Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Sandy sounds like a very sweet puppy.
Mama, I forgot to say congratulations on the safe arrival of Ezra. I hope his pram arrives soon so you don't have to carry him next time.
Brenda, My prayers are with Susan, Megan and her family. I hope the chemo is successful.
Rolanda, I'm thinking of you and your Mum.
Therese, best wishes for a successful outcome for your MIL.
12/Dec/11 7:58 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Sorry, I didn't count.

I hope everyone has a day filled with joy, love, good news, fun times, good health and no sadness. Actually, I wish that for you all everyday.
12/Dec/11 8:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am tired. First, I put out hay in the holding pen for the cows. Then I penned up the horses (easy) and caught Red Hawk (hard.... he was playing keep away). After saddling him up, we rounded up the cow herd and penned them in the holding pen (1 1/2 acres). Tomorrow morning I'll saddle him up again and use him to pen the cattle up in the working pens. I can do it alone with Red Hawk. Without Hawk, it takes 5 or 6 people.
12/Dec/11 9:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah... we're working cattle tomorrow. All of the 50 calves get vaccinated, there are 8 or 9 younger bull calves that have to be castrated, we'll wean about 35 to 40 calves, we have to pregnancy check all 50 cows and sort out all that are to be culled, and there are 13 calves that need ear tags. This'll take about 4 hours if everything goes OK.
12/Dec/11 9:14 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, maybe Sandy is the reincarnation of all your furry friends who have passed recently! Love your bond.

Belated birthday greetings for Chloe

Sending SA healing vibes to friends and loved ones of all my friends here
12/Dec/11 9:24 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have been a little MIA lately, we are still on full steam around here, and just when I thought things were going to start slowing down, another event has plonked itself on the calendar! Next weekend we are heading back West towards Adelaide but not the whole way (Murray Bridge, an hour before Adelaide), to spend an early Christmas Day with Scott's oldest brother and his family!
He rang hubby on Thursday night on our way to the Valedictory dinner and invited us. We thought "Why the heck not!" I wont be mentioning it to my mob because we will not be driving into Adelaide at all.
12/Dec/11 9:28 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well, what a weekend hubby and I have just had! Those on FB will have read and seen what it was all about, but I will give a rundown for you here.
When we bought hubby's car, we were invited to an Advanced Driver Training course, and at the time we thought it sounded like a great idea. Then reality hit and all of a sudden it was here!
It was held at the Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit, and was run by BMW with Geoff Brabham heading the team. My whole mindset was that 1. it was not my car and I could go nuts in it, 2. I have complete faith in the cars they provided and 3. also complete faith in the driver instructors.
The drive down to PI was lovely, a beautiful day and the company of my best friend, hubby ♥. The only downer was that we knew the weather would be coming in during the afternoon, thunderstorms predicted. PI is about an hour and a half drive away from home and we were due there at 12. Lunch was provided, though I questioned the idea of eating before what was about to happen. We were divided into two groups, and taken out to the Motokhana field, one group to do Braking training, our group out to the skid pan. Reece, our first instructor, took us all out in threes onto the skid pan course, 'slowly' first then at full speed! OMG!!! A thrill like that I have never had before. A skid pan course is an area set out with cones and constantly WET! Then it was our turn..get in the car and go around the course as fast as you can! That was the most amazing feeling, knowing the 'road' is wet and going full pelt. My first run was 24 seconds, and after four times, my last time was 17.3 seconds...I just wanted to keep going again and again. :)))
To start with, we were all strangers but after the first round we were all best mates and egging each other on to better our times, or ribbing someone who had knocked over a cone.
Next it was our turn to do the braking course. I k=now know exactly what ABS brakes are capable of, if you need to brake in a hurry, STAMP on those brakes as hard as you can and don't stop until the car stops! At 50km/hour, the car stopped in a car length, and 100km/hour it didn't stop till FOUR car lengths. Very sobering thoughts when you see just how closely people tailgate on the roads, at 100km/hour, you really do need 4-5 car lengths between you and the car in front just in case.
The next part was laps. There were now three groups of 8, with four cars of varying powers. We followed an instructor in their car around the circuit as fast as we felt comfortable, then after a few laps, we would pit, change drivers, and again after more laps we would pit and change cars so we got a feel for them all. It was insane! In the second car hubby and I had, I managed to do 215km/hour (134miles/hour) down the main straight before a right hand turn at the end, which I took at 160km! Talk about lead foot! Hubby managed 210, so he will never live it down :)
We are now thinking of going back to the next level of course, which is an all-da
12/Dec/11 9:52 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Should have said to skip the last post if you want, I understand that while it was very exciting for me, it makes for dull reading!

