Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is reedy. I won't be here too long. Taking car over to shop to get battery checked. I tried it this morning and it started right up. Why do cars always get better when they know they are going to the doctor???
22/Sep/11 8:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends.

Samuel Pepys

I wasn't looking at the numbers
22/Sep/11 8:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, SKYPE is free computer to computer. I have used it to talk to my cousin Sydney and Brenda in England. I have spoken to Heidi many times on Skype and she has met Harley that way. It is a great "investment". I know my webcam was $20 when I bought it and Mitchell's laptop came with a webcam. Don't know the price down under, but you really should consider it.
22/Sep/11 8:26 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko all and love and hugs.
Zusy, Skype computer to computer costs you allowance.
Read and thought of you all.
22/Sep/11 8:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni has killed Skype for me. I don't have allowance to spend....
22/Sep/11 8:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yeah but messenger is the same, using your allowance. Just not sure how much either do.
22/Sep/11 8:54 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I never think of allowance on line as we don't have one, which is just as well as we would go over pretty quickly if we did.
22/Sep/11 9:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hives much better and not itching. Gave in and got some cortizone type medication. Should sleep well tonight.
Congatulations to your Son, Rolanda.
Nearly asleep. must go to bed!
22/Sep/11 10:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We don't have allowance, either. In this day and age, I'm surprised that anyone does. Tell your carrier to get into the 21st century, Suzy. We ALL want to Skype with you!!!
22/Sep/11 10:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Glad your hives are better, June. You deserve some rest from all the cr*p that's been going on.
22/Sep/11 10:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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All Australian carriers have allowance, you can pay more and get unlimited - unless you live in the boonies and have to have wireless like us!! I think the most I can get no matter how much I pay is 16GB.
22/Sep/11 10:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, sorry you cannot get unlimited internet, how sad. I know how we felt till we could get DSL line here. Three speeds are offered, but no matter what we pay for, we will never get the fastest. It was a very honest technitian who told us that. We are at the far reaches of the line, really should be a new one here, but beyond us only pasture and cows. They are not using internet at this time

June glad the hives re better, hope you are sleeping soundly now.

Tami, Cars are like people in that respect. They love to make a fool of you at the repair shop. "well, it was doing it at home"

I have a date. For colonoscopy and endoscopy, not a FUN date! October 5. It worked out for both my sister and for my BIL, one to care for me, the other to care for AL. since I will be put to sleep, no twilight sleep, I will not be responsible for 24 hours. I cannot drive myself, must have an adult in attendance. That was first available appointment, so glad it worked out.

I still have not got the thrush resolved. Much better but not gone. AND something is happening where that boil was, I do hope it is not coming back! Old age, body falling apart, not what I need right now.

Joy is coming tonight. she said she was having a talk with her Dad about his non compliance with doctors orders. He was still upset with me today, snatching things from my hand when I insisted he must take his 9 am medications at 11 am. He NEEDS that medication to thin secretions. He was up in the night last night to change his cannula himself, it was so clogged.

23/Sep/11 2:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Men!!! Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
23/Sep/11 3:24 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, broke it!
Good Morning my friends hope you are all well.
23/Sep/11 7:20 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Not itching. Feel good!!!! I had a good nights sleep. Busy day coming up. Shopping thismorning while Hubby takes MIL to bingo. I will pick Laura up later and take her to Belinda's on Sunday and she will stay there for the first week of the school holidays.
Sorry Suzie. We have a huge allowance. With two of us on the computer all the time and I think we had a warning once that we had used half and that was when I did not turn the 'eagles' off properly and they were on all night!
23/Sep/11 7:20 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Broni, how are you travelling these days? Any new and better jobs on the horizon?

MizT, i can feel the frustration both you and Al must be feeling. Very difficult times. Hope your tests go well. 5 October will come quickly.
23/Sep/11 7:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.
June, glad the itchies are better.
Tricia, will keep you in my thoughts for Oct. 5. Hope the tests go well.
Suzy, I would also go over my allowance, if there was one here.
Don't remember anything else.

Don't think I will be back later. Dylan has a ball game and we will be home late.
23/Sep/11 7:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hubby went to an orthopedic today for his finger. He has a crushed tendon and will see a hand surgeon on Monday. He has already said he will not have surgery but agreed to go and let him look.
23/Sep/11 7:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My Gouldian Finches are in shock. I just put a 4 ft. tall papyrus plant in their cage, as well as a new birdbath. It looks great, and should give them a lot of fun. I wanted to give them something fun to do in the bottom half of their cage, which they've been avoiding. The cage is 7 ft high.
23/Sep/11 8:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Do I need a shower THAT badly??? Every time I post, I scare everybody away.
23/Sep/11 9:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, so glad the itchies have improved and you got some sleep!

