youkidme from southern highlands

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great photos, ykm!!!
18/Jul/13 12:34 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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for the b'day greeting! It's always such a treat to get the 2-day Sudoku celebration
21/Jul/13 1:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Youkidme..... I just took my Gypsy Vanner mare Serenade, and her month old foal Pandora, down to Gypsy Gold Farm in Ocala, Florida. Serenade is going to be bred to a Gypsy Vanner stallion named Cushti Bok. Cushti Bok was the first Gypsy Vanner ever seen by an American.... Dennis Thompson and his wife Cindy were driving back to their hotel after looking at a Shire filly (in Wales) to buy and saw him in a field. They had to stop, talk, and fall in love. That's when they discovered that the Gypsies had an un-named breed of horse that was the most beautiful they'd ever seen. They named the breed Gypsy Vanner, with approval from a group of Gypsy horse breeders, and imported the first ones to the USA. Then they started the first Gypsy Vanner registry in the world. I decided that for the first breeding that I get to plan, I was going to breed my Gypsy bred mare, Serenade, to Cushti Bok himself. He's now 23, so who knows how much longer he's going to be available for breeding? In 3 weeks, I'm driving back down to Florida to pick the 2 of them up again. It's only a 16 hour drive (each way) when I'm pulling a horse trailer with an RV.
21/Jul/13 7:44 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hello youkidme. Sorry to take so long to answer you, but I've been doing cupboard clean outs and such like which keeps me away from the computer during the day and I'm just too tired at night. I'm really pleased that the shoulder is responding. The problem seems to be connected to my neck and ribs, but the spots causing the problem can be different each week. Anyway I'm slowly getting there. I'm getting some help in the garden, starting this week from someone whose just lost his job. He'll be able to do in half an hour jobs that take me a whole day, as well as jobs I can't physically do.

Rufus is doing really well, thanks. We keep him inside at night now, so he can't go running through the bushes and scratch his eyes again.
I hope all is well with you.
22/Jul/13 7:19 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi ykm - just found your Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena', Rosaceae, comment in my gallery - thank you for the visit!!
25/Jul/13 8:18 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Youkidme (That name is a mouthful. Is that the name your parents gave you or do you have another one?) Beavertails are a fried pastry treat that you can get with a variety of toppings. CP has cinnamon, brown sugar and chocolate and I have an apple-cinnamon version. I've sent you a link to a website so you can get more information if you want it. Cheers!
28/Jul/13 2:45 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Hi,I don't know where your comment has gone but I did get it in an e-mail.
The reason we had to just take what we got on the girls photo was they had had enough of camera's for the day and both were in need of a nap.
Thanks for taking the time to look. Cheers.
05/Aug/13 6:02 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hi, Ykm. I went for an early morning stroll in Royal Park, to take the Gorge and Mill photos. I've added some comments to yours on the page. It was nice to have you visit.
13/Aug/13 12:17 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello ykm!
I'm finally answering your question on the 28th July, about the white camellia - sorry to take so long!
It's a Japonica, all my Sasanquas (2 white & pink) had finished flowering by then - they start in March & are usually finished in June when my Japonicas (3 white, pink & red) start! Sorry, but I don't know the names!
Have fun at show next month & I hope you get all the prizes for your blooms!
14/Aug/13 9:37 AM
   Tricia  From Canberra
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Hi I just saw your comment on my page I have been about for years, but rarely comment on this page. I am more often on TOS. Welcome and I am looking forward to catching up with you at a get-together soon. Cheers
14/Aug/13 10:24 PM
   Tricia  From Canberra
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If you are coming down for Floriade then let us know and we will organise such a get-together
14/Aug/13 10:26 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Hi folks,
Thought you may be amused by the attached if you have not already seen it on your TV watching. 438.html.
Don't know if this will work; it is the first time I have tried to do it,so please be patient !
15/Aug/13 11:02 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Yes ykm, Wendy from from WA told me about Jigidi!!! I might put some photos up there one day. The JGsaws are certainly a lot of fun, but I have this feeling of neglecting sudoku friends?!!
15/Aug/13 9:03 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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This is copy & paste message about the Sudoku Easy Jigsaw Problems:
They went wild after one of Gath's changes. If you go back in the beginning (15th May 2005) & check the photos in the archives you'll find that the only jigsaw is the torso in the black jumper with the white coffee cup, you'll find that photo as the jigsaw on every Easy Sudoku page up till the 12th of January this year. I did comment on this earlier this year, but I'm usually commenting when no one's around!!!
I'd say the photos we're getting are the ones from the Easy pages that don't have a home any more! And the off sized ones are possibly the very early reward photos for finishing the Sudoku!
So I think we just have to accept that the Easy Sudoku jigsaw is going to too big or very small, more frequently than being a good size!!
27/Aug/13 8:51 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi ykm
1000 comments on my page - thanks for getting it there!!
I haven't mentioned them because I haven't had much time to say thanks, when someone sees them!!!! Thank you for visiting them & I'll go & see if you have question that need answering!!
27/Aug/13 2:51 PM
Molly  From The Hawkesbury
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Thank you for the birthday wishes 'kid'.
28/Aug/13 2:53 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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My knee?????? I jumped to return a ball at tennis - won the point, but hurt my knee - very simple, but still a bit painful at times!! Going up & down stairs doesn't help & I haven't gone back to tennis yet!
Very simple, but thanks for your concern, ykm!!
29/Aug/13 8:19 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Hi Ykm. Lovely to see you back on the site. Thanks for visiting my page. I've copied here my comment in answer to you comment.: This is the area where we have put hundreds of azaleas, lots of Rhodes and camellias. Youkidme i will take some more photos when The weather picks up and the Mt. Fuji cherry flowers.

