Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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A TOPP for all those Covidiots who are making life more difficult for us all:
Scientists say that the world is made up of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. Hell, they forgot to mention morons!!
31/Jul/20 5:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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It seems every time we get to the bottom of the page, the TOPP is just sitting there waiting for me when I get up in the morning. Sorry, I've never been able to resist a TOPP, not in 13 years.
31/Jul/20 5:35 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Cynthia, one is Kenyan, one Sudanese and I don't know about the other one. Agree problems with all races but in Melbourne our crime rate is high due to the Sudanese youths. Only 1 new case in Brisbane today - hope it stays that way. Melbourne looks like Stage 4 lock-down - it will be hard but think we have to do it.
31/Jul/20 11:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It rained all day today, and it's supposed to rain for the next 6 days. That's great for the pastures and crops with all the heat we've been having. And my gardens are looking better than they ever have, I want to plant more hibiscus in front, but it's too late to do it this year. That, and more daylilies.
31/Jul/20 4:17 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, the other one is a sister of one of them.
Yes, only one more yesterday, but we have a painful 10 days or so wait to see how far this has spread.
Now, we've got the idiots panic buying, queueing for miles for tests and then complaining that it's taking so long. Unless they have symptoms, what does a few days matter.
People are so stupid. It's no wonder the world is in the state it's in.
Rant over and out.
01/Aug/20 8:10 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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WOW, I guess the U.S. isn't the only country where people think the rules are made only for everyone else. I'm sorry to hear that CynB and Midge potentially need to worry for the next couple of weeks. Is contact tracing being done regularly in Australia? I don't think the politicization of the situation we have here has anyone concerned enough to encourage that. Too many people still think we're dealing with the flu - or 'FAKE NEWS'.

I'm beginning to wonder if COVID-19 will be with us for years. We're being told we are still in the first wave and that the second wave will be even worse.

It's not just the young people who think they're invincible. It seems that many of our professional athletes are convinced that they aren't vulnerable. And now, before I really get going, it's time to change the subject.

DOrA, sorry it got too hot for you and the hound to take a stroll. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day for that.

Midge, I hope your brother does well with all of his surgeries and medical procedures. I'm sending positive thoughts his way!

I'm trying to keep some time set aside every day to practice the cello. My new teacher has decided that I should learn the entire first solo cello suite by Bach. (I think it's about 8 to 10 pages.) I've been dreading it, as it's quite difficult. I started it a couple of weeks ago. We're working slowly - only adding 6 to 8 measures a week. Each measure seems to have 16 notes, so that's approximately 100 to 125 notes each week (plus warm-ups, tonalizations, scales, Song of the Birds by Casals and Schubert's Ave Maria. She said with Bach just practice a measure or 2 at a time and stop when it gets too difficult, then go back several notes and work forward slowly, so that it seems more easy, not just an insurmountable challenge. My last teacher (a young woman who was supposed to get married on Sunday) told me she had a teacher (I think when she started her Master's Degree, so she was probably 21 or 22) who exclaimed when he found out that she hadn't learned all 6 of Bach's solo suites that she had wasted her youth. Well, my youth was wasted a LONG time ago. Luckily, my new teacher is pretty patient - at least so far.

And now, I need to get to bed. Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for Everyone!
01/Aug/20 4:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, yes they do. or try to do contact tracing here. The government brought out an app that was supposed to help with that but it was met with a luke warm reception. They say 40% have it, I'd be very surprised if it's even that many. I think the best way to do it is just to track the patient's mobile phone, it records everywhere the phone has been and, really, most people have their phone with them constantly. But, then you get the civil liberties people who wouldn't agree on principle.
Like you said in your post, don't get me started. It is stubbornness, stupidity and a lack of care for fellow humans that has got us here.
02/Aug/20 6:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I agree with the stupidity part. Kentucky now has a mandatory face mask regulation. EVERYONE is required by law to wear a face mask in public, but I went to our Dollar store yesterday (I WAS wearong a mask), I was shocked that half the people in the store weren't wearing masks! We've only had 26 cases in this small county, and 1 death, but this kind of stupid behavior is going to make it much worse soon. They need to take a lesson from Trump. He started having his cult-like rallys again, and he didn't require masks. After the first one, a whole bunch of his people tested positive for the coronavirus. Those followers of his have now started dying. You go out in public without a mask, you either risk spreading or catching the virus. It's that simple. Yet vast numbers of people can't understand that.
02/Aug/20 9:10 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's difficult to watch the stupidity. The questioning of science and medical advice and the assertion that people's rights are being infringed upon with the requirement to wear a mask make no sense. The selfishness and lack of care and consideration for others has become rampant. (Stepping down from the soapbox now.)

