Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Little minds are interested in the extraordinary; great minds in the commonplace.
Elbert Hubbard
30/May/13 11:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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In 11 hours and 40 minutes, I'll be in the dentist's chair, getting this tooth and gum problem fixed. Right now I can only eat with my front teeth.
30/May/13 12:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed in a few. I'm gonna try to sleep through as much of this pain as I can. It will be over tomorrow, even if I have to pull that tooth myself, with pliers.
30/May/13 1:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Tricia, please extend our sincere condolences to Joy. As others have said, we feel as if we know her because of the strong bond you and she have. I'm so glad you can be there for her!
30/May/13 1:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm so glad none of the puppies got car sick on the vet trip!

Theresa, I'm sorry your anti-inflammatory has too many side effects to feel it's of any help. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe improved weather will help. Good for you for getting blankets for kids made! Enjoy your 'time off' during the hot summer months!

Heidi, hooray for getting grocery shopping done while on your meds run! So sorry there were no blintzes. Where do you usually get blintzes? Do you need to order them online?

Thanks for a great TOPP, Suzy! Hope all is well as you deal with the follow-up of your strike! Also hope Dana is doing OK!

Heidi, good luck at the dentist tomorrow! I hope you get the relief you need!
30/May/13 2:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Cyn, your children's stepmother sounds like a spiteful ___ (rhymes with a person who travels on broomsticks). I'm not sure I understand why she would want to keep your ex and the kids apart. That's so unfair to the kids and their father.
30/May/13 2:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gotta head to be. Tomorrow is another early morning for us. Sending lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive thoughts, , prayers and healing vibes for everyone!
30/May/13 2:23 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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MizT, so glad I got to see Joy on TOS with a smiling face, send her my love and strength.
30/May/13 8:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thank you all so much for the messages for Joy. I will be sure to pass them on to her. I imagine her response will be as it has been before, disbelief that so many wishes from so far away are really for her.

Broni, I love her current photo on TOS, too. She has such a sparkling personality and it shows in that photo. With Joy's Mom being an only child, and with Joy being an only child, she has few blood relatives. Al's brother Roger is the only one left, and he is getting more and more frail himself. Without her step-family she would be very much alone. My family was great, when she came into our life, she was just another of 'the cousins'. She is still very close with many of them.
30/May/13 11:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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MY POWER CHAIR ARRIVED! I got a phone call late yesterday, Jeff could bring it out then or wait till today. Of course I chose yesterday. He set it up, showed me the things I should know, and had me go out in the hall driving it. Hardest thing was closing the door behind me, but I will figure that out sooner or later. After he left, I decided I was going downstairs, just because I could! By 7 pm, no one is out and about, so I was not inconveniencing anyone learning how to get on and off elevator. Missed it first time, door closed fore I could get chair in place, but did OK after that. I even managed the door outside, the automatic doors in building one. NO WAY I can maneuver through the manually opening door in building 2.

Now all I have to do is figure how to carry things with me on the chair. I should have ordered it with a cup holder for taking my morning cup of coffee out to enjoy. I will figure something I am sure.

It is a chair, not a scooter like the avatar that Suzy has. OH, I asked about availability of a lift for back of my car. almost croaked on the quoted price! That will be far in the future, unless I win the lottery or find a much less expensive alternative. Must pay off my co pay on the chair, fore I can think about that.

Off to the kitchen to made another cup of coffee. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
30/May/13 11:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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MizT, I may be a little late but give Joy a hug from me. Glad you have your new 'wheels', do you know what sort of range the battery has and is it good enough for you to go places in it?
31/May/13 5:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great news, MizT!!! Ride 'em, cowgirl!
31/May/13 5:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the dentists and my mouth is feeling better. It will still be sore for a day or 2, but that should ease up fairly quickly. I spent a few hours in the chair, and they didn't charge me a penny, since it was their fault. Then, on the way home I stopped at the newspaper office and put in an ad for the puppies. It starts running on Sunday. They won't be ready to leave here until June 15th, since they don't get their second series of shots until June 14th. I plan on being REALLY fussy about who gets them, though.
31/May/13 5:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck on finding just the perfect homes for the puppies. I am glad your mouth is on the way to feeling better.

