youkidme from southern highlands

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well heck, if I'm going to welcome you to your own page, I may as well do it properly. Welcome to your second page!
02/Sep/12 2:33 AM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Hello ykm/M!
How's the head? A friend had the implant earlier this year & like you has a powerful piece in his other ear! He had problems for a while with one interfering with the other, but last time I saw him a couple of weeks ago he thought some of the strange noises were beginning to make sense. He's overseas at the moment. I'm hope when he gets back he'll say things are improving faster now!!!
Thinking of you!
03/Sep/12 11:12 AM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Just a blank page came through!!
Yes, I agree with Greg's comment about your poem the other day
03/Sep/12 4:26 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Better get back to the kitchen!!
03/Sep/12 4:27 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Goodmorning YKM, to answer your question on the easy page, there are some people that actually just come in here and do the puzzles. When I first came in her, 6 years ago, there were so many chatting people, it was no problem filling up 20 pages of chat, but this is the Internet and sensitive people and feelings have been hurt, or there were life changes. I can only think of two deaths. Some have moved on and just talk in the forums, or on the different pages, there is about, 80 of us that on a completely different site and keep in touch there. It is a big site, but only so many chatters.
12/Sep/12 9:39 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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You certainly have some lovely photos in your gallery, Youkidme.
16/Sep/12 7:11 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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G'day youkidme. In checking back on your page I see that I did welcome you back in July, but at that time I don't think you had posted any photos. I have just had a look at them & enjoyed them very much. Since I have been away from sudokuland for more than 3 weeks, I have tried to skim over the comments from all those days to try to catch up a little. I happened to spot your comment on 04/Sept. about my FB report on seeing the sun at dinner time on our Russian river cruise. The sun set late there, usually around 9-10 PM. Our dinner hour was usually about 7 or 7:30. Coming from Florida where we are accustomed to seeing the sun nearly every day, I learned to appreciate its presence much more while in Russia, Estonia, & Finland where they do not see it as much!
17/Sep/12 10:20 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Good morning. I've posted some of my daff photos taken this morning. There is one there that is close to yours, but I think a little darker pink. I don't know the names of mine because I've collected them over the years and that knowledge just aint there any more.
18/Sep/12 10:57 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Ykm that sulphur is pretty true to colour. It may be a little lighter in the photo, but not much. You are more than welcome to have some of those frilly orange ones. I'll tag them so I know where to dig. I'm in the process of removing my earlicheer daffodils, because they are freely seeding and out competing the better varieties.
18/Sep/12 11:34 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Sorry ykm, just found your comment on a photo of mine, from 06/Jul/12!
Yes, the cedar has been used by various people on the river and in the new house!! The date is wrong though - should have been 2010, instead of '09! My error some how!!!!
18/Sep/12 12:43 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Hey, YKM
Most of my days come off a calendar, that I get free each year, from a novelty place, I order classroom stuff. I also, have a website that I visit. It is mainly US days, but over the last two years, I have tried to add the holidays from different countries.
I started out just doing what was on the calendar, but someone asked one day, if there was a celebration for each day, and I took up the challenge. There is a celebration for each day, there are about 3 days a year, that I have to do some more hunting to find something. I was also trying to find avatars for each day, but then the avatar thing broke and I have not been able to get any, so just using what I have.
18/Sep/12 1:01 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I've looked through some of my daffodil catalogues and that yellow/orange with the white petals might be a split corona, late flowering called Hey Presto or it might be an expanded flat cup, also late flowering called Ballyhoo. I bought these by mail from Hancock's daffodils in 2008. Web: .I'm more than happy to send you some if you prefer.
18/Sep/12 1:33 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Looks like I've missed a few comments from you - sorry about that!
07/Jul/12 barges - yes a different photo, but the same day - the empty concrete truck is being taken back to the boat ramp!
30/Aug/12 - Volendam photo - I did see your comment, but I put my comment under yours!! This is what I said: It's quite a wide body of water there, youkidme, but I agree it does look close!!!!!!
'It would be sad if someone was to have an accident, interesting to see who would THEN be responsible and what he final outcome would be then ???'
I agree it would be dreadful!