I think it's safer to talk about household and family topics. Our 3 granddaughters who live near the East Coast of the U.S. planned an outside 'sleepover' tonight. They range in age from 10 1/2 to almost 15, and their parents will be sleeping just inside in their family room. They hung sheets and blankets around the net/fence that surrounds their trampoline and brought out pillows & stuffed animals and more blankets. They prepared with mosquito repellant, and they plan to spend the night under the stars sleeping on the trampoline. (It's just outside their back door, so they can make a hasty retreat if they decide they prefer sleeping inside.) I can't wait to hear tomorrow morning how it went.

Speaking of a sleepover, it's time for me to get some sleep. Thinking of everyone and sending warm and positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for Everyone! Stay safe and healthy!
02/Aug/20 3:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We can't contol or prevent the criminally stupid actions of others (criminally, because it endangers the lives of other people), but we do have control over our actions, and influence over the actions of family and friends. It's important that we protect the lives of the ones we care about by insisting on basic protection from the virus.... and setting good examples of proper behavior. At least it looks like the covidiots are starting to knock each other off, finally. Proving Darwin's Survival Of The Fittest to be true.

The weather forecast now says we should not have rain today, so I'll get out the lawn mower again. With all the heat and rain, the grass is growing insanely fast. It needs mowing every 4 or 5 days, at least.
03/Aug/20 1:58 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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In Victoria we are in stage 4 now - we are so lucky to have not been hit with this virus like other countries - our level is small compared to the US, Italy, Brazil, India, Philippines - .just hope this will knock this virus over. We don't need Trump, we have enough like him already! Just a terrible shame some don't have respect for the care of others in wearing masks - such a simple thing to do.
Julie - you amaze me with your cello lessons - would love to hear your music. The cello is so soothing,
Wish we had your weather Heidi - after a beautiful weekend of sunshine (still a bit cold) from today we are going to get hail, storms and some snow in the hills. Time to stay home in front of the fire I think.
No 2 son surprised me this morning. Went out early and bought paint for his bathroom - long overdue. Nice when improvements are done without asking. Hubby actually fixed a sliding door our beagle broke (she passed away in 2008)!!
Stay safe everyone

03/Aug/20 12:40 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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shosho, coined a new ''sudoku word '', today on the easy page. '' covidiots''.
04/Aug/20 4:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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It was Suzy, months ago on FB, who came up with Covidiots. It's a great word.
04/Aug/20 7:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, my thoughts go out to you and all Victorians now under this (necessary) stage 4. I hope it stops the spread finally. It's a lesson to the rest of us. We're hoping that we nipped this latest one in the bud (the girls who snuck back in here after partying in Victoria). So far so good but we still have a week or so to be sure.
04/Aug/20 7:35 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Because of Covid, I had to drive 30 minutes, drop Col off at the hospital for his Colonoscopy, and then drive home. Support people are not allowed into the hospital. I have to do it all again in a few hours to collect him when it's done.
It's frustrating but what else can we do?
04/Aug/20 7:38 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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It is a nuisance Cynthia, I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago with my biopsies. Thanks to my complexion, I have skin damage all through my hair and now getting little bald areas where they keep taking bits out - thanks genes.
Hope the colonoscopy went well for Colin. You have another threat in not far from you - 3 dumb b*****rds flew into Brisbane and went to Logan - now look like they have covid. Take care.
Heidi - how are the alpacas going now? Glad you have a nice array of flowers in your garden - it always cheery. Hope the ear infection is better
Brother had his heart vale op this morning - waiting to hear how he his.
04/Aug/20 11:00 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Seen on a Movie Theater marquis.

