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from Alabama, USA
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Stevenage UK
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Dull, chilly dreary day here and I have to stay in waiting for the guy to come and fix my new boiler!!
14/May/09 6:50 PM
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Brenda, I confiscate her mobile at night, and intercept the regular phone calls....
I'm wondering about 'fixing' a new boiler - I hope you mean install! Otherwise..... grrrrrrr
and I just caught her with the already confiscated mobile phone in her room..... grrrrrr grrrr (that's a double grrrrr) It's hidden now.
14/May/09 7:03 PM
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Okay, a chance to make fun of the media - unfortunately it's a sad story - but geez louise, will they let anyone be a reporter these days?
Doctors say the pencil tore through the boy's neck, and was lodged between his spine and corroded artery.
I didn't know arteries could corrode.
14/May/09 7:08 PM
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Brenda, forgot to say, my girls have prepaid mobile phones for just the reason you described - you can't run up a 500 pound phone bill when you only have $20 credit.
14/May/09 7:15 PM
qld aus
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Like your style Zusy, oh bugger still on possy's login
14/May/09 7:51 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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If you are meant to be hiding, you are not doing it very well!
14/May/09 8:38 PM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, I have no say over the step daughter's phone usage now. She took out a contract phone and that is how she ran up that debt... then came running to daddy (he is her step father too....we have a very complicated family) to pay the bill for her. Well daddy and I said NO WAY.
Younger daughter Emily is on a contract but if she goes over her allowance free minutes she has to pay the difference. Her phone costs us about £15 a month. She get a contract phone last year with free minutes and unlimited free texts. The minutes go quite quickly but she texts all the time.
No Suzy, I had a new boiler fitted last September. Not happy at all but the guy is here to sort it out hopefully.
14/May/09 8:38 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Evening SA8.
Busy day today delivering Avon.
Centrelink are at me again now. Ethan turns 16 in August so no more Family Tax Benefit Part A and B. Fair enough. He will get a youth allowance.
That is means tested so he may get about half the benefit. As he works part time he must report his hours of work and pay to them once a fortnight.
I have to return to work.
Off to the Wesley Employment Agency tomorrow morning with whom Centrelink has made an appt. for me.
I have a few questions to ask though as I am a tad confused at what will happen.
I cannot understand why I cannot just do my Avon.
I guess it is because they are going to give some Youth allowance for Ethan.
If I get a job though and our combined income reaches a certain level then Ethan gets no youth allowance.
I am hoping I can find some part time work.
Will know more in the morning I guess.
So much reading to catch up on but so far I have kept up.
14/May/09 9:07 PM
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Viv, that just sounds weird and wrong. Ebob just turned 16 and we didn't have to go through any of that stuff. Maybe it's because I still have Ally, but I would ask LOTS of questions...
Brenda, so it is a grrrrrrr about the boiler.....
Sounds like you and hubby have a handle on the mobile phone thing. Ebob doesn't make calls from her phone, but she gets them - which is not okay at the moment since we have banned phone calls for now - kind of like grounding her. Most of her calls are incoming, which is hard. I had to explain to one of her friends tonight that she wasn't allowed to speak to them. I did not enjoy that AT ALL. I'm not looking forward to her being old enough to do what your daughters have done....
14/May/09 9:29 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Suzy. Yes I only have Ethan so it would not apply to you yet I guess.
Time for bed now I think. Nite SA8.
14/May/09 10:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We've got a nasty line of thunder-boomers moving in.
14/May/09 10:05 PM
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Nite Viv! Sending thoughts and wishes that stuff works out....
14/May/09 10:05 PM
Stevenage UK
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Heidi, we have a similar weather pattern moving through the UK at the moment, fortunately we haven't got any of it yet.
14/May/09 10:15 PM
Stevenage UK
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Sounds very harsh that Viv is being forced to get a job. Especially if her husband is working.
14/May/09 10:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The rain is coming down so hard that there's only about 10 feet of visibility outside. That should end quickly according to radar.
14/May/09 10:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yeah.... Very harsh. She has an income from Avon, her husband is working, and son works part time. What kind of a system is that?
14/May/09 10:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Rain is now back to normal intensity.
14/May/09 10:26 PM
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Hi SA8ers...More rain & thunder Heidi??!? Poor you (and poor dogs!!!) Slept well for a Wednesday night. We have a milk delivery truck who decides to do his deliveries at 2:30 AM on Thursday morning, sends my dog into a tailspin!! My only question: Who needs their milk delivered THAT early!!!!!!!!
15/May/09 12:05 AM
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Saw the report about the boy & pencil...Correction: it is CAROTID artery not corroded. The carotid artery is in your neck...brings blood & oxygen to the brain...still gross no matter how you think of it!! This information courtesy of watching CSI
15/May/09 12:07 AM
Vibrant Vici
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Good Morning all - and sorry to run - meeting a friend for a walk along the canal this morning. Going to have to use some bug repellent as the mosquitoes are out now - too much warm weather too early!
Broni (or should I call you Cybill?) anxiously awaiting word on your tests.
Hoping everyone is well today - sending hugs! Bye-bye for now!
