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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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qld, australia
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Has the site crashed???
10/Dec/13 7:03 PM
qld, australia
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Patting a dog is the best remedy for the blues.
10/Dec/13 7:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. It is 6 am, and I really wish I were still asleep. Gee, yesterday I had to get up this early for doc appointment and was sleeping soundly when alarm went off. Today I could sleep in and have the wide awakes. go figure.
I am not sure about this new doc. He will not prescribe pain medications, does not like pain management but reluctantly agreed to refer me to pain management. Several other things that just did not seem a good match. Nope, think I must look further, this is getting to be quite a problem.
JULIE, the group that sang Sunday was fantastic, and I was able to attend and enjoy. They were five of the cast of a Christmas musical that had just closed, and our activities director Jan was one of them. Such an energetic and talented and fun group, we really enjoyed them. They did not put on the entire show, but about an hour's worth of songs from the musical.
Monday night, about 35-40 of the Magic City Coral Society did a selection of songs from a concert they have put on in one venue already. The entire concert with full 70 voice choir will put it on again Dec 15 in another venue. Oh what voices! I laughed as they kept arriving, saying we might have more people in the choir than in the audience. They were wonderful, and it was so great they came to sing for us. So many of our residents just do not take advantage of this wonderful entertainment offered to us, free of charge, no getting out in the rain or cold. I just do not understand why.
We have another choir coming later this week and we also have an invite to go next door to the theater Wednesday night for dress rehearsal of 'A Bluegrass Christmas' or some such name. Lots of entertainment available here as Christmas gets near.
Found out yesterday, no more scrabble till the new year, to many have family either visiting them, or they are going to family, not enough to play. I shall miss them during this break in the game.
About all for now, I did read, but since most comments are back a page, and since I cannot recall all that was said, I will close for now. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
10/Dec/13 11:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It snowed last night, and will snow more today. Tonight is our Cattlemen's Assn. Christmas party, and I hope it doesn't get canceled due to the snow.
You're right, Tricia. That doc doesn't sound like a good match for you. I have trouble understanding any doctor who doesn't believe in pain management.
11/Dec/13 2:17 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello All...It's noon here and the earth here is also covered in white...pretty to look out on, but happy not to have to go out in. Nurses have been here and am now waiting for the lab folks to come and take blood. I'm doing lots of sleeping and my appetite is getting a little better, yet I wonder why its taking so long regaining my strength. I really had little done except for the ribs being so bad and the tube cutting of any kind, yet I feel as if I had had full surgery performed. I'll be glad to get stronger. I have several doctors appointments I need to go out to see, and wonder how the way I feel....well this should pass, but its taking far too long for me.I don't feel festive at all,perhaps when the tree is up I'll start. Nola...see you aren't the only one of us who becomes consumed with self...but we're lucky to have this place to vent. Hope the sun soon smiles on you. Tricia...kick that silly doc to the side and keep looking...he's too old school in his thinking. Good luck in finding one that's right for you. Continue to enjoy the good entertainment...I agree that others are missing out and wonder why. The lamb sounds great...I love it and cook it as often as I can.. Going to sign off before I run over....take care all, sending out all good stuff to all good folks. Peaceā„
11/Dec/13 4:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I suspect part of the problem is that you haven't had the gall bladder surgery, Mamacita. The cause of you being sick is still there. There was a reason you went into the hospital for that aborted surgery. You're not regaining your strength because you're still sick.
11/Dec/13 4:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Broni.... I'd left the top spot open because I couldn't think of anything clever or inspirational to say.
Off to run a few errands.
11/Dec/13 4:31 AM
Stevenage UK
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Mama, remember you have broken ribs and these take a long time to heal. It took at least 6 weeks before Richard felt a lot better when he broke his ribs and he didn't have underlying medical problems at the same time.
11/Dec/13 9:12 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi all! Just dropping in quickly to say hello.
Mama, be kind to yourself... it will take time to recover so just take it easy and let others do all the work.
MizT, I hope you find a kind doctor soon who understands how to manage your pain. Don't put up with second best.
Still busy here. I'm hanging out for the end of this weekend and then I can think about packing to go away. Yippee! The house looks like a bomb has gone off and you know what, I don't really care. I'm not the only person who lives there and if they can't get up to help then that's just too bad if they complain what it's like.
