Doug W from Adelaide

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   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Doug. I hope you get the same enjoyment that I do from the friends I have met here.
07/Oct/13 4:01 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome to the site, Doug!
07/Oct/13 4:39 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Doug, and welcome to your own page on the site. It's always nice to 'see' and hear from new participants. Have fun here and enjoy! Cheers!
07/Oct/13 10:02 PM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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08/Oct/13 12:07 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Doug!
to the site!
I'm glad to see you have jumped right in and are trying the ''extra'' puzzles that Serena, Mr. Cee and Greg post for us.
08/Oct/13 1:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Gooday Doug.
A big welcome to the site.
Hubby and I built our 1st home at Reynella in 1984.
We found Adelaide a lovely city.
Enjoy all your visits!
12/Oct/13 6:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi Doug,
Send me a message on my page.
12/Oct/13 8:01 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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We have friends that live in Trott Park.
12/Oct/13 8:02 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Guess I missed when you joined our ranks, Doug.
By a month, it seems.
Well, a belated .
13/Nov/13 11:35 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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What??? You've been a member for well over a month and you don't have a photo gallery yet?
Shame upon you, Doug.
Nice to see you joining in the daily banter.
16/Nov/13 2:27 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Doug,
Thanks for the link to the magpie. It was lovely. They are such funny characters. There are a couple of baby ones around my house at present and do they squawk!
20/Nov/13 12:50 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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You've got some great photos in your gallery, Doug. Looks like you had a great time and that's what holidays are all about.
22/Nov/13 9:10 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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I loved your photos Doug. What a great holiday you had.
27/Nov/13 7:53 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Snakes are really becoming an issue for every one. We had a snake expert come and advise us how to keep them at bay, after we lost 3 dogs in 3 years. We've had a lot of rain and have a lot of long grass at the moment, so I'm a bit nervous for the dog we have got. He's survived 9 years by being a chicken and through the measures we have taken, but he was prepared to have a go yesterday.
27/Nov/13 7:59 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great photos, Doug - you certainly covered a lot of ground!!!
27/Nov/13 12:26 PM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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I enjoyed all your photos of your trip to the US. I also enjoy your daily thoughts.
27/Nov/13 1:55 PM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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Goodonyermate! Nice to see you on the site.

I enjoyed the photos of your US trip.
27/Nov/13 2:06 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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You have some great photos in your collection Doug.
02/Dec/13 1:47 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Doug, I don't know what your rejects looked like, but the ones you put in your gallery showed how much you enjoyed yourselves and they were great photos.
04/Dec/13 9:03 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Doug, after seeing your U.S. photos I got to wondering if you & your wife have traveled to many other foreign countries? I figure you must be pretty seasoned travelers to have successfully flown all over the U.S. & even driven in city traffic in places like LA! I'm also wondering if you two might possibly be able to travel to Melbourne for one of the Sudoku meet ups that are being planned for Jane & me during our visit the first week in March. You have such a great sense of humor, I would love to meet you.
06/Dec/13 12:39 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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It just dawned on me that you may not have been around when Jane first established the blog she's doing in preparation for our trip to Oz. The link is If you ever have any spare time you can check it out & see the places we'll be going & the people who have offered us accommodations! I have tried to explain to my local friends why Jane & I feel completely safe staying with people we have never met before. I know that sounds dangerous to a lot of people. I did not realize that Adelaide is 8 hours from Melbourne!! That's a long drive. I'm sure there will be more talk on Easy as we near the date we'll be arriving. Melbourne will be our first stop. Are you on Facebook? A lot of us (98) who met in Sudokuland are now together in a Group on FB called Sudoku Friends. I try to do a little on both sites, but many have gone over just to FB. Please let me know if you're interested in joining up with the FB Group.
07/Dec/13 9:30 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Since you are a world traveler, Doug, I thought you might like to see some of the places Rob & I have been. Here's a link to our photos on Flickr: You might particularly like to see the Set of Europe 2006. We went with some old Navy friends of ours to Eastern Europe. The four of us had toured Western Europe together way back in 1976 when Rob & John were in the Navy. We thought it would be fun to go back thirty years later! There are also lots of pics of some of the meet ups with Sudoku people I've been to in the U.S. since I started on the Sudoku site way back in 2005! The meet up in San Francisco was a BIG one!
07/Dec/13 10:04 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Doug, Thank you for your comment. It doesn't take long for people to notice you've got photos on your page so I'm glad you took all that effort downloading them. They certainly are worth checking out.
07/Dec/13 1:48 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Thanks for the suggestion about the trip to China. That sure is a bargain price! However, I will be maxed out on being away from home for 6 weeks as it is! I told Jane before she worked out the itinerary that my one absolute requirement was that I must be back home in time for Chase's first birthday on Apr. 12. If & when I go to China it will be with Rob. He is my favorite traveling companion, & although we've already been to about 40 countries together, we still have lots of places left on our bucket list! China is one of them.
09/Dec/13 4:11 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Doug!
Re the uploading of photos for jigsaws - took a while to find the rules - last time I uploaded a photo was January last year & I couldn't remember where I had to go.... of course you hit the submit photo button!!!
17/Dec/13 9:35 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Gath's rules:
''File size must be under 50kb
The photo must be in .JPG format
The photo must be square in shape.
The photo must be at least 300x300 pixels.
Do not submit the same photo to all the categories (Easy, Medium,Hard etc). Just choose the category you want it to appear in and submit it once. Duplicates are deleted.
If you do not see your picture in the first 3 days, do not resubmit it. All accepted photos are displayed, which can mean there is a waiting list to get through. Again, duplicates are deleted.
Please don't submit multiple variations of the same picture (ie, 50 pics of your grandson/dog/favourite pencil). Once or twice is great; just choose the best and send it in.
You must own the copyright on the picture (so no downloading any old clip off the net).
This is a family site, so nothing too racy. If you can't tone it down, at least make it funny so we can have a laugh before we delete it.
17/Dec/13 9:36 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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It can be difficult to shrink photos to the correct size if you have a high mega byte camera. You are doing the right thing by squaring the photo first. When your photos are still too big after following the rules, try copying the photo & saving it at a lower quality! Then try shrinking it.
Gath does have an ''Image Processor'' on the submit photo page that can be downloaded!
17/Dec/13 9:51 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Good luck, Doug - looking forward to some new photos!!!
17/Dec/13 9:53 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Doug, I am ashamed that it has taken so long for me to visit your page. I was over at Dotties for her Birthday & read about driving Route 66. Oklahoma has the most of the original Route 66. The drive from Oklahoma City to Tulsa is a very nice drive, there is also some of the original road on the east side of Tulsa going to Missouri.
20/Dec/13 7:31 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Nice pictures in your gallery. You really have seen a lot of the US.
20/Dec/13 7:33 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas to you and all those you care for Doug, and have a peaceful and prosperous 2014!
22/Dec/13 7:32 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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Doug, thanks for sending me the snakeguardz website again along with the other two websites. I forgot about the problem of now being able to copy & paste in PM's. Have you seen many snakes in Adelaide yourself? For all the talk we hear about the dangers of snakes in Oz, I can't recall anyone on Sudoku ever mentioning being hurt by one in ANY area of the country. In general, I really don't have a great fear of snakes - not like some people, anyway. I have handled & slept in the same room with the pet ball python that our son-in-law owned & brought into our family when he married our oldest daughter 20 years ago! His name(the snake's not the SIL's!) is Wolfgang (Wolfie for short). Ball pythons are fairly small & docile & can live up to 40 years.
22/Dec/13 12:41 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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As far as snakes are concerned, throughout my entire lifetime I have had 4 close calls, whereby I almost stepped on them. I have never been bitten and don't know anyone who has. It is quite rare. If you walk around in open spaces you will be fine. You just need to be extra vigilant when waking along creeks in the warmer months or in tall grass because that is where they congregate. I have seen snakes as early as August and as late as April so that only leaves about 3 months of hibernation. It will be different up in Northern Australia because of the very different climate.

