Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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My turn.
"We are all capable of great acts of courage-look around and be inspired"
30/Mar/11 6:23 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I had a good night's sleep - 6 hours straight.

Suzy, so glad you can pop in; we would definitely miss you.

Heidi, woohoo, the parakeets are coming today. So happy to hear Buddy is on the mend.

Victoria, what is a spiral scarf? Is it difficult to make?

Congratulations Rolanda. Love the name.

Julie, hope you feel better soon. Will the wedding be near where you live or will you have to do some travelling?

June, hope your ant problem disappears soon, and hope your back is better.

Whwn we first moved into our house we did have mice, despite the cats we had. The cats would hide around corners and peek out at the mice, but our dog at the time (terrier mix) would chase and catch them.

30/Mar/11 7:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Intermission here. I got both my wishes, that if I could not sleep at least I could ;ie abed pain free, and that i would get some sleep before the wee hours. I did not get all my wish about the rain. Nothing severe, that is great, but it has rained from steady to very hard all night, and not finished yet.

Heidi, yep, Al is pretty good with a weapon. Me? If I aim the traditional way, it is gonna be low and left. but if I just point at my target, I do much better. I only use a pellet gun, aka BB gun, to invite unwanted animals off my property, after they have done some unpardonable act, like growl or bark aggressively at me in my own back yard, or tip my trash bins and scatter my trash.

Teresa, your cats hiding and peeking at the mouse remind me of a cat we had years ago. We had chimny sweeps in our chimny. When Prescious heard them fluttering thier wings as they flew in or out, she would slink away, keeping an eye on the ceiling. Silly kitty.

OK, back to bed with me, a lull in the rain, perhaps I can get back to sleep before the rain gets noisy once again.

Anybody want some rain? I will let it go very cheap.

30/Mar/11 8:03 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Miz T, you can keep your rain, we have had enough of our own recently. Dylan had his baseball games rained out on Monday and Tuesday night.
Rolanda, congrats on the new baby. Love the name.
Victoria, good luck with the party. Your dog is about the same size as Harley. Harley hasn't figured out how to open doors or the rubbish bin yet, but has chewed up a rug he did not like and put a hole in one of our couches.
30/Mar/11 9:15 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Coffee's ready. Help yourself.
30/Mar/11 9:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Couldn't resist dropping in again.. will regret that soon I'm sure..

MizT, loved your mouse story!

Cyn, cringed when I read yours. Good for your brother!!

Julie, this is mum's 3rd of 4th year in this house and the first year she's had this big a problem. She's pretty freaked too.

Vicki, I hope Friday goes okay, or at least as well as Dana's did anyway...
30/Mar/11 9:29 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
TTT: Thanks for the coffee...About the unbalanced comment, I know better than to make a statement on that!!! We've been friends for 25 years honey! Think that has anything to do with it??!!?
Congrats to Great Aunty Rolanda!!
Heidi: I understand the comment about the hospital, that is why I am changing doctors. I have an appointment next Wednesday. The P.A. we went to has NO bedside manner. I also feel better seeing someone with MD behind his/her name. It seems the University of Utah satillite offices don't believe in having MD's in their offices...Only Salt Lake City has MD's in their facility. VERY frustrating.
31/Mar/11 12:01 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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We had field mice in the garage when we first moved here. I am DEATHLY afraid (and grossed out) by ANY rodent! Including ginee pigs (sorry, spelling is usually pretty good, probably need more coffee). Darrell had set some traps and he would get rid of them. Well, when he went to school in Mississippi, I had to get rid of the one trap (mouse trapped inside) I grabbed the pooper scooper & got rid of it that way!! I was VERY proud of myself.
31/Mar/11 12:05 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Going to pop off for now.
Love, Hugs, healing vibes to all who need them!!
31/Mar/11 12:06 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello all.
Lovely to hear the twins are coming along nicely Julie.Hope all goes well at your annual check-up and you get something done about the cough.

MizT...I am so pleased that Al doesn't need more treatment and he is starting to feel much better.It has been a long road for you both.Now, you just need health insurance fixed up. Did you end up getting some plants to brighten the patio up? condolences on the death of your friend Greg.RIP.
The new parrots look very nice in your photos.I don't think I have every seen them before. We have millions of the rainbow lorikeets etc here and lately we have to turn the tv up to hear it because the palm trees are seeding and they love them.Glad Buddy is on the mend.

Theresa...Get Better, you poor love.Pleased to hear your daughter is starting to look ahead.

Suzy you deserve to be a very proud Mum.Singing at the Royal Easter Show is a massive achievement.
I hope you can get some more work soon but then you wont get much time here.

Rolanda congratulations Great Aunt.

Tami..I love your words of wisdom for the Topps.Count me in as a disturbed friend.

Victoria..will the dog settle down after the guests have been there awhile if he is allowed in?
Have fun.