I'm a bit tired today. I went to work yesterday, drove home, got changed and went straight back out again. I arrived home about 10:30pm, had a toasted sandwich for dinner (and a gin and tonic) and went to bed but couldn't sleep. 6am was just too early this morning!
Gotta run, I should be working.....have a lovely day all!
11/Dec/13 10:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just back from our county Cattlemen's Christmas party. We must have had a couple of hundred people there. Now I have steak bits wedged between my teeth, and I may spend the next half hour flossing. .... grumble .... grumble.
11/Dec/13 12:58 PM
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How exciting Brenda!! Mum's the word..
Heidi, that would be a lovely thing to do for Maxine, unless she's still with the loser - he'd never leave if she came into some money.
Broni, sorry to hear about the continued stressors in your life.
Jugs to you too Julie.
MizT, I sometimes wish I could come and live with you, there is so much fun to be had there!
Your new doc must become your old doc. If he doesn't understand chronic pain, he's no good.
Mamacita, somehow you find a way to make telling us about how bad you feel seem like a pep talk that cheers us up! I hope venting made you feel better.
Heidi, it I thought that was a real grumble I'd give you a real talking to.
11/Dec/13 6:33 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
I have 2 pages of reading to catch up on since my last visit.
Nothing really drastic going on with me, just frustrating, as we deal with paper work,companies that don't do what they say they will, and work issues. Ahhhhh! You know what it is like. Those involved, have had a not so nice email sent to them, the last one said oops, we have an error.So they didn't get the email.
Just got to say to myself. It is,what it is.
Day off tomorrow, so will try to read and catch up. Best wishes to you all.
11/Dec/13 8:04 PM
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I dot a cowd
11/Dec/13 8:36 PM
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Jugs Nola
11/Dec/13 8:36 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have just been reading back a few pages and want to thank lots of you, for the support given to me over the medication error. The Dr, doesn't even know that he made an error by putting in a cease date. The drug in question, rarely gets ceased, HE WANTED, blood tests done. The dose remained the same and no harm was done. Still waiting to hear if I have a mark against my registration.
2 days ago, I picked up a Chemist error where they packed 2 tabs tds instead of 1 tab tds.
No thanks for finding that, except for an incident form for a medication error for 2 wks worth of meds, sent to the chemist.
Mistakes are so easy to make,especially when you are interrupted with ph calls,family,emergencies
and Dr visits.
11/Dec/13 8:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Mamacita, I had an anesthesiologist tell me, that if you were just put to sleep then awakened, with no surgery, it would still take you 6 weeks to recover from the anesthesia. Did they get you put to sleep before they canceled the surgery? If so, there is your problem hehehe. I do hope you continue to improve. Sending prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I have my days and nights confused, I think. I laid down after an early dinner to wait for pain meds to work, about 6 pm. I woke at 1:30 am. Been awake ever since. I will probably not be able to stay awake till bedtime tonight, but hope to get back to sleeping nights, all night, again soon.
Suzy, you can come live with me, but we might be a bit cramped here in my small apartment. Heidi and I made it OK overnight, not sure how it would go long term though hehehe. Hope you get over your cold soon.
Nola, hope things settle soon for you. so many things on your plate at once.
I wish I knew how to find a good doc. I have taken recomendations of family, the first one. I liked him. this second one seemed a bit pompus beside all the stuff he could not do. this was a recommendation from a couple of residents here. I really do not know what to do about another. Maybe I could ask insurance co, there customer service helps with so much. I guess i was just lucky with my doc I got when I signed up for medicare. there will probably not be another like him. Maybe Shannon could help me in my search, services coordinator here.
I think I need to try to go back to sleep, one more time. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
11/Dec/13 10:34 PM
Alabama, USA
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ooops, their customer service, I know better hehehe
11/Dec/13 10:37 PM
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It is going to be one of those hot sticky nights. I have spent some time in the sunroom tonight as it is much cooler. While there I washed down some walls and windows. I have to work out how to wash the roof which goes up to a high peek.
Thought of sleeping out there tonight but there are at least 3 frogs croaking just outside and they are just too loud!
11/Dec/13 11:00 PM
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Tricia, I do hope you are able to find a suitable Doctor. Someone who knows something about the pain of fibro.
