil of the geraniums. I am keeping a close eye on them.

Another sunny dry kind of day here today, getting as warm as June usually is, after a cooler than usual May. Breezy enough to be comfy out in the shade under the walkway connecting the two buildings. I need to get down there for a bit sometime today.

My sister is having tests done today, for her ongoing stomach problems. Today an endoscopy to see if there might be an ulcer. Wednesday a more accurate gall bladder/nuclear medicine study to see if it is gall bladder disease. Doc seems to think that is it, but first tests were 'inconclusive'. This has been going on since February for her, hope they find something that is easily fixed. I miss having her visit, and even call, just feels too under the weather. Her hubby has gone on 2 short trips without her, not that she really minded, they were 'ham fests' and that has nothing to do with food. Electronic stuff for sale, but they have often included those meetings for him with other things of interest to both of them along the way, like nature trails and walks and birding. Not this year, so she encouraged him to go alone.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
29/May/13 12:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope the docs find out what's wrong with your sister FAST, and find that it's easily curable. She's a wonderful lady who doesn't deserve this. Just like everybody on this SA page.

((( To make the ''de-pants-ing'' episode more embarrassing, I was going commando at the time. They were very loose, billowy pants. )))
29/May/13 12:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Moon over Magnolia hehehe

Nothing found today in sister's test, at least we know it is not something big and ugly and scary in the stomach. Will see what happens with the gall bladder test Thursday.
29/May/13 5:44 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I've just finished the baby blanket I was knitting, the recipient finishes work next week, but we are on holiday then. She is only working one day this week so I had to make sure it was done before Thursday. Suzy, I think it was you who asked who it was for. It is a work colleague of Richard's called Purvy (Indian lady). Now i find I have to knit at least another two for colleague/friends of my daughter.
29/May/13 8:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick stop in to say hi. Dad come home again today. I am at the point I am just taking it day by day.

Heidi, had to laugh at the puppy story. My first dog was a yorkie that weighed 6 pounds. He would get a grip on the hem of my jeans and not let go. He would end up getting a ride around the house.
29/May/13 10:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
Tami, how is your dad? Okay, now I'm at the end I find he is at home. I hope he listens to the doctors and does what he needs to to stay as well as possible.

Cyn, I'm glad Col is feeling better. Quitting Scouts is sad but I think a good thing. It is outrageous the way people who volunteer their time (and hearts) are treated! Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!! That's a special one...

MizT, you didn't get me thinking that way, I already was. You just prompted me to share how I was feeling... Thinking about your sister and hope they find it and fix it soon. I had a friend who had to have her gall bladder removed. She eats better now and has never looked back.

I love hearing about your flowers! I'm sure they will continue to do well...

Lantana!! The other day we were talking about allergies and I was talking about my first allergic reacion and I couldn't remember the name of the plant. That was it! It's considered a pest out here, it gets into bush and takes over, killing everything else off..

Heidi, I'm laughing about your being pantsed in your driveway! hehe, that'll teach you to go commando!!

Brenda, your baby blankets are amazing! No wonder you are getting orders for them!!
29/May/13 12:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dana is doing a lot better. The steps we took the other day worked the next day and she is making sure it doesn't get that way again...

I'm gradually catching up on the work that didn't get done while I was on strike. I'm not working very hard, just a little bit at a time...
29/May/13 12:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You should have seen those little monkeys at the vet clinic. They had the Vet, and a large number of clients, in stitches. I wore shorts so they couldn't pants me again, so they grabbed hold of my shoes... all 7 of them. The Vet weighed them. The 2 girls each weigh 8.5 lbs. and the boys range from 9 to 10.1 lbs. So when all of them grab on and don't let go, you don't move. Hopefully, they'll tire of this game soon.
29/May/13 2:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad to hear that Dana is feeling better, Suzy.

I'm glad that Bernie is home again, Tami, and hope he stays there for a long time.

I know I'm forgetting others, so please know that I care even if I don't mention you. OK?
29/May/13 2:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed now. Tomorrow I have to go on a meds pick up. Thursday I have an emergency dental appointment. The temporary tooth they put in last week is seated wrong and has the gum badly inflamed. It hurts as much as an abscessed tooth. I keep wanting to grab my needle-nosed pliers and pull it out myself. Thursday afternoon, IH drives up to Wisconsin to spend 4 days with his father for his 90th birthday. Among other things, they're going golfing.
29/May/13 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from rainy northeastern Illinois.

Heidi, I'm glad it was decided to photograph the graves. Perhaps you can do it correctly so they can be stored safely for next year.

