Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And now for a seasonal TOPP.....

The Vatican came down with a new ruling: no surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn't make this rule before Jesus was born.

- Elayne Boosler
16/Dec/13 3:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 36 hours from now I'll be home from my epidural. I REALLY need it!
16/Dec/13 3:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Hope it's a good one, Heidi!
June - get down off that step ladder!!
Now that I've turned the page, I can't remember what else I wanted to say!
Oh yes - glad you enjoyed your time with your family, Tricia.
Hello to everyone else - Julie, Nola, Suzy, Rolanda, Vicki, Tami, Midge, Judy - there were probably others and I'm sorry if I forgot you.
16/Dec/13 4:34 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Mama and Broni - of all people to forget!!
Love to all
16/Dec/13 4:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gecko and Jugs! Popping in for a quick hello! Good seasonal TOPP, Heidi!

Did a quick scan, but it didn't stick. Take care, all!

Positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
16/Dec/13 7:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I feel exhausted. We will have 45-50 for lunch tomorrow. I have carved the half ham and the turkey breasts (my back does not like me standing in the kitchen), remembered to take the puddings out of the freezer (I meant to do that yesterday) and packed up most of the things I need for tomorrow. I did NOT go down this afternoon to set up the hall, plenty of other people to do that.
I will probably go to bed soon but may not sleep well. Too much thinking about all I have to do tomorrow.
I do hope the epidural is a huge success Heidi.
16/Dec/13 9:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck at your lunch tomorrow, June. I get the feeling that you're busier than you should be. Please make time for YOU!
17/Dec/13 2:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Quiet day so far. It's warming up outside ... 49F!!!! Which means MUD big time. I'm not getting anything done since I need that epidural tomorrow. I'll be getting up in 13 hours to go get it. WooHoo!!!
17/Dec/13 9:29 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Morning Everyone.

my energy level has been low.. been way too hot here.. thankfully the temps the next few days are cooler, still warm though, but not OTT Hot!

Nola, the plants are 'just' coping with the heat, like their owner!!

June, enjoy the luncheon, you have worked hard! Be careful on that ladder.. if it was me, I would have stood on the ground and with a broom soaked in washing stuff to clean the ceiling - better still paid someone to do it!!

Heidi, hope the Epidural is 'awful' and works :)

Broni, big ((Hugs))) ♥

Hi to Tricia, Vicki, Cyn, Tami, Brenda, Judy... et el ♥
17/Dec/13 12:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. We have to leave for the hospital in 7 1/2 hours. I'm allowing an extra 15 minutes for the trip (normally 55 minutes) because it's supposed to be foggy in the morning.
17/Dec/13 3:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, you do so much for your bowls club. I hope all your efforts are appreciated! Remember to allow some time for yourself! I agree that it might be time to pay someone to stand on the ladder to clean the ceiling.

Here's my experience with holiday parties. Our wood turning club had our December meeting/holiday party on Tuesday. For years, everyone was asked to bring a food item to pass, and the club footed the bill for the meat, plastic table cloths, plates, glasses, and utensils. The time for planning, purchasing, arranging, preparing, set-up, serving, and clean-up was huge - and usually done by 2 or 3 (usually wives). Last year, no one volunteered, so the president said we would just have our regular meeting. Finally, a couple of us gave in and volunteered, but it was just 'bring a dessert to share' but still all of the arranging, purchasing, set-up and clean-up. In all honesty, many members pitched in to help with the clean-up each year, but there was still a lot of work. This year, our regular meeting room wasn't available. One of the usual volunteers suggested that we find a restaurant and have the club donate the amount that was customarily spent on food and supplies. No set-up, no clean-up. It was agreed on. Each person attending had to contribute $15 per person toward the meal. What a relief! The regular volunteers were able to relax a bit and actually enjoy the party.

Heidi, yuck on the mud! I hope you get some light breezes along with the warmer weather and most of the mud dries up! Here's hoping for one heck of an awful epidural - and several days of doing nothing afterward!

Rolanda, hoping some cooler temperatures are on their way to you!

Broni, I hope all is going well with your extra efforts at getting legal matters wrapped up! Is there any hope of getting some help - or even some appreciation for all you've done?

MizT and Mama, I hope you are both enjoying improved health!

Special greetings to all who have posted here in the past few days or weeks that I have missed. My apologies!

Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and with anyone who would benefit from them! Take care, Everyone, and Sleep well and take care!
17/Dec/13 4:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Boy, am I tired. I did do a bit much at the bowling club and I got quite flustered when I was expected to do too much at the same time. Anyway it all went over OK and then we have had a lovely evening with my sister and her husband. I just had a mango and avocado salad, a potato salad and the prawn, oysters and ham off the bone. That was followed by the Christmas pudding( with coins) and custard.
We also exchanged our Christmas gifts and I got a nice leather hand bag.
To the hairdresser tomorrow, otherwise a restful day.
17/Dec/13 10:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off in half an hour. Time to get dressed and have brekkie now.
17/Dec/13 11:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You REALLY need a restful day, June. Please pamper yourself!
17/Dec/13 11:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And I'm OFF! ''See'' you in 4 or 5 hours when I get back.
17/Dec/13 11:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got back 4 1/2 hours ago, but promptly fell asleep. The epidural hurt, but it wasn't the worst I've felt. I just hope it works.
18/Dec/13 7:58 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi all...Just checking in to say hello. Very cold and snowy here....looks pretty however with all of the Christmas lights on.
Heidi, I'm glad you have not posted for a bit since returning from getting your shot. I hope it sent you right to bed and you have to stay there a bit longer. Pamper yourself...your advice to June was so good that you too need to follow it.
June, I'm fairly sure you overdid things making sure all had a good I do hope you spend sometime making sure you feel rested.
Broni...time to start smiling again...Mav would not want you to get too bogged down and feel dumped on w/o at least recharging your batteries on the smile know...those two lips that curve up and down,....and sometimes words come out of the hole that's formed...tell the kids to stick it and relax!!! I know, easier said than done. sigh.
Well. I have done it again.....start to post bursting with things to say and now I'm here and drawing a off I go but not before wish all a good day/night and Peace....know you are all in my thoughts but my mind is a blank.
18/Dec/13 7:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, here are hopes and wishes this epidural will last till the day you go back for the next one. You deserve 3 months pain free!!

Mama, nice to see you post. I can imagine all the Christmas lights shining on the snow. Reminds me of the prettiest flight I ever took, on Christmas Afternoon late, flying over snow most of the way. Lights on pasture fences and small towns street decorations were beautiful!!

June,you do sovery much for the bowls club, I do hope you are appreciated! Take some time now for you, rest up a bit fore the next big chore and YES, I too vote for your hiring someone to clean the ceiling of the sun room. A fall for you could be so disastrous, do take care. Was anyone even at home with you when you were up on the ladder? And, you should never climb up so near the top step, young lady.

JULIE, what a good way to handle the wood carvers party! Go to restaurant, sit, and let someone serve you. A most sensible way to do it. It always seems the same people wind up doing all the work. I have found that here, but I think some of the ladies do it so they can have something to complain about!! One lady in charge of an event asked her workers to arrive at 10:30. they got there at the appointed time to find she had already done the set ups! 'I did not think you were coming' was her reply. Major manipulation, in my book!! Of course, in her eyes, no one could do it right but herself.

Heidi, was it foggy on your trip to the hospital? You had a high of 49F? We made 60 or better today, with sunshine! It was a wonderful day. I got outside for a while. I had to go to post office to mail gifts to daughter in Ca. I had ordered them online, and tried to have them sent directly to her. I evidently did not do it correctly, they arrived here. I am just glad I did not have to pay for shipping to me and then again to her, first shipping was free. I took off looking for post office. I had an address, but drove by it twice without seeing it. It was on 11th avenue, but no entrance to parking from that street. It was higher than street level and set back behind a parking lot. A lot of roads around were closed for some construction, so it was not easy to circle around to find it. IF I had just looked earlier for which side of the street was odd addresses, I might have found it sooner hehehe. I was looking on both sides of street, could have focused on correct side. But I got my one price priority box, stuffed the wrapped gifts into it, and paid my money. It should arrive by Friday, plenty of time before Christmas.

I came home and checked on flowers. All the coleus have now died in the cold, I broke off the dead stems and cleaned up the containers they were in. I cannot believe there are still impatiens surviving and blooming! Also begonias and geraniums. Those impatiens are usually very tender annuals. The flat of pansies one of the staff bought a month ago were way too dry, they were too far under the overhang to have received any of the
18/Dec/13 11:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Part 2:

The flat of pansies one of the staff bought a month ago were way too dry, they were too far under the overhang to have received any of the recent rain. I looked for her, but could not find her, was going to ask her about me just putting them into a couple of empty containers. So I made an executive decision, and planted them. It has been too cold and wet to get out and plant them, today was an ideal day. When I saw her later, told her what I had done, and she was pleased that chore was no longer on her list. It is iffy is some will make it, they were so wilted from lack of water. They got a good drink after planting, hope they suck up the moisture and pop back to good health.

After all that, came in and had my dinner, lunch, whatever a middle of afternoon repast can be called. Realized I was way overdue for meds, took that and had a nice nap. I missed getting my p0hoto with Santa today, shucks. Nap was more important, meds are working well after the rest.

