Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.

George Eliot
04/Jul/11 11:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I'm not sure a home with kids would be the best place for Timmy. They can be very rough with dogs and he has been abused.. When our kids were younger it didn't matter what we said, they played rough - Until the day we told them that if the dogs bit them they would be straight to the pound, no negotiations, and if they kept playing the way they were, they were going to get bit.

Tami, I think 3 weeks will be the longest break you have had since I've known you. I bet you find something to do!

I'm glad summer school is going well, I hope they all get the pass they need.

Sometimes staying home with a movie and microwave popcorn is just what the doctor ordered! Alie is exhausted after a long term and all the late nights and day time performances with the musical. Grace, from Forever Archie, called both Saturday and Sunday insisting Alie had to come over to do something that absolutely had to be done now. Alie told her 'it doesn't have to be done, you just want it done, and I'm tired and sick so I'm not coming'. (she has a cold). Grace did the same stuff Alie did, where does she get her energy??

lol, I've just had to do a bunch of deletions, I couldn't work out what Dimmie was after until I moved the mouse again! She was after the mouse-bug!
04/Jul/11 11:27 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm glad you got that Tami, I wasn't watching the numbers...
04/Jul/11 11:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I am glad that Alie stayed home and got some rest. She needed it.

Just finished watching the movie "Independence Day" with the boys. They all liked it but the biggest one fell asleep. He has seen it before so no big deal.
04/Jul/11 11:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mother Nature has decided to give us a fireworks show of her own.
04/Jul/11 11:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends!

Gail, Cyn, and Broni, I'm sorry I missed you in the hour after signing off last night. I was just too exhausted to try to keep going. Hopefully, I'll do better tonight!

Broni, I hope the achies are better today!

Brenda, I hope your son is feeling better!

Heidi, with the amazing changes in Timmy and changed attitude he has brought about in IH, I hope he can stay a while with you!

Tami, I'm sorry I got confused about your FIL. All the best to him and hoping for a successful surgery and rehab when the time comes!

Vicki, I hope your hubby's surgery (if he needs it) will go well and he has an easy time with rehab!

Heidi, how interesting that Challenger reverted to his previous behavior when he got back home! What a great idea to have the trainer come to your place and reinforce his new behaviors there!

Mamacita, I'm sorry to hear that you had such a tough day yesterday! How nice that Tami's TOPP and the knowledge that you have friends here helped you turn your day around! It's so nice to remember that there are shoulders to cry on and ears willing to listen to whatever is bothering us on this site! I hope today has been better for you! I feel that something special has drawn us all together here and keeps us coming back. It could be the genuine friendship, acceptance of each other as we are, empathy, caring. Whatever it is, we owe Gath a debt of gratitude for developing the site and letting us keep this thread going!

MizT, I hope you are feeling much better now, sleep well, and wake up tomorrow to a better day!

Mamacita, congratulations in anticipation of the arrival of another great grandchild! Thinking positive thoughts for a healthy pregnancy and little one!

Theresa, good for you for going through boxes and "weeding out" the unneeded! I really need to get to that in our house, though maybe I should just start on the first floor and not worry about the basement right now! (We'll have 12 people here in a month for the wedding.)

Rolanda, I hope it warms up some in Perth and Melbourne! Good luck to S#2 for his interview on Tuesday!

Tami, so glad summer school and Mom camp are nearly half over! I hope you'll be able to find a bit of time for yourself before heading back to school in late August or early September!
04/Jul/11 2:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, thank you for another great TOPP!

Suzy, I'm glad Alie is able to recognize that she is sick and tired and needs to do something about it! She is listening to her body, an important skill to learn! I hope she feels better and more rested in a few days!

Heidi, I hope Mother Nature's fire works don't get the dogs to riled up tonight!

I need to head to bed soon! Please share these prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and with anyone who will benefit, and be sure to save some for yourselves! There are plenty to go around!

