Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Chloe (early, but today's the party)!!!
07/Dec/13 2:47 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks Heidi! I just uploaded a pic of her birthday cake - I won't say what it is but you'll love it!
07/Dec/13 4:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another early morning tomorrow to volunteer all day at an 'Empty Bowls' fundraiser to help a local food pantry.

MizT, I hope you will soon be feeling better!

Nola, I am so sorry to hear about the work problem. What is the ratio of patient to doctor as opposed to patient to nurse? Who is paid more and should have a more extensive background on pharmaceuticals and doses? Feel free to share your concerns/worries here with us! I hope it will be straightened out quickly and favorably! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi, I'm glad you arrived home safely and took the time to place the call before going to the trouble of gathering the animals! I'm sorry to hear about Gil's acc and hope the specialist can find some good news to share about it.

Rolanda, it seems you have had a very busy time, but so nice that part of it included S#2!

Cyn, birthday wishes for Chloe!

MizT, please let us know how you like the lamb - and how you fixed it. I had lamb once - at a wedding reception. It seemed to be have been prepared quite rare, and the lighting was so dim that it was really difficult to tell for sure.

I will post this before turning the page, but may not read much on the next page, as it's getting too late. (Can you tell that I'm trying to get more sleep?)
07/Dec/13 5:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, good! Just a couple of posts!

Heidi, what a great TOPP - your birthday wish for CHloe!

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and for everyone! Good night!
07/Dec/13 5:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Omnomnom lamb chops.... I think you're right about the export Cyn, though the lamb we bought in CA was New Zealand lamb, and I wonder what the excuse for sausages costing $9 a kilo might be. Nothing but the left overs in them. Nola, I was able to get a leg of lamb for $7 a kilo a few weeks ago. Still expensive, but sooo worth it!

I've had 2 SCCs. They felt my lymph nodes, checked again in a few months and moved on. They can metastasise which BCCs can't. Nowhere near the severity of the melanomas Rolanda gets however. I wouldn't have a problem with a trained nurse practitioner removing a BCC or SCC. They only have to make sure they get it all, and I think a nurse practitioner would be more careful about scarring.

Nola, I'm so sorry to hear about your hassles.. It's really annoying though. Nurses are not usually allowed to comment on things doctors do wrong because they're not 'trained enough to know what they're talking about' (that's how it was explained to me when I asked why a nurse can't tell me what they think of a doctor), but can be held accountable for not picking up a doctor's mistake?? A nasty double standard. I hope everything will resolve quickly so you don't have to worry for much longer....
07/Dec/13 8:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One of the reasons lamb is so expensive is processing costs. There's a lot of work for very little meat per animal..... almost as much work and time as butchering a steer, but for only 20 to 25 lbs meat per animal, in contrast to the hundreds of pounds of meat from a beef animal. So that has to be factored in to the price for the meat.
08/Dec/13 2:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The world outside is white and covered in ice. None of that will even think of melting today.... it'll never get close to the freezing mark.

I'm SO glad I don't have to go anywhere today!
08/Dec/13 2:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, Heidi and friends. I have cooked a package of ground lamb. I mixed a bit of Greek Seasoning and lemon juice, and sauteed the burgers in butter. Had one taste as I put them away, and it was good. More fat in the 'mouth feel' than I am accustomed to tasting, I will be sure to warm the burgers before eating. The taste I had was room temp. I did like the taste very much, it seems to have a bit of a sweet taste to it. Almost my lunch time, Lamb for lunch or for dinner???

OH it is cold out today, High in the low 40's, with the damp left over from last night's cold rain. Heavy grey clouds outside, looks like snow, but snow did not make it this for thankfully.

Heidi, I am glad you do not have to go anywhere today also! a good day to stay in and cuddle with the dogs, they will keep you warm!

Back to finish my tree, every time I think it is finished I find something I must add. This is time for the glass Icicles. A friend gave those to me several years ago, after I sent her a selection of the 'jewelry' ornaments I made. I love the icicles on the tree, next to last thing to go on, they hang on the tips of the branches. After that, the ribbon bow and streamers and it is done!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
08/Dec/13 6:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Are you sure we aren't twins separated at birth, Tricia? I've been collecting glass icicles for 35 years, and have enough to cover an enormous tree now. They're the last thing I put on the tree, after all the animal ornaments.
08/Dec/13 6:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Morning everyone
08/Dec/13 11:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Finally having a coffee break! I spent an hour tidying my front garden, came inside and put the jug on, only to have the phone ring. I need your car - I can't fit everything in mine... I threw a towel over my car seat, took the child seat out and headed down. We packed up my birthday present (a new outdoor setting!) and went back inside to get an umbrella to go with it. As we were leaving we planned that I would go first since the back of my car was roped down so I reverse out - get all the way out and notice a car right on my tail. I leaned on the horn with my forearm while I quickly changed gears to try to get out of the way. Luckily they stopped moving. Hubby says they were rushing to beat him out of his spot and were only looking at him, not me. grrrr...
08/Dec/13 11:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, lamb used to be 'poor man's meat' here. Now only the relatively well off can afford it. Some cuts are nearly $30 a kilo. We used to get a side of lamb for less than that.