I think it is time to close my window and go enjoy my Christmas tree lights in the other room. thinking of all of you, sending wishes for all things good. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
18/Dec/13 12:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A lovely relaxing day. I had my hair done, a few regular chores, an afternoon nap and I think it might be an easy dinner with a few vegies and left overs.
I did do a bit more of the sun room. I had thought of getting someone to do it but there are a lot of boxes and junk that needs sorting so I am also cleaning the furniture etc as I work my way around. I only got on the top rung when the ladder was against the wall and I had that for support. Also Ken was home but sleeping, while watching the cricket!
I was very hurt and disappointed yesterday I asked someone who I thought was a friend to take photos of our concert, with my camera. She was sitting at the front. She had had a shot at me earlier which I had really ignored. She told someone else to sit in her seat at the front and went and sat near the back so that their are other people in front of us and she did not take one clear shot! Fortunately someone else had a camera but then I have to try and get copies of the photos from that person.
Another good friend had my video but pressed the wrong button. Had presence of mind to then video with her own camera and has already given me a copy.
18/Dec/13 6:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, I do hope those pansies survive. Did you take any cuttings from the coleus. I think you have done that before.
Mamacita,it is always great to see you post. It only needs to be brief, just so we know you are OK.
Broni, take care and I do hope you can relax over the Christmas time.
Heidi, I hope you can relax for about a week and not overdo things like last time. It might help to get the epidural to last longer!
18/Dec/13 6:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Time for bed here. Hope everyone is well! Heidi, I hope your epidural was a 'hum-dinger' and lasts until the next one! Take it easy, Heidi and everyone!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and for All!
18/Dec/13 7:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Feeling my age tonight. With no warning the entire staff room. A couple of the men took the'not my job'approach and took off so 3 women, one youngish man and a man who had recently finished treatment for cancer did the work with a handful of students.

Hugs to every one
18/Dec/13 9:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy..... PLEASE take it easy. I'm now worried about you. Your health is the most fragile of any of us.
19/Dec/13 2:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm taking it easy again today. I've let IH know that I'm NOT doing any hard work. He was trying to nag me into feeding hay to the cows, and I put my foot down. I let him know that HE was gonna do it this time. My back does not need to be out on the tractor for an hour going through bumpy, muddy ground. Very jarring. I just hope he didn't do something to my tractor ''accidentally''.
19/Dec/13 2:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am proud of you insisting that gil feed the cows this time. I also hope he did no damage to the tractor. What you do have to put up with dealing with him.

Suzy, I think there are a few words missing from your latest post. I cannot make out what you were saying about staff room. It does not sound as if it was anything good, though. Hope you have time to rest so you are not feeling your age tomorrow. Gentle hugs to you, sweetie.

Julie, nice to see you drop in before bedtime. Hope you had a restful night's sleep.

JUNE, I have not been down to look at the wilted pansies. I think I will take them another drink of water, although the container where I planted them was fluffy with the water absorbing granules filled to the max. Looking down on them from my second floor window, they do seem to have perked up, standing taller now.

I am slowly wrapping the rest of my gifts. Standing to wrap just one makes my back complain. So I wrap one, rest and wrap another. I think all but one are finished now. I got packages mailed off yesterday, so I think I am in good shape. Might need to get one more gift, if Joy and I are going to BIL's house Christmas day.

Another sunny warm day today, a bit cooler than yesterday but very nice. I have windows opened a bit again today. there is so much sun gain through the big windows early morning, I need to cool the rooms. Love the cooler fresh air coming in the windows.

Not a lot going on here in way of entertainment today. I will have to go and make some mischief I suppose

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
19/Dec/13 5:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I FINALLY got the tree decorated!!! Big crystalline star on top, with white lights in the star and over the tree, about a hundred glass icicles of different sizes and designs and animal and bird ornaments all over. I think it looks nice.
19/Dec/13 11:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Missed a '','' after ''designs''.
19/Dec/13 11:05 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Friends!

Suzy, I believe you are doing substitute teaching. You are NOT responsible for doing the work that the lazy oafs walk away from. If they are going to act like children, they should be treated like children. If they are not cleaning up after themselves or putting things away, the things should be put in a large garbage bag and left for them to take care of - or even thrown away. (I'm envisioning the filthy way I used to find the faculty lounge when it was 'my' week to clean it. Take care of yourself, please!

June, I hope you are relaxing a bit now that the Christmas party at the bowls club is over. Please, no more standing on the top rung of a ladder.

Heidi, I'm glad you are taking care of yourself! Well, except for putting up and decorating the Christmas tree. I hope Gil managed to put out hay for the cows without any damages!

MizT, good for you for getting your presents wrapped! I'm glad you realize the limitations and just wrap one at a time!

