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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Fernlands Qld
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Page 355
22/Sep/10 4:15 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Thank goodnes that worked or I was going to look pretty stupid putting that in the middle of page 354.
22/Sep/10 4:16 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hmm, I've forgotten how to spell. My goodnesS me!
I think it must be nearly time to go home.
22/Sep/10 4:17 PM
qld, australia
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Julie, must thank you again for your summaries, sure I have read everything but still miss stuff. Zusy can I join you for scrambled eggs?
22/Sep/10 4:50 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks.
Have no idea when I was last here...
Have lost the plot...has anybody seen it?
Jumped out of bed a lifetime ago...or so it seems even though it was only a week have my plans for the day disrupted by a phonecall. I have no idea how so many emotions can be crammed into such a short time frame... it will take a while to get used to the idea /pur new reality and what the repercussions will be in regards to our present life style/living arrangements. Had hoped not to be making any more major life changing decisions or a while but that is not to be.
Strange to think that it was only 3 weeks ago that I was talking to Lachie about the major changes that would be precipitated by his grandmothers death. Glad we had discussed a few options before our views and opinions became distorted by grief.
Must go throw a few pots around the kitchen and make out that I am trying to feed Lachie before he goes to work..[starting at 7pm]
Thank you all for your condolances... you really are the best. Love you all.
22/Sep/10 6:03 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Bean, glad to see that you can come for a visit. It will take a while to get back to normal. Just remember that we are here for you.
Enjoyed all the delivery times. My mom was in for about a week with both of us. Mitchell was born at 6:30 pm and I got to stay for 48 hours. Left hospital at 7:00 pm (or so) on a Sunday night. Not happy about that. Luckily my mom spent the first few nights at home with us to help out. I was sore, could barely walk and had a newborn to take care of and not sure what to do with it, or at least that was how I felt. I figured out what to do quickly.
Or should I say, Mitchell had me trained very quickly.
22/Sep/10 8:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm so glad that you checked in, Bean. Healing will take time, which is as it should be. Especially when there are so many good memories.
22/Sep/10 9:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH and his friend John just left. IH told me they were leaving at 5 am, but they didn't get out the door until 8 am. At least IH won't be back until late Saturday night. Then he's leaving early Monday morning for a week-long trip.
22/Sep/10 10:04 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I just have a lot on my mind lately. There's a lot going on right now. Also the weather is not helping me lift my spirits. It's supposed to rain all week and into the weekend. My arthritis is really acting up and the only comfortable spot is lying down in bed. My daughter is also really sore lately.
Last Sat. was the Sports Hall of Fame award for my FIL, which he didn't attend. Hubby did well with his acceptance speech. It was 5 hours of sitting on a hard cafeteria-type chair. I could barely move when we got home. Then on Sun. we took the grandies to a fair for about 5 hours. They had a blast! I tried to sit down there as much as possible, but it's not easy with two little ones.
Off to start my day. My son-in-law is home with a bad cold today, so I don't have to go look after the grandies. Nice break for me anyway. I think I'll have another coffee and then head back to bed with the hot water bottle.
Sorry for all the complaints, but I'll be fine. My problems are not nearly as bad as others, mostly just stuff on my mind and stuff I can't do anything about. I think women all over just get down in the dumps now and then. As Gail says, it is what it is.
22/Sep/10 10:18 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Theresa ♥
Bean ♥
June ♥ and your friend ♥
All the eggs ♥
Robert ♥
Nola's hubby ♥
Anyone I have not mentioned but who needs some lovin' ♥
23/Sep/10 12:18 AM
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Thanks Gail. Things will improve Therea.
Very busy and had Laura Tuesday night and all day Wed. so have not read much. Still thinking of you all though. Hubby going to Melbourne for the day tomorrow and I have to start getting organised for our holiday. Leave Monday.
23/Sep/10 12:43 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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eek! Where did the time go June? Relax, calm down woman, all will be well by Monday!
23/Sep/10 7:57 AM
Well, it's a goal
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Morning all
I would do what Gail did but can't get the hearts to work on my laptop. Lots of loving needed out there today!!
Bean, sending hugs while you go through the next rough patch. I am sure between the 3 of you something that works will be found. Keep dipping those brushes in the water!!
Theresa, if the weather would improve so your arthritis eased up the rest might feel better so I'm sending good weather thoughts your way! Along with some hugs of course! I'd love to google more info about the awards you mentioned. If you want to, PM or email me a name the next time you're around.....
