Knotwilg from Gent

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Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Knotwilg,welcome to this site.Please check your step 2. I aggree when a4=9,a6=4, but when a4=3,i4=8,i6=4, and a6 becomes 9. What do you think? Regards, Alfred.
06/Sep/08 10:20 PM
Knotwilg  From Gent
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Hi Alfred

We agree a4=39 and a6=49

In the ghi-456 box, the following hold
- 3 is at h5 or i4
- 9 is at h5 or h6

So, if a4=3 then i4 is not 3 then h5=3 then h6=9 then a6=4

And if a4=9, then a6=4.
So a6=4 either way.

then follows i6=8, i4=3, a4=3, a1=9 ... and UP 44.

06/Sep/08 11:23 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Knotwilg! I see you are able to work the proofs...which I am sadly not.
Hope you enjoy your time on the site.
Welcome aboard!
07/Sep/08 1:10 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Hello from Chicago, Mary
07/Sep/08 2:43 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Looks like you have mastered sudoku.
07/Sep/08 2:59 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Knotwilg - to Sudokuland. I hope you have a lot of fun here!
07/Sep/08 3:12 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Knotwilg...hope you have time to enjoy more than the puzzles....I live in hope that one day I might have some idea what you are talking about...what does UP44 mean?
07/Sep/08 3:55 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Thanks for stopping by, Knotwilg! I couldn't begin to do the proofs. I just look for patterns and use elimination...sometimes I'm left with guessing. I, too, have long times on the tough - don't know how some people get those fast times. Just filling in all the possibilities takes me the same time that some of those foks use to get it solved! Catch you on the pages...and welcome, again!
07/Sep/08 5:18 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi again Knotwilg,thanks for the response.Your logic is sound as far as 3s and 9s are concerned, but there is nevertheless a contradiction with 4s.Because i4=3/8 and i6=4/8,when a4=3,i4=8 and i6=4, contradicting a6=4.What this proves is that a4 must be 9 and therefore a6=4.This is a shorter proof than mine.Maybe I misunderstood how you meant it.After a6=4,I found the rest to be UPs.Remember that f5 can,t =6 and therefore =9 and I found the triple 246 at g358 helped with the solution.Regards,Alfred.
07/Sep/08 8:26 AM
   Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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A BIG to you Knotwilg from the 'Land Down Under'.
Enjoy the site.
07/Sep/08 2:10 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and to Knotwilg.
Great to have you here with us.
Proofs are a foreign language to me!
07/Sep/08 2:39 PM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Knotwilg.I left a comment on the comments page about the Sept. 6th. tough.I meant it to go here,but I got mixed up. See you, Alfred.
08/Oct/08 2:18 AM
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