'Lucky people who get to sleep in this room'
Yes the view is great!!

'The black trim architrave looks interesting, what is the material I wonder. It really makes that magnificent wood floor stand out.'
It's actually a very dark green called 'aubusson', dulux I think!

'This HAS to be the NEW house, although the date is Oct 2011 ??'
Oct'11 is correct. The building was finished, but the internal fit out wasn't - my husband was finishing it on weekends! It's still not completely done, but we do stay there, & have had overnight guests as well! P's doing the gardens now (not literally at this moment!!!) - a lot of retaining walls & paths!

'Loooove the wood bench top, and am intrigued with the long goose neck tap extension - its purpose ??'
It's got a spray nozzle on the end & is very good for all sorts of stuff - rinsing veggies, helping to clean large pots...

'This is the one you KNOCKED DOWN ?????'
No!!! That's the new one! There is a photo of the old one taken from above, about 36 photos from the top. It's between the photo of Keith & me & the photo of the half demolished house!!

18/Sep/12 1:36 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Here's one I left out!
'Beautiful cabinet Kate, congratulations to Hubby. Just a little curious about the check covering ? Is it over a mirror, and would thus detract from the subject matter of the shot?'

It's the TV & I just put the tablecloth over it to keep the dust off it!!! When we're living there, I'll probably make a cover that's a bit neater & less obvious!!
18/Sep/12 2:23 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I relooked at the flower in the garden and I'm sure it has a split corona so it's Hey Presto.
18/Sep/12 7:22 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Just a quicky, YKM. Becareful of people you do not recognize, please. Yes, this site is not 100% safe from those people who come in and send, disgusting messages. This has happened to me a few times, and others, if you do not recognize someone, check them out, otherwise, my advice is to leave them alone, until they have revealed themselves, on a puzzle. I have had to report a few and one was a huge mistake to befriend. Remind me, or I might remember, and I will tell you of one of my worst experiences on this site, but because, of the support on this site we worked together and things were taken care of.
Bye for now.
24/Sep/12 9:24 PM
   Gath  From    Supporting Member
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Hi YouKidMe,

Glad you like the new header. Don't worry about the extra R - I get some something about the spelling of my name 2-3 times a day .