When I was growing up, my older sister had a horse. It was agisted in a nearby paddock but the hay and Lucerne was stored in our shed out the back. The feed attracted mice and they attracted snakes. We owned a boxer dog and she had a few encounters with snakes but luckily she was quick enough to avoid getting bitten.

When we visited Penang, there was a cage with a 30 foot python inside. The tour guide invited us to step inside the cage and get our photos taken with the snake. The rest of the tour group took 3 steps backwards at the mere thought but I volunteered to be first. Yes, they can crush you to death but I figured that such an event would be bad for tourism so the chances of that happening was low. I figured that they would have fed the python beforehand to make it bloated and sleepy and perfectly safe. After I had my photo taken, draped in that monstrous snake, the others were scrambling to be next in line.

Neil sent me a personal message advising me that my 'Thought Of The Day' was a repeat. Wow, he was right. Old age is definitely setting in. In his message however, he had copied in text which was formatted differently. Then it dawned on me. You can copy/paste into the PM message by using the hot keys Cntrl+C and Cntrl+V. Oh well, I now know better for next time.
22/Dec/13 1:47 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a wonderful day with family and friends
23/Dec/13 5:37 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Doug
Missed your arrival on the is hard to find the time to do the puzzles let alone scroll down and read what's happening at times.
From your post today I can just tell that you will fit in here VERY well.. it will become your home away from home.
29/Dec/13 2:52 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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okay I'm rearing up to say May 2014 be a great one for you and your family!
31/Dec/13 2:27 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, look, no YouTubes!!!
Hello Doug!
09/Jan/14 10:31 PM
   Doug W  From Adelaide
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Hi Anne, I never thought I would say it but .... I'm glad I no longer have any youtube videos on my home page. It annoyed me when I had to add them and remove them one at a time but it annoyed me more when I uploaded 4 and my home page locked up entirely. Gath was very good. I wasn't expecting to get a response for weeks. Should I experiment again uploading multiple youtube links??? Hmmmmm, I think it would be unwise to lock up my home page again too soon.
09/Jan/14 10:59 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi, Doug! Found you.
Yes, on this site it is possible to get too clever for one's own good. Glad your page is back.
10/Jan/14 1:24 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Just looked at your gallery. My goodness. What a coincidence. I was in NYC May 25-27, 2012, during Fleet Week. We may have passed each other!

I went to see Lady Liberty first thing Friday. Left downtown a little after lunchtime for the Village and Times Square. Went to a Bway show that evening.

Saturday strolled past the vendors on Lexington as far as the Chrysler Bldg then on to the Library, Grant Park and up towards Central Park over past 5th Ave then did some grocery shopping and found the best brie-style cheese I have ever in my life eaten -- though imported it cost less than the brie I buy back home.

Sunday went to the Harvest NYC church with my hostess and spent the rest of the day in Central Park.
10/Jan/14 2:05 AM
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