Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It seems I lost a post, one where I had addressed a couple of pages of your posts. I have no idea where it went, and do not remember what I said, now. DRATS!

I remember saying to Heidi I was glad they repaired the tooth before it could abscess.

Midge, yes, the bathroom floor is cleaner than it has been in a while. My cleaning lady had not been moving everything to mop, I found a lot of dust and a cob web when I moved the bathroom scales and a shelf unit that fits under the 'hang on the wall' sink. It will not need, and not get that level of cleaning again soon.

Also remember asking CynB if she had used her cooktop or the running water in kitchen yet. Maybe just to heat water for tea? Or do you have one of those electric things that keep hot water at the ready for tea? Tanya's aunt in California had something that did that.

Julie, I too an sorry you find the recitals so stressful. You are a trooper, to continue to do the recitals feeling the way you do. Are the recitals mandatory to continue to take lessons? Or just strongly encouraged?

Suzy, having something so painful you could not say it, had to write it, just breaks my heart to read that. I did a lot of work with a psychologist before the breakup of my first marriage, and I found writing helped me a lot. My ongoing homework was writing sentences, later paragraphs and pages, that started 'I am angry about . . .' As we got further into our sessions, there were times I just handed him my journal, I just could not just start talking about it or even read it out loud to him. So I understand where you are coming from when you mentioned that.

OK posting before I leave the computer, hope to be back to continue, but it is time for coffee and a bite to eat. Hugs.

18/May/18 10:19 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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While I was looking for a thought for the TOPP, I lost the spot to MizT.
This one is for Suzy. It's topical with 'that' wedding coming up tomorrow.

'Who wants to be a princess when you can be a - SCIENTIST'

Or a Rock Star, I say -
18/May/18 10:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Kitchen plumbing done, and electrics being done today. Tiling to be done probably on Monday.
No-one wants to instal the range hood with it's glass canopy and it's vent out through the roof.
Kitchen man - 'the electrician will do that'.
Electricial - 'Nope, we don't install, we just get the electrics ready for it.
It seems it's a specialised field, so we're on the hunt again.
So, I can cook in it, use the dishwasher and sink, and pack the drawers and pantry. Big weekend coming up doing that. Eating out tonight anyway.
18/May/18 10:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MIzT, so sorry you lost a long post. I think it happens to all of us at some point, even if we try to be in the habit of copying or saving a post before submitting. The fact that most of us have suffered from the problem doesn't make it any less aggravating.

Great almost-TOPP, CynB! And it sounds like the kitchen is almost finished! I hope you'll be able to find the right person to install the range hood! You must be so excited to see it almost finished!

Thinking of everyone today. I hope all are happy and healthy - or nearly so. Sending positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , and prayers for all!
18/May/18 12:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It’s Friday night and Alie is looking after the board of directors. I won’t know what time to pick her up until she texts me. The person who does it has to have their RSA because there is alcohol. Last time she brought home two bottles of a nice red wine that were left over. Maybe I’ll get lucky again this time.

18/May/18 8:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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She finished around 11, and I did score a nice bottle of cab sav. Which is good because I drank coffee to stay awake. I’m usually awake this late, but not driving awake.
19/May/18 12:05 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Happy Weekend!

Suzy, I'm glad Alie finished around 11 and didn't have to work past midnight! I understand the difference between being awake that late and being awake enough to drive! I'd have a hard time, as I'm not a coffee drinker and no longer drink soft drinks. But back when I used to, I could drink a can of Coke and have no problem getting to sleep an hour or so later. The caffeine didn't seem to have its usual effect on me. Oh, by the way, hooray for the bottle of wine!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and ! Take care, Everyone!
19/May/18 1:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, in my younger days I could drink coffee and still sleep, but lately that has changed. I avoid coffee after about 3 so I can sleep. I’ve never been a big soft drink fan. During the week I drink water, on the weekend I drink water and wine.
19/May/18 2:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I thought about turning the TV on to watch the wedding, then thought, nah, don’t wanna.
19/May/18 6:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't watch the wedding but will be watching the Preakness Stakes, the second jewel in the Triple Crown, as they call it. Justify has scared them off. It's only an 8 horse field after the 20 horse Kentucky Derby field.
20/May/18 6:42 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I watched the wedding on our national broadcaster (ABC) because I thought they might skip all the carry-on and repetition, which they didn't. But they did do an interesting little segment on Meaghan which showed her to have much more depth than I had previously thought. The wedding was very lowkey for a royal wedding. The dress classy but plain, the bouquet small, jewellery was one beautiful royal tiara. They kissed on the steps of the church. No grand coach, almost just an open trap. Then the newlyweds disappeared back into Windsor Castle and it was over.
20/May/18 7:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Didn't watch the wedding, but have looked at a few photos. Of course, the internet provides some snark, like claiming Kate Middleton tried to upstage Meghan by wearing white, when it was actually a pale yellow which she had worn previously.

