Jaz from Melbourne, Australia

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   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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I think i have a pic of you wearing double lenses (broken! nearly cacked myself larfing!)
19/Sep/07 11:26 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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What a wonderful song. Had forgotten all about Carol king xx Hope all is well in Jaz world xx
20/Sep/07 1:25 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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I meant i won't be walking round and round in circles on the same spot - like i normally do in my cell...have a great weekend jaz xxxx
21/Sep/07 12:10 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Just got back from a brief hols in Spain and as usual weather beautiful, people wonderful and the food delicious. Arrrrr feel much more relaxed xx
21/Sep/07 7:42 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Enjoyed the Carole King video Jaz! Great choice. How goes all in your corner of the world? Cheers my friend!
23/Sep/07 4:23 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Geez Jaz - I was wondering what on earth i'd sent you - could've sworn it was legal! Then I googled gajah and realised it wasn't ganja - not much difference in spelling though...hope you're good? catch up soon luvvie - i've got an awful week ahead, this weekend has given me the frame of mind to tackle it! Roll on October...in fact - bring on Christmas!
btw - the circular walks were spectacular - you would have loved the wildflowers, next time you come over I'll book a place down south ok? we'll do a surfing course together and look waaaay cool! xxx
23/Sep/07 9:12 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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...and you thought you had 'landed'?? let's try that again Jaz...maybe this time you can put the chocks behind the wheels once you've applied the brakes! Spk soon sweetheart x
25/Sep/07 7:54 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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luv yez too...can you surf on a boogie board? let me know when you're coming and I'll book us into 'the surf for dummies with no co-ordination and balance skills but want to look cool chicks before we need knee and hip replacement course' - what dya reckon? x
26/Sep/07 10:28 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Jaz, don't let that stop you from coming over. Albany is sooo beautifu and Anne is a lovely lady. Us WA sukudoists are all fantastic people! You can buy fake plaster casts for your leg if necessary!
02/Oct/07 3:00 AM
appy  From india
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hey there..where are the comments gone..
poindhi,poiye poindhi!! gone..pochi..kaka ooosh!!!lol,lol,lol,lol...
and dear thanks for the reminder in my page.sorry I havent been in touch with you for quite sometimes. and this week also off on a short tour to midwest (north west can say)..will be back by next week. will try to catch you then.All fine for the time being..having a 'ball' with the inlaws..lol,lol,lol..the tours along with them..can imagine,eh??
03/Oct/07 8:59 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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04/Oct/07 6:26 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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to you
to you
dear Jaz
to you.
05/Oct/07 12:15 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Have a great Birthday, Jaz ... and many more!
05/Oct/07 12:36 AM
appy  From india
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With age our brains grow bigger in size.
You are old enough and therefore wise.
For it’s birthday time; a year has passed;
Your brain is getting bigger fast.
With each year you live your thinking grows stronger,
And that’s why I wish you’ll live a whole lot longer.

05/Oct/07 12:56 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Jaz, have a wonderful day.
05/Oct/07 2:25 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hip Hop, Dont Stop, Happy Birthday Lets Bop!
05/Oct/07 2:54 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Jaz, I hope you have a wonderful birthday today, and oodles more in the coming years. Enjoy your day with friends and loved ones my friend, and have fun!

