Suzanne from Seattle

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Welcome all Sudokuholics. The meeting will now come to order. My name is Suzanne and I am a Sudokuholic. I am powerless over my addiction.....

Well, I have returned from my cruise...what a great thing to do at least once in your life. I need a vacation from my vacation. I had no idea there was so much to do to keep you busy. Thought I'd get bored but no chance of that! A highlight was the Wildlife Tour in Belize..a boat trip up the Old Belize river. I saw iguanas, all kinds of birds, bats, crocodiles, and howler monkeys. It was great to spend time with friends. We had a group of about 22, alot from my sister's boat club, as well as 7 of my alopecian friends as a midyear (from the conference in June) get together. Would love to try to get a sudoku cruise up and running. Anyone interested??

Falling out of my can dress me up, but you can't take me out..

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   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, enjoyed seeing your pictures. As Rosemary (I think) suggested, I've made a Favorites Sudoku Folder with many people's ''My Page'' bookmarked, including my own. The system sure works for me.
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Hello Suzanne! Thanks, Franklin, for allowing us to put a face with a name.
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hey suz, glad to see that F helped you out! You are lookin good girl. almost 2 am for me, time for nighty night. Have a good one and talk at you soon.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Great place Suz!loved the pics and now we can finally put a face to the great kids you always talk about and love
and the kitty cats....kitty kitty kitty !anything happen Suz! ooooooh ! get the scooper Suz!
Billy  From Perth
Hey Suz - a face to your name at last! Lovely pics on flkr. Catch up in 'chat' sometime soon darls. x
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne, good piccy!! Hope life's treating you good and you're on the up and up x
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne. Just stopping back in to tell you I enjoyed the salmon mousse and crackers. Srvred it with Old Canadain cheedar cheese and some crab pate. Enjoyed your pictures. Will have to send Anne from Albany here as we know how much she loves cats!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - At 8:20 P.M. EST on Dec. 10 I have just listened to your lovely rendition of Happy Birthday which you left on my cell phone at 5:18 P.M. on Dec. 3! I hardly ever turn my cell phone on so just noticed tonight that there was a message waiting. So now my good wishes have extended for a whole week. You really went all out for me - singing messages on both cell & home phones & written greetings on both the Sudoku site & my own page. Thank you very much.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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popping in to wish you a wonderful holiday, Suz. Have a blast, sweetie. Enjoy!
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Suz Have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year x
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Hey friend! Have a great Holiday Season!
Peace be with you today and always.

   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Suz: Worried about you....Heard about the storms.
Hope you are doing ok.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi Suz,wishing you a Merry and a
fi  From NT
Merry Christmas Suzanne.

I try to fight my addiction - with limited success. :) ... but it often wins over housework..

I've been bottling in my kitchen today so have just cooked up a few cyber bottles as well.

Just thought I’d drop you in a bottle of home made LEMON CORDIAL. It’s fantastic with water and with soda water. Cheers.
Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.5 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off the heat and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven ) bottles
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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A Merry Christmas Suzanne & Family
and a Happy & Healthy New Year
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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for my christmas message go to M153826353Y&product_id
see you at the party friday
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Suz: Still now news. Worried, very worried. Hope you are doing ok.
Please drop a note.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne. I have posted my Christmas greeting to everyone on my page, as I couldn't post the picture in the general comments section. Best wishes to you and yours!
Billy  From Perth
Suz - Congrats on your divorce - you 'sound' so happy, may your happiness long continue...x
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - Congrats on the divorce, now go out there and show em' xx
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Hey there Suz! got your text and congrats! Kick butt, you are a super person

Happy Haunaka ! (sorry about the spelling)and
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Suz! Congratulations! You went through pure H E double-hockey-sticks but you came through with flying colors. You are such a strong person. You should be very proud.

Suzanne is (a free) Woman Hear Her Roar!!!!
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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as you begin your new life.
Bill  From Texas, US
Sorry to hear about the divorce, but happy you've come through it. This is a rough time of the year for endings but the New Year is a great time for beginnings. I'm looking to move out myself the first of March. Good Luck in the New Year.
bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, congrats on the divorce. Let's party! You might recall our last Sudoku flight went a bit out of control. The first class cabin is being repaired now, and we'll be ready to cruise around the world for a New Year's bash at 35,000 feet. Even the wildest party animals are welcome. Put on something VERY sparkly; tell us the airport nearest you, and we'll fly in to scoop you up!
Morgana  From Portugal
I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope from all my heart that the New Year will bring you lots of good things and - who knows? - someone special to share your life with.
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Morgana!! I have been thinking of you alot lately and wonder how you are. Glad to see you are still around..I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year and find a peace within yourself. Thank you for the kind words on my page. XOXOXOXO LOVE!!
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzzane!
Thanks for visiting me on my page. I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. My daughter is currently home from attending The Ohio State University. So, the Christmas goodies you sent are especially appreciated!
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Hi Suzanne, Would you like me to deliver anyting to your father for Christmas here in Punta Gorda? I often think of you when I drive past where I think he is. Is he still here? I don't have a page but I will scan the archives for the next couple days. Have a good holiday yourself!
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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My dad broke his hip about 6 weeks ago and is in rehab in Deep Creek. Thank you for the offer though! I will be down there during midwinter break, the week of Presidents day in Feb. the 19th or so? Would love to meet if you have a chance, I'd like to get together with Ed and Kathy again too..and any other Floridians..let me know if you can.!!
Carol  From Punta Gorda
Suzanne, I am so sorry about your father. Tampa is not far from here; don't know where Valerico is but it would be fun if we can arrange it. I think Ed arranges email addresses. We may be having guests...or not! But lets try for a Florida Frolic!
Suzanne  From Seattle    Supporting Member
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Carol, Just booked my trip, the kids and I will be there Feb. 17 thru the 23rd. Kathy is up by Tampa too. She, Ed, and I had the first SA meeting up there a year ago February.If you have Ed's email addy or Kathy's, contact them and lets get the party started!
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - Count me in for the Feb. SA meeting. I think Celia from Toronto is planning a trip to FL in Feb. & possibly Mamacita, too. Maybe we can coordinate & break the Aussie record for the most Sudokuists gathered at one meeting place!! If we pick a central spot maybe we could make it possible for Glenn from Winter Springs, Jim from Jupiter, nal, Chalkboard, Cee Cee, Kim & other Floridians to plan to come, too. How about a beach party??
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Merry Mery Xmas Suzanne - may this coming year be so so much better than the past one xx
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.    Supporting Member
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See you in Feb. Merry Christmas and may 2007 be the best year of your young life.

Chrissy  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Just wanted to wish you and the kids a Merry Christmas Suzanne.

Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, Coming with special wishes for the very best new year possible. May it be happy, healthy and prosperous too. Hoping I will be able to get to Fla while you are there to join in the beach party. It sounds like fun, and I will certainly try to be among the atendees. Peace!
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne. Would you consider lacing your cocoa with Baileys? Hope you had a great Christmas. 2007 is around the corner. A whole new year coming up, and so much will happen during this coming year. I do hope that you and yours enjoy peace, happiness, good times, (chocolate for those of you who indulge), and should there be some sorrow that befalls you, I do hope you weather it well and stay strong and positive. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Chrissy  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Happy New Year Suzanne!

   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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May this year be everything 2006 wasn't Suz!! A happy, peaceful, relaxed, non stressful year for you to enjoy!! And for me? Well a happy colour free disaster on the hair - free year too!!
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