Nola, enjoy your holiday. Forget all the stress.
Suzy, hope that cold clears up soon. I hate colds in summer.
What a lovely surprise to come for your family Brenda.
Mamacita, hope you keep feeling better and better. So pleased you can come here occasionally to let us know how you are.
Broni, big hugs. I know you need them.
Thinking of you all. Now off to bed.
11/Dec/13 11:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I found my present doc with help from the head of the ER. The doc I had at the time was not good, mis-diagnosed my back problem, and put me in the ER 3 times in 2 weeks... once in anaphylactic shock. When I told the head of the ER that I was looking for a new GP, he breathed a BIG sigh of relief, and got me a list of available GPs, and let me know which of them were the best fits for me. The one I chose was a perfect fit. She is the one who had the MRI done, diagnosed my back problem correctly, and started me in Pain Management. Unfortunately, the head of the ER liked her so much that he recruited her for the ER. She gave up her practice, and is now the head of the ER herself. I now use the second favorite GP on that list, and I really like her a LOT, too. So you might want to get recommendations from the Urgent Care staff.
12/Dec/13 1:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... that's why Maxine's mother disinherited her.... 'cause she's with the loser. I tried to explain to Helene what unconditional love was, but she kept insisting that she gave Maxine everything she needed. She did not understand the concept of unconditional love. She was too full of hate. She wasn't capable of keeping things separate... loving your child even though you don't like them or their behavior. Maxine has dug herself a deep hole, and is still digging. The second child is due in April, with the same loser who keeps treating her like dirt, and keeps her from working while berating her constantly for NOT working. She will have to really want to leave before I can help her, but I suspect that might take years. He's the king of manipulation. The last thing Maxine needs is another person putting conditions on her caring. I won't do that.
12/Dec/13 1:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Workmen are here and working! While it hasn't gotten above freezing since they tried the job last, they figured out an easy-ish way to get the ice out of the gutters.
12/Dec/13 3:16 AM
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Morning Ladies
12/Dec/13 10:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The workmen just finished. It's supposed to rain on Saturday, and we'll then see if we solved the big problem with water leaking through the ceiling. All the gutters and rain spouts have been cleaned and realigned, and resealed, and then framed with surgical steel screening installed so the gutters will never plug up again. They're guaranteed for the life of the house.
12/Dec/13 11:46 AM
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Hello everyone - hope you're all doing fine!
Well, it's that time of year again, parties and get-togethers. I'm spending WAY too much time on puzzles and not enough time on what I SHOULD be doing ... have even started watching some DVDs! What I really should be doing is getting things ready for Christmas ...
Went to visit Mum - she is looking rather frail, has to use a walker now, but she seemed happy enough. I gave her the full resume of what the kids have been doing ... five times for each one! As soon as it finished we started again, till we finally went to sit in the garden and enjoy the beautiful sunshine! It was a glorious day and we really made the most of it. :D
I've made the first batches of shortbread - that's when people here really know that Christmas is on the way!
Rob had a Christmas trip to visit a garden in Marysville - it was pretty much destroyed in the bushfires, but Bruno has rebuilt it, from scratch. It has some amazingly beutiful scuptures - we wandered around for ages, before we had to head off for lunch ... yum!
Anyone interested in the gardens -
That's about it, love to all of you! :)
12/Dec/13 3:11 PM
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More of those beautiful sculptures -
12/Dec/13 3:20 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Just popping in to say hello and send healing thoughts to those who will most benefit. I did a brief scan of comments, but I'm falling asleep and nothing sank in.
Thinking of all of you and sending
, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
12/Dec/13 6:22 PM
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12/Dec/13 6:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Quiet day today. I guess I'll sleep. The back has been really touchy lately, and screams at me if I do anything. Fortunately, the next epidural is in 5 days. Tomorrow morning is my appointment to have the cyst on my back removed. After that, I'll FINALLY pick up my Christmas tree. I always buy fresh. It supports the farmers who grow trees, which is good for the environment. Artificial trees are made of plastics, which are pollutants to produce and ultimately benefit Big Oil. At least that's my opinion.
13/Dec/13 2:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH has an appointment with the specialist the day after Christmas to have a larger area on his arm excised. They want to make sure they get all the cancer.
13/Dec/13 2:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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May this be the first day of the best year of your life!!!