I enjoyed puppy stories, Heidi! Sounds like the next couple of weeks may be challenging for you. I hope you didn't need to deal with too much car sickness on the way to and from the vet!

MizT, thinking of your sister and hoping some easily remedied situation is diagnosed. Sometimes not knowing is harder than knowing a diagnosis. I don't know if you saw Gail's post on fb. She correctly pointed out that softened water can leave a salt residue on the surface of soil. Now that she mentioned it, I recall having that problem as well. Hopefully, that's the explanation for the salt you found on the soil of the potted plant. Maybe you'll need to catch rain water for watering.

Brenda, do you often use the same pattern for the baby blankets you knit, or is each an original? They certainly keep you busy! Are you glad to have 'deadlines' for completion, or is that stressful?

Tami, I'm so glad to hear that your Dad is back at home. I suspect he and your Mom are much happier that way. Is there anything he can do to keep himself healthier and out of the hospital? Thinking positive thoughts for him and sending prayers. {{{HUGS}}}

Suzy, it's so good to hear that Dana is doing better! Is there any word yet on scheduling her procedure?

Heidi, I hope you can get some relief from the pain until your dental appointment! Certainly hope the permanent tooth doesn't cause the same problem! Enjoy the days while IH is gone.

Time for me to head to bed. Sending an abundance of positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and !
29/May/13 3:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, I had a sleep in this morning, after spending 4 and a half hours on the phone with Joy last night. she just needed someone to listen. When I signed onto facebook this morning, found out her Mom had passed away in the wee hours this morning. I know this will be so hard on Joy.

Funeral will be small and private graveside service. Her Mom had been in care out of state for so long, she lost touch with any friends. I will go with Joy to hold her hand.
30/May/13 2:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Surprisingly, Julie.... not a single puppy got car sick! This was a first for me on the 35 years that I've been breeding Collies.
30/May/13 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tricia.... please give Joy my sympathy, and a big hug. She's lost both her parents in too short a time. I'm so glad that she has you.
30/May/13 2:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to do my meds pick up. See you all later.
30/May/13 3:38 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, please pass on my condolences to Joy. I think we all feel we know her to some extent because she is also your 'daughter'. What a sad time for her.
30/May/13 7:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, I hope your dad is better each day.

Suzy {{{hugs}}}

Been busy lately looking after the girls a bit extra, visiting in-laws, even made a Red Riding Hood cape for the youngest grandie for a presentation she was making at school. My back, mostly low back and tailbone, upper buttock area, has been aching a lot lately ... and coincidentally we have been having a lot of rain lately. I'm so glad I'm not out working right now because when it gets really bad, the only thing that helps is to lie down for a while with the hot water bottle. I had been on an anti-inflammatory before, but the side effects were almost as bad as the pain, so I stopped taking it. Today the pain was not quite as bad until this afternoon, so I call that progress.
30/May/13 7:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, I so enjoy your posts. I wish that we lived closer to each other so that we could visit now and then.

{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}
30/May/13 8:13 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I am working on my third blanket for kids, but I'm not able to knit in the summer ... too hot and sweaty! I have not heard back yet from the Fire Chief - last I heard they were having a meeting with all first responders to see who could benefit most from them. If it's the fire department, they don't require a stuffed animal because they have their own they hand out to kids (Sparky the Dalmation). D took pictures of one blanket, but she keeps forgetting to email them to me. She's as forgetful as her mother!!!!
30/May/13 8:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got the prescription picked up, and did some grocery shopping at Kroger near the hospital. That particular store is their largest in Kentucky and has a great assortment of stuff. Except, no blintzes.
30/May/13 8:24 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tricia - my condolences to Joy as well. What a lovely stepmother you must be to be with her when she needs you. It is rare to see a stepmother/stepdaughter with a bond as close as yours. (My children's stepmother has actively and successfully worked for over 30 years in driving a wedge between my kids and their father!)
Heidi - glad the puppies were not car sick!
Tami - glad you Dad is home, my best wishes for a continued improvement in his health.
30/May/13 8:49 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Tricia : My Condolences to Joy
30/May/13 9:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, big hugs, love and thoughts to you and Joy... we will be there in spirit.

Theresa, hope you feel better soon. If the fire department can't use them, do you have a homeless shelter nearby?

I am soooo lucky. I don't get many side effects from meds. I can pretty much take whatever I want. And I don't get sick after a flu shot either. Having said that, there are lots of meds I'm not allowed to take anymore...
30/May/13 9:51 AM
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