Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Thinking positive thoughts for you, your MIL, your SIL and all other family members, Theresa! Boy, we miss you when you can't visit every day!

Brenda, what devastating news! Things must have progressed very rapidly that they can't even transfer Megan to the cancer ward. The good news is that they feel the chemo is likely to help! I hope her husband and father were able to get there quickly! Hoping for a miracle and sending positive vibes! {{{HUGS}}} for Susan, her husband, D and SIL, and for their little one!

Suzy, perhaps the woman who asked Alie to do the art for hospitals thing and not the ensemble realized that the ensemble was not the right thing for Alie to be involved in.

Rolanda, I hope the next 6 weeks go well for your Mum and that your brother and SIL will be able to work out all of the arrangements for after your SIL goes back to work!

Tami, thank you for the Dec. 8 reminder!

So sorry to hear about so many untimely layoffs! Hopefully none for any of SA families!

Heidi, what a shame that you had to get up early for the shoer - who then arrived late!

Theresa, I'm so sorry to hear that your MIL has apparently given up! It's so hard to see that happen! {{{{HUGS}}}} and thinking positive thoughts!

MizT, so sorry that you weren't able to go to your sister's house and bake cookies/participate in holiday activities! I know you will be disappointed if you are unable to go to the wreath-laying ceremony, so hope you will feel better tomorrow. (The same goes for Roger.) As others have said, you must listen to your body and allow it the time it needs to recuperate from all the work you're doing. Have you been given a deadline for accomplishing all of the sorting, donating, ridding of items?

Thinking of Miss Kitty, may she RIP! I hope your sister, her husband and children find some release and peace from the graveside services.

MizT, I hope you can find a creative way to arrange furniture so that you will be able to have some of your familiar pieces with you when you move! Is there only 1 floor plan? Perhaps there is another apartment available that is laid out differently or is a bit larger? There do seem to be some wonderful advantages to being there. We certainly hope you'll have room for a desk or table that works well for your computer!

June, I hope you get some well-deserved rest! Lots of shopping is hard enough, but having the additional weight (bouncing, at that) on the trolly must have exhausted you! Take care of yourself, please!

Mama, you, too, have had a long and exhausting day! Those baby car seats are heavy when empty. Adding in Erza, his clothes and blankets probably doubled the weight. Some seats have a stroller frame that the seat fits into. The idea of strapping the seat into a wheel chair seems like a great solution! I hope the next trips to the hospital or doctor go more smoothly! (No comments on the empty-handed sd.)

Suzy, I'm so glad to know that Alie did an amazing
10/Dec/11 6:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, dear! How did that post get at the top of the page?

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect It's successful outcome."
-William James

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."
- Martha Washington
10/Dec/11 6:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I see I lost the end of my comment to Suzy! The thought occurred to me that the lady who asked Alie to sing realized that the song would be appropriate and she would do an amazing job!

And now, I must head to bed!

Positive thoughts and healing vibes for so many who are dealing with pain and unfortunate circumstances! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
10/Dec/11 6:21 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mum is back in hospital!
10/Dec/11 6:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry to hear that Rolanda, but it might make your brother come to some realisation of where your Mother needs to be.
Suzy, Alie is certainly finding a place for herself in life. All the best opportunities will come to her at the right time.
My second sago plum pudding for the lunch on Tuesday (at the bowling club) is almost cooked. I did the first one last week. There are two of us cooking the puddings.
10/Dec/11 7:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just dropped in to see if there was any news of Rolanda's mum. Hoping she is okay in spite of BIL...

10/Dec/11 11:09 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again, friends!

So sorry to hear the bad news about Megan - thinking of her and sending good wishes and prayers. ♥ ♥ ♥

Hugs to everyone who needs them - if you're not feeling great then hope you're better very soon.