Bad Al! I hope Joy is able to work some magic with him... He was the chemo monster before, now he seems to be the unsure future monster.

Heidi, that sounds like bird bliss..
23/Sep/11 10:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mum called me, all confused. (That sentence reads funny without the comma) One of her friends is the mother of one of Alie's friends. Recently she posted a link to a youtube of her daughter on facebook and Mum shared it so I could see it. She sounded a lot like Alie. So much so that hubby thought it was her. Mum shared the link to Alie singing and is wondering why her friend hasn't commented.
23/Sep/11 10:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My older pair of Violet Lovebirds have started laying eggs!! They have 2 so far. The pair of babies in the big cage are starting to get their first feathers. One is a normal Peachfaced and the other is either a lutino or a creamino ... can't quite tell yet.
23/Sep/11 10:32 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tricia and to the 'stubborn' Al ♥♥♥ and (((Hugs)))
23/Sep/11 11:19 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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We still have large allowance... with having 2 boys on the computer and me (not that I use that much) ...
Not sure what we will have in the new place, or even in the Rental..
and with the 'computer expert' disappearing (to England) for almost a week while we move...
hopefully all will go smoothly and I am not left with out Internet for tooo long!
23/Sep/11 11:24 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June glad you are feeling better.

Stuff to do, boxes to pack, sloshy machine needs a workout.... Later Aligaters
23/Sep/11 11:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After while, Crocodile.
23/Sep/11 1:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Running out the door but wanted to post in case the site broke.
23/Sep/11 3:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Indigestion keeping me awake tonight. Hope the latest antacid pill will work and quickly.

Joy was here, we got a lot of filing done, I can see the top of my table once again. Many phone calls and some paperwork ahead of me, a new set of bills from the last hospitalization.

I did an easy flinging of food tonight. Must feed the girl when she comes to help me. I had baked chicken in freezer which I thawed, chopped, added BBQ sauce. Made fast and easy potato salad, and opened a can (tin) of veg, that was it. Hardest part was boiling the eggs . Joy had lunch for tomorrow to take home, too.

Did I say dogs got into trash a second time just this week? Neighbor teen saw the mess and came over to pick it up for me, without being asked or knocking at the door. I went out to take care of it and it was all gone! Joy brought me a huge bottle of pine scented cleaner. I put some in the trash bag fore it was taken out tonight. Dogs do not like that scent and it has kept dogs out of trash in the past. I hope it is as successful now as before.

Big rains all around us early evening, some areas getting 5 inches in short time. Joy got a weather notice on her smart phone. People can sign up to have weather warnings go to their phone. flash flood warning for her area, and not a drop falling here at that time. That just changed, we had a short hard rain here, but nothing like 5 inches!

We had suggested all kinds of ways for Al to communicate, and he was using none of them, so tonight we asked him what HE wanted to use. At first he did not know, but then said a white board and dry erase markers. I will get the markers tomorrow, we have a small board already, just needs cleaning. We will see if he will do this or not. He did say he should try wearing the one way valve on the trach ( he can talk without putting finger on it) some each day, see if he can talk with that. Now, I made that suggestion, oh, a week and a half ago? But now it is his idea. Joy suggested I put that on his schedule, but I just put the valve on his bedside table, he can try it at his leisure. He does not need me telling him it is time to do another thing.

Antacid is helping, I should go to bed now.

Hugs to each of you with extras. I will comment on posts tomorrow.

23/Sep/11 3:32 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, big hugs to you and Al. I know it is not easy on either of you. I wish I lived closer so I could come over and help you at a bit. At least I could sent the beastie boys to help with some of the chores.

Suzy, is it possible the friend's mother doesn't hear the similarity??

Rolanda, good luck with all the packing. That is one thing I am not looking forward to, not that I am planning on moving in the near future. Last time I moved I was 2 weeks before Mitchell was born (he was 5 days late) and I had lots of help.
23/Sep/11 8:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, the birds sound great. I am sure the papyrus and bird bath are a welcome addition to the cage. Can you post a picture so we can see it??
23/Sep/11 8:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, in this song they sound nothing alike. Shelby has a country voice and yodels usually. It was kind of weird that the song they posted sounded just like Alie. Another difference. Alie has 2 weeks to learn the song for the grand final. She will do it well, though after only 2 weeks not as well as the others. Shelby's mother says it takes months to learn a new song, and she makes her living as a performer!!
23/Sep/11 9:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Boy, weather changed after my last post! We got a frog strangling. Or as the DUGs say, it was bucketing down. Raining cats and dogs. I was up till 1 am just watching the weather, but once it was past, I slept really well.