Now Playing
NO Close Encounters
of ANY Kind.
04/Aug/20 3:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Midge.... My fingers are crossed that your brother's heart valve op went uneventfully, and his recovery is swifter than expected. You and your family need some breaks from all the awful health issues you're going thru'.

The lawn needs mowing and rain is threatened again today. I may just concentrate on fence line weeding (with lops and chainsaw) while the grass dries enough to mow without clogging the mower. That needs to be done, too, since I haven't done it since before I had the pneumonia. I fixed the flat tire on the wheelbarrow yesterday, making the job easier.

No, the ear is no better. That will take a miracle or the discovery of an entirely new antibiotic.
05/Aug/20 2:46 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, hope all went well with your brother's heart operation.

All did go well for Colin yesterday, all clear. So he's cancer free. Next week it will be removal of the portacath and we can draw a line under that experience except for the usual checkups. He's delighted to know that he doesn't have another colonoscopy for 3 years.
05/Aug/20 6:05 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Seeing pictures of snow - in Melbourne!!
How's it going, Midge?
05/Aug/20 6:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB.... I can't think of any better news than hearing that Col is cancer free!!! His nightmare is almost over.
05/Aug/20 6:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The rain never showed up, so I got the lawn mowed, then used the lops on some small trees and large weeds on the fence line. I got most of the fence in the front of the house. Tomorrow I'll hook up the trailer, drive it on the yard, and pile all of the debris on it and take it back to the burn pile. It's looking great. But my back is in severe spasm right now. I'm off to bed.

While mowing, I noticed the cow herd was hanging around the gate to the front pasture, which is a foot deep in fresh young grass and clover. So I opened the gate and called them. They stampeded thru' that gate and have been inhaling grass ever since.
05/Aug/20 11:20 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Good old Melbourne - the place where you get seasons in one day but snow not appreciated at the moment. Trying to grab documents and files we will need to have at home for work. Have a spare bedroom at the moment so setting up an office of sorts. We can go to work if it is essential sow we can come in on the odd time we need to for shipping documentation. Signed a Permit to Work for myself - bit weird giving myself permission.
My brother is doing ok - had his heart vale op and with the 4 stents should make a good recovery. His next one is his liver in about a month. He is having blood transfusions and they don't know what is causing his count to go so low. so hopefully nothing bad there.
Great news about Colin - he (and you) have had enough to contend with over the past year or so. It can't get better than that!!
Heidi - your cows must adore you for letting them in the good pasture. Are the alpacas going ok? When I was little we had a pet cow (Jersey) - she was adorable.
When is your next epidural scheduled?
Dora - another title that is fitting here 'Usual Suspects' - referring to our so-called 'sovereign citizens' who believe the law doesn't include them.
05/Aug/20 3:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, when I get so frustrated about people not following recommended actions in regards to COVID-19, I will try to remember your words. 'We can't control or prevent the criminally stupid actions of others (criminally, because it endangers the lives of other people), but we do have control over our actions, and influence over the actions of family and friends.' Thank you for that bit of sanity!

Midge, thinking positive thoughts that your area may be able to be rid of the COVID virus. Hoping everyone cooperates and thinks of others, rather than themselves, and follows alll of the directives!

Hooray for S#2 taking steps toward painting his bathroom. I hope he made a good choice of paint color. Whatever he chose, at least it will be clean and fresh when he finishes! We could use some of your cooler weather, though it seems there will be some extremes. At least for a few days this week, temperatures will be in the mid-70's F, but now tropical storm season has begun. Living in the Midwest (more like central part of the U.S.), the storms have mostly abated and we only get mild fluctuations of weather.

Cyn, how inconvenient to have to drive home and back while Col was having his colonoscopy. But the news he received is probably worth all the inconvenience. Hooray for Col! Hooray for being cancer-free! Hooray for you and all of your family!

Midge, I hope all of your biopsies found nothing! Thinking of your brother and you as you wait to hear from doctors after his heart valve operation. I hope he is given only good news! Sending positive thoughts and prayers for him. Hoping his recovery is uneventful and quick!