15/May/09 1:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The rain has stopped!!!! At least for the time being. But they're calling for MORE rain and thunderstorms over the next few days. That would be the case. We're working the entire cattle herd tomorrow. Vaccinate everybody, castrate bull calves and put in fly tags. I always enjoy rounding up cattle in the deep mud. It makes everything else seem so pleasant.
15/May/09 2:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's vewy, vewy quiet hew today.
15/May/09 5:44 AM
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Good morninh Heidi,and anyone else who drops in. Finished the puzzles, sun is just coming up so I might just pop back into bed for a while!
15/May/09 6:37 AM
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Morning all!
I haven't done the puzzles yet, still catching up on the news....
Suzanne, they should have had you write the article! I think other people have commented on how annoying those types of errors can be. Drives me mad! (Forgot to mention that the little boy is fine)
15/May/09 6:45 AM
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No visit from MizT overnight... I hope she is just very busy and hasn't had another lightning strike or something. Take anything but my computers!!!
We have 30kph winds with gusts up to 50kph. Not strong enough to do any damage, but we've had 24 hours of it and according to the forecast it's going to continue through to Saturday.... Not happy Jan.
15/May/09 6:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What happened to MizT???
15/May/09 7:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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According to my friends box, she's on site now.
15/May/09 7:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gath has approved the avatars and smilies!!!
15/May/09 7:55 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good afternoon all. Heidi, glad you got the finches. I know you are happy to be adding to your stock.
Kathi, if I didn't welcome you the other day, I apologize. I am sure you are going to have a great time in Sudokuland.
Suzanne, I don't like makeup, I don't wear makeup and you a can't make me. pphhhhhttttt!!
15/May/09 7:59 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have a funny and a true story to tell you. I swear, this really happened.
I had a robbery at my house yesterday but I am not reporting it. I would get laughed at. I went out this morning and noticed one of my favorite flowerpots was empty. Someone stole my favorite plant and left the empty pot. If it was not at my house, I don't think I would believe it. Can you imagine me calling the police and saying, "I would like to report a stolen plant." They would have to wonder what type of plant it was and if I had been smoking it.
15/May/09 8:01 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, you must be hiding. I don't see your light on.
15/May/09 8:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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HI SUZY, I really was not here today! I should have dropped in with that note.
I have been in the sewing room, trying to solve a puzzle. Quilt pieces without instructions, quilt started almost 9 years ago, stopped and started again too many times. Finding more and more mistakes. OK, this is the very first quilt I ever started, I had none of the tools I now have, only scissors and tagboard to make templets. AND i designed it myself and made a few changes along the way, then lost the instructions and the design drawing. My excuse.
I at last decided I would pretend this is a quilt I found in all these pieces, started by some unknown quilter, and I must just finish it best way I can. That helps me with my perspective on it, like looking at it with new eyes.
I have a plan now. I did a new design drawing. I am measuring the pieces and finding they do not fit my design. I need to find the embroidery floss I used, or buy more. I must lengthen one of the borders. Well, it is long enough, but the pattern does not match the others, and I would always know it did not. Other 3 are identical, it would stand out. That means I will have to piece in fabric, OK, I can live with that. Sometimes fabric is just not long enough and must be pieced.
The background of one of the borders has raveled a bit , into the part that is needed. (I have since learned to cut longer and wider when you are going to hand work a border, then trim to size). I will have to piece that also. and NO I do not want to just make new borders. These are almost 2 meters long each, 8 inches wide, embroidered and painted vines and leaves with applique flowers. Lots of hand work in that, and even the improved left hand will not hold up for that.
So that is where I have been today, busy busy.
15/May/09 8:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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OHHHH, lots of hidden posts there, Suzy's was the last I saw.
Yes, Heidi, I was on site, reading to catch up .
15/May/09 8:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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TAMI, plant theft is not unusual, but usually more than one plant is taken. Some misguided entrepreneurs will go out with landscapers trucks, and dig up; ALL the surgery and plants from a high end house, put them in their truck and leave. Neighbors pay them no nevermind thinking they are redoing landscaping.
It was nice of them to leave the pot. Think your robber could have been 4 legged?
15/May/09 8:11 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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MizTricia, I am sure you are going to do a great job on the quilt. I would love to learn how to quilt someday, when I have time. Time, what is time? I never seem to have any.
15/May/09 8:13 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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That has been suggested. Why would they only steal one plant? It was getting to big for it's pot. I was looking for a new pot for it, now I don't need to. I just have to find a new plant.
15/May/09 8:14 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I will be back later. Time to go fling food at the beastie boys.
15/May/09 8:21 AM
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Tami, that would be funny if it wasn't your favourite plant. I don't think I'd report it either....
MizT, glad to hear it wasn't more electrical stuff going on. My sewing machine is broken so no sewing for me right now.
Tami, I didn't wear foundation, hated foundation, then I got old.... now I wear foundation.
15/May/09 8:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That's the sort of theft Lucky
commits. He loves to steal plants out of pots. But I know he didn't make it 300 miles down there to steal your plant, then back here overnight.
15/May/09 8:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I was thinking MizT and the plant, not Tami. That's a LOT farther.
15/May/09 8:36 AM
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