Hubby and I spent the night on the island and had a lovely leisurely drive back home on Saturday after lunching at the restaurant at our very own Flyboy's airfield.
12/Dec/11 9:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I see I rambled so much that I ran over!
To finish that previous post-We are now thinking of going back to the next level of course, which is an all-day intensive course with a much lower client to instructor ratio.
12/Dec/11 10:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, you are allowed to ramble here. It sounds like the driving was fun. It is something I would like to do some day.
12/Dec/11 10:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Finally home. Mitchell's kickball tournament was rained out so they moved it inside and made it a dodge ball tournament. Had fun shopping with my friend. We picked the two boys up (Mitchell and her son) and were asked if we could drop someone off. No problem. It was actually Mitchell's girlfriend. She is cute and has a nice personality. Mitchell wants to take her on a date during winter break.
12/Dec/11 10:12 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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I have GP appt this morning (need new Scripts), Sloshy Machine working overtime~ 1 of 2 loads just finshed.
Have cleaned the wet areas of the House ~ except for the tiled floors.
The House looks like a bomb has gone off..
Remember me muttering a couple of months ago about the Printer/Scanner/Fax/Copier thingymejiggy. that went Kaput.. it has been replaced under warranty...
Boy1 did the connecting to the pooter late yesterday afternoon, on his way home from the Extended Family Xmas Do at MIL's

Gotta rock and roll, and do the chores before I hit the Rd to the Docs.

Later Aligaters
12/Dec/11 11:38 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Gail, that sounded like fun...
unlike Tami that is something I would NOT like to do anytime.
12/Dec/11 11:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I now have my paperwork ready for tomorrow. I still need to locate the tagger and ear tags. I need to tag 10 or 12 calves that I missed this Fall.

After we finish working the cattle, I'm going to have to take all of the cows we're culling (at least 2, and probably a couple more) and the 10 biggest calves to the sale barn. I promised IH that we'd bail out his plant with money from the sale of some calves. That'll probably mean 3 trips to the sale barn because I can only haul 5000 lbs of cattle at a time. After that, I plan on sleeping nearly around the clock (except for feeding puppies).
12/Dec/11 1:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all
Can't believe I am so cold!!

June, saw this and thought of you lity/2389054.aspx?storypage=1

That has always been my pet peeve with the dance classes, the littlies have to wear full makeup! The little boys don't have to and they are the only ones who don't look ridiculous!

Heidi, what did IH have to sign away for you to agree to the bail out? If you say nothing I'll think he's got some juicy goss on you...

Gail, take me! take me! It sounds like so much fun!!

Tami, how cute that Mitchell wants to go on a date. Don't tell him I said that! He'll hit me! In this little town a date is basically the movies, a bit older and it's dinner, not much else to do here for younguns. Unless the PCYC is putting something on which doesn't happen often enough.

Forgot to tell you all that I was taken out for dinner by hubby and both girls. A Thai restaurant we haven't been to before. It was very nummy... We had thought about going there but had been put off because a workmate of hubby's said it was no good. Everyone else said it was great so we risked it. We have decided he doesn't like it because he lived in Thailand for a while and it mustn't be very much like real Thai food.