Heidi, how I wish someone could find a new antibiotic that could rid you of your ear infections permanently! Also wish the epidurals could last longer! It seems like you have an unending supply of heavy labor required. I hope you get lots of enjoyment from the work you do. Which reminds me, I'm glad the rain stayed away and you were able to get mowing and lots of small trees and large weeds along the fence line eliminated.

Ah, the simple pleasures of inhaling sweet young grass and clover! The cow herd must feel as if you invited them to heaven, Heidi!

Thinking of everyone and sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers. Stay well; wear your mask; keep socially distant. Take care, Everyone!
05/Aug/20 3:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm honored that you think my words have some wisdom, Julie. Thank you.

I got the debris from the front fence line loaded on to the trailer (6x10') and the pile is 8 foot high. I'm going to take a nice 2 hour break, then drive the trailer back to the burn pile and unload it. There are also a bunch of smallish trees I need to remove with the chain saw, but they aren't going anywhere so there's no rush.

I went to the pharmacy this morning and got more pain meds. I ran out yesterday, so had a bad night with my back. It's feeling a LOT better now. The next epidural isn't scheduled. They told me to let them know when I need one and they'll schedule it then. As long as the pain can be controlled with the methadone alone, I'm not going to schedule one. I always wait until I need more help than the meds can give me.
06/Aug/20 4:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Done for the day. Back is hurting. Animals are fed. Trailer is unloaded. And got some more weeding done. I'm going to wait about a week before lighting the burn pile so all the freshly cut stuff can dry out a bit first. I have the burn pile located where my hose in back can reach it to prevent spread.
I've never forgotten the time my idiot ex built a huge brush pile back in the woods. I explained to him that the law says that you cannot have a burn pile within 100 feet of woods, so that pile he was making would have to be kept as is for wild animal habitat, and COULD NOT BE BURNED. I thought he got it. But a couple of days later, he told me he was going off golfing with friends. A half hour later, I looked out the kitchen window and the woods were on fire!!!!! I had to call the fire department, and they had quite a battle putting it out. Yes, the moron set fire to the brush pile, then left it unattended! He was hit with a large fine.
06/Aug/20 8:40 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, of course I think your words have wisdom! They help to put a damper on my building frustration with the stupidity of so many anti-maskers and COVID nay-sayers. I have found that getting upset doesn't change other people's behaviors, but raises my blood pressure.

Heidi, you certainly got a lot accomplished! I hope that you will be able to get scheduled for an epidural quickly when the time becomes necessary. I'd hate for them to tell you they don't have an opening for weeks into the future if you only call to schedule when you REALLY need it quickly.

Why am I not surprised that IH would put a burn pile where it shouldn't be, would pretend to understand WHY it couldn't be burned there, and yet set it on fire anyway? What a relief for you that you no longer need to deal with that on a regular basis!

It's getting quite late, so I need to get some sleep. Thinking off everyone and sending healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for Everyone!
06/Aug/20 5:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm taking the day off from doing any work other than standard feeding. No weeding, lopping or chain sawing. My back needs a rest.
07/Aug/20 4:32 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I think your decision to give your back a rest is a good one! I hope you truly were able to rest and recuperate, and maybe even enjoy a book or movie!

I'm running on empty, so will head to bed soon.