26/Sep/12 9:06 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm. The ducklings are growing quickly. I don't go ner them too often as they skittle overland and are vulnerable. I'm more confident than before of them growing into those beautiful ducks
15/Oct/12 7:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi WKM - you still around - thought I'd say goodnight!!!
17/Oct/12 10:07 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi ykm,
just replying to a question from the other day about a flower:
Hi M,
I used a DSLR with a short lens, 18-55mm, which means I was about 10cm from the flower (not good for the back & knees, but it's amazing how far I can go for a photo!!!). No flash, just sunlight. The flower is about the size of a 20c coin, maybe a bit smaller. Stems are supposedly up to 80cms long, these were lying along the ground, but weren't that long!
That one was in my river backyard, with more along the fire trail at the back of the property!
This is the site where I get a lot of info on Australian native flowers:
20/Oct/12 8:23 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Tasmania does have foxes, but in very low numbers. The government is currently baiting in urban areas where there have been sightings in an effort to eradicate them. It's controversial, but I think necessary. It is thought that if there were foxes in the past, their numbers would have been controlled by the Tasmanian devils, now decimated by the devil facial tumour disease.
21/Oct/12 7:44 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm. I planted those azalea seeds in 1987. Lots germinated and I ended up keeping about 5 of the strongest. I think they flowered in 3 or 4 years. I took seeds from my Dad's garden and he had a mixture of plants, so I have no idea what the parent colours were.
25/Oct/12 8:32 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Yep that's a tree peony, a dark red one. I'll put a pic of that on tomorrow . We have very heavy clay, so it's rich in minerals, but very hard to work with.
25/Oct/12 8:41 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I'd love to see some of your photos of your garden, Ykm
25/Oct/12 8:47 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi ykm!
Camellias grow very well from cuttings -I have 3 from a friend's japonicas (white, red & pink) that I struck over 20 years ago. They were in pots for a few years before we moved here & put them in the garden. Hubby's striking some more to take up-the-river!
25/Oct/12 9:32 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I've posted the tree peony on my page. I bought through a catalogue years ago, and it was the cheapest one there. It is a beautiful flower, but really quite small and under the foliage, so easily missed.
26/Oct/12 3:38 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Thanks for that info on the campanula Ykm. I was given that as a cutting about 20 years ago and it has really struggled. Last year as part of our garden revamping into lower maintenance I moved it into a small area for perennials only. Now it has taken off like a rocket and I'm going to have to keep it in check. I couldn't find it in my books, but now I can go and have another look. Here's a bunch of flowers for you !
27/Oct/12 6:34 AM
   Serena  From Vermont
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Salome was very excited when we first sat her down. There were babies everywhere.
01/Nov/12 10:14 PM
   Serena  From Vermont
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The tree in the picture is a maple but I'm not sure what variety.
01/Nov/12 10:15 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Beautiful flowers, ykm!!
02/Nov/12 2:24 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Youkidme I love the photos of your spring garden. I've only just discovered them this morning, because I've been a bit busy this last week. How did your choral weekend go? It sounded like a fun get together.
to your garden!
05/Nov/12 7:21 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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The ducklings really are ducks I think. Their colours aren't as defined as the adults. I'm really interested to see what happens. Their behaviour is so open and innocent compared to secretive Pacific Black ducks, which also have ducklings. All you see of them is ring on the water where they dive as soon as they see you.
05/Nov/12 7:26 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm. Mollis azaleas grow very well from seed. It's a lotto what colours you get and the plants very much vary in strength. I just kept growing on the strong plants and kept the good colours. I threw out the others. The man at the local nursery said to take jottings mid December and grow them under plastic over the pots.
07/Nov/12 1:18 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I think cuttings would be more effective than jottings.

Both parents are guarding. The male was on the dam swimming with them yesterday.
07/Nov/12 3:44 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Those ducklings certainly high tailing it away from me. 4 of them headed towards the dam, but must have by passed it because I couldn't spot them again.
09/Nov/12 10:24 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm. The fantail has only 3 eggs so far . There is a dark band on one that makes it look like its 2 eggs. That's a hanging basket, in a cool, darkish shed that its decided repeatedly to nest in. Birds of prey like kookaburras and grey butcherbirds don't really see they are there. I have to take the old nest down each year. One year I didn't and they nested on a power cord. All was good until the chicks started to grow and the nest tipped over. I'll put a pic up of it if you like.
12/Nov/12 10:31 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm. I'll send a proper answer later, but there is a pic of a grey fantail in my gallery at the stat of the gf saga.
13/Nov/12 1:58 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello ykm!!
Just left a note with Karen & found a message I meant for you - you'd just posted on Karen's page & I mixed things up - here's the one you should have got a while ago:
Hello youkidme!
How's the hearing - hope things are becoming clearer!! My friend who had his C.implant a bit before you had your's, is now hearing voices rather than noise!!
09/Oct/12 9:18 PM
Anyway, hopefully your's is serving you properly (or almost so) by now!!
13/Nov/12 4:44 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Hi Ykm, I'm back again. The eggs look large, but the nest is really quite small. I can get better pics now that hubby has set up a ladder for me, because I can see into the nest and I don't bump the basket. I don't know if they share the sitting, but there are 2 of them around all the time. They are beautiful little birds to watch in the air. They are real acrobats and are commonly called 'cranky fans'. I'll have to do a bit of research to see what is known about them.
13/Nov/12 7:56 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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The Grey Fantail nests are put together in a couple of days, maybe 3. We are in and out of the shed every day. It seems like one day the nest isn't there and the next it is. I have never seen them working on building it in the 8 years they've nested there.
13/Nov/12 8:10 PM
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