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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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MizT, no wonder you're not a fan of bears! D & SIL's place is secure, and though we think the black bear was an adult, it wasn't any larger than their Newfoundland dog.
18/Jul/09 4:53 AM
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Well, it didn't APPEAR to be any larger. We only saw it walking across the lawn, so didn't have anything to compare it to.
18/Jul/09 4:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I cannot begin to imagine the circumstances that would cause a 1 day old baby to be put in foster care. I would think it would be in the hospital under observation.
18/Jul/09 4:54 AM
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Nola, what a wonderful daughter your Renae is to foster children! And a newborn, at that! Please send her lots of love to share.
18/Jul/09 4:55 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I thought the same thing Heidi but now mothers and babies are released very early and they have nurses who go to the homes and see how they are going.
18/Jul/09 4:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie.... that size sounds like a teenager with no experience of humans and their easy food supply. If you see it again, though, report it to the Wildlife people. It may need to be relocated if it's starting to come near homes to look for food.
18/Jul/09 4:58 AM
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Here's another of my new avatars - not very colorful, but stained glass, so I thought I would try it out.
Bean, thank you for being so forgiving! How could I forget our little Beanie, who has been SO industrious in the garden of late? I hope you and Gail and Judy and V Vici and all those attacking the gardening/landscaping chores aren't working too hard or over-extending yourselves!
18/Jul/09 4:59 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thanks Julie,she is a wonderful Mum.All she ever wanted to do was grow up and have children.
It's another very cold morning here but should start to warm up in the next day or 2.
18/Jul/09 5:00 AM
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Thanks for the advice, Heidi! Will pass it on to D.
And now, I must run. Time for one grandie to get up from her nap. See you all later!
18/Jul/09 5:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nola.... I have no experience with newborns, though I did try to become a foster parent for older children. Unfortunately, IH heard that they could accuse him of molestation (tho' he wouldn't do that) and that scared him off being a foster parent.
18/Jul/09 5:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, it's after 3 in the afternoon. I might as well have breakfast.
18/Jul/09 5:06 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The fostering criteria is so strict which is a good thing.They are screaming out for parents as there are so many children in need of care.
I wouldn't be able to do it,as well as the hard work involved it is heartbreaking sometimes.
Many have behavioural problems.Pardon the spelling.
18/Jul/09 5:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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More Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University .
Olny srmat poelpe can raed this.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed this psas it on !!
18/Jul/09 6:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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18/Jul/09 6:35 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am back up and working. I have a lot of pages to catch up on. I have some ffuts to do so I will be back later. Hope all is good in the world.
18/Jul/09 6:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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18/Jul/09 6:39 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Great news that you are back again Tami
18/Jul/09 6:44 AM
Trouble's Mom
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This is actually Trouble. My mom is having trouble posting so I am trying to get her fixed while on the phone with her.
18/Jul/09 7:20 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I got my mom fixed. She was having some internet problems also, but hers got solved overnight. It ended up clearing all her passwords and she forgot how to sign on. I was able to talk her through it. Luckily I know her password. I have caught up on most of the reading but forgot most of what I read.
18/Jul/09 7:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Here is my welcome back present, an updated TOPP list:
21-CynB, Julie
14-Brenda, Stella
9-Judy, Gail
6-Rolanda, Vici
4-Bean, Viv
1-Susan, vdV, Rena, Jane
ZERO and holding-Tami the Troublemaker
18/Jul/09 7:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MY SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIP JUST VANISHED! I don't have any of my own smilies!
18/Jul/09 8:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I panicked there. I've got 'em back now.
18/Jul/09 9:07 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I think healthy newborns now get 24 hours in hospital on medicaid and therefore many insurances also. Crying shame, but that is what happens when you let DRG's and insurance companies practice medicine. I have heard that sometimes Moms are given 24 hours total stay, labor and delivery , recovery and all, if they are in labor for 22 hours, they have 2 hours to get their act together and get out of there.
OK, someone supply the soap box for me to climb off. Pet peeve of mine.
18/Jul/09 9:17 AM
Alabama, USA
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Long day shopping, but I found most of what I needed, I think. Had lunch out, but still my hubby is expecting something to eat tonight. woe is me, what to make for dinns. It will probably be something fast , grilled burger steaks and a salad might not take too long.
I found CROCS on sale, and bought 2 more pair. Keep hearing rumors that they are going out of business. The lady at the shoe boutique said they keep reordering and having orders put on back order, sounds like there could be some truth to that. Huumm, wonder if I now have a lifetime supply of crocs, I have 5 pair
18/Jul/09 9:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Here you go, MizT.
A lifetime supply? Only 5 pairs? I go through 2 pairs a year. I hope this doesn't mean that you're leaving us!
18/Jul/09 9:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Of course, I'm tough on footwear. I wore out the bottoms of 5 casts the last time I had a broken leg.
And these were walking casts!
18/Jul/09 9:30 AM
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Morning all!
So much to comment on - but I will have to come back later to do it.
When I had my girls in CA the insurance thing wasn't measured in hours, it was measured in 'nights'. I had Ebob at 9.35pm and was out the next morning. I had Ally at 5.30am and got to stay the next night as I hadn't been there overnight yet. So Ebob was less than a day old (14 hours I think) when I left hospital, Ally was a day and 5 hours old. For both of them I was at the hospital for about 2 hours before they were born. I'm wondering what happens when women are in labour for 36 hours...