I also didn't watch the Preakness Stakes. With the cello recital tomorrow, I've been practicing. My left hand hurts, so it's time to stop. (I probably shouldn't spend too much time on the computer either.)

Cyn, have you christened the kitchen by making the first meal?

I hope everyone's weekend is relaxing and enjoyable! Take care and stay healthy! Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, , {{{{{HUGS}}}, and prayers.
20/May/18 11:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You can always watch the rce on YouTube. It's worth it. It was the first time in history that both the KY Derby and Preakness Stakes were run in deep mud. The other 7 horses really challenged Justify and gave him a real race... but he still won! The chances are that the Belmont Stakes will be on a fast track, so I suspect Justify will blow them away.
Amazingly, Justify ran the first half mile of the KY Derby in a faster time than Secretariat did! And Secretariat ran it on a fast track instead of mud. And Secretariat still holds the track record for the mile & a quarter distance. Justify is as big a horse as Secretariat was, and has his intelligence and great disposition. I expect great things from him.
21/May/18 8:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks, Heidi, for the recommendation. I had heard that it was a close race, but had not read or heard information about Justify.

Well, the recital is over. The parent who is a member of a major orchestra was sitting about 5 feet in front of me. I don't think that was the primary cause for my botched performance, though it probably contributed.. I started, and realized my bow wasn't tight enough, so it wasn't 'grabbing' the strings right, so I stopped, then started again. That set the tone for the rest of my performance. My teacher said I had a memory slip, but it was worse than a slip. I remember very little of what happened; seems like my mind goes blank when i have to perform. Hubby hasn't asked if I want to watch the video he took with his phone. All I can say is that it's over! (And even though my teacher said I could have a day off from practicing, I came home and practiced, trying to figure out what happened.)

Heidi, I hope your tooth is better. I hope you and all of your resident animals are doing well!

Cyn, has Col been back to work after that first day? I hope he's allowing someone to help with the driving to and from work.

Suzy, I hope your homework is going well! Have you had a chance to sample the wine yet?

MizT, thinking of you and hoping all's well!

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers to all!
21/May/18 12:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just lost a long post. I even copied it and still lost it. Sigh.

21/May/18 1:49 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Just on my way to bed and thought I'd call in here.
Julie - yes, I have made a meal in the kitchen. It is still not quite finished, still waiting for he doors with the glass panes, the tiling and for someone/anyone to install the canopy range hood. Maybe by the end of the week.
Col has been back to work a few times but he is in a bad way at the moment, he seems to be losing sight in his left eye, he is having too many headaches. I have tried to get him to the doctor to no avail. His hospital appointment is on Wednesday. I'm a bit worried about what will happen. Keep him in your thoughts please.
21/May/18 10:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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My oldest granddaughter Hayley turned 18 today. It's hard to believe that I now have 2 adult grandchildren, 2 grandchildren that have their licences and cars, and now only 2 (out of 5) still at school.
They were babies not long ago.
21/May/18 10:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CynB, how sorry I am to hear that Col is having trouble with his good eye, and such headaches. And sorry you are having to deal with a stubborn man, who will not go to doc when it is clear he should. Most likely reason for that? He is afraid what doc will say, afraid he will be told he will loose total vision. If the doc has not said that yet, it is not a possibility, you know. Al did the same thing with the sore throat that would not go away, and of course it was cancer. If he had gone earlier . . . . Huge hugs to you dear. Do let us know how it goes Wednesday for his
hospital visit.

