Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
UPDATE: After 10,000 comments on this thread, it is slowing down too! Time to begin a new thread, And here is the link.
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   vdV  From Melbourne
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I'm off to bed, good night all
22/Oct/07 10:29 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Good night vdV! Have a good one!
22/Oct/07 10:30 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Well, since I'm all alone here, perhaps this is a good time to get a cup of tea and some breakfast. I'll check back later.
22/Oct/07 10:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Everyone gone? Oh dear. I got busy here a while after my first post today. Was sitting at the computer minding my own business when DELTA phoned me, of all people, to say Husbands flight home today had been cancled. Maybe they could not reach him on his cell and this was his second number they had on record, but who knows??

THEN not so Dear Hubby had not left me any information or phone number other than his cell to reach him! Cell service is most iffy in his location, I had not been able to get him yesterday at all and was having same results today! AGAGGG?HH.

Luckily I remembered he had received a phone call from this person the night before he left. Luckily again, one of our phones has a very large memory for caller ID numbers, and I was able to scroll back to Thursday. But I am NOT happy with Not So today!

Of course he was not at the location where I had a number, but they gave me 2 other numbers where I might reach him. I did get a message to him and he did phone back after about a half hour. so much for modern technology when it does not work!!!

anyway, I did save him an additional 4 hour wait at the tiny airport where his flight originates. I guess not enough people wanted out of that tiny town today, headed for Atlanta, so they cancled the earlier flight and combined them. Or something.

So now , I have one more day of not cooking dinner, lasagna is postponed and i shall have to . He had best find some dinner on his layover, because it will be almost bedtime when he fineally gets home. I need to find something to entertain myself with today. It is a yucky day, damp, cool and cloudy. wish I had a good book!!

22/Oct/07 11:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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grr MizT.. um you can borrow one of my books.

23/Oct/07 12:41 AM
appy  From india
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ha! MizT..Thats a fine story you have just narrated..Blog it..well, it has suspense,whether you were able to convey the msg at all, it has emotion, you were frantic searching for means to reach him, it has commercial value, you have highligted the modern technology, and talked abt a hifunda phone!! go on blog it..
23/Oct/07 1:07 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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MizT how long has Al been away?
I remember about 30 years ago going to the airport to collect my youngest brother after his trip to Canada only to get a message at the airport (from information) saying that he had missed his connection at Heathrow and would be on another flight later that day. I collected his baggage for him and had to wait 3 hours in a very small airport with very little to do until he arrived.
23/Oct/07 2:44 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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To this day my bro insists he didn't fall asleep and miss his flight. He insists that they never called the flight.
23/Oct/07 2:45 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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all. another wet day here. Amber was very excited last night. We got some snow. It is all gone now though. It is still a bit early for it to stay. I can see some clouds crawling up the mountain out my window. Have a good day/night wherever you are.
23/Oct/07 2:52 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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MizT, I know what's that like, having an important message and not being able to locate the person it was meant for. You deserve a day of rest for all of that effort! I hope the rest of your day has gone better!
23/Oct/07 3:52 AM
Ian  From Boston
A bit of trivia about UTC from the National Institute of Standards and Technology...

"In 1970 the Coordinated Universal Time system was devised by an international advisory group of technical experts within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU felt it was best to designate a single abbreviation for use in all languages in order to minimize confusion. Since unanimous agreement could not be achieved on using either the English word order, CUT, or the French word order, TUC, the acronym UTC was chosen as a compromise."

Nice to know how they spend their time...
23/Oct/07 5:37 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for the explanation, Ian! I haven't seen you much lately. Hope all is well with you, in Boston and environs!
23/Oct/07 8:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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APPY, thanks for the comments about my "story" today. I do not blog, so sharing with my suduko friends here is good enough for me :)

Brenda, Al has been away since Friday morning before daylight! AND I am not sure when he will be home tonight. I just talked to him, he is back to civilization again (not that North Carolina is uncivilized, just not many cell towers in the rural area he visited on business). It seems Delta has delayed or cancled his connecting flight. I do believe flights schedules now are only a guestimate. None of the air lines run on time. So instead of a 2 hour layover, by schedule, he would have 3 hour layover. BUT his flight into Atlanta was late arriving, by 40 minutes, so he is back to a bit over 2 hours actually waiting in the airport.

Honestly, on the trip up, he could have driven in the time it took, door to door, and I am thinking same for trip back. (see tricia frantically figuring miles and hours and a change of time zones) OH YES, could have driven and taken time out for a 3 course dinner on the way! that is the trouble with short 400 mile or less flights that require a layover, you can drive in about the same time.