12/Dec/11 2:19 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hedie, Sandy and Willow gave me a hearty the antics!
Hello all...busy day/night here...There was a baby shower where Ezra received many lovely gifts and was amired by all...then came all of the work carting everything in and sorting it, giving Jazz needed attention, washing baby clothes ,'s now 1 in the am and I'm headed to bed, hopefully for a good nights sleep...See you all on the flip side...hugs and whatever else that may be needed...peace.
12/Dec/11 5:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, you had a busy day planned! I hope the shopping was productive!

Heidi, you may need to change Willow's name to Houdini! That must have been amazing to watch her squeeze through that small opening! Will she stay away from the puppy's breakfast if she gets her own at the same time? I think you're right to realize that Sandy is a keeper. I don't think she'd let you sell or give her to anyone else! She has really bonded with you!

MizT, I'm glad you had another good night's sleep! Your idea of jewel colored pillows for Joy's sofa is a good one. I'm sure you'll get them done when you get them done. (In other words, I bet there's no rush and Joy will be thrilled when she gets them!) I'm so glad you have all of your small gifts wrapped - and without shopping! The tiny baby dolls sound cute and will look great in baby Miranda's room until she is old enough to play with them. How wonderful that she has joined her family on time for this Christmas! What a great idea to join the cookie decorating party by phone - almost as much fun as being there!

Heidi, I hope you and Sandy enjoyed your nap - and your computer time!
12/Dec/11 5:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Vici, what a lovely wish in your TOPP-plus-one post!

Heidi, what a busy day you had today - and have planned another for tomorrow! I hope everything goes well and quickly for you!

Gail, I was also thinking that Sandy might be a reincarnation of one or several of Heidi's past pets!

Gail, I certainly understand about things getting plonked on the calendar! It's happening here! We had/have major commitments Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights and most of Wednesday and Thursday!

I'm going on record right now (because our shopping isn't finished, nothing is wrapped and Christmas cards still need to be started). If I disappear for the next 2 weeks, think NOTHING of it! I absolutely have to find a way to get things done. After my cello lesson on Wednesday, I have a feeling I won't practice again until after Christmas - only because I don't have time to do the many things that must be done.

Gail, your time at the Advanced Driver Training Course sounds like fun! I'm glad you and Scott enjoyed it! I don't think I would, but I'm glad you did! You should definitely go back for more!

Tami, I'm glad Mitchell got to participate in a tournament, even if it wasn't the sport they set out to do. I agree with Suzy that it's cute that you got to drive Mitchell's girl friend home - AND that he would like to take her on a date over winter break!

Rolanda, I hope your Mum is doing well! What a busy day you had lined up! I hope you got your scripts from the GP, got your yrdnual finished and had time to enjoy the replacement Printer/Scanner/Fax/Copier thingymejiggy!

Heidi, you are a saint to bail out IH and his partners at the plant! Is he at least offering to help with all of the preparation getting ready to take calves/cattle to the sale barn? He's going to owe you BIG TIME!

Suzy, how nice that your hubby and girls took you out to dinner! I hope you all enjoyed it - and were able to enjoy each other's company, but not unending chatter! Thanks for the link about physie! It gave me a much better idea of what's involved!

Mama, how nice that there was a nice baby shower for Ezra (and your grandie)! I hope all of the gifts were practical! What a long day for you! I hope you sleep well!
12/Dec/11 6:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here are lots of positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all of you to share!

I must take myself to bed. Good Night!
12/Dec/11 6:32 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Visited Mum this afternoon, she is doing soso.. looking very tired.
12/Dec/11 7:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Using my notepad so I don't miss people this time.

Vicki I love your wish and wish it right back at you.

Gail, I think you might have it right about Sandy. Or maybe she's payment for looking after all the rescues over the years.

Mamacita, I was asked tonight if Dana could have her baby shower here. Actually what she said was 'I've been making all these plans about a baby shower and I've just realised I need a venue.' If that's asking then she did it.

I'm glad Ezra got some lovely things to welcome him into the world. It's a memory for him - people wanted him in this world and loved him right away. There may be days when he needs to know that.

MizT, I love the sound of your pillows! Joy will love them. And how creative to find something for all of your gifts without shopping... I think I want to be on your $1 Xmas list...