Brenda, the tech who brought it out said it was good for all day, and recharge it over night. I am not really planning on going far on it, but we do have one severely handicapped resident here who rides his to town, which is a couple miles I imagine, he sells candy from a tray on his wheelchair.

I would feel very vulnerable out and about in the chair some places around here. But I can go up to the park, might do that this weekend if it is nice weather, that is about a block away. I know another resident here who goes toward the medical center, to doctor's offices riding her power chair, about 4 or 5 city blocks.

I wonder what either of them would do if they had a 'breakdown' and needed assistance to get themselves and the chair back home, though.

Today I made 2 trips downstairs. I bought my lunch today, so went down to pick that up, then I went back about an hour later for the May birthday party. I have more trouble in elevator is others are on it, I think I get nervous I might bump into them. When I am alone, I seem to get it placed just right to turn around for the exit. It will come with practice, and noone has fussed at me about it yet hehehe. Most are quite helpful in fact.

OK, time for a nap. I do get tense when driving, must learn to relax with it hehehe. Again, it will come with practice.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
31/May/13 5:45 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Feeling a tad low today.
My sister and I was to go and visit my cousin in Hospital today. She had an op (Bowel Cancer) on Wednesday. OUr visit has been cancelled. Cousin has been put in ICU, to stop the vomitting (lots), and is not receiving visitors.
On a happier note, start of a long weekend.. and 'mini holiday'.. so am packing, well will be once I get my act together this morning. Leaving when 'his nibs' gets home from work mid afternoon.
31/May/13 10:52 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Further re my Cousin: Was talking to Auntie this morning. apparently, not unusual for the vomiting, her body adjusting to the op (something like that). Auntie said Carolyn was not too good yesterday afternoon when she visited.
They think they got all the 'tumor'. Tests come back in a week. So a waiting game to hear if they did get it all.
31/May/13 11:14 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hooray MizT - bet you feel like a dog off the leash. Try tying a tassel on your doorknob - I found this an easier way to close doors when I was in the chair. My sympathy to Joy - thank goodness she has you to confide in. Heidi - glad your dentist trip is over. Good luck with your beautiful pups - they are lucky to have you watching out for them. Rolanda - enjoy your mini holiday - ours is next week. Still think it is funny to celebrate the Queen's birthday in June!
31/May/13 1:08 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Rolanda - glad your cousin's op is over and it looks like the worst is behind her. Good TOP Suzy.
31/May/13 1:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, since you've spent so much money with them already this year (paid for 2 holidays!!) it would have been very low of them to charge you!

Still thinking of Joy. Having been there (feels like yesterday) I know she is hurting right now. So glad she has you!

Theresa, hope you are feeling a little less achey today...

MizT, my niece is technically a step niece, but in reality is no such thing. I don't think she even knows her sp3rm donor's family.

I need you to get a cable for your camera so I can see photos of your new place and now your new chair!!

Rolanda, sorry to hear about your cousin. Sending thoughts that this is just the beginning of her recovery and a long, healthy rest of her life.

Midge!! You're back! Hope we find you well...

Boring day today doing ffuts, playing on here, finishing the Great Gatsby etc etc...

Oh, I started exploring on google earth. I'd forgotten that with our new allowance I can do that now! When Dana is over next I'll show her the walk I did in labor with her that I've told her about a few times...
31/May/13 5:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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When I was looking for the 'walk' I did I tried to remember the address - we moved out in 1994. I remembered 9222 but it looked wrong so I googled. It was 3922! Believe it or not we lived in the Tally Ho Apartments...

31/May/13 5:09 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello...Thinking of Joy during her loss. MizT, give her my condolences.
Glad that you finally have your much wanted chair, Tricia.
Rolanda..hope you cousin in ICU is recovering. Another
Midge...lovely to see you call in.
Julie...Sonny is a Jack Russell Terrier. I wanted him as a snake catcher as we have had so many here of which the majority are poisonous. He will be 1yr at the end of August.
Got a lot of growing up to do. But I am tolerant. Greg is finding him a hassle because he is home all the time now.
Suzy...glad Dana is feeling better, and you had a relaxing day.
Heidi..I hope all your puppies get beautiful homes. You will make sure of that. Hope your mouth is OK.