13/Dec/13 3:15 AM
Alabama, USA
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Oh that sunshine outside my window is delightful after so many days of rain. but it is most deceiving, it looks so warm and it is so cold, wind chill is -1C, a bit cold. It will not worm up much today. but sun has warmed my apartment and I have a window barely open to let in some fresh air.
I took my eyeglasses back yesterday. I was lucky in that the manager of the department was the one who asked if I needed help. Oh she got so angry with whomever sent those eyeglasses out. She could not find a measurement on my chart that tells where the bifocals should go. She brought out this little box for me to look into, and you know, I do not think they ever did that when I had eye exam. I imagine someone just GUESSED where to put the bifocal. They are now making me a new pair of eyeglasses, no charge.
I bought more gifts yesterday, and batteries for the one I need Saturday. I got my sweet potatoes and other ingredients for my deserts, I am cooking and gift wrapping today.
Heidi, I am glad you only have to wait 5 days for your epidural. Hope they go by with minimum amount of pain. My back is why I am here now, it is do a bit, rest a bit, but I can get a lot accomplished if I only remember to STOP fore it hurts much. I am glad they are going to do a second surgery on Gil's arm. they can send that off to lab and make sure no cancer cells are found in the margins, best way to go.
HI JULIE, Jugs to you too hehehe.
Judy, good to see you post. I hope to get back later to check out the links to the gardens. So glad they are recreated after the bush fires.
Heidi, hope the rain stays out of your house now!
Morning Rolanda, although it is now night there, it is my morning still.
OK, time to get back to work, that cheesecake will not mix itself! Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Dec/13 4:28 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, hope you have a lovely day.
13/Dec/13 4:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I wish I was gonna visit you again. I much prefer homemade cheesecake to store bought. The homemade stuff is moister.
13/Dec/13 5:52 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Happy birthday Suzy!
Is this a big 0 birthday this year?
I only ask because one of your friends said something on FB, but I did not want to pursue it there.
Whatever you age is today - have a great day - and TGIF!!
13/Dec/13 8:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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In 11 hours I'll be getting that cyst removed from my back. It'll be such a relief. It's driving me nuts.
I'm off to bed early-ish (for me). ..... JUGS!!!
13/Dec/13 3:56 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I have surprised myself! Today I finished my Christmas gift shopping. I am so organised this year - I have wrapped the presents and put them under the tree, the kids Santa sacks are done but hidden until late Christmas eve. Chloe still believes in Santa, but I think even she is skeptical. I have written out and posted my Christmas cards - not as difficult a task any more with most younger people opting out of that tradition and many of the older ones now passed on.
Just the food shopping to do - and I have even started a list of what is required.
Very proud of myself! Last time that happened was in my pre-children days, 43 years ago!
13/Dec/13 6:01 PM
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Greetings to all! We had a Homeowners Association meeting tonight, the annual election of officers. Both hubby and I had forgotten. Since they didn't have a quorum, we got a knock at the door. The meeting was about to start, and they were going to ask us to sign a proxy form. Since the meeting was at the house next door - and we had planned on going - we grabbed our things and went. Besides the election of officers, there was some important information discussed. The meeting ran longer than expected, so I'm just going to say Hi and hope all are well!
Happy Birthday, Suzy!
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and
13/Dec/13 6:20 PM
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Just a quick drop in to say thank you for the birthday wishes. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm not doing anything to celebrate today. That cowd is really knocking me around. Yesterday I left work early, came home and climbed into bed. I woke up a couple of hours later burning up. I was basically cooking myself. Don was taking Alie to Wollongong for her singing lesson so I was on my own. I staggered out of bed and immediately started shaking with cold, got a wet cloth for my head and staggered back in. After a while I stuck my toes out from under the covers and gradually, over a few hours, I got my temp down. There was no way I could have managed to get to the meds to lower it, it had to be naturally done. By the time hubby got home, my temp was down. I kind of dozed on and off and then got up this morning and went to work - 2kg lighter than I was yesterday. I'm sure I've gained it back today as I've been drinking a lot of water. But now I'm exhausted and going to veg in front of the TV.
13/Dec/13 6:50 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hope you are having a good day doing whatever takes your fancy. Many Happy Returns.
13/Dec/13 8:53 PM
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