Heidi, thanks for the information about Justify. I had not seen or heard anything about the horse races, Just not on my news program of choice.

Julie, I am sorry to hear your recital did not go as you had hoped it would go. Being such a perfectionist as you are, makes it super hard for you. I had really hoped you could go to this recital and enjoy it. Hugs to you too dear.

Suzy, come to think of it, I also had copied my long post. Maybe I just did not check as soon as I posted to make sure it went through?

I almost did not get here today. I keep password stored, and 'always signed in', but today it was not. My computer is doing that to me lately, this is not the first program I have been locked out of until I re-entered password. One is my AOL e mail account, and I still have not got back to it, I do not know that password. My BIL set it up, gave it a 'temp' password, and I never changed it. I need to contact him, see if he remembers what he used, which is doubtful. AND AOL is running me in circles, when I try to go to the 'forgot your password?' help section. my AOL was set up about 25 years ago by Al, so I have no idea what are answers to so many of the questions they ask me. DRATS.

I did not see the wedding either, I slept in the morning of the wedding. Did not get up until 10:30 am, because I was up 4 hours in the middle of the night. I did not get back for my second sleep till 5:30. That is about the time the live coverage was on here. I have seen some of the photos. LOVED her dress. All the guesses about who would make it, and what she would choose (sexy, American/Hollywood high fashion) were as far wrong as could be. I loved that 15 foot long veil, so simple with the delicate embroidery of flowers from the 58 countries of the Commonwealth. Yes, Kate wore that coat dress before, first at the christening of Princess Charlotte. It was designed to hide the remaining baby bump anyone is apt to have 4 weeks after delivery. Only one photograph showed the slightly rounded belly, a marvelous camouflage.
22/May/18 9:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It has been a delightfully cool cloudy day today, with the best breeze. A bit of a misty sprinkle if rain. I was outside checking what flowers did not get enough from last night's rain. Some containers are so thickly covered with leaves or flowers, the rain does not get through. those also need more water than the sparse, newly planted containers. then there were the ones under the cross walk where rain does not reach.

I lost another garden helper. Lorain has been going out to water the big beds under the cross walk, but she is loosing feeling in her hands, and the splitter, y connector at the hose bib is difficult for her as the on off lever is UNDER, on the back side instead of top where it could be seen. I bought a new Y connector, like the one we had last year, where turn on is on top, and easier to operate, plus that type did not leak. Not get a huge amount of water on sidewalk and running to driveway. I have asked staff if someone can change it, after I put on the not so great one, someone tightened it so much, probably to try to stop the leaking, that I cannot get it off, even with pliers. It still has not been changed. I now cannot send e mail to Tim, the director, asking that it get changed, No AOL. Since I cannot get any cooperation from staff, I am temped to just quit, let the flowers die and THEY can clean up the empty pots. I got a second call from the office about getting up ALL the empty pots that 'were everywhere' . NOT!! Let's just say I am very discouraged now. Getting to be not fun, and if it is not fun, why am I doing it? It is my money, my time that has been used to keep the garden looking nice, and now that health problems will not let me do what I did even last year, it is becoming a real problem for me.

Did I say I have called pain clinic to schedule my next epidural block? June first will be the 3 months. Insurance will not let them do it even a day ahead of the 3 months, but hopefully they can get authorization process under way, so it can be done as soon as possible after the first. But knowing my luck, insurance probably will not even accept request until after June 1. Bummer. I need this done last week. One reason I have not been back sooner, desk chair edge comes right across one of the hurty places on back of my left thigh.

Thanks for reading and letting me blow off some steam. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
22/May/18 9:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I’ll try to recreate some of last nights post. It started with Julie. I doubt you were as bad as you thought, and even if you were, are you learning cello because you want to perform or because it’s something you enjoy and have always wanted to do? I know from Alie that experience makes performing easier, but not if you beat yourself up.

22/May/18 2:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Planning on shorter posts since I lost the last one.