Rolanda, it is not surprising your mother is tired. How many heart attacks has she had now? With some proper care instead of BIL care I'm sure she will pick up a little even if her long term prognosis is not so good. Big hugs..
12/Dec/11 8:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, guess where Alie is? On a date at the movies with her bf!
12/Dec/11 9:01 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself

Suzy, hope Alie is enjoying the movie. Not sure about Mitchell's date yet. She is a little bit younger and I don't know how her parents will react. Not sure if I would let a 14 year old girl go on a date. I suggested to Mitchell that he take her to lunch and the walk around the mall. That is what most kids his age do anyways so...
12/Dec/11 10:49 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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to you
to you
dear Suzy
to you.

I know I am a few hours early but wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you have a great day.
12/Dec/11 10:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, may your day be stress-free!
13/Dec/11 12:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If Sandy is a reincarnation of any of my past collies, she's a reincarnation of Aggie, my first girl. From the minute I saw her, at 8 weeks old, we instantly bonded. Aggie was my soulmate. I have had some wonderful dogs, but none before Sandy had such a strong connection.
13/Dec/11 12:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to clean out the puppy box, feed them their brekkies, get dressed and saddle up Red Hawk in half an hour. I'll be back later.
13/Dec/11 12:10 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Take care Heidi, don't want you hurting anything whilst out on the horse.
13/Dec/11 12:32 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, have a wonderful day.
13/Dec/11 12:34 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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My dogs have just been very naughty, though to be honest they have just done what they are bred for. Andrew was taking them out for a walk, he let them out the front door as normal. Unfortunately there was a female pheasant within 20 foot of our house, you can guess the rest they worked as a team and managed to get the bird and kill it. I do hate it when this happens, but as I have said it is what they are bred for and it is just instinct with them.
13/Dec/11 2:24 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Mitchell: I hope you bothe enjoy your special day!
Finally got a good night sleep last night. Thanks for the coffee, TTT.
Love & Hugs to all with extras.
13/Dec/11 3:00 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Rolanda: Hope your mum is doing ok?
Healing vibes to all with extras too! TTFN
13/Dec/11 3:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy birthday to Suzy and Mitchell. Hope they both enjoy their day.
Big day with our Christmas party at the bowling club. I think I have everything organised that I have to do.
Gail, that sounded like fun. Ken did an advanced driving course some years ago. Not sure if it was as spectacular as the one you did.
Suzy, the link was spot on. Laura has a bit of light face powder, a touch of eye shadow and some pale lipstick. She thinks that is a lot of fun.
13/Dec/11 6:29 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have read, thought of you all, cared about you all, and hopefully after today I will have more time to comment.(and clear more stuff out of my computer so that I can get it up to speed)
13/Dec/11 6:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Which is better, a warm grey cloudy day or a clear sunny cold one? We had the former today, nice to need only a light denim jacket, but I would like my sun back please. I think I am part plant, I only thrive when the sun is shining.

Did the erands today, bought antifreeze for the cars. Friend Eddie will stop by this week and install it for me.

I Could do the pouring in of the new, it is the draining of the old that would be difficult. I doubt I could unscrew the whatsis to let some drain.

I must put away groceries, Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
13/Dec/11 7:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had a lovely day to work cattle. Everybody was worked except one little bull calf who managed to escape without getting tagged, vaccinated or turned into a steer. I just got back from the sale barn after delivering 3 cull cows and 11 of the biggest calves. My back is killing me. I refuse to do anything tomorrow except relax.
13/Dec/11 9:06 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
MizT, think I am part plant too.
13/Dec/11 9:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Believe it or not, IH just offered to pick up a pizza so I don't have to cook tonight. I am delighted!
13/Dec/11 9:47 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - have a wonderful stress-free day today. Glad you enjoyed your Thai meal last night.
Mitchell - have a great 2-day birthday!
13/Dec/11 10:01 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful year.

Mitchell - enjoy your day and let your mother spoil you!
13/Dec/11 10:17 AM
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