Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I just got a call, roger and Ed are coming for a visit. Did I tell you that yesterday I found that the headstone was put in place? I had told roger so he came down to see, coming on down to visit. Since I had no warning, I will just make sandwiches for lunch.

I had a good sleep, hips are MUCH better, after they recovered from being stuck. Still some low back pain, but a small pill helps that and I am pain free, something I have not felt in a long time! I do have a major case of the jitters, probably from the cortisone, but will trade that for the pain any day. One of those times where I was unaware of just how much I hurt till it stopped! Guess I should be happy I was not aware??

A spring kind of day today. I walked to mailbox at 9 am in shirt sleeves, it is going to mid 70's today. I should find something utside to do today I think.

Friend Terry came again yesterday, removed 2 truck loads of old obdsolete computer parts from storage and the old office. Things are looking up here now, a lot done in a short time.

Rolanda, hope you get some time to rest today. Your one word post looked so lonesome up there. Hope the next one says "feeling better".

Julie, you did not get the 2 extra hours I sent yesterday? Must be lost in the mail somewhere, hope it arrives soon

Thanks for all the good sleep wishes, I think they helped. Boy I feel so much better today!

I finished making one of the pillows for Joy, it looks nice. Only 3 to go fore Christmas, I should get most of them finished. I mentioned to Joy that I was in sewing room when it took 5 rings of the phone for me to answer. she asked if there was anything she could help sew hehehe, had to say nope, thought I had it under control.

I am still finding things to regift. Joy had mentioned she did not have gloves of any kind, did not need them in Florida. I have 2 nice pair I can no longer wear, hurts to get them over that thumb that had surgery. I have very stretchy knit ones now, so she is getting the leather ones and the suede with knit ones I cannot get on. I do have to go shopping for her and roger and Ed, one trip should do it. Allk my gifts for this weekend are wrapped, must cook Friday but only brocolli and cheese sauce, get rolls from freezer and I am finished. Now to decide if I want to stay over at sisters after party, or ride up and back with Joy. she would have to being me all the way home, so she would have to come get me too, a lot of driving in the wring direction for her. I cannot drive after dark and the party will most likely last till after dark. Guess that decides it, i will just drive up and spend the night.

company here, see you later. Hugs,
15/Dec/11 3:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're back from the Vet Clinic. The puppies have had their first shots and an exam. (I will have to deworm them. They have hookworms.) I was worried about Katy, because he had an umbilical hernia from where Angel bit the umbilicus too short. Fortunately, he says that it's closing up now and won't be a problem. The pups are happily eating a late brekkie right now, because I didn't want them traveling on full tummies. Collie pups are notorious for getting car sick.
15/Dec/11 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... could I talk you into making 2 pillows for me? I have two 14" x 14" pieces of fabric with lovebirds on them that I'd love to make into pillows. Obviously, I'd pay you for your time, skill and supplies.
15/Dec/11 4:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that seems like it would make a good January project for me, making more pillows. 14x14 is a little small, finished pillows would be 13x13 tops, but perhaps put a "frame" of fabric around the lovebirds, and then use same fabric for the back of the pillows? Clear as mud? A good size for pillows finished is 16 by 16 so they could have an inch and half "frame" on them, enough to look good I think. We can talk about it again after Christmas. Don't let me forget.
15/Dec/11 5:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I would prefer a frame of fabric as you described. I'll start looking for just the right color and pattern. Thank you SO much!
15/Dec/11 5:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I sent you an email with a photo of the fabric pieces.
15/Dec/11 6:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do have a bit of the skit on video, for all those that suggested it on my page, but it will not be going on YouTube.
My car has gone in for a service so will be home doing much needed swearing.
15/Dec/11 9:22 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Home for a little bit. Going out to dinner. We have been invited to the watch party for Melanie Amaro who is one of the top 4 on "The X Factor." A friend of ours is a friend of the family so we have VIP passes. That means we get free food I think she is amazing and have been voting for her so this is a plus.
15/Dec/11 9:25 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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MizT ♥

Still Tired.
Having a day at home today..
I need to get my act together, and get things in place for packing the Van on Saturday Afternoon...
7 sleeps to go.

Mum is feeling better and looking better, she gave us a big scare on Saturday.
She did look like Death Warmed UP on Sat eve, when Sister and I first saw her.

love, Hugs and ♥ to All and Sundry.
15/Dec/11 10:08 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I received your e-mail. Love the fabric with the lovebirds on it, those will make very nice pillows.