OH One nice thing happened. Al forgot to put his money clip into the basket when leaving NC and they stopped him. He pulled it out of his pocket and they inspected it. He has had this money clip for longer than we have been married, over 30 years, it was given him by a relative who is no longer with us. Tonight Al discovered the money clip had a PEN KNIFE attached to it. He had never seen it before, I have never seen it before. Security offered to keep it till he returned, but he explained he was not from that area. Since it was a sentimental item, he did not want to just surrender it. They sent him back down to where he checked in his baggage, and a baggage handeler found his suitcase on the cart and let him put the money clip into the suitcase. That was very nice of them. I mean this pen knife had to be tiny, you all know a money clip is not very big!!!

23/Oct/07 10:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Stella, no, my day did not get better unfortunately. My daughter is very near the fires in CA and called me almost in a panic. Mom cannot do a dern thing here, so it is hard. She cannot stay on her cell phone, they are ordered not too, so Mom is worrying about one of her chicks tonight.
23/Oct/07 10:40 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Thoughts and Prayers for your Daughter's safety Trica xx Hugs
23/Oct/07 10:43 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Wow, MizT. What a day! You didn't raise a fool, so your daughter will be all right, even if she has to evacuate. You didn't marry one either, so Al will find his way home. Tomorrow your blood pressure can go back to normal. We're all hoping and praying that all goes well for your brood. Keep us informed.
23/Oct/07 11:17 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Oh Tricia, what a horrible day!!! Just think, it can only be better tomorrow! I'll keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers that she and her home stay safe.
23/Oct/07 12:03 PM
Ian  From Boston
Hi Julie and all,

I've been a bit put off lately by the posts like "Joan/Joe, so sorry your spouse died yesterday. He/she will be sorely missed. Tom, great joke, can't stop laughing. George, you're so naughty. God bless everyone here and my prayers are with you. Hooray, my team is in the championship playoffs. Get a new dog, Harriet, one just like the one you put down the other day."

It all seems a bit bizarre, almost grotesque, to see those messages jammed together, either in the same post or in sequential ones. And some people on the site make a point of ignoring the personal tragedy messages, almost as though they can't even recognize it with a word of sympathy. Maybe I'm just too critical, I don't know. And I certainly don't think that the site should be hung in crepe every day that someone has a personal sorrow to report.

But the juxtaposition of those messages of "rofl teehee" and condolences is really jarring.
23/Oct/07 12:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Ian, at this present moment, I have Sudoku Friends who's lives are in danger, so your complaining is in the 'minor leagues' today
23/Oct/07 12:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Congrats to your daughter Gail, passing her Driving Test.. WOO HOO
23/Oct/07 12:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Way to beat me to the finishline Rolanda!
YES, its true. My D#2 has just passed her driver's test and has joined the traffic jam.
WOOHOO indeed. As I told her, this is the first day of the rest of your life and as my sister just told me, its also the first day of mine. YIPPEE
23/Oct/07 12:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Tricia, just read back over the day's news. Try to stay busy or you'll drive yourself nuts!
I feel for your daughter, we have been close enough to a few bushfires in our time living in the hills. Its a choice you make when you choose to live in these vulnerable areas. Our decision has always been to pack up the car and get out of the area as early as possible. Our priority list starts with us, the pets if we can, the photos and papers, and a change of clothes (especially undies, you dont know how important that is to a person who has lost everything!) A house is replaceable, end of story!
23/Oct/07 1:08 PM
Ian  From Boston

Rolanda, my point exactly. Thank you.

23/Oct/07 1:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gotta go, get on with the real world. First day to myself in ages and half of it has gone already. Plenty of things to do and more time to do it now that I don't have to collect the girls from school, that's Beth's job now! Well, at least for the next three days, she breaks up then for study time(!) for her final exams.
Will be back later on, catch you then.
23/Oct/07 1:23 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Ian, I'm not sure I quite understand. Are you upset that people sympathize or that they don't? Sometimes, people post without refreshing or don't have time to read what everyone has said, so it may appear callous that there is a birthday wish or complaint or talk of the weather in between a death or some other tragedy. I don't think it is intentional. As for me, I prefer to leave a message on the person's page when a death has occurred, rather than on Easy, because it is personal. I also believe in "thoughts and prayers" as something real and powerful and not just a rote response. Prayers are very powerful and it makes someone feel better to know that they are in other's thoughts.
23/Oct/07 1:32 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Gail, tell Beth congrats! (and to be careful!)
23/Oct/07 1:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Ian, It seems you are voicing two different messages at once, and they almost are conflicting. people do not acknowledge a loss and that is bad according to Ian. And people do express condolences, but it is not the way you would do it and that is bad.