Cyn, is there any way to convince the doc to convince Col that no matter how bored he is at home, work is a bad idea right now and is negatively affecting his recovery? Listening to music with his eyes closed, or talk radio if that’s what he prefers, sounds like a good idea to me.
22/May/18 2:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I hope you said that when they called you to complain. Want a pretty garden, get me help, don’t issue orders. The only negative is that you don’t have a nice garden to enjoy either.
22/May/18 2:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie is juggling 3 guy friends right now. One is her ex. At least one of them would like to be more than friends, and his family would like it too. All of them have relatively recently broken up with someone, and her ex is the one she’s known for the shortest time. I don’t know how she’s managing, other than her ex spending a lot of time in the states right now, and one of them heading off to sea next week. Yes, a navy guy. But they went to school together. The other one she met at music camp 7 or 8 years ago. They’ve stayed in touch the whole time, kind of like we do.
22/May/18 2:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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DorA, how are you doing? I know the recovery is hard. I watched Mum go through it. Thinking of you.
22/May/18 2:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, the tooth is doing better. The pain and swelling are down, tho' the cheek has a large bruise on it.
22/May/18 4:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

So sorry you lost a long post, Suzy!

DOrA, I hope you recovery is proceeding well! Keeping you in our thoughts and sending healing energy and {{{HUGS}}}!

Cyn, I hope the kitchen will finally be completed by the end of the week. Are the doors with glass panes being custom-made to measure, or just not currently in stock? Is the delay for tiling because of waiting for a tradesperson or for materials? I hope you have found someone to install the canopy range hood. It will be wonderful when everything is completed!

Cyn, I'm sorry to hear Col is having some issues with his good eye. Perhaps he has returned to work too soon. I hope the doctor appointment gets all issues cleared up. If there is a problem due to returning to work too soon. would he heed the doctors orders if he were to put in writing that Col is risking further injury due to overwork? I'll be keeping both of you in my thoughts! {{HUGS}}

Cyn, Happy 18th Birthday to Hayley. Grandchildren grow up too fast!

We were babysitting our youngest (who is 28 months old) today. Our D had told her we were coming after lunch time. She was disappointed that we weren't there for breakfast. We took 2 sticker books and explained that she could choose one of them, and we would bring the other back the next time we visit. She made her choice, then said we should bring the other one 'tomorlow' (her way of saying tomorrow).

MizT, how frustrating that you are having computer and password problems! I hope it can get straightened out soon! Even more frustrating is the difficulty you're having getting some help and maybe even some encouragement from the administration and staff. If they can't or won't be of help, might it be possible that a local scout or church group could pitch in at least once or twice a week to help?

MizT, I certainly hope that you can get insurance preauthorization and an appointment made at the pain clinic very soon!

Suzy, you're right about my goal for learning to play cello. It has never been to perform, but to play in a small chamber music group or string orchestra or cello choir that does NOT perform. I have explained this to my current teacher several times. She thinks if I have more opportunities to perform, it will become easier and I will enjoy it. She says music is written to be shared and performed. I'm fine with the sharing part. At one point she asked if it's more of a social thing for me. I guess it is partially, but I don't think there should be any reason why I can't enjoy sharing the playing of music with other like-minded adults. She is going to a Suzuki Conference this week, so I won't have my next lesson until next week. I think we'll need to have a talk.

Suzy, I agree with your thoughts about the discussion Col's doctor needs to have with Col about overworking his eye.

Your advice to MizT is good, as well. Everyone benefits from the beauty being provided by MizT's gardening. It just occurred to me that more than likely
22/May/18 4:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It looks like I ran over again. Here is the rest of my post:

Your advice to MizT is good, as well. Everyone benefits from the beauty being provided by MizT's gardening. It just occurred to me that more than likely, a lot of the residents have no idea that the flowers and gardens they can enjoy are due to MizT's efforts and expenditures, and NOT thanks to the administrators and staff there.

Wow, Alie currently has 3 young men interested in her friendship! Good luck to her. Even if you have any preference, you probably can't really express it to her. I hope it doesn't become too wearing - on either of you.

Heidi, I hope all's well! How are the baby chicks? I bet they grow quickly.

Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you!
22/May/18 4:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The chicks are growing nicely. In another week or so they'll get moved out to the bird barn. That depends on how my groin muscle feels. It still hurts like crazy. I still have to sleep on my back and walk with a cane.
23/May/18 6:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I’ve lost a bit more weight. I’m not allowed to talk about it though because with her PCOS Alie can’t.
23/May/18 9:12 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Heidi, I hope your groin muscle recovers soon and you can be rid of that pain! If it is still bothering you when it is time to move the chicks, is there someone you can ask to help you? Please take good care of yourself because we care about you.