Broni, as long as you don't want the brain kind like that freaky Gail person!
Vicki, I knew someone who left the hospital after 2 hours with her second. I hadn't even adjusted to the fact that there was a new life lying beside me at 2 hours!
June, have a wonderful trip! I am so jealous!! I hope it is everything I would want if I got to go and more!
23/Sep/10 8:49 AM
Well, it's a goal
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Things are good here right now. I've adjusted to the shock, she is happy and doing what she is supposed to be doing, hubby and I are enjoying time alone. We actually went out to the meat draw last night. That's something we don't get to do when they are home because Wednesday night is the only night we can all sit down for a dinner where it doesn't matter how long it takes to prepare etc. We won the very last meat tray - rump steak - and had dinner when we got home.
23/Sep/10 9:06 AM
Well, it's a goal
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Well that was an interesting way to start the day... I've just been invited to meet Ebob for a cuppa. Equanimity, nows the time!!!
23/Sep/10 9:11 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, you know you are allowed to come in here and vent anytime you want. We all have very strong shoulders.
Suzy, I'm with you. At two hours I still hadn't adjusted to being a mom. One of my neighbors had both of her kids at home, both planned. A midwife came to the house to help deliver. That is something I would not even consider.
Heidi, enjoy the peace and quiet.
June, enjoy the trip.
Don't remember anything else. Just got interrupted typing this with a request to bring brownies for tomorrow morning. I have a reputation around my school for baking the best brownies so....
23/Sep/10 9:11 AM
Small Town Canada
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Ms. Equanimous, the website is:
If you go to the 2010 inductees you will see the name Bill Manning, click on it and you will see a picture of my FIL in his early years. He received the award for hockey and lacrosse, but he also played softball.
You are right, if the weather would improve I would probably be in better spirits. I guess I'm feeling like I have cabin fever.
Hope you have a great holiday, June. It will be nice for you to be able to get away for a while.
Bean {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Heidi, I can just imagine how lonely you will be with IH gone so much.
23/Sep/10 9:11 AM
Well, it's a goal
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I'm off to meet my D for coffee. I feel like I'm in a Dare Iced Coffee ad......
23/Sep/10 9:50 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Luck Suzy ♥
23/Sep/10 10:00 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good luck Suzy, I mean Equanimous.
23/Sep/10 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Have a good time, Equanimous. I have a feeling that Ebob just needed a break from family. It's obvious that she's not burning any bridges.
23/Sep/10 10:15 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, hope all goes well. Can't wait to hear. I will try to peek in here tomorrow for the answer.
23/Sep/10 10:37 AM
Perth W Aust
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♥ and ((Hugs)) to all and Sundry.
Morning Everyone.
Perth is heading for a warm 28C today.
Hello to all on page 355
June, have a great holiday.
Suzy, hope all goes well meeting up with ebob.
Theresa, come and visit with me.
Heidi, enjoy the home alone.
Tami, sleep well zzzz
Beanie, noice to see you out and about.
Gail, G'day Twin
Victoria, thanks for the big welcome to page 355
Broni, agree with you, Julie does a wonderful summaries job.
23/Sep/10 11:28 AM
Well, it's a goal
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I'm back! It was a little like the dare iced coffee ads, no revelations like marriage or pregnancy, but it was definitely 'throw poor old mum a bone and meet with her'. She is very very happy and is being treated like a princess. The same things we did for Three are 'amazingly thoughtful - aren't they incredible' etc etc. They are even talking about buying her a bigger bed. Not at all like when we took Three in is it? I suspected when she moved out that she wasn't planning on coming back and that suspicion was confirmed. The plan may change, but at this point in time that's the way it is. I took my equanimity along with me though and think I pulled it off...
23/Sep/10 11:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's just a stage, Suzy. Keep repeating that to yourself.
23/Sep/10 12:27 PM
Perth W Aust
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I think you did well, Suzy !
Ebob is looking thru 'Rose Coloured Glasses'
At least she is telling you stuff, better that then being kept in the dark.
Just keep the communication line open.......
Be there for when things fall apart.
23/Sep/10 12:38 PM
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Hi everyone!
Hugs to all who need them ... and if you have some spares I wouldn't mind one myself ...
Peace to all my friends! ♥
23/Sep/10 12:57 PM
Well, it's a goal
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Just by giving them you are getting them back Judy - but here's a few extras from me {{{{{Hugs}}}}}
23/Sep/10 1:18 PM
Alabama, USA
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Daughter #1 had hers and left from the recovery room, they had a TOTAL 24 hour stay, For labor , delivery, and recovery.
