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Easy Sudoku for 31/October/2010


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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"He certainly looks weird and scary tonight!"

… "Yeah, and just wait till he puts on his mask!"
31/Oct/10 8:20 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Still short of megabytes (on my internet plan) so will keep my posts to one per day.
Of course, in terms of memory, I'm going to ask for more megabytes next time (for my brain!). New internet plan starts next week.
Meanwhile, hope everyone who wants to enjoys Halloween (in Australia, that is still an option - although I have noticed growing popularity each year).
31/Oct/10 8:22 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Better trot out this avatar for the day! It says "The Witch Is In" - I actually picked it out for Judy!
31/Oct/10 8:27 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Try again. Bye.
31/Oct/10 8:28 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Hey! I resemble that!
31/Oct/10 8:32 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Oh No!!! The Witchy Witch on the West has shown up. As I said when I sent my riddle answer to Kathy.... "A twitchy witchy witch had a bi*chy itchy itch....which caused her to buy a switch....to scritch that itchy itch." Of courcse, that switch might have been a pointy stick!
31/Oct/10 8:54 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Uh ... stick it, CG!
31/Oct/10 9:05 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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OUCH!!! That hurt Judy.
31/Oct/10 9:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sue I agree with your search. Some of the answers of Kathy's quiz are very obscure.
31/Oct/10 11:42 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Good evening everyone!
31/Oct/10 12:50 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Wishing all of you a very nice and happy day wherever you are.
Am I right to say "Happy Halloween!!!!!
And What that "Holloween" means??
May I have an explaiation to my interest?
Any way Have a happy day to everyone .
31/Oct/10 1:08 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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OK! The new pix are up in my picture gallery.

To see the pictures in the order that they were taken, click on the 'Most recent' and then use the 'Previous photo' option to see the rest of them.

31/Oct/10 1:19 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Great Hal, thanks very much for sharing them with us.
31/Oct/10 1:45 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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My pleasure, Anne. Thanks for your nice comments.
31/Oct/10 2:00 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What did the ghost serve at his Halloween party?

31/Oct/10 2:20 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What is a witch's favourite TV show?

… Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous!
31/Oct/10 2:20 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What would you get if you crossed a pumpkin with a Magic superstar?

… A Shaq-o'-lantern!
31/Oct/10 2:21 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Did you hear about the really stupid horror movie?

… It was shudder nonsense!
31/Oct/10 2:21 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Did you hear about the Egyptian monster who was a terrible driver?

… He was a crash mummy!
31/Oct/10 2:22 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Did you hear about the starving vampire?

… He was all gums!
31/Oct/10 2:22 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Did you hear about the new ice cream for monsters?

… It's called "Cookies and Scream."
31/Oct/10 2:23 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What is a childs's favourite type of Halloween candy?

… Lots a candy.
31/Oct/10 2:23 PM
   the lurker (Playing Hide N Seek)
Hal, I am sure I have said it before - start selling your photos to the postcard and tourism people! How lucky you are to have such a good eye for composition. Really loved the Lake Louise ones. It's almost as good as being there. Thanks so much.
31/Oct/10 2:27 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Thanks 'lurker'. Really appreciate your comments.
31/Oct/10 2:33 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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G'nite all.
31/Oct/10 2:34 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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How can you enter a haunted house?

... With a skeleton key!
31/Oct/10 4:32 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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How can you fatten up a ghost?

... With ghoulash and spooketti!
31/Oct/10 4:33 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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How can a witch tell the time?

… By using a witch watch!
31/Oct/10 4:36 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What is a ghost's favorite ride?

… A roller ghoster!
31/Oct/10 4:37 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What is bigger than a monster but lighter than a bird?

… A monster's shadow!
31/Oct/10 4:38 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Why do cemeteries have fences around them?

… Because people are dying to get in!
31/Oct/10 4:40 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What should you say when you meet a ghost?

… "How do you boo, sir? How do you boo?"
31/Oct/10 4:41 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What's a ghost's favorite breakfast?

… Ghost toasties with booberries!
31/Oct/10 4:43 PM
Doug  From Kal
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Wagdy Kamel: I think this is correct.
Halloween is based on an ancient Gaelic end of year, end of harvest festival, preparation for the long dark winter to come and a time to remember those who died during the past year.Ghoulish costumes were worn to fool evil spirits who may be wandering that night; the boundaries between the living and the dead were supposed to briefly overlap.Christians appropriated Halloween as the holy eve of All Saints Day on November 1. In many peoples' opinion, the commercialisation and especially trick or treating is just one more cynical marketing ploy: so I guess wishing someone a Happy Halloween, is whether you think the whole thing a lot of nonsense or not! Cheers.
31/Oct/10 4:44 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What's soft, moldy and flies?

… A spoiled bat!
31/Oct/10 4:44 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What did the policeman say when a black widow spider ran down his back?

… "You're under a vest!"
31/Oct/10 4:48 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What happened to the monster that took the five o'clock train home?

.... He had to give it back!
31/Oct/10 4:50 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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Why did the monster salute his vegetable soup?

… He looked in his bowl and saw a kernel of corn!
31/Oct/10 4:50 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What would you call the ghost of a door-to-door salesman?

… A dead ringer!
31/Oct/10 4:50 PM
   Goblin  From The Haunted House
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What did Dracula say then he saw a giraffe for the first time?

… I'd like to get to gnaw you!
31/Oct/10 4:51 PM
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