Thinking of everyone and sending lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for Everyone! Take care; wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep socially distant!
07/Aug/20 1:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I did rest a LOT yesterday, and enjoyed a good book. I've been re-reading the cozy mystery books (Meg Langslow series) by Donna Andrews. They've got it all; great characters, humor, wonderful plots and excellent writing.
The back is a lot happier today, but I'm still going to be careful with it.
08/Aug/20 12:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My ear is worse than it has been in a long time. The infection is so bad that even the outside ear canal is swollen nearly shut. Just barely a big enough opening for the bloody pus to ooze out. My balance is shot. I'm using a walking stick outside so I don't fall. If it's this bad by Monday, I'm calling the ENT. Maybe there's a new surgery that can help.
08/Aug/20 7:03 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Oh Heidi, your ear. How awful!!! Here's hoping your ENT can find some way to help...
09/Aug/20 3:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, I'm glad you got to rest up your back the other day. If only you could rest up your ear, That must be ghastly. Here's hoping the your doctors can soon find a procedure that will help.
09/Aug/20 6:54 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Life just moves on slowly here. Nothing much happens. We stay in rather than risk any problems. I have been reading about people having mental health issues from the isolation and the fear of Covid. I realise we are lucky here, even our scare 2 weeks ago didn't produce a huge spike in cases, just a few and hopefully that will be it. We mostly don't wear masks, we can go everywhere as long as we observe social distancing, we can see our families. So lucky compared to almost everywhere. But there still is the feeling that we are all in this for the long haul.
I feel for the people, worldwide, who are at the mercy of selfish stupid people who can't see the danger and continue to do the wrong thing. Until that stops, I don't see an end to this. Today, we will probably hit the 20 million cases mark and approx 750,000 deaths. You would think that in the 100 years since the last pandemic and with the advances in science and technology that we would have been able to conquer this.
No, nothing can fix stupid, can it? (Rant over, sorry,)
09/Aug/20 7:11 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm glad you took a day to rest and re-enjoyed a good book. I hope you can continue to pamper your back a bit in the coming days! Unfortunately, your ear continues to act up. Please follow through with a call to your ENT. It would be great to think that there might be something that could help!

CynB, feeling as if life just goes on with nothing of much consequence happening can certainly drag down one's spirits! At least you can see your family. Are masks not required when shopping, or are you able to shop online or through an app for delivery directly to your home? We are quite discouraged and feel as if restrictions will remain at their current level or even tighten up in the coming months. We are being told we are still in the first wave, and the second wave may be more serious. I have been doing the shopping, as I tend to be a bit healthier than hubby, but we are considering looking into some sort of delivery system for groceries. It would be nice to think that people would start thinking of others and being more considerate, but behaviors don't seem to indicate that's likely to happen, at least for now. We can hope aomething will trigger the nonbelievers to start wearing masks and socially distance.

Thinking of Everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ! Take care, Everyone, and stay safe!
09/Aug/20 4:45 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I consider myself fortunate. I can go outside and walk a half-mile without bumping elbows with anyone. My closest neighbor is a hundred yards away from my fence line and he has chosen not to talk to me for over a year. (Hurrah, no face covering required.)

My only concern with home delivery is not knowing the background of the items delivered, or the person delivering the items.

I have been a social isolationist for over 5 years now, so there's no real change in my lifestyle. I go to town when I need parts or supplies, but otherwise stay home.
10/Aug/20 2:39 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, because of the low number of cases here, except for those silly girls a few weeks ago and the several people they infected before they were stopped, we hadn't had a case here in many weeks, so masks are not mandatory. Our borders are closed again. I do a click and collect grocery order every 2 weeks, I have one to pick up today. The pickup spot is at the back of the store and seldom is anyone else nearby. Otherwise, I go to a smaller local supermarket just near us. I choose my times when I don't think many people will be there and I find we are all careful and respectful to one another. We also have a pharmacy, Doctors, dentists, vets, a liquor store, a dollar store, a gym, a hairdresser, 3 restaurants that follow social distancing regulations, and 2 pizza stores, - I can get nearly everything I need there. I do carry a mask with me but have never felt the need to use it. I have ordered clothes and other things online, even from Ikea and Bunnings (our Home Depot type store).
10/Aug/20 5:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I slept most of Saturday and all day Sunday. I only got up for bathroom and to grab protein drinks from the fridge. I fed the critters so much on Saturday that only the fish had to be fed yesterday. I'm feeling better today and the swelling and pain in the ear are down 80%. I don't think I need an emergency ENT visit now. But I will call him for an appointment.
11/Aug/20 1:06 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Good to hear that your ear is feeling better, Heidi!
11/Aug/20 6:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another day of bed rest. I'm heading outside in a few to do barn feeding (alpacas, Buddy the horse, turkeys and cat)
11/Aug/20 9:11 AM
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