And I liked your video. That song never made the top ten here in Canada, so it was the first time I heard it, and I learned you have Safeways in the land of OZ!
05/Oct/07 3:18 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Jaz! I hope you have a day full of lotsa presents,happiness and love!
05/Oct/07 4:14 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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pssssssssst I put a chippendale dancer in the center box!
05/Oct/07 4:19 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Jaz, a very to you. I hope you've got a great day planned.
All the best wishes
05/Oct/07 8:28 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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...and a special youtube for you on my page...enjoy!!!xxx
05/Oct/07 9:08 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Jaz, Party like there's no tomorrow
05/Oct/07 9:19 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Jaz - hope you had a great birthday - now celebrate Life all year - why stop at a single day.
06/Oct/07 2:07 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, Jaz, is it tomorrow already? I think my birthday wishes may now be belated birthday wishes. Oh, well, nothing like making a celebration last several days. I hope you had an absolutely WONDERFUL birthday! I hope you enjoy this fresh warm cinnamon roll with a candle in it for your second day of celebrations.
06/Oct/07 2:28 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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P.S. You can light the candle, make a wish, blow it out, and remove it from the cinnamon roll. Whatever you do, don't eat the candle!
06/Oct/07 2:29 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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I am retired and now live in a small historic town in Southern Oregon (population <3000). We have a small, but beautiful venue for our summer music festival (Britt Festivals that showcases all genere of music & dance for three months during the summer - about 40 concerts) The capacity of the ampitheater grounds is 2200, most of which is lawn seating - where concert-goers bring their blankets, picnic baskets, wine and/or beer (only venue in the state BYOB allowed - no hard alcohol). I have been a volunteer at Britt for 10 seasons & generally see over 30 shows a year. I have always loved music and working there is a delightful way to spend a summer evening or 30.

BTW - forgot to tell you - loved your video.
06/Oct/07 11:39 AM
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Jaz, thanks for sending me birthday wishes - it was so noice to get them. Please thank Davo for me too. So sweet of him to drop by with them!!
08/Oct/07 10:00 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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i'm with you jaz...will try and use it often and hopefully in the right context...i spend countless hours on my badonkadonk...
09/Oct/07 10:31 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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ok - forgot to post this on your special day on your page - sorry x

To Jazzy wazzy – my dearest friend…
Hope today you’re feeling happy
Cos this ode is kind of crappy…
It is written in rhyming triplets and has an erratic rhythm (no – not erotic Jaz) to add to the dramatic effect…

Happy birthday Princess Jaz
You’re a special lady – tons of pizzazz
Even when stonkered on shiraz
I hope you have a wongerful day
Eat lots of lindt intense orange-ay *
Wish I could join you in laughter and play
Like a jaunt to little creatures tonight
Harissa lamb pizza – a great bite
Or your fav sticky date pud at Stella Blue
With gobs of hot toffee – difficult to chew
Fluffy bunnies – seventy two?
Look for rainbows and butterflies
Life is full of its lows and highs
So listen up sweetpea as Billy cries:
Find at least one thing to laugh at please
And don’t go near that River Gold cheese
And for godsake watch those dodgy knees *

MWAaaaah sweetums!
Penned from the bottom of my heart (which is somewhere midway between my left breast and belly button – not a huge distance betwixt the twain)

*1 – I took the liberty to distort the word “orange” for artistic reasons
*2 – I realise you had only one dodgy knee, but I had to pluralise it…again for artistic reasons…
09/Oct/07 11:05 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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oooooo forgot to say Coles have Lindt intense going out for next to nothing at the moment...wonder if we have the same specials?? as all the gourmet curry meals are too, which reminds me...I still have something in the boot of my car...
09/Oct/07 11:08 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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for the birthday wishes. The landing was safe, as can be seen, I'm here posting on your page
10/Oct/07 5:00 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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hey jaz - loved it!!! very clever...

take care sweetheart xxx
15/Oct/07 10:49 PM
Lynne  From Kanahooka    Supporting Member
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Thanks Jaz for your kind thoughts. Our Sudoku family is a great one to have at any time and its a family of choice. I'm honoured to be a member & have you as a friend to share the good times, have a laugh and be there for me when times are tough. Thank you for being a part of that family. Lynne
23/Oct/07 12:39 AM
appy  From india
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Jaz I have posted a link in my page.just chk it and have fun.
23/Oct/07 12:44 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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23/Oct/07 7:42 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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PB - 160:08
28/Oct/07 12:23 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Dropping in to say HI!
29/Oct/07 10:24 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hope all is okay, haven't seen you post in an age so sending some of my special choccys so that you can relax and enjoy xx
30/Oct/07 9:38 AM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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... sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. x
30/Oct/07 9:58 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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always here for you x
30/Oct/07 10:52 PM
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