I thought of you today on my drive across country (different direction today) I saw a newborn black angus calf, so tiny, and it was up close to the road in the pasture, got a good look. Not exactly calving season is it?

15/Dec/11 11:56 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Just a few quick comments about life in the baby lane...not too fast here! I now have the stroller and boy am I glad to get it. I got it today!
Just imagine the stares we raised with a fit looking, young woman walking behind a huffing, puffing old lady straining in her effort to carry a baby where it had to go....had to let them know not to judge a book by its cover...things weren't what they seemed...but the pram roller will help stop that.
We had a run to the emergency room last night before I got the full was and is fine, but mom got scared because of the excessive crying , not eating and not having pooped during the day....I felt the baby was okay, but I know how scary this can be for new moms, so off to the emergency room we went...shortly after getting there, Erza preceded to poop ...twice and to eat...who knew????lol
Today, his pediatrician shared his well being and gd also was checked and is good, life is restored for the one who thought the world was coming to an end...Glad my daughter was able to do the Doctor/ hospital run today...Jazz and I got a chance to relax a bit. I hurt my back lugging the carrier around and have had a shot to ease the pain and meds to help all of the other aches so I should soon be pain free..whoo hooo!
Hope things continue to improve for all of us as we head to the holidays...gotta run for now...know that I care...hugs and good vibes ready for all who wish them...peace.
15/Dec/11 1:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Some people calve year around, like the purebred breeders who sell breeding and show stock. It's the commercial breeders who breed for beef that try to group their calving together so they can sell large groups for a better price. The feedlots want pens of cattle all alike so they can be managed easier.
15/Dec/11 1:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama... It's better to go to the ER and have a false alarm than to miss something that's wrong. So glad little Ezra is OK. I wish you were doing as well as he is.
15/Dec/11 1:10 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
Check out my page are so right....I too feel its better to err on the side of caution than to regret having it checked out...I'm okay...and hope to live another day...aches just let me tell the world how alive I am....but they will fade away. Thankfully.
The clock is nearing 10:30 and I want to be in bed by 11p.m so am off....Don't just count your blessings...share them and enjoy the fall out...peace!
15/Dec/11 2:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I have only about 20 hours until IH returns. I might as well enjoy the relaxation.
15/Dec/11 5:16 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Mama - so glad you finally got the pram and that Ezra was OK!
Tricia - glad the headstone is in place, that was quick. How lovely of you to do Heidi's pillows - one of you will have to post pics, ok!
Waiting for another lot of overnight visitors - Hayley and Chloe. I'll have them tomorrow, was going to take them to the movies but the only kids one I could face (Arthur Christmas) is not on until mid-afternoon and their Dad will be here by 4pm to collect them. What a disappointment for me (not) and for them - well they didn't know it was on the cards. Hehe!
15/Dec/11 5:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's still all go around here. Today hubby and I potted up some small plants into larger pots, we are hoping to bring them on quickly and get them into the garden asap so they look their best next year when we have the Outlaws reunion gathering here.
We have also had two trips to Bunnings (hardware) in the last two days. Yesterday was to get the paint for the kitchen living area which we will start after Christmas. Hubby was all gungho and wanted to rip and tear anything and everything he could lay his hands on, but as I told him, it will be nigh on impossible to get tradies in before Christmas.
Tomorrow, Chloe, Hannah and I are going Chrissy shopping, including decorations, I have decided to have a traditional red, green and gold colour theme rather that the usual purple and silver that we have had for the last few years. This will be my first foray into the Christmas shopping madness, wish me luck!
15/Dec/11 10:06 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hubby, Hannah and I leave very early Saturday morning to join his brother's family for an early Christmas gathering. The drive will be about 9 hours, the town is about an hour before Adelaide. We will be staying for two nights and hope to be back home by early arvo in time for hubby to go back on the machine.
If I don't get back here till I get back, loving hugs to you all xoxo
15/Dec/11 10:12 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Mamacita, glad that Ezra and mom are doing fine. I would also prefer to err on the side of caution.

Heidi, the pillows sound like they will be cute. It is nice of Tricia to make them for you. Post pictures when they are done.