Good Night, My Friends!
04/Jul/11 2:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have no internet connection at the moment, but wanted to get this in her so I remember to post it when the connection is back... I just read a Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum book that I borrowed from the library - easy read, a bit weird.. Here is where I need to say that the little old ladies at our library write their initials on the very back page so they know what they've read and don't borrow a book twice. This book has a message "This author need "some" time in rehab. and me for reading this $h1t". I think maybe her husband picked up the book for something to do, the writing looks masculine. That'll teach him!!!
04/Jul/11 2:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Mama, your words have brought me to tears, and reminded me of the friendship I so value from being here xoxo
04/Jul/11 3:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, you would have missed me anyway, I was having a 'sick headache' so went to bed quite early.
04/Jul/11 3:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, 12 guests!! Now that's a house-full!! Are they all staying overnight? With that many people you'll even need to have inside the cupboards tidy because there's sure to be one who will look...

Alie must be feeling better because she is banging on the piano singing "20 good reasons"
04/Jul/11 4:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I lost the game.
04/Jul/11 4:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We recived your tax return. However, we are unable to process the return as field.
Our records indicate that the person identifiedas the primary taxpayer or spouse on the tax return did not provided all the required documents shown on the tax form. Our records are based on information received from the Social Security Administration.
Based on this information, the tax account for the individual has been locked
04/Jul/11 4:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It took them 10 years to catch up with us!!
04/Jul/11 4:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope that doesn't mean you will have to pay back some taxes Suzy.
04/Jul/11 6:41 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Time to move Suzy!!
04/Jul/11 6:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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04/Jul/11 8:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You do know that when I lost the game and told you I lost, you lost too? haha
04/Jul/11 8:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We decided tonight that since we are really dog people, when we have cats, they become dog-like! Dimmie even rolls onto her back in front of you when you are walking along so you'll rub her belly.
04/Jul/11 8:59 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Rolanda, I'll trade weather with you. It's stinking hot here and very humid. Yuck. Half an hour after my shower I feel like I should take another one.

BTW, morning all.

Suzy, good for Alie for knowing when to say no. I should do that more often too.

Heidi, hope Holly was okay with the T-storms.

Julie, I bet you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with the wedding a month away, plus extra guests. Take a deep breath. Take care of yourself - we care about you!

The tax man cometh. Run, Suzy, run.
04/Jul/11 9:53 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy 4th of July to my American friends.
04/Jul/11 9:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I find it hilarious that the tax man can't spell!!

Theresa, hot and humid - yuck! I hope you get a cool change through soon..

04/Jul/11 10:01 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I am almost tempted Theresa.. but hot and humid does not do a lot for me like this freeze...
04/Jul/11 10:14 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning everyone. Coffee is ready and waiting. Help yourself.

Theresa, it is probably more hot and humid where I am. Hot and sticky is the norm for us.
Heidi, it seems to me that Timmy wants to stay where he is. I hope moving him does not cause him more stress.
Julie, 12 people is a lot. I don't like to have more than 1or 2 at a time. Lucky for me there are a couple of nice hotels down the street
04/Jul/11 10:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another bad night. Hollie must want to be put down. She looked me in the face and peed all over my bedroom floor. I don't know how much more I can stand. And the forecast shows possible thunderstorms for the foreseeable future!
05/Jul/11 1:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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05/Jul/11 1:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, sorry to hear about Hollie having another bad night. You will know when the time is right. Remember, we are here for you.
05/Jul/11 1:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hubby and I just came back from a funeral. Fourth of our friends to lose a parent in the last couple of months. I want this trend to stop.
05/Jul/11 1:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heading to the beach for lunch and some fun. Talk to you all later.
05/Jul/11 2:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends. Today has started out much better, yeah! Breakfast stayed where it should be, tummy is not hurting. It is really strange, tummy pain was bigger than back and hips pain, and blocked that pain. Weird how that works.

Al and I do a word puzzle together, Twisted letters or some such, given 6 letters, make as many words as possible. You can only save your score if you get the 6 letter word, or one of them on occasion. Today we had the biggest score ever, over 50,000 points. That is double his previous score. Having the computer on the big flat screen means we can sit in out recliners and play together. This last year, he is really into word puzzles. He does 3 different crosswords, plus one that is hard to describe, and the one above. Keeps him occupied, and the cobwebs out of his brain. Oh, there is a 3-D Mahjong we both like but cannot do that one together. He seems to stay a step ahead of me on that one, I get a better score, but his that day is higher. Oh well, he did start playing before I did, he has had more practice.

Mama, congrats on another g grandchild on the way. Best wishes to the new mom.