08/Dec/13 12:36 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH YUM YUM, my late lunch was delish. I used the pan drippings to make a light gravy to go on mashed taters, and had a veg mix of onion, green beans and diced tomatoes. then I fell asleep for almost 4 hours!

Icicles are finished, only bow and streamers to go, and I only hope I can reach top of tree to put it on. I had a small string of clear lights from some forgotten project. there is a handy electrical outlet just in the corner where Ihave one of the plant hanging poles, so I would the lights through those 3 plants. It is right in front of window, so will be seen outside also.

Heidi, I actually have two kinds of glass icicles. the first I bought from a lady, who was a friend of a friend online. they are very thin and so fragile looking as the spiral around, but have survived for years. the second larger group of them are a bit chunkier and are machine made, and come in 3 or 4 different lengths. I do wish I had known you collected Icicles, would have sent you home with a few of these, so you could remember me when you put up your tree. OK, maybe by next year hehehe. Before I had the glass ones, I had plastic ones. I think Joy has those now. the glass just sparkle more than the plastic.

I have a feeling I will be awake till the wee hours tonight. I did not intend to have such a long nap so late in the day. It was supposed to be a quick lie down cause my ribs on side were really hurting, and just sitting was not helping. I guess the sleep was what I needed, ribs much better now.
08/Dec/13 4:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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, wound the lights, not would
08/Dec/13 4:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greeting from cold northern Illinois - about 8*F this morning (-13*C), and the hughes we saw it was 17*F (-8*C). Some snow predicted for tomorrow. Yuck!

Suzy, a nice birthday present for all to enjoy! I'm so glad you were able to avoid the crazy driver!

Still nothing done for Christmas here, but spent the day at the fundraiser for the food pantry. As D reminds us, we are making the choices. She's right, of course. Since we don't have little ones - or really any family (other than our grand puppy) visiting over the holidays, and though we haven't spoken out loud our decisions, it seems that we have both decided that it isn't important to decorate our house this year, so we can spend time to help others.

Another early morning tomorrow, so I'll say goodnight to everyone and send positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and for each one of you!
08/Dec/13 4:22 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Hope that you are well and happy.
Yes I have been around, just felt I had nothing to say and been running low on energy quickly.
Bella and I are both fine, just not achieving a lot personally.
Been doing a lot of running around trying to settle Maz's affairs. That has not been easy when I am not the next of kin and 'the kids' are of little use. I really hope you all have wills and your affairs in order..if not I will come and kick your butts!
Luv and Hugs.
08/Dec/13 4:53 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Opps! Is this a more cheerful avatar?
08/Dec/13 4:56 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I agree Broni, on the importance of having up to date wills. We did ours when we first got married 25 years ago but finally updated them last year as well as setting up EPOAs. All should be in order when one or other of us goes, hopefully not for a long time, though.
08/Dec/13 5:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I still don't have a will or an epoa... Don't hit me Broni!!

Julie, I like what you did with your time. You make generous choices.
08/Dec/13 8:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs to everyone. Mwah
08/Dec/13 8:21 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Broni, I have a will though it needs up dating but I will revoke it if you are going to cime and kick my butt!
This is not for mentioning on FB. Richard's step daughter and her family, living in Auustralia, are coming here for a holiday in February. She wants it kept a secret from my youngest daughter so she can surprise her.
09/Dec/13 2:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I keep thinking about making a will, and I really need to. I would like to see some money go to Maxine, especially since her mother disinherited her.

The world outside is cold and covered in ice, so that it looks a bit like snow on top now. I won't even consider starting up the truck, much less going anywhere. Freezing rain continues to fall from the sky, too. At least the animals outside have shelter.
09/Dec/13 5:27 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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We have wet stuff here Heidi, but it looks like it will continue most of the day. Temp at 52, that would be pleasant if we had sun to go with. I find a sunny 50 fine for a light jacket and a sit in the sun. No going out today. I find this damp 50F (10 C) to feel almost as cold as some of my Aussie friends would

I am in my gown for a second day today. Very achey and not having to go out, I am being lazy. House is a comfy temp, no need for clothes for warmth, so why bother? I did finish my tree,and have put away the decorations boxes . next is to wrap the few gifts I have on hand, and go check the mail for one other package that shhould be here. Oh dear, that requires putting on clothing hehehe. Well, after my shower and shampoo perhaps.

I must be up and out tomorrow, cold rain or not, and we are forecast more tomorrow. The long awaited appointment with what I hope will be my new doctor. Wish me luck there, I hope this one is a good match and will take me as a patient.