Congratulations, Suzy! So sorry Alie must deal with her PCOS and finds weight loss impossible. That is sure to be discouraging for her!

DOrA, hoping your recovery is progressing well!

Hi, Midge! How have you been?

Cyn, I think this was Wednesday for you, so that should mean Col had his appointment with the eye doctor. I hope it went well!

MizT, hoping you are making progress towards getting the insurance preauthorization and pain clinic appointment .

Sending everyone (even those I forgot to mention) good and positive thoughts, healing energy, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
23/May/18 12:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There’s a double whammy there Julie. She and Dana are convinced that I’m not eating enough and will get sick. They think I’m not eating when I’m hungry, they don’t understand that this is my normal appetite.
23/May/18 6:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Yikes, Suzy! How can you convince your girls that you are eating enough? Will you need to keep a food diary and calorie count? How does what you are eating compare to what they would eat at an ordinary meal? Would they believe the advice of a dietician? There are so many possibilities that could explain their concern. Good luck!

Cyn, I hope Col's appointment went well! Thinking of you and Col!

It's a quiet day here today. I hope everyone is well! I'm sending many positive thoughts {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, and for all!
24/May/18 10:21 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Further update on Colin (also posted on FB) and the saga of his eye. (Don't feel you need to keep reading.)
His 1.10pm appointment ended up being 2.55pm before we got taken in. Public hospital/workcover claim - can't complain they are overworked and it's obvious. What we expected was the removal of the contact lens and stitches. But only the contact lens and one stitch that had come loose were removed because the eye hasn't healed well enough. So another 3 month wait for the rest, back on eye drops and ointment. In the meantime they have registered him for a corneal transplant which could take 6-12 months and only has a 70-80% chance of success, 12 months after that, if successful, they will 'try' to insert a new lens.
This is going to be a long, long process with no guarantee of success.
24/May/18 1:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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He's okay though. He doesn't dwell on it all and the removal of the lens and loose stitch has eased his discomfort a bit - and that's good.
24/May/18 1:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, did they say why he might not have healed as much as expected? Col is taking it a lot better than I would be. Hugs
24/May/18 3:55 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Not really, Suzy. I think it's something that can't really be predicted.
25/May/18 7:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I hope it gets better from here.

I’m a bit of a mental mess at the moment. I was driving Alie to Bundanon and they’ve put a bunch of gravel on the road. I misjudged my speed on a corner because I didn’t have as much traction as usual. I lost control of the car! We drifted around on the road until I hit a small tree. Broke it in half! The only damage to the car is a bent number plate. No damage to us.
25/May/18 11:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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For those who don’t know, I drive one of the smallest cars on the road.
25/May/18 11:37 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Sudoku Friends!

Cyn, you and Col had quite an afternoon. Thanks for the update! I hope the healing will progress more quickly and hope the next appointment will provide better news It's good to know that he's OK and apparently taking the news well! I bet that loose stitch was very annoying, so I'm glad that's been removed. (Hubby had similar after revision of cataract surgery. Getting the loose stitch removed had a very positive impact for him! {{{{{HUGS}}}} and healing energy to both of you!

Suzy, the loss of traction must have been quite scary. I'm glad you only hit a very small tree and the only damage was to the number plate. In this case, maybe it was better that you drive a very small car and didn't have the weight of a larger car causing a larger impact. I hope you're able to relax and be thankful that you and Alie are both OK! Gentle {{{HUGS}}} to both of you!

Heidi, I hope you're feeling better. If the muscle isn't healed, I hope you'll consider asking someone to help you move the chicks when the time comes!

MizT, I hope you have been able to get the insurance approval and make the appointment for your epidural. Please take care of yourself.

DOrA, I hope your recovery is going well!

Midge, will there be another horse race anytime soon? I hope you and all of your family members are well!

Hello to Broni, if you happen to drop in soon!

Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and for all!
25/May/18 1:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Looks like we're about due for a page turn!
25/May/18 1:16 PM
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