Heidi, poor Hollie, the thunderstorms really frighten her.
scooter was very frightened of neighbors fireworks. For some reason, she wanted outside! Perhaps to get further away from it? they were shooting them off at edge of the road. She came to me and I snuggled her under a towel, that seemed to help. I hope you are far away from any fireworks tonight, you and your dogs do not need it.

TAMI, I cannot believe your summer school is half over, is your summer vacation only 9 weeks?

Julie, I could not have 12 guests here, even for a daytime, no overnight, visit. I do not think I could squeeze 12 people into my house!

I have seen people write initials in books at library, but I wonder how much good that does. Ours is a larger library, and has multiples of the most popular books. Now, when family used to pass around paperbacks, we did put initials in them. Sister Kathy bought most of the new ones, while traveling on her job, read a book a week or more. She sent them to my Mom, but Mom read slower than I did. I would get them fore Mom, and some after Mom, and it got confusing. Initials worked. Now, there is some way we can check computer at checkout, access our account and see if we have checked it out. BUT just as I heard that, before I learned it, the computer used for self check out got hit by lightening and still has not been repaired or replaced. bummer.

Need to move about, catch you again later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

05/Jul/11 2:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to a 4th of July party. I may even play some volleyball.
05/Jul/11 3:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, there might be some rain in your afternoon to ruin your party. I hope the BBQ is cooked fore the rain.
05/Jul/11 4:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It is 31C right now and I feel like running nekkid under the garden hose.

I am feeling a bit bad today because I told a lie to my sister. She had wanted me to go with her Friday to my sister's place near Toronto. We would have taken the 401 highway which is 4 lane until close to Toronto and then extra lanes are added. My sister drives a Smart car, and I'm terrified to go with her on that highway in that car (she is also not the world's best driver). So I lied and said I had plans with the grandies. I figured it was better than telling her the truth, but I still feel kind of bad.

I saw a picture on the internet of a Smart car that was involved in an accident. It was so flat they had to load the car onto a flatbed and bring the entire thing to the morgue to ID the bodies inside. I so wish I hadn't seen that.
05/Jul/11 4:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Headed out the watch the Marlins play the Phillies. What is more American than a baseball game???
05/Jul/11 6:37 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Another day of working on the boat then I will be working at Ship Lifts again, the lady I covered for while on holidays now has shingles, at least I can sit down there.
Love and Hugs to you all.
05/Jul/11 6:45 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings & Salutations!

This is a test. I have a somewhat long-ish post that won't post. Is it the site or the length of the post?
05/Jul/11 7:26 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I think Theresa broke the site; so glad it is now fixed!
05/Jul/11 7:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Mr Cyn :)
05/Jul/11 7:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, it really does sound like it is Hollie's time, she is not happy in herself any more :(

We have just gone through a similar time with our oldest cat, Judy, daughter of dear old Scrap. There has been a nasty big black cat hanging around our place and it has been terrorising our cats, in fact, on Saturday night, hubby called me to come quick and the bl00dy thing was in our house! We gave it merry heck before we let it out again, hoping it would never darken our door again, but I have since seen it in our laundry where I feed our cats!
Anyhoo, I digress... I came home from the school pickup one night and one of Judy's pupils was massively dilated and the other contracted. I rang the vet, thinking maybe she'd had some sort of stroke. What it is is called Haw's Syndrome, meaning the inner eyelid has come across the smaller eye making the other eye over compensate. It indicates some sort of malady, either a chronic or acute illness, or trauma (hence the black cat!) I took her to the vet but she went downhill over the next couple of days, and due to being rundown, she ended up with cat flu. :( She goes back to the vet today and she is much improved thank heavens, but she has a lump on her throat that does not look too good in the prognosis. She is old, so I don't think we will do much about it but as long as she is happy, we will give her tons of lovin'.
Unfortunately, due to their closeness, her brother, Punch, has also caught a dose of the flu, but he hasn't got any major symptoms, apart from the fact he doesn't move from his spot on the couch, and he has suddenly become a very old man.
05/Jul/11 8:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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We got the rain. Still raining all around usm but none here at the moment. Temp dropped 20 degrees, feels like dropped about 26, much nicer noow. I have been out on the back porch enjoying the breeze and the cool.

05/Jul/11 8:18 AM
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