June...fingers crossed here for your Friend, for the next scan showing all clear.Hope your back is better, the ants are gone and you have a nice tidy pantry.
31/Mar/11 1:19 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Yesterday, it was confirmed that prac will be at Maryborough Hospital, which is closer than the original Gympie hosp.They will also give me free accommodation in the nurses quarters which will save me heaps. Exams start 11th in Rocky and prac 30th May. Psoriasis is bad at the moment,it did this last exams from me worrying but I can't stop.
I hope this finds you all happy and healthy or at least getting there. Catch you another time my friends.
31/Mar/11 1:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The parakeets will be in the county within the hour. SO excited!
31/Mar/11 2:03 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Nola, good to see you here. Good luck with the exams and the Prac. We know you don't need the luck as you will ace the whole thing. I know it is pointless saying not to worry because we are all the same and will worry no matter how well we are prepared. Hope the psoriasis settles down soon.
31/Mar/11 2:42 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Getting excited Heidi? The birds should soon be within collection distance. Hope they arrive safely.
31/Mar/11 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They are here!! And as beautiful as the pictures. They're small birds, not much bigger than the Budgies. They're stressed from their trip, so I'm leaving them alone to adjust for a while.
31/Mar/11 5:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to take a nap, then give Buddy his meds.
31/Mar/11 5:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Nola, thinking of you during your exams, I'm sure you will do well. ♥ Great news about the accommodation!

Heidi, as I was reading your post a flock of rosellas landed in a tree out the back of our house. They were deafening a Nola described.
31/Mar/11 7:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The funny thing is that Rosellas are first cousins to the Splendid Parakeet (Scarlet Chested), yet the personalities and voices are so very different. Rosellas ARE noisy, but these are quiet. I've heard only one little peep from one, not much louder than a whisper.
31/Mar/11 7:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby is a happy camper at the moment. He spent the weekend converting a design he had done for a work platform that will extend over the side of a bridge into 3D and then using a tool in AutoCAD to make a mini-movie of it. He has been in meetings for 2 days so hasn't been able to talk to his boss about it, but it turns out his boss has talked to other people about how impressive it is. The end result is that he may be able to dump something he hates doing so he'll have more time to do stuff like this!!!
31/Mar/11 7:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The lorikeets we get here can make a racket too Heidi, the parking lot at the mall at dusk is not a good place to try to have a conversation...
31/Mar/11 7:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I read a news story this morning - can't seem to avoid reading the news even when it costs me a fortune in extra time - anyway, this story, although horrible really, tickled my funny bone. A p3dofile (spelling mistakes deliberate) was arrested and they found a chat history on his computer with a 14 year old girl and they had arranged to meet. The police went to rescue the girl only to find another p3dofile posing as a girl.. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall at that meeting!
31/Mar/11 8:01 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone!!
Congrats on the new birds Heidi!!
Suzy: there was a report on our local news similar to that last week. The "child" was an FBI agent!! Gotcha!
31/Mar/11 9:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have a new job I want to do. I would love to go online and pretend to be a 14 year old girl just to set up the p3d0philes. I would then love to see their faces when they find out the truth and get arrested.
31/Mar/11 9:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's always a good thing when those p3dophiles are caught. I'd like to see them all castrated first before any other punishment is begun.
31/Mar/11 9:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I agree Heidi.
31/Mar/11 10:49 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite-Nite. I am going to bed early and try to get a good night sleep. I just hope that Harley doesn't whine in the middle of the night.
31/Mar/11 11:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sweet dreams, Tami.
31/Mar/11 11:28 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I agree Heidi, castrate first then ask questions later!
31/Mar/11 12:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.

If today reaches 31C, then it will be officially the hottest and driest March on Record according the the weatherman.

Nola wishing you the all best for the exams and the prac.
31/Mar/11 12:09 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Brenda, the spiral scarf is easy. I'll send a PM with the details.

End of month today so I'll be busy and may not get back.
31/Mar/11 12:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Early Evening, Everybody!

Reading on page 27:

Cyn, so sorry I missed you last night! One of these days we'll run into each other here.

Vicki, sounds like your dog is clever since it can open doors. I've seen what our daughters dogs can do to a door or door frame when they can't get where they want to be. I'm not too sure they understand the refrigerator, though. The older one (11 next week) is pretty good about only "vacuuming" the floor after the grandies are finished eating and she's been invited into the kitchen. The younger one (4 in May) is an opportunist and will help himself to anything within reach. Since he's a 150 pound Newfoundland. pretty much anything he wants is within reach. He's tall enough to rest his chin on the table when he's just standing normally on all four feet. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best during the party.

Rolanda, congrats on the new great niece! Very pretty name! How soon will you get to see her?

June, what fun to celebrate your friend's birthday early! Good luck with bowls this week!