My brother from Gosford is visiting so we went to 1770 (Town) and spread Judy's ashes. She wanted to visit there, but didn't make it, so we made that, her last resting place. It was a truly lovely day and I didn't have a tear. She would have been pleased.

More visitors are on the way here. Workmates of Gregs from South Aust. It will be lovely to see them again.
Must get to bed.
Hugs to you all.
31/May/13 8:40 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, yay!!! You have wheels.

Crazy weather here lately. High of 31C today with a feels-like temp of 37. We are also under a heat advisory. AC has not been installed yet, and I am just one big puddle of duh!!!
01/Jun/13 3:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I out-stubborned the oldest grandie this morning. Today is a PA day and they were going to the daycare. I was looking after them before and I will again later. Anyway, she refused to brush her teeth. I refused to take her to the daycare, and she really wanted to go! According to her I am mean. So after about an hour of shouting, pouting, calling her mother, texting her father, and generally being a little monkey, she went and brushed her teeth. We got to the daycare about 9:15 AM. I came home with a pounding headache (I wonder why), but I won this round.
01/Jun/13 3:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That IS crazy weather, Theresa!!! You just had horrible cold a few days ago. Now you're hotter than we are!
Today is a day of isolated thunderstorms. We had one 15 minute cloudburst earlier, and a couple of light showers, interspersed with sunshine. The puppies are hanging out in the garage, napping. So I'm off to the store for more dog food.
01/Jun/13 4:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola - I can't think of anywhere prettier than the Town of 1770 as a final resting place for Judy. Glad you had a lovely day there.
01/Jun/13 8:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did read all the posts earlier. Truly. And I was going to make comments to all, but I fell asleep at the 'pooter again. I like having the place to myself. But not when I have a headache that won't go away. It makes it hard to remember what I've read a few posts earlier.
01/Jun/13 9:21 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The Center for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically. This virus is called Weekly Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever - DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! This virus will wipe out your private life entirely. If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises.

Take two good friends to the nearest liquor store and purchase one or both of the antidotes - Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE); and/or Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER).
Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

You should immediately forward this medical alert to five friends. If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.
01/Jun/13 11:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, great win with the grandie! Hopefully next time it will be easier, though I foresee a different battle next time just to see how tough you really are!

Nola, I google earthed 1770 and there seems to be only one town closer to the tip of Australia - if google earth labelled it right and I suppose both little groups of houses could be it. It couldn't find it at all until I said 'town of 1770' and even then it marked about a dozen other places first...

I think I've mentioned that this week I was regretting going on strike as there was now a LOT of work I had to catch up on... well on Monday hubby came home at lunch time and caught me doing the kitchen - don't do that, I'll do it tonight. I went ahead and cleaned the stove but left the rest for him - which I finished yesterday! He never did get to it, though when he saw I had done it 'I was going to do that but I was really tired last night', oh and what about monday, tuesday and wednesday nights?

At breakfast this morning I said, I'm going to cover the hole in the patio roof before the rain gets here (lots forecast for this weekend). I'll do it, he says. I ignored him and got up from breakfast to do it. He goes all he-man on me so I just said 'I asked you to do it when the roof first blew off (months ago), I'm doing it'. And I did. Not as good as I'd like, it won't survive a big wind, but as good as I was going to get it done today. If he had done it he could have screwed it down but I've never done that and I'm sure as heck not going to do it for the first time balancing on a ladder!
01/Jun/13 11:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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SUZY, Joy told me she has an extra cable, so prehaps soon she will be able to get it too me, we can hope.

Back from funeral, very tiring for me, took Joy out to eat afterward. She could not remember when she had eaten a real meal this week, Professed to not be hungry, but on way to restaurant, her appetite returned. she ate a huge taco salad, and downed a large (for the price of a small, I think the owner was flirting with her hehehe) margarita. I hope she went home and to bed, she had not been sleeping much either.

Rolanda, I do hope your cousin improves quickly, and makes a total recovery. enjoy your trip for the weekend.

