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Saratoga, NY/USA
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Time for a new page!
03/Apr/08 10:46 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Now I'm off for some breakfast and tea! See ya later!
03/Apr/08 10:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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Maen Sudokuland!
I am off to a very late start today. couldnot sleep last night till the wee hours,and have no idea what the problem was. So I slept in today. Hubby even got up and quitely tiptoed out to the office to make his morning coffee. Sometimes he is a keeper!
04/Apr/08 1:08 AM
Stevenage UK
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Weather has been dull today but still reached 15C so quite pleasant. Forecast is still for temperatures to drop again over the weekend. DH has worked long and hard this week, just hope nothing stops us from getting away in the caravan.
04/Apr/08 3:52 AM
Stevenage UK
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Rolanda how are the renovations coming along?
Haven't heard anything about them for a little while.
04/Apr/08 3:55 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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Brenda.. nothing as happened further in the renovation department..
waiting game here..
waiting for the man who is making the tops, and shower walls to come and install..
hopefully next week sometime..
04/Apr/08 10:03 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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Brenda.. our next getaway in the Caravan isnt for another 3 weeks yet..
24th April (eve) till 27th April (noon)..
Anzac Long Weekend
Hope you and your Hubby enjoy your time in the Van this coming Weekend.
04/Apr/08 10:05 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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our Temps here..
.exp 25C ish.
Rain developing
and hanging around for a week apparently.
04/Apr/08 10:07 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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the Topp list is looking very interesting !!!
04/Apr/08 10:07 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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off to Curves.. see you all later
Have a great day/evening/night
04/Apr/08 10:09 AM
Alabama, USA
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ROLANDA, don't you hate the waiting game? that seems to take forever! I hope the installer gets there soonest and gets you on the way to renovation again.
We have had summer weather today, over 80F (27C), that is warm for spring! Also, muggy, and storms expected for tomorrow night, possibly severe. I hate possibly severe and over night in same forecast! I found out that I am not alone in my weather radio not working as it should. National Weather Radio is "checking" and so far say nothing wrong with thier transmission.
Do you have this in Oz? the radio is programed to come on when a severe weather warning is announced for your county, with a loud alarm. That way, I can go to bed in the house, and get up and go to shelter if severe weather is approching, not stay there all night. If it does not turn severe in our area, sleep right through the night. BUT first, it has to be working correctly. Hope they can find the problem! FAST too. Like by tomorrow.
04/Apr/08 10:13 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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all. Hello Rolanda and MizT.
No, MizT, as far as I know we don't have radio warnings like that here in Oz.
Rolanda - thanks for update on renos - I had been wondering how it's going.
So how is the TOPP list - I figure I've been beaten or at least equalled by now because I've had a busy week. And another busy day today. Will check back later. Enjoy you day everyone - from me and the chook
04/Apr/08 11:45 AM
Perth, West Aust.
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ahh.. CynB all will be revealed on Page 35 the next update on the Topp!!
BTW.. love your new Chair..
04/Apr/08 11:51 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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morning all....
Very groovy in your new chair CynB..
No news here...except I've places to be and things to do so must away.... Leaving some
for you all to share
04/Apr/08 12:51 PM
Ruby, SC
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Hello, all. Cool and rainy here. No real (or imagined) news.
04/Apr/08 1:47 PM
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Good Evenning (here), Everyone! CynB, that's a GREAT new avatar! What fun! Stella, we went back to winter (temporarily, I hope), too. The weather forecast even includes snow. We keep getting a tease that spring is on its way, but, nope, not quite here yet.
04/Apr/08 2:10 PM
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Stella, I'm glad your hubby can join you for the trip to Disney! That's a long drive, but at least you can break it up into several smaller ones. I hope the weather is wonderful and all of you enjoy the trip! MizT, my parents had a weather radio like that. I don't know where it is now. I hope you have a cot/bed/comfy chair out in the office for those nights when you need to seek a safer shelter!
04/Apr/08 2:13 PM
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Brenda, I hope the weather is good for your caravan weekend and you can really relax and enjoy it! Rolanda, I'm sorry to hear about the slow-down on your renovation. Hopefully it will get back on track soon! Did you have a particular goal date for the finish? Will it be done before your caravan trip? Bean, thank you for the fresh fruit nibblies!
04/Apr/08 2:16 PM
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Dino, I'm glad to hear that you didn't have any damage caused by the wind. I hope Gail will be able to report the same! June, since you like chickens, maybe you would also like a chicken-related chair avatar?
04/Apr/08 2:20 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all - when I was here ear;ier I forgot to leave today's choccie couch cake to nibble on. So here it is -
04/Apr/08 4:19 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Er - that's 'earlier'
Glad you all like the new avatar, especially you Julie - you asked for it.
OK Rolanda - I'll wait for p35
Hi Bean and Ruby and anyone else I've missed.
04/Apr/08 4:22 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I don't do this often - but I'm really tired today - I seem to have had a busy week. So at 3.35pm I'm off for a nanna nap. It's OK, I am a nanna. I'll leave the chook in his car seat (irresponsible person that I am). Can someone keep an eye on him for me? Where are you Gail or Bean - that'd be a good job for either one of you. LOL.
04/Apr/08 4:37 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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It's ok Cyn, I'm baaaack. I can watch him for you!
My SA4 friends.
Thank you all for your concerns. Dino, I am pleased you have weathered the storm ok down there. Bean, it sounds like you were the only one to experience real damage.
I have just had my power restored a couple of hours ago and am very happy to say we have had a few large branches down on the property but no trees.