I hope everyone is well and happy! THinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
19/Dec/13 5:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I only got on the top of the ladder when it was against the wall so I had something to hang onto. I was going to see if I could borrow a taller ladder but have decided that the TV cabinet is solid wood and I can move that around and stand on top of that. We are going to have very hot weather for the next few days and that room gets very hot so I will be waiting for cooler weather or doing at night. It may be a couple of weeks before I finish.
I did get a few more things done at the shops today. I actually went to print some photos but the machines were 'out of order'.
This I have cut back on the people I buy for but there is still over 20 people. The grandkids get several presents so there is a lot of shopping.
19/Dec/13 6:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Your tree sounds spectacular Heidi. Unfortunately with our hot weather the live trees quickly shed all the needles.
MizT, that was the last day of school for Suzy, although the permanent teachers still had today and tomorrow. Their rubbish should have been left for them to do then.
19/Dec/13 6:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Long day today so I haven't even read yet. Left home around 8am, got home after 9pm. Good day though.
19/Dec/13 10:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, photos please!

I didn't type well on my phone the other night. The staffroom had to be emptied so they could recarpet the floor. I felt responsible for at least the desk I was subbing for. Another guy was out sick and had no sub because it was the last day so I did his. Then the head teacher (in recovery from cancer) was working his bum off and he has been supportive of me so I felt he'd earned it.
19/Dec/13 10:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JUNE, Pansy check. All the wilted pansies are standing tall now. I got them planted and watered in time. Today I think I will give them a bit of fertilizer, get them to blooming again. I was happy to see them standing tall yesterday.

I missed playing scrabble yesterday. The weekly game is suspended till next year.

I went downstairs for the announced entertainment yesterday. Someone was coming to do a Christmas crafty thing, and I enjoy doing those. But she canceled last minute, bummer. A friend was very sick and she needed to be there. I think she had correct priorities.

Today we have two musical entertainments, at 3 pm and again at 6 pm. the 3 pm is the Jazz band from a local high school, that should be fun. I must get my shower and shampoo hair, get to grocery for a few things and back before 3 today. I am making turkey soup this morning too. Lovely sunny day seems to have energized me, but must remember to take rest breaks. Being here is one of those hehehe.

Suzy and June, thanks for the explanation. I just could not figure out what Suzy meant.

June, don't you hate when machines are out of order? I have one here that is, my printer for computer is out of black ink, so it will not print. I had planned to make some Christmas cards, but forgot to order the needed ink. It will not get here till after Christmas now, bummer.

time to get busy, I do have an ambitious schedule for today. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

20/Dec/13 1:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I still haven't sent out my Christmas cards. I bought them, and that's as far as it got.

Thanks for explaining that post, Suzy. I was getting worried that you might be having another stroke. NOTHING is worth that, not even being honorable, which is what you were. That cancer survivor sounds like a good man. I would say that he has a good opinion of you now. You did what you felt was needed, even though it wasn't your responsibility.... unlike the immature other teachers.
20/Dec/13 3:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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In half an hour, I'll be climbing aboard my tractor to pull the creep feeder out of some deep mud. I will then find out if IH did any damage to the tractor. I have to do this job since IH can't figure out the 4WD on it: how & when to engage it and how & when to disengage it. Plus, I've figured out an alternate way to get it unstuck if the jack has sunk too deep to be able to hook it up. Problem solving is not one of IH's skills.
20/Dec/13 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well.... IH said he was gonna be home between 4 and 4:30 to help move the creep feeder out of the mud. He showed up after 5:30. I had everything ready, equipment wise, and just needed his help with the gates and lifting a support foot on the feeder. It wasn't heavy, but you have to bend over to lift it, and that's not good for my back just now. It only took me 5 minutes to do the job, start to finish, using my alternate plan.

Now to throw a pizza in the oven for a quick supper (IH is going to a sheep and goat sale in an hour) then I get to relax some more.
20/Dec/13 10:04 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and send my best wishes for a happy new year. I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families and loved ones over the holidays.

I'm still at work but finishing this afternoon and heading to the beach tomorrow for a fortnight. I am really looking forward to the break from my usual routines.

I don't think I'll have internet access while I'm away ..... it's probably good to go 'cold turkey' for a while. It does become an addiction after a while.

Love and hugs to you all.
20/Dec/13 12:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A rather hot day. 40*c. We have a prawn and chicken night at the bowling so I do not have to cook. I did do the coleslaw and seafood dressing but the was easy. I bought 4 tubs of coleslaw, then finely chopped up a Chinese cabbage and grated 1 kilo of carrots. Makes it nicer and it goes further.
20/Dec/13 3:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Have a nice time at the beach Victoria.
Glad that got sorted without any hassles Heidi, but please take care!
20/Dec/13 3:51 PM
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