I find I am enjoying that silly 25 light decoration strung through my hanging flower pots. Just a tiny bit of sparkle that I see while sitting in my recliner, it adds a lot of cheer on a dull dark day like today.

OH, I just heard thunder, usually I do not hear it here, and never hear rain. I do miss rain on the roof, although it could be too loud at times under the mobile home's metal roof. Come spring, I shall have go to the covered patio when it rains to see if I can hear it there. The roof is not metal, but some rubber looking composite, which may not be good for hearing raindrops. Well, would not swap my apartment here for that mobile home with it's raindrops on the roof, I do love living here. Acclimating to a few things is taking longer than others.

Broni, you need to come here and kick butt. I know I need to do the advanced directive and medical power of attorney, Joy can access my money to pay bills and such, she has my password for my online banking. That is a start!

OOOPS, we just had an announcement come over intercom. I had forgotten something going on downstairs today. A group will come sing to us. Pain meds are beginning to work, I best get myself dressed and get down there!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

09/Dec/13 6:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh well, despite having send Gath a cheque the week before last, it seems it hasn't been processed and I am no longer a supporting member for the time being. These flashing ads are a pain!!
09/Dec/13 9:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just do it via PayPal, CynB. Payment to Gath is instantly updated. The last time my supporting membership lapsed, it took me 5 minutes to have it up and working again.
09/Dec/13 2:20 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Yep PayPal is safe and secure Cyn.
Well one less chore off my list. Maz's darling daughter just pushed the wrong buttons last night trying to manipulate me, there are some people you cannot help until they are prepared to get off their butt and help themselves. Sad but expected.
Speaking of butts...WILLS everyone. Otherwise I will cross the pond(once I have updated mine)and kick them personally. Suppose that really isn't a threat???
Luv and Jugs my friends.
09/Dec/13 6:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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OK, now we have Gekko and Jugs!
09/Dec/13 6:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and keep warm from snowy and cold Illinois! (Yes, I know some of you don't really need to keep warm this timid of year.) We were expecting 'flurries,' but got about 4 inches over icy roads. We went to visit my sister and BIL and get hair cuts based on the predictions. Took an extra hour to get home and found no snow plowing had been done, so called to let instructor know I wouldn't be able to be in class tonight.

Hi, Broni! It's good to see you. So sorry you're meeting obstacles in setting Maz's affairs in order - and without cooperation of her children. We have a will, but it's been about 15 years or so since it was drawn up, so should probably update it. We're glad you and Bella are both doing well!

Heidi, wise decision not to venture out today. Your thoughts about including Maxine in your will prompt a question. How is she doing? Hopefully her boyfriend is giving her some mental, physical and monetary support!

MizT, I hope you felt well enough to enjoy the group that came to sing! Crossing fingers that the visit to the doc tomorrow is beneficial and you have found a match for new doctor!

Time for bed - much to do tomorrow. Sending special {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes and for all of you and those you love!
09/Dec/13 6:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Jugs to all!
09/Dec/13 7:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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About paying by Paypal - which I do with lots of other things (ebooks etc). I can't find a link to it from Sudoku payment page. How do you all do it??
09/Dec/13 7:05 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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'Like' Julie
09/Dec/13 7:06 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Stuffed if I know Cyn, did it about 6 years ago but will have a look for you.
09/Dec/13 7:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, CynB, I think the easiest way would be to click on the link after my name, or Broni's name, which says ''Supporting Member''. That will give you directions on how to pay via PayPal.
10/Dec/13 2:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The workmen still haven't arrived. I cancelled my dental appointment so I could be here all day to supervise. My dental appointment was just for a cleaning and to re-attach a loose crown.
10/Dec/13 2:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The work crew is here, and hard at work. Hopefully, this will be the end of the leaks in the ceilings.
10/Dec/13 3:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Workmen left. There was too much ice in the gutters for them to be able to do anything. They'll be back in a few days, once it warms up.
10/Dec/13 4:50 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I had already found the 'directions' such as they are!
'Paying via Paypal
Simply enter your details, and then confirm your subscription with PayPal. You will be sent an email as soon as your payment is made (usually arriving within 10 minutes).' etc etc
I ask - enter my details where??
Most things I pay for with Paypal have a link to Paypal which once I enter my PP password links the payment I am about to make to that person/organisation - whether it be for ebooks, eBay purchases or whatever. But without that link, I can get into Paypal, yes, but what then links the payment to Sudoku??
Am I missing something? Am I looking but not seeing?
Anyway I can't do anything until I find out what happened to my cheque and why it has not cleared!
10/Dec/13 8:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When you click on''Supporting Member'', it takes you to a page with directions. If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you find the place to enter your details to pay via PayPal. You can than make your membership payments automatic every 6 months.
10/Dec/13 9:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Note to self: Always scroll down!!!
Thanks Heidi!!
I asked if I was missing something. A brain is the answer!! Doh!!
10/Dec/13 10:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Morning everyone.
10/Dec/13 11:40 AM
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