I got home from the hairdressers alright but then decided to take D#3 out for lunch. We had to go a different route out of town because the main way out was blocked by a fallen tree. The alternative road was like driving a slalom course with branches all over the road. It was when we tried to get back home that we had the major problems!
04/Apr/08 5:28 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sorry, needed to change my avatar, I need a good sit-down!
We tried to come back through the neighbouring town, like we would normally do, but for some reason, they were not letting anyone past the high school. Turns out the main power cables had come down and a truck had had it's windscreen smashed by a falling branch, Hope the driver is ok, haven't heard anything yet.
So...we diverted and tried to get to Cockatoo via 'the back way' and were again stopped, this time because of a bushfire. Very worrying with winds the way they were. We were told that we would have to go via 'the really ridiculously long way'! So we ended up going that way and popping ion to see my son who lives half hour drive away from home! He was without power also. When we left his place, we thought everything should be ok but were nearly stopped again, by another tree across the road! we ended up going off-road to get passed it. The drive home was very slow as we didn't know what would be around the next corner! We ended up driving almost along the centre line to avoid debris on each side of the road.
04/Apr/08 5:37 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I have contacted the insurance company to see if we could make a claim for food spoilage due to having the power out for so long. Normally we wouldn't be able to make a claim but apparently, due to the circumstances, they are taking all claims into consideration. I am pleased about this because I always bulk buy my meat and have a freezer that was chockablock full of steak, chicken, seafood etc! Now we have to take photos of it all then dispose of hundreds of $ worth of food.
04/Apr/08 5:42 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Ok, that's all from me for now.
I'm going to join Cyn for a nanna nap, and I'm not a nanna!
04/Apr/08 5:42 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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OK Gail, I'm back now - had a nice nap.
What an adventure you've had in the last few days. All those branches everywhere and bushfires to boot. I would have thought that insurance companies would definately allow claims for food spoilage. They do in the case of power losses due to storms. Hope they allow it - that's a lot of food/money lost if they don't. I don't envy you the clean-up. I'd offer to help but it's a long way from Brissie to Cockatoo.
04/Apr/08 6:13 PM
Alabama, USA
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GAIL, sorry you lost food from the power outage. How long was your power out? I have managed to save food in my freezer when power out for several days, but that was an old, well insulated chest freezer and it was in winter, not summer temps. Anything that still had ice crystals in it, OK to refreeze was the rule.
I would sit down and CRY if power outage ruined the meat in my freezer, cause I could not replace the majority of it till December and next hunting season! All that vension!
Now we have a generator, and can keep the freezer cold, and a couple lights, and one computer or TV going. Would power a microwave for cooking, too. I keep cola bottles of frozen water in the freezer (a full freezer uses less electricity and things last longer with no power), so with my igloos, I can keep refrigerator things cold and refreeze my ice as nescessary.
04/Apr/08 8:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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OOOPS, I forgot to say Good Maen Sudoluland! Coffee, tea and choccie ready, come have a cuppa!
It is early morning,5 AM, and still almost 70 degrees overnight. Muggy, damp, yuck. Now they say storms starting by 3 PM, hope they get here and get gone fore bedtime!
Yes, I do have a bed available in the dome, a blow up bed. Better than a cot I tried to use the one hurricane when we were in shelter for over 24 hours (hurricanes do not normally come this far inland with that much wind). We also have the old recliner, and I have dozed in that for overnight T-storms. Usually for T storms, we are out there for about 2 hours, so no need to put up the blow up bed.
04/Apr/08 8:59 PM
Alabama, USA
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CynB, love the chickie in the chair! somehow, that really suits you.
BRENDA, have a nice weekend trip in the caravan, rest up and enjoy. Do you travel far?
STELLA, oh my, what a drive you have ahead of you! Hope you enjoy visiting relatives on the way through. May the trip be uneventful and even boring cause things go so well.
04/Apr/08 9:04 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! It got sunny and warm yesterday, in the upper 50's. Back to freezing rain today!
04/Apr/08 10:54 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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That must have been one horrific storm that rolled through Australia. Glad nobody was injured!
Gail, even if the food defrosted, couldn't you cook it rather than throw it away? We've had many power outages here and other than milk, I don't think we ever had to throw away food. What a shame that it all had to go to waste! Glad you and your daughter finally made it home ok.
04/Apr/08 10:55 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Gail...once you've photographed all your food lets have a mega big barbie tomorrow night and eat it all before it spoils.....sorry I didn't ring you back today....I've been mega slack ...have hardly done a thing I was meant to. Ciao for now
04/Apr/08 11:00 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Is Mama leaving today, tomorrow or has she left already?
Mama, hope your trip is wonderful and you have a fantastic time with your sisters. Hope that everyone stays healthy! Take lots of pictures and have the time of your life!
04/Apr/08 11:00 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Bean, your barbie idea sounds good! Too bad we all couldn't come!
04/Apr/08 11:33 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Quiet here today! MizT, you were up very, very early this morning, (hopefully, not because of any storms)! Hope all is well down your way and they got the radio fixed!
05/Apr/08 3:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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STELLA, no storms waking me this morning. Still watching for them to arrive here. I did go back to bed and sleep about 2 more hours, this morning, after I finished reading the board. Radio is still not working as it should, I cannot get hubby to reprogram it, maybe that is something I can look at later.
05/Apr/08 3:52 AM
Ruby, SC
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Sunny now. Cool and cloudy this a.m.
05/Apr/08 4:12 AM
Ruby, SC
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Bon Voyage, Mama!
05/Apr/08 4:13 AM
Ruby, SC
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Have good trips, Rolanda and Brenda. Sorry about the bird.
05/Apr/08 4:14 AM
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