Heidi, I hope Buddy is doing well! Have the parakeets arrived?
31/Mar/11 12:15 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Good to see Julie here!
Nitey nite TTT!
Hi Victoria!! I don't really knit, so when you finish the spiral scarf, please post photos! I do needlepoint, embroidery & jewelry.
Rolanda: Stay cool!!
I had more to say, forgot!! Take care all, TTFN
31/Mar/11 12:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, thanks for a great TOPP!

Theresa, I'm SO glad you got a good night's sleep! Hopefully that made today a better day for you! Our D's wedding will be in downtown Chicago. We're calling it a "destination wedding" because everyone will need to come from somewhere. We'll actually get a hotel room for 2 nights (after rehearsal dinner & after reception). How interesting that your terrier was better at chasing the mice than the cats were when you first moved to your house. At least he had an idea of what to do. I'm quite sure our cats wouldn't have known.

MizT, how nice that you had some time with less pain and some time when you could sleep. I thought you were going to try to do both at the same time! I think our cats could join Precious in avoiding any intruders. I hope the medical insurance is getting straightened out without too much stress on your part! Thinking healing thoughts for Al and pan-free thoughts for you!

I'm so glad Al and Cyn's father (am I remembering correctly?) were both good shots! A somewhat unusual way to remove unwanted mice from the house, though.

Nola, it's so nice to have you pop in! A great newsy couple of posts, too! So glad your prac will be at a more convenient hospital and free accommodation in the nurses' quarters will be provided! Will that be enough to reduce your worry and calm down your psoriasis? Will be thinking of you as you prepare for exams and starting on the 11th as you take them! Will also try to remember May 30 for the start of your prac! Good luck, Sweetie! You've worked so hard for this! (And of course, you don't need luck, just reassurance, as we know you can do it!)

Heidi, so glad the birds have arrived! I hope they adjust well to their new surroundings! Enjoy your nap and hope Buddy cooperates when you need to give him his meds!

Suzy, WONDERFUL news for Mr. Suzy! I hope all proceeds as he would like!

Sleep well, Tami!

Looks like many of us are like-minded about the p3dophiles!

Vicki, I hope the day at work went well and you didn't have any internet problems!

I need to run for a bit, but hope to get back again before heading to bed early. Our physicals are at 7:30 a.m. and we don't want to get there late!
31/Mar/11 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Buddy is easy to give meds to. I tell him when I'm giving him a shot and he stands like a rock. Pills get ground up and put in grain or inside pieces of apple. He gobbles everything down.
31/Mar/11 1:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There won't be much change in him for a few more days. This is a nasty infection. Tonight I take the bandage off and soak the leg in warm epsom salts. All I'll have to do is tell him to hold the leg in the bath and he will.
31/Mar/11 1:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, it sounds like Buddy is very well trained! I've seen children and husbands who are less well trained! With his cooperation, I hope the infection will soon be gone and he'll be back to his usual good spirits!
31/Mar/11 2:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, seems your horse minds better than most humans! Nice to have something that minds isn't it? Here is wishing the soaks will help get that infection under control.

NOLA, Hope you can relax just a bit about those exams. You have studied, know the material, and will do fine. Have you said how long the pract will be? I cannot remember.

Suzy, I hope things at work go as your hubby would like. It sounds like he had a productive weekend.

Julie, why waste a nice pain free few hours sleeping? It is so unusual lately I would like to be aware that I am not hurting somewhere hehehe.

I had a very good nights sleep last night, and a nap this afternoon. I like naps on damp cool rainy days. Not good for much else except reading, and I did some of that also.

Suzanne, if you Google "spiral scarf + knitting" you should get some nice photos of that kind of scarf, really pretty, I like it. My sister owes me a scarf, but she cannot knit now, shoulder problem. I cannot knit casue of this bum hand. Guess I will just have to look and ohh and ahhh. I am not a very good knitter or crocheter, can never work out gauge, for things that must fit. I did crochet lots and lots of little girls capes back in the 70's when those were popular here. I crocheted big triangular shawls for adults and I am not sure how many baby blankets, and afghans for everyone in the family, but as you can tell, none of them had to FIT hehehe.
31/Mar/11 2:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, the problem of no insurance is straightened out now, just waiting on insurance to approve the procedure. As health care gets more and more expensive, it takes longer to get things approved. they are wanting to know what I have been doing for back for the last 15 months. Uh, hurting???

Time to call it a night, my meds are making me sleepy now. Huge hugs to each of you with extras, take all you need.
31/Mar/11 2:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, so glad the pain-free time wasn't wasted! You're right, it's just nice to enjoy the pain-free time. Your comments about the spiral scarf have me interested. I'll finish here, then do a quick search before heading to bed.

Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! Good Night!
31/Mar/11 2:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night, MizT, and good luck with getting the procedure and meds approved!
31/Mar/11 2:36 PM
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