Midge, yes, a tassel for the door might work. I have found if I go out, turn around and come back for door, I can do a better job. Elevator is still a challenge. Why do I enter just fine when the car is empty? And such a klutz when there are other people. I am going to start going out nights practicing when no one is around, but not tonight. Thanks for the suggestion, will give it a try.

I did share all your messages with Joy today, and gave her a special hug from down under and other far flung places. she just cannot believe people all over the world, who don't really know her, would send her such nice messages, and says thank you.

It is early, but I deserve an early end to this day. I was so glad I was able to get down to the funeral for Joy, she clung to my hand throughout the service. As we were leaving, she hugged me and said, I really am not wanting to have to do this for you (bury me, that is) I told her I had just put in for an extension, so perhaps it would be a long long while. she actually giggled.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till tomorrow.
01/Jun/13 12:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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How wonderful that you could be there for Joy. I hope your company, a giggle, a good meal, and the margarita combine to help her get a good night's sleep tonight...

01/Jun/13 1:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another busy day and a VERY busy week coming up. I'll get here as often as I can, but there will be days when I probably won't even get to touch a computer.

Tricia, hooray for the power chair's arrival! Enjoy the easier mobility!

Heidi, good luck finding the perfect homes for the puppies! I know you will settle for nothing less! Sorry you had to spend so much time in the dentist's chair, but glad there were no further charges. I hope your mouth will soon be feeling MUCH better!

Rolanda, thinking of you and your cousin. Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes for her. Enjoy your weekend!

Midge, it's been too long. It's so nice to see you visiting here! I hope you and your family are well, and your absence is just because you have been busy.

Suzy, it will be fun to show Dana the walk you took before she was born. I'm so glad you were able to find the correct address.

Nola, I must google 1770 Town to find out more about the special place Judy had hoped to visit and you and your brother chose as her final resting place. I'm sure she is very pleased with your decision!

Theresa, I hope there aren't too many aches to accompany the wild temperature swings you are having! I hope your older grandie will have learned a lesson from the tooth-brushing stand-off!

Theresa, thanks so much for the warning about WORK! We should all take it to heart!

Suzy, good for you for fixing the roof, as it wasn't likely to be done any time soon. I'm not sure what it is about men. I think they have good intentions - or do they deep down just know if they 'forget' or 'get busy' they won't end up doing what they promised in the long run. I suspect we have all observed and experienced this phenomenon. Mine can 'forget' in a mere couple of minutes sometimes, even if what he promised to do is right there in front of him. I hope heavy rains don't undo your work!

Tricia, what a blessing you are for Joy! I'm so glad you were able to be with her for the funeral and a good meal afterward! You even got a giggle out of her - and a large margarita into her! I hope she (and you) sleep well!

Suzy, I hope Dana is feeling OK! I also hope your 'housemates' find time over the weekend to help with the backlog of work!

Hi to all those I've failed to mention or who haven't visited here recently! We miss you!

Another early morning tomorrow, so I'm about to head to bed. Sending the full complement of positive thoughts, , healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prayers for each of you and those you love!
01/Jun/13 1:49 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Julie, you hit it bang on about men. With the very hot weather we have been having here, hubby has not yet installed the AC in the bedroom. Yesterday he had a few hours where he could have done it before going down to spend time with his dad, but did he? Oh no, he watched a movie instead. I know his life is very hectic, but sometimes I need help. So the more time went on, the angrier I got, I started feeling taken for granted, and on and on and on. So I got a bit frosty with him, and then he wonders what's wrong. Why can't they think like we do? I even told him we needed to install the AC, we are under a heat advisory, I have more difficulty breathing when it's very humid. I guess I might as well have talked to the wall. Then I get to feeling sorry for myself, and down the spiral we go. And all this after I prepared a casserole and a stew for him to take with him to share with his dad.

The day before he wasn't hungry after work when he got home (not usual for him to be not hungry). Turns out he had stopped for a bite after work. He never told me, so I had gone ahead and prepared supper for him. Seriously? A phone call would have helped, but it didn't occur to him. Also, it wouldn't have hurt if he had gotten me something!!!!!