18/Jul/09 9:46 AM
Alabama, USA
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Kitty story, but not our kitties this time.
Al and I were traveling home, went past the vet on the highway and we both started laughing at the same time. Sign out front, FREE BARN CAT. Often see free caats and dogs offered there, but never this sign before.
Yes, what a mental picture, they have one in there that no one can get near, but they do not put down cats, so, let's put a spin on this and find an owner. Just be sure to bring your heavy duty cat carrier and your leather gloves, and ear plugs for the trip home. Next problem, how to get cat out of carrier without incurring injury? Wonder if Heidi needs a new cat? (Al knows all about Heidi and her animals) It was hard for us to talk we were laughing so hehehe.
18/Jul/09 10:05 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I have one pair I have worn over a year and there is still a lot of goodie left in them. Just not so good outside in the wet, not a whole lot of tread left. But I figure they probably good for a couple more years as my inside shoes. AND I bought all they had in my size, one red and one pearl pink.
OH I have been meaning to ask you, signs reminded me. Any idea what a used cow is?
Couple of my quilting buddies were returning home from one of our quilt meet ups, driving through Tennessee, and saw this sign out in the pasture, Used cows for sale. We have laughed about that for 5 years now, but noone can find out what it means.
18/Jul/09 10:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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SUZY, they deliver in the parking lot on the way back after being sent home?
18/Jul/09 10:12 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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When I had Mitchell, a c-section, I was allowed 48 hours. I delivered at 6:30 pm friday and was discharged at 7:00 sunday. Luckily my mom stayed over the first few nights to help out. With Dylan, who was natural, I was also allowed 48 hours. The laws had changed from 24/48 to 48/72 (natural/c-section). I was actually asking to go home earlier but they wouldn't let me. I guess it is easier the 2nd time.
18/Jul/09 11:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Are they sure it was in Tennessee? There's one like that on the interstate about 15 minutes drive from here. It's been there for over 10 years. It's been pictured in the Louisville paper, too.
A used cow is exactly what you might think it is. It's any bovine that is not a newborn. It implies a cow that has given birth at least once. It's stated that way to grab people's attention, instead of just saying "Cows For Sale".
18/Jul/09 11:17 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Does that make me a "used" person? I have given birth at least once.
18/Jul/09 11:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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MizTricia, the parking lot is not as funny as it sounds. Someone I used to work with went into labor, her husband got her to the hospital, they just couldn't get her into the hospital. The baby was delivered in the car in the parking lot. That is a little too quick for me.
18/Jul/09 11:28 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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There is a thunderstorm outside so I am going to sign off now. I WILL be back tomorrow. Good night all.
18/Jul/09 11:29 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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It is a good washing day down here and so you can all guess what I am doing...
Anything that is not tied down will be going through the laundry... [let us hope that the wind doesn't drop before everything is dry!]
It is so good to see Vici finding the time away from her quarry to drop in here.
Welcome back Tami.
Haven't times changed... I was in hospital for nearly 6 weeks with Lachie... 4 1/2 weeks before and 1 1/2 weeks after. [typical midwife - couldn't do anything the easy way...had to try out a few obstetric complications...] Boy was I ready to escape!!
I have ALWAYS tried to get the relavent anatomy inside the hospitals doors...makes for much easier paper work!! Besides... the lane way outside emergency was always windy!! Truth is though it is easier to deliver someone that is still in a car than in a wheelchair. It is very difficult to open your legs in a wheelchair and dangerous to slide forward... Have had some interesting CATCHES over the years... Sometimes I miss it...but my POOR BACK doesn't...
18/Jul/09 11:57 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Julie...I love the last avatar that you have been using.
Heidi... I write like that half the time...always swapping the letters around!!
Catch you all later.
Have a good day.
18/Jul/09 12:01 PM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, it could easily have been in KY, as this particular friend is notorious for getting lost. The other lady with her was not a good navigator either, going home they missed a turnoff and were off on thier own little adventure.
They said the sign was in Tennessee, but they were on their way from Illinois to Tennessee, and I think that would take them past you there in Ky, right? My poor friend has wound up in a whole different state from the one she was aiming for. hehehe Having had one calf was one suggestion made over the years as we bring up that subject again and again for a laugh. I do not think I will tell them though. Might take the fun out of remembering it.
The lady I was riding with and I got lost (less than 3 hours worth), but I am a very good navigator,it was all mapquest's fault.
18/Jul/09 12:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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Tami, parking lot deliveries happened occasionally at our hospital. You could tell, when they called a code pink, for ER or for ER parking lot, yep, someone had to run down a flight of stairs and down the hall to catch.
18/Jul/09 12:56 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, I sometimes miss my babies, too, Mommies mostly were good, only a few real PITAs. I do not miss the big bosses and administration, not one bit.
I regret that I never did get trained for the delivery room. I could sub in labor and delivery in the labor rooms, and in recovery room. Nursery anywhere but NICU. Post partum was my home, could do GYN and was being trained for GYN oncology, to give the chemo, when the powers that bee said, no more cross training money in the budget, make do with whomever you already have trained.
To much information for most of you, sorry.
18/Jul/09 1:04 PM
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