Glad all seems to be OK in Sudokuland. Only two more school days until break. I can't wait.
15/Dec/11 10:51 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone, just checking in. Had a nice lunch yesterday with my friend/client Debbie. She said to me "when was the last time we did this?" Told her last year this time. She was shocked. Going to Salt Lake with Darrell to finish my Christmas shopping. Also have to figure out something to get him for our 20th anniversary this month...TTFN all!
16/Dec/11 1:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's raining again. The ground never seems to get a chance to dry out this time of year. At least it's a good day to stay inside. All I have to do is feed the cows some hay.
16/Dec/11 3:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got the word. My MRI is scheduled for Dec. 23rd. We're making progress.
16/Dec/11 3:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. boy did I have a sleep in this morning! I think I over did it yesterday, was busy till after 9 pm last night. Joy came, brought her $1 gifts to wrap, she did not get here till almost 8 pm. So it was a rush to get them done. Then I had a tummy problem in the night, all together, caused me to sleep till almost 10 am! Here it is almost lunch time and I am still waking up hehehe. I am surprised that no one phoned to wake me.

Dogs got into my trash cans again last night. the only thing that smelled of food at all was an empty bag that had contained cat food. I will have to get out and collect the trash , but not right now. Hip tells me I need to rest, just did too much yesterday. I did finish my shopping, had planned to wrap today, that also can wait, have over a week.

I think all my emergy yesterday was from the cortisone. I should remember it does that, really energizes me, causes me to keep going like the energizer bunny, that causes me to over tax the whatever that needed the cortisone shoot. You would think I would learn, right? It just feels so good to have energy, be like my former self, that I just go charging about.

My coffee is ready, time to have cup and get my feet up for a bit. I hope to be back later. Hugs to each of you with extras.

16/Dec/11 3:58 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI Heidi, glad you can get your MRI done before Christmas. I hope they get a clear picture of something they can easily repair. Extra hugs to you today.
16/Dec/11 3:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cows have been fed. Now I can crash for the rest of the day.
16/Dec/11 6:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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For my birthday, last January, Ken gave me a voucher for a two hour total body treatment. I had not got around to using it with all that has happened this year. Today is the day! My appointment is for 10am this morning. Tonight we have the Bowling Club Christmas party (Tuesday was Ladies Day). Another busy day.
16/Dec/11 6:47 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, so pleased you now have the pusher. Hope the pains and aches soon go away.
Tricia, nice to know you had a good sleep. Take care to not overdo things. All your Christmas gifts sound lots of fun. I have to spend a fortune and half the time I am not sure if the gifts are appreciated.
Gail so pleased Hannah is doing so well with her art. Belinda teaches and marks HSC art so I do know what wonderful work some of the students produce. Have a safe trip and enjoy the family gathering.
Heidi, it will be nice if they are able to do something to help with your back. It amazes me how much you are able to do with a back as bad as you have.
16/Dec/11 6:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to go back to MizT's. My back loved it there and was nearly pain free. Maybe it was just MizT's aura that did it.
16/Dec/11 7:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Come on back down any time, Heidi, the sofa is still available. I am glad your back was better while you were here, but I am sure it was not me that did it.
16/Dec/11 9:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. One more day and I am off for two weeks.