Last year when I was having trouble with him, it was the same sort of thing. Sometimes we just want to feel appreciated a bit more. So he was just being his usual self, not knowing or understanding what I was going through. MEN!
01/Jun/13 10:31 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I do love the lug, and when he does something nice it is really appreciated. I just wish the 'something nice' happened a bit more often. Okay, I feel better now.
01/Jun/13 10:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're having a day of thunderstorms and with a high possibility of tornadoes. Not exactly a pleasant sort of day. Tomorrow is only supposed to be a little better. Good day to stay inside and read.
I need to feed the puppies right now, then run into town to the pharmacy. Both my head and back are killing me. The back is hurting because of one of the elderly rescue collies. She had a large stroke and fell into the fish pond. I had to quickly pull her out and it really hurt my back. At the time, I thought she had just slipped in because she's elderly and getting feeble. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized they she'd had a stroke. She may have had the stroke in the pond, tho', come to think of it. I haven't decided what to do about her yet. I have had some old timers recover enough from strokes that they go on to have some good quality of life for a while.
02/Jun/13 1:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola. May you have a wonderful day and year. You deserve it.
02/Jun/13 1:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the pharmacy and grocery. I picked up more dog, puppy and cat foods while waiting for the prescriptions to be filled. Now I can settle in for the next 48 hours all by myself without having to go anywhere.

The storm hasn't hit yet, but it will. Soon. I really hope we don't get hit with a tornado. I've lived through one going literally right over my head. I don't want to experience another.
02/Jun/13 4:15 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon All...Happy Saturday hopefully. I've been missing posting b/c I've not gotten here to read until late..mostly playing addictive games that are hard to leave, but Jazz has been having seizures again and I've had to take care of him...keeping him hydrated and quiet, then frequent outside trips are needed...this way I was able to avoid a midnight hospital run with him although I didn't get any sleep...the hospital is over an hour away from me and I really don't like driving in the dark anymore. He will be checked on Tuesday, but all seems good for now...he's just very clingy. Other than that, all is well in my world.
Tricia, sorry to be so late, but please do extend my heart-felt condolences to Joy....and I too am glad she still has you...with an extension no less...chucked a lot over that one myself. Hope you are enjoying your newest mode of transportation. As you say, you will only get better with time. Check online for attachments..many are available and not too pricy for many of the chairs and scooters...keep on rolling along my girl...
Happy Birthday Nola...May it be a really blessed one.
Theresa...Glad you got that vent off and feel better for can be insensitive far too often, so your pity parties are understood...and then most often we do what Suzy did...when we want something done and done right, we do find we end up doing it ourselves... Funny story through taught me to be a little less willing to vocalize my displeasure with having to do things myself...Sully told me that I could go back to doing all of the cooking if I was never going to be satisfied with him doing it his way...not that what he did wasn't good...but I didn't think much of how he was going about it...but his threat was enough to shut my mouth since I disliked every day cooking so much...and eventually he learned to not only be a better cook than I, but also did it better than my way...just had to give him the time...meanwhile, I did those things that he didn't like to do and avoided as much as possible by putting them off..and things worked out okay.
Well..guess I've run off enough at the fingers as Tricia will leave something for another day...meaning that I've forgotten everything else I meant to say ...Peace
02/Jun/13 4:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just had to pull Lucy out of the pond again. She can't stand up and walk, but she tries to get to her feet, falling forward each time. She covered 100 feet (30 meters) to get back to the pond to fall in again. This time, I had to get her out in a cloudburst, and was soaked through to the skin. To add insult to injury, as soon as I touched her, she started snapping at me. I got her out anyway, but couldn't move her far from the pond, or even into the garage without being bitten. I think her mind is scrambled.
02/Jun/13 5:42 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hey, ladies - just want to give you a head's up about an upcoming Sudoku meet-up!

ANNOUNCING: South Florida Sudoku Brunch! Sunday, June 23, in Hollywood, Florida. Restaurant and time to be determined. Let me know if you can join Nal and Tami and me!
02/Jun/13 8:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Nola, have a wonderful birthday and I hope this is the start of much better times for you.
To those wanting to Google the Town of 1770 - try Agnes Water, Qld, it is the next township north, both not far north of Bundaberg where Nola lives.
Ah Jane - if only I could go to your Florida Brunch!! One day, maybe.
02/Jun/13 8:47 AM
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