Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, I'm so sorry you have a BIL too. (B**** in law was coined in PMs so I don't know if it has been explained here) Isn't it amazing how they always get stuff back to front and all messed up! It happens when you think you're the centre of the universe... Big HUGS and I know you will have a lovely day anyway!!

I hope Laura has been delivered (finally)..

Heidi, good luck with very few accidents in the training period, and I hope your back is feeling a little better. I suspect not taking the methadone until after the pain already has a good hold on you had something to do with it not working as well...

Tami, Happy Chanukah to you and your family! Wishes for peace and love to you all....

19/Dec/11 10:22 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Your Horoscope - Taurus
As the Moon makes his last visit to your work sector for the year this gives you a chance to pick your battles and direct your time wisely. With your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground you're able to differentiate between what needs to be done now and what can wait, realising that you can't be all things to all people all of the time. With Venus just 2 days away from your career sector keep your mind and your options open.
19/Dec/11 10:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, 15 people would have kept me busy and given Laura a couple of other girls to play with.
Now we will have six people all sitting here aware that Sharon is not with us. Also it means Laura does not get to share the day with her great Grandmother.(She will go with her daughter).
Laura was only one when they were all here for Christmas. She has to play second fiddle when the other have it at there house.
I am sure Belinda will bring the new pup so that will keep Laura very happy! I will also see if I can get some lobster as that is Laura's favourite!
It is Ken's birthday on Wednesday and Laura wants to organise a trip to the "Lobster Shop" then!
19/Dec/11 10:30 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June, you have every right to be upset this Christmas but not because an in law is dictating to you and blaming you for spoiling their Christmas. As (I think it was Heidi) said you will enjoy your Christmas with fewer people because those people love and care for you.
Rolanda pleased your early Christmas went off well. How is your mother doing? Hope the recall on your car is fixed tomorrow, thank goodness it was recalled before you went away with the 'van for a month (or nearly a month).
19/Dec/11 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. Had a lovely dinner with the family. Kids got all the good stuff. My brother gave Mitchell some money so he could take his girlfriend on a date. How cute. He also bought my parents a new pooter. I will have to go set it up for them in a few days. I guess I will be busy on my vacation.
19/Dec/11 10:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Now I'm back a page to catch up there...

Tami, yay! Holidays! Enjoy your 2 weeks off work...

Rolanda, hope xmas at your place went well..

June, love the trip to the 'lobster shop.'

Alie's latest solo, though she has sung it 3 times in public in the last week!
19/Dec/11 11:10 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Have read but the brain will not engage.
Had a wongerful day with the grandies and BIL yesterday(NB: BIL is not a B***** he is a keeper), then Teresa and her brother for dinner.
Woke around 3am and needed to sit with the bucket, no one else is ill so go figure, tummy has settled with the help of drugs so will struggle through the day with toothpicks holding my eyes open. Only have one appointment today, had to cancel the early morning one.
Love and hugs to you all.
19/Dec/11 12:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am posting without reading. Home again, had a great time, I am tired. I took a nap as soon as I got into the house! well, almost. I will post more later, or perhaps in the morning. It is kind of cold in the house tonight, might go to bed early to get warm. Hugs to each of you.
19/Dec/11 12:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all - have been AWOL for a few days, sorry. Have just tried to read through but forgot most of it.
Happy Chanukah, Tami - hope I got the spelling right.
June - I agree that this Christmas might have been better with lots of people around to keep all minds off the elephant in the room, and it's so thoughtless and mean-spirited of that B****IL not to give that some consideration!
19/Dec/11 1:01 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hugs to you too Tricia, sleep well and keep warm!
19/Dec/11 1:02 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Got Andrew and all 3 of his girls coming for dinner tonight - as usual the psycho has dumped them on him for most of the break.
Anyway dessert is easily sorted with all these lovely fruits in season - plums, cherries, peaches, pineapple, rockmelon and papaya - if they can't find anything they like in all of that - tough luck.
19/Dec/11 1:06 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Can I come huh! Cyn?
19/Dec/11 1:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, like what you have for dessert. I had to look up what rockmelon is. We call it cantaloupe.