Heidi, glad the mri is scheduled. Hope they find something that can be fixed. I agree, it must have been Miz T's aura that helped you.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Time to fling food. See you all later.
16/Dec/11 9:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just took 4 snaps of the puppies using the camera in my computer. I'll post them here with names.
16/Dec/11 10:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just called with good news. He won't be home for another 24 hours.
16/Dec/11 11:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, the puppies are soooooooo cute. I can't believe how big they are getting.
16/Dec/11 12:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They'll be 6 weeks old in 2 days. We're already starting to work on housebreaking.
16/Dec/11 3:00 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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They are beautiful Heidi, enjoy the peace and quiet for another 24 hrs.
16/Dec/11 3:01 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi ...enjoy the quiet.....and I love all of the cute! Happy that the MRI is to happen soon...wishing all good things for the fix!
Gail, Hope you and the family that gathers has a wonderful time travel.
Glad you were able to get some restorative sleep, MizT, and I can relate to feeling good after so much pain,only to careful, and rest often.
Tami, enjoy your all too brief two weeks...Teachers work so hard, and while others think they get too much time off, I know better....put yours to good use in having a fun and hopefully relaxing holiday.
June, What a great time to use your pamper time....I know you will enjoy it!
CynB....You have been having lots of time to enjoy the grandies...good for you...and I know you will do the movie thing soon since you missed out this time....have fun...I don't envy the movie deal, but know its a good way to keep them happy and not have to expend too much energy doing it just makes good memories.
Suzanne, Glad you and your friend were able to get together for a nice afternoon after not being together for so long. Since things went so well, I'm sure you're going to try to do it again sooner...but those things always seem to never work out...the nice thing is that when you are really friends you can just pick up where you left off when last together.
Hey Broni...good to see you pop in too...
Rolanda, hope you have managed some rest and are a little more relaxed...sending best wishes to yu Mum.
All is well here...quiet now too...we're feeling better around here today and hope to stay that way. Have to take gd to a group meeting where they help nursing moms learn the ins and outs of being successful at breastfeeding. It will help them to better understand how to know what's normal for there little one, and when they may need to seek help. It sounds like a way to help the mothers build their confidence that they are doing the best for their child..and keeps the panic down so the mike can flow better....wish they had had things like this when I was trying to nurse my babies.
Going to sign off for now...see you on the flip side and hope all is good with all of you...Know that I care...Peace! ♥
16/Dec/11 3:46 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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That C word popped up again.
This time, my hairdresser say she has Br C.. :(
She is only 41.
16/Dec/11 8:10 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Rolanda, my thoughts going out to your hairdresser. 41 is young. I hope they caught it early and she can put up a good fight.
16/Dec/11 10:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Friends. It is warm and damp today, rain system north of us, the same that was giving Heidi a soaking yesterday. I am wondering if she has freezing rain or snow today, from the info on weather map. Yep, weather report said it is right at freezing temp and light snow in Magnolia. We are at 62*F, much warmer. What a difference a few miles makes.

Rolanda, so sorry to hear the C word popped up in your circle of friends. My neighbor was over yesterday, and told me the C monster has appeared in her DIL, another young woman in her early 40's. I was so sad to hear this, I hate cancer! Hope your hairdresser can beat this thing.

Mama sure did enjoy your long post this morning, feel like we had a nice chat hehehe. I am so glad to see your GD taking advantage of the breastfeeding class. Having worked with new moms, I know such is needed. Our hospital had one of the first programs for helping breast feeding Moms, had a breast feeding consultant who visited every Mom who was breastfeeding, worked closely with any who had problems. this is back in the days where Moms were in hospital for 3 days, and C sections for a week, we had time to teach in hospital then. I leaned a lot from Kay, the breast feeding nurse, and was able to help a lot of Moms when Kay was not on duty. One of the things I loved about nursing, being able to share knowledge with women who were so eager to learn.

I have a kitty cat on my computer. She was out all night, it was a mild night, she did not show up for bedtime. She was waiting for me when I woke, it was time to eat hehehe. She is glad to see me when she is hungry.

Ahhh, coffee is ready, such a simple delight to start the morning.

Did I tell you, I got a Christmas Pressie from Tanya yesterday? She had told me it would arrive and I HAD to open it immediately. I was wanting to save opening till Christmas. Well, soon as it came off the truck I knew why, it was in a Styrofoam container, and perishable! A box from Omaha Steaks, with an assortment of steaks, burgers, chops, twice baked potatoes and a chocolate cake! Yummy! Joy received one from Tanya also, and as it happened, had received another assortment from her boss, just 2 days before! Her freezer is full of good things to eat! I think I shall have chocolate cake for breakfast, I do not eat chocolate at night, it keeps me awake, and more-so now with the recent cortisone injections.

Heidi, loved the photos of the pups, they have grown so much! Shilo is my favorite, cause he is what I think of when I think collies. I had never heard of smooth coat collies till you told us about them. Now how do you go about housebreaking 4 puppies?

Tami, enjoy your 2 weeks off, today the laast day before the holiday?

June, how was your day at the spa? And how was your Christmas party? I do hopoe you enjoyed both.

OK, I must find breakfast, then do some chores here, wrap a few more gifts, almost finished. Of course I need to do laundry, and it is too d
17/Dec/11 1:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I did a Julie, too long, and I did not save the post, aaaagghhhhh! I hope I remember most of the rest.

Of course it is too damp to hang them out today, they would not dry. Tomorrow and Sunday would be nice dry sunny days for hanging out clothes, but I will not be here. I am going to Christmas at my sister's house, our family gathering. Party is Saturday, but will last into the dark hours, and I do not drive after dark. I will spend the night, and come home sometime Sunday.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, Till later today.
17/Dec/11 1:39 AM
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