Suzy, only 2 weeks to learn a new song? With her real life going on as usual, school, family, that is a bit short. I know on the big talent shows (America's got Talent and such) on TV sometimes contestants have only one week to learn a song, but that show is their full time occupation at that point in the competition. Wishing Alie much luck with the contest.

Tami, really need the coffee today. I too wish you were near, just someone special to have a cup of coffee with, sure would be nice.

Speaking of the boys to do chires, my teen friend who helps me so much may be leaving in a month. Child Services has decided his mother is now fit to have her sons back. My friend T said he ws not going back, but changed his mind when meeting with the social worker. I and his grandmother were both surprised. Guess time will tell if he goes back or not.

Suzy, where were you running to earlier, when you ran out the door? Inquiring minds, or nosy neighbors need to know hehehe.

Rolanda, I also hope you will not be long without internet when moving. Just how did son manage to be away for the move. Good planning on his part?? Do the boys still have belongings at your house? I know I left things at Mom and Dad's house for years. Lots of sentimental things I had no room for in the first couple of appartments, but did not want to toss.

Heidi, sounds like you have a bird explosion at your place. how many birds now, how many babies, how many eggs?? What will you do with so many?

Suzy, I had forgotten the chemo monster. Hope I can forget the unsure future monster also, this is not the way I want to remember him.

Tami, it is good your hubby is going to see the surgeon. He can tell him what would happen without the surgery on his finger, nd let him make an informed decision. He needs to know not only what that finger is doing today, but how surgery or non surgery will affect it in years to come.

OK, time to start the day. BIL is coming down today and I am getting out of here. Trip to wal mart but I will not have to hurry. Not a lot of groceries to get, mostly milk (again, but it is cheaper there, and I can freeze it) and Carnation Breakfast.

I will be looking at another phone. The free cell I have gets no signal here, nor on the road to town. I have to be almost to town fore it picks up. If I have car trouble going out, on the roads that are less traveled, I would be stuck. If storms took out our phone lines at home, I would have no back up phone service. I think now, that has become a necessity, cause I never know when Al might need help. BIL has a Wal mart phone, it works well here. Al said it works on the Verison towers, Verison is the one I had before that worked so well the one BIL had on his plan. Verison disco
23/Sep/11 11:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Verison discontinued their friends and family plan, and prices went sky high on any plan. Wal mart is doable, with no contract. Just pay up each month and you have another month of service. Needs change, don't pay and it is off.

OOOPS, that is like a commercial for that phone hehehe, Promise I do not get a commission.

Gee, getting later than I thought, it is 8:30 but looks so much earlier, it is so overcast. I hope no more rain like yesterday, not while I am out.

Hugs to each of you with extras. Till later.
23/Sep/11 11:36 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Something a bit light hearted.
Belinda is going to a wedding today. When she got the invitation (she knows the groom) she thought it was some kind of joke. The brides name is Cinderella.
It is for real!
(Generally known as Cindy)
24/Sep/11 12:54 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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The names some people give their children is a joke.
My eldest step daughter called her son Akira after a character in a manga comic (a comic originally published in Japan in case someone didn't know the term, which I didn't) Then her cousin called her daughter Kaori, from the same comic.
24/Sep/11 1:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... with all the stress you are under, I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have indigestion. I am amazed at how strong you are, and how well you are handling all of this. You are woman, I hear you roar!
24/Sep/11 2:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At least Akira is a fairly common Japanese name. When we lived in Costa Rica, the Japanese ambassador's name was Akira. I don't remember his surname. He was a nice guy. I dined with him a couple of times. (In Costa Rica, everybody knows everybody, it seems.)
24/Sep/11 2:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's taken a while, but the finches are getting used to the papyrus. The Mannikins started playing on it an hour ago, and now the Gouldians are starting to play on it. Nobody has touched the bird bath yet, but they will.
24/Sep/11 2:48 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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HeHe! Heidi broke the site again.
Happy Saturday to the DUGS.
Hope Al's monsters disappear MizT.
June, good to hear the hives have subsided.
Going to be another beautiful day up our way but rain tomorrow.
Love and Hugs to you all.
24/Sep/11 6:47 AM
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