Went to Walmart tonight. Dylan got a gift card from his uncle to buy a new bike and of course he had to pick it out already. He even has a few dollars left over.
19/Dec/11 1:29 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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We call it cantaloupe too Tami, but I come from the southern states and they call things strange names up here.
19/Dec/11 1:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, as far as I'm concerned, all of Australia has strange names for things
19/Dec/11 1:48 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wicked Tamix
19/Dec/11 1:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She's a troublemaker, as always.
19/Dec/11 2:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I FINALLY got all of the pressies wrapped (except for 2 which aren't being shipped). My back sure didn't want to let me do it, either. I had to break it up, and still felt like I was going to pass out from the back pain. Tomorrow morning I will HAVE to ship them and hope they make it to their destinations by Christmas. They're not going far.
19/Dec/11 2:22 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed in about 20 minutes. I plan on taking all of the painkillers that I'm allowed to take.
19/Dec/11 2:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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It is called Rockmelon here in the West too! YUM
19/Dec/11 2:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rockmelon here too! And one in my shopping bags waiting to be put away right now. A handful of cherries, peaches and nectarines too!! Oh, and bananas!!!!!
19/Dec/11 3:35 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Thanks Suzy - so it's the Victorians who use 'strange names'! Haha!
19/Dec/11 3:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - I wrapped all my presents on Saturday and was stiff and sore by the time I finished and I don't have a bad back.
Hope your painkillers work well overnight!
19/Dec/11 3:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Change of avatar, even though I just love the other one.
Not that I'm trying to annoy anyone on this site like I am on FB, which is why I'm constantly changing my profile pics there. (Just some relatives of my hubby's.)
Actually I checked whether I had a chanukah one for Tami, I thought I did, but couldn't find it, sorry Tami.
19/Dec/11 3:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ok, we're home...who can bring me up to speed?
19/Dec/11 6:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Gail.. apparently in Victoria, they have a strange name for Rockmelons!
19/Dec/11 6:59 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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They will always be rockmelons to me!
19/Dec/11 7:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I grew up in NSW and moved to Melbourne when we got married 48 years ago. The bright materials I used for my dresses were out of place in Melbourne as they all wore sombre colours. That was before the days of Katies and those chain stores that sell the same fashions everywhere in Australia.
Rock melons were cantaloupes, Shallots were spring onions, carrots were sold in a bunch of three, not by weight, same with a lot of the fruit. Nowadays people move around more and things are becoming the same in all cities.
19/Dec/11 9:04 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June, I call shallots .. Spring Onions!
19/Dec/11 9:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Gail - I take it that means that they're rockmelons in SA as well. Hmmm, Broni, it seems you're outnumbered.
19/Dec/11 9:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I call them shallots.
19/Dec/11 9:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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spring onions are spring onions and shallots are shallots! two entirely different things...IMHO
19/Dec/11 9:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I agree Gail, if you sent me out to buy spring onions I wouldn't come home with shallots..
19/Dec/11 10:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Spring onions and shallots are different things here. Cantaloupes here, I would have had to look up what rockmelons were if someone hadn't already done it.
Of course we have aubergines and courgettes when the US eggplant and zucchini. I'm sure tere are lots of others too.

19/Dec/11 10:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Eggplant and Zucchini here in the West!
19/Dec/11 10:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Aubergine is a color here in the USA. I know for certain cause I have just bought daughter a set of hand towels that are aubergine.
20/Dec/11 12:14 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Yes, aubergine is a colour but it is the colour of an aubergine/eggplant
20/Dec/11 1:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Spring onions are called scallions here. Shallots are something else.

Brenda, I have actually heard of courgettes for zucchini and I might have figured out aubergines. Aubergine is a deep purple color, similar to eggplant.

Isn't it funny how the same language, English, has developed so differently in different parts of the world. Even in the USA, there are different words for different things.
20/Dec/11 1:09 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Don't have much time to read or comment.

MIL has had pacemaker inserted 4 times now - it keeps coming detached. If it happens again they will send her to the Heart Institite where I went. Sister-in-law is very frazzled visiting her mom and looking after her dad at his house. I will be going down there a few days a week to help out with the dad. Because it's an hour and a half drive, I will be spending a few nights there. He's quite lonesome.

My son-in-law has a concussion and is suffering from really severe headaches. He spent quite a few hours at the hospital last week for intravenous pain meds. What next?

My Christmas shopping is not done yet - yikes.

Gotta run some errands before my back and hips give out entirely. I honestly don't know if I can get back before Christmas or not. If not, I hope everyone has a peaceful Christmas spent with family. Take care. Come on 2012 ... please!
20/Dec/11 1:43 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
TTT: Glad you had a nice 1st night of Chanukah with the family.
Theresa: Sorry to hear about your son-in-law...How did the concussion occur?? He should see a neurologist...That's nothing to mess around with. Hope he gets the medical attention necessary. Prayers also for your MIL.
Still foggy with this inversion over us. At least it doesn't look like smog for now!!
Love & Hugs to all, healing vibes too.
20/Dec/11 2:29 AM
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