How did your camellia's go in the flower show?
19/Sep/13 6:58 AM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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Hi ykm,
I'm sorry I have missed out on your nice comments on items on my page. For most of this year I have been out of circulation with a kidney infection. I am only just beginning to catch up. Thank you for your generous appreciations.
I also welcome you - as I have not communicated with you before - owing to my absence.
I truly hope I shall soon get back into the swing of things, and I hope the more to see you around
01/Oct/13 3:07 AM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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07/Oct/13 12:09 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday young lady! I hope your special day is full of fun and shared with friends and family to help you enjoy it! Cheers!
07/Oct/13 2:00 AM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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07/Oct/13 3:43 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake!
07/Oct/13 4:43 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday,
07/Oct/13 8:00 AM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and it's a special day for you. I haven't seen you comment for awhile. I hope all is well with you and yours.
07/Oct/13 1:18 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Have a great day!
07/Oct/13 2:38 PM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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I hope you have many more.
07/Oct/13 3:33 PM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Happy birthday YKM. Enjoy your day (& all the rest to follow!)
07/Oct/13 3:59 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Youkidme - have an absolutely great day.
07/Oct/13 4:37 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do hope that you have enjoyed your special day.
I do hope that you will be able to join us in a big gathering when Jane and Kathy are in Sydney next year. I will probably be organising something for the Sunday. The dates are on Jane's Blog and I have not got the date to hand at the moment.
07/Oct/13 7:13 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Sorry I missed your special day yesterday, but I'd still like to wish you a belated I think the date for June's gathering will be Sunday, April 6. Would love to be able to meet you on that day! Are you on Facebook? If so, you can find me as Kathy Keefer Foster. I don't think I know YOUR real name, but have learned many others through our FB group where some 93 former Sudokuists now gather!
07/Oct/13 11:50 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello YKM!
Hope everything is OK!!!
18/Dec/13 9:17 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Hi, YKM! I hope you didn't take offense at me having a little fun at your expense concerning Klingons! To answer your question ... Klingons are one of the alien races represented in the Star Trek movies and TV series. They are fearsome creatures, but one of them served with the good guys on the Starship Enterprise.
10/Jan/14 1:49 PM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Nice chatting with you! Heal quickly!
11/Jan/14 2:58 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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I loved your horsing around poem. You score full marks for originality.
24/Jan/14 11:39 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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My father has a slow internet connection too and Youtube videos are a slow, stop-start annoyance. What I found best was to allow them to play and for them to take as long as they like. Once they are complete, I click on the replay icon and they play smoothly and continuously. Give it a try and let me know how you get on.
26/Jan/14 12:06 AM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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If you like that dog video, you might like these ones too. They are all made by Birdbox Studio. c
30/Jan/14 12:08 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Hello ykm. I was so happy that you made the long trip to join us at the Sydney area gathering! Your baked goods & salad were delicious, & I very much appreciate your personal gift, too. I am looking forward to sharing it with Rob when I get home. I hope you enjoyed the get together with the Sydney folks as much as Jane & I did.
31/Mar/14 9:42 PM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Youkidme, sorry about the late response, but your message finished up in my spam box, and I just came across it now.
I got my dog from an animal shelter, and it already had that name. I was wandering the reason for the name too. It turns out he is very keen on ball games, and wants to join in, whenever he sees children (and adults) playing football etc.

Best Regards, Fred.
18/Apr/14 3:53 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hello ykm!!

I've missed you - but it could be my fault too - haven't been at home much since June's do!!

Just thinking of you!
29/Apr/14 8:02 PM
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