Back in the stone age when I had my babies, it was 5 days stay for a vag delivery, 7 to 10 for a C section. My second one, I hd to stay longer, I was running a temp, stitches infected. Really wanted to get home to Daughter #1.
Now, to go back a generation, I was born during the war, WWII, at home, with my grandmother being the Doctors assistant. She had been a midwife in her earlier years, in a rural area not too far from where I live now. Mom was kept in bed for a week.
With my siblings that were twins, she was in for 10 days, they wanted her in for 2 weeks, but babies were not feeding well, and in the post war baby boom and nurse shortage, not enough nurses to care for them. The doc told my Dad "if you want those babies to survive, you will take them home and make sure they are fed". I remember neighbors being at our house all day and into the night, always someone holding and feeding baby. It took an hour to get 2 oz of milk down each baby, and they had to be fed every 2 hours, so really, someone was always holding, feeding a baby. Mom was kept in bed for 3 weeks after the "complicated delivery" of premature twins.
23/Sep/10 1:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, we all get bent out of shape about stuff we cannot do anything about. It hasbeen a hard lesson for me to learn to let those things go. I was taught that worrying does no good. To reduce your worry load, decide first whose problem it is. About 50% of the things we worry about are not our problem. If it is not your problem, walk away from it and there goes half of your worries. The second thing, decide if you can do anything about it or not. About half of the problems that are ours, noone can do anything about, so leave those problems. Now, you are left with only 1/4 of the problems you thought you had, and there is something you can do about those. SO, get yourself up off your fat francis and start doing. Take action instead of worrying. It is hard sometimes, but I have found this serves me well most of the time.
Whatever it is you are worrying about now, Theresa, we are here, so perhaps the thing you need to do about it is talk to someone?? We are here if that is the case. And no, you are not complaining, you are venting, something women must do, and we take turns, OK??
23/Sep/10 1:38 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, hugs to you and your family. Yes, your life is upside down now, and we are here to do what we can, we will listen and send hugs and say prayers, send good wishes, whatever it takes. Thinking of you and your family as you make the necessary adjustments.
23/Sep/10 1:40 PM
Perth W Aust
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Extra Hugs and ♥ to Judy
Hey Tricia
23/Sep/10 1:45 PM
Alabama, USA
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JUNE, hope your holiday is super special. I forgot where it is you are going, buy your holidays are all so wonderful, I am sure this will be also.
[[[[[[JUDY]]]]]] Lots of hugs for Judy winging thier way to ya. Might be a bit damp from the long flight over oceans, but they drip dry quickly hehehe.
SUZY, sounds like you handled that well. Hugs to you also, you could use a few. Guess now the " no kid talk" rule will be broken as you discuss this with hubby???
Time for me to end this day, hope to get another really good night's sleep like last night. I did not wake till 10:30 am, unheard of for me!! Love and hugs for all with extras.
23/Sep/10 1:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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HI Rolanda!
23/Sep/10 1:54 PM
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Hi again - thanks for the hugs, I really needed them! Just had a call from my father - he and Mum are leaving hospital, against all medical advice, and heading home, where my brother, as far as I know, is going to take over their "care". The insanity continues ...
They haven't even had the courtesy to tell us the truth about what's going on. The hospital case worker had just told me not to worry, because they couldn't leave till next week ... after a whole big "case review". What the HELL ... !! I could hear Mum in the background, being all chirpy ... :(
23/Sep/10 2:20 PM
Perth W Aust
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Oh Judy.. I know where you are coming from.
We are lucky that my mum is happy for her name to be put down for Low Care Facility, but there is NO WAY she will ever live in one !!! Sigh!!!!
We could run away together, and bury our head in the sand, till it all goes away.
23/Sep/10 2:29 PM
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Thanks Rolanda! Can my sister come too? She is going to be distraught when she hears about this, and I was SO looking forward to telling her good news. I always thought it was your kids who were supposed to turn your hair grey ...
23/Sep/10 2:35 PM
Perth W Aust
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More the merrier, we may find more that will want to join us....
23/Sep/10 2:40 PM
Perth W Aust
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well, between my Mother and the 'delightful red headed one' (#2 boy).... there is a reason why my hair gets foil treatment !!
23/Sep/10 2:43 PM
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I understand Rolanda - the foil protects your brains from cosmic vibrations ... I've been thinking of trying it myself ... ;)
23/Sep/10 2:47 PM
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