Now about people not addressing a loss. Expressing condolances is hard for some people.Some people just do not know what to say, and say nothing because of it. Others have other reasons for not expressing a public condolance. Often you will not see me offering condolences on the board. If I know the person, I go to their page and talk to them or send a private message even, because what i have to say is not for everyone's ears. If I do not know them at all, I might not post a message. then there are those I do not see till I read a couple days later, or those i miss entirely so therefore do not resond.

About the condolances lumped in with cherry hello's, life does not stop when someone looses a loved one. that may seem harsh, but I have many different friends here in sudokuland. Each of them has different needs. when I sit here at the computer, I compose a message depending on what that need is for tht person at that time. I think others are doing much the same.

In older days, those messages would have been sent by the postal carriers, and noone but the recipient would have seen them. Now, many of them go on a public forum, and some people find fault.

Now if you will excuse me, i am going to check my e-mail to see how my daughter in California is doing. They were asked not to use cell phones and phone lines so rescuers could use them. So we are sending e-mail back and forth. Just in case you are interested, the fire near her fiancee's work is moving away from him, so he is safe at the moment.

23/Oct/07 1:44 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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everyone. Just got caught up on all the reading.
Gail, congrats to your daughter and you. Now you have someone to do a few errands for you.
MizT, thinking positive here about your daughter and her fiance.
Ian, I hardly ever post on easy anymore, tho I do read them. Each person responds in their own way to other people's "news."
23/Oct/07 2:18 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I doubt anyone is around but thought I would say Hi.
Hope Al gets/got back safely and that your daughter is safe MizT. We are fortunate in England not to have the bush/wild fires which threaten homes.
Al was fortunate that the security let him go and put his money clip in his luggage. If that happened over here he would have lost it.
23/Oct/07 8:32 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Congratulate Beth on passing her test Gail. Trouble now is that you will lose the car most of the time... I know that I used to use my dad's car all the time until I got my own, but the up side to her passing her test she can run errands and drop/pick up people instead of you.
23/Oct/07 8:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks heaps Brenda and everyone else for the congrats for Beth.
The car thing is not a major issue luckily. After a lifetime of driving very old cars, I was able to purchase a new small car in 2000, which I have since upgraded. Fortunately, we have been able to keep the little car and all three kids have used it as their 'first' car. Whilst its only 7yo, its done a lot of hard yards but is more than suitable for them as it is not too powerful.
23/Oct/07 8:43 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Good morning all! It is supposed to rain today. We've had the same weather pattern for the last few months. It gets really warm for a week, then the rain comes in, and then it gets cool/cold for a week and then we start all over again.
My inlaws left on Friday. They were definitely ready to go home. It took longer than expected to replace the water heater since we went from electric to gas and from a large tank to tankless. So we now have hot water without all of the leaking. yeah!
23/Oct/07 9:17 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Gail, that's great that you have the extra car for the kids. It makes it so much easier! We didn't get an extra car until a year after D#1 got her license. My mom gave us her old (1989) car since she couldn't drive any more due to her osteo. It was so nice not having to drive her to work and pick her up. (Her summer job was at a concert venue five miles up the road, but for certain concerts, like the Greatful Dead, it took an hour and a half to get out of there.) She also drove herself and S#1 and D#2 to school which was fantastic. Then S#1 took over when she went to college. That extra car saved us more than I ever thought it could.
23/Oct/07 9:31 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Even though I am tired from all of the long trips, I still want to see the kids play. So I think I will be going to Boston on Saturday to see D#2 play soccer. It's a 6 hour round trip for an hour and a half game, but D#2 really seems to appreciate the effort. I just wish S#1's coach would give him the same opportunity to play. When we saw him on Saturday he said he could understand not playing if he screwed up, but he hasn't had the opportunity to mess up. On the other hand, the kids that are playing are making a lot of mistakes, some of which S#1 would never make on his worse day. I guess the only thing to do is to be patient and send positive thoughts.
23/Oct/07 9:51 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I haven't heard anything about the fires in California this morning. I hope that they are getting them under control. MizT, I hope your daughter and her fiance continue to stay safe. It must be so scary not knowing if the winds are going to shift and where it will turn next. I wonder how the fires start to begin with and, in this day and age, there isn't a way to prevent them from coming to populated areas.
23/Oct/07 9:56 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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One last post, a puzzle:

Debbie was in charge of the office party. She sold the first batch of tickets for a total of $100. Then, with everyone's permission, she reduced the price by $1 and sold another 25 tickets for an additional $100.

How many people bought tickets at what price?
23/Oct/07 10:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi Stella,

She sold 45 tickets in total 20 at $5 and 25 at $4.
23/Oct/07 11:35 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Brenda, you are right! Hope you're having a nice afternoon!
23/Oct/07 11:54 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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That's what I got Brenda. Good morning.
23/Oct/07 11:59 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Morning Brenda, Stella and Ruby.
24/Oct/07 12:01 AM
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