Spent the day going through some cupboards and doing a lot of tossing out. Very nice to look at the piles of things going into the bin, then the smaller, neater piles going into the store cupboard ... yay! Got the Christmas tree up and ready to be decorated, but much too tired to do it tonight. It's a lovely tree - the difference between getting in on time, and leaving it till the last minute ... :)
10/Dec/11 11:21 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I am starting to not know what to say other than to add my continued good wishes to everyone.
10/Dec/11 11:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I got a good night's sleep last night, pain manageable today, this is a good start of any day.

the sun is shining, the frost is quickly evaporating in it's warmth. Skies are clear and such a pretty blue. I am still trying to decide on the wreath laying ceremony. I read more about it, and visitors will be asked to help lay the wreaths. A lot of standing and walking, so I think I will pass this year. I can go later to see them all arranged and enjoy the beauty without doing damage to hips just today feeling bettor. Boy it is hard to admit I cannot do as I want cause of these old bones! But I am learning that I cannot ignore them, or they talk back, loudly.

Tami, thanks for the coffee, since I forgot to put my pot on this morning. Imaginary coffee is better than none at all. BRB, talking coffee has increased my longing for a cup.

Judy, you can come help me clean and toss, any day you are free . Do I have a deadline on doing the sorting and cleaning? No, I have not yet even submited an application for the new apartment. I just found out I must have a social security card, have never needed one before now, just knowing my number was enough. To get the SS card, I must have a birth certificate, and cannot find mine, I know I had one about 5 years ago, but it is not where I thought it was. Must send off for another copy of that. Lots to do, so I must get these hips and back behaving so I can do it. A little each day is how I need to do it.

ROLANDA, hugs to you, hope your Mom is OK, please let us know when you know, we are thinking of you.

June, your plum pudding sounds good, hope it turned out nicely.

Theresa, good to see you pop in for a visit. Th8inking of you and your family, hope everything works out for all of you.

Heidi, glad the horses are all wearing new shoes, or had toenails done. You were wise to stay indoors and not injure your back again. any news when the MRI will be?

Coffee is finished, I am off to have a morning cup. Breakfast was just not right with no coffee. Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.

11/Dec/11 2:17 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Evening, almost Morning..
Exhaustion is setting in, or should I say, set in hours ago.
Mum has had another Heart Attack. Medically speaking the Drs can not do much for her. She is quite Frail, and it will only be a matter of time, it will happen sooner rather than later..
But hey, I knew that (weeks ago)!!

Peter and I will visit in the morning.
11/Dec/11 2:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, thoughts and hugs going out to you and your family.
11/Dec/11 3:32 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Leaving in a few minutes to take Mitchell and his friends out to lunch for his birthday. He will be 15 on Tuesday. He shares a birthday with our beloved Zusy. We can have a two-day,two-birthday celebration.
11/Dec/11 4:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, thoughts and best wishes going out to you and to your Mum. I will be thinking about you today. You are up very late, hope you got some sleep sweeetie. Hugs.
11/Dec/11 5:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rolanda.... I hope you have something go right with your mother soon. You both deserve it.
11/Dec/11 6:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Quiet day here today. IH is out of state.
11/Dec/11 6:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, enjoy the quiet. When does he come home?
11/Dec/11 9:45 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everybody,
Rolanda, like Tami, I too am finding it difficult to know what words of comfort or encouragement can be said in the face of so many having to face bad news. Therefore, I'll simply say may your way be comforted that you have done your best to be there for your Mum at every turn, and may the Dove of Peace lead you and yours into a pain free release for your lovely mother.♥
11/Dec/11 10:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, very eloquently said.
11/Dec/11 10:11 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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MizT....Love the fact that you are feeling a wee bit better today and trying to hold on to that feeling by postponing the wreath laying ceremony this time. A wise old bird are Only another old bird like me could get away with that crack huh?

Suzy, There is faint hope that the sd will offer any financial help any time soon, and gd most likely wouldn't push for it since she was scared by the experience she had watching her parents fight over money for child care when their marriage broke up....they mishandled their situation and she doesn't want Erza to feel what she felt...I can't blame her for that...but perhaps one day the sd will be adult enough to do the right thing by his son. Meantime, life will go forward.
Tami, Happy Birthday to Mitchell on Tuesday in case I don't get back in time to say it on his day.
June, I most certainly will find a wheelchair to push Erza in on our next hospital visit...thanks for the suggestion. The stroller part of the carrier has not yet been delivered, but soon will have that to help..meanwhile, I am in need of pain meds to get through the aches in my back, neck and arms, so will use all help
I think I have a bit of time to work the jigsaws so am off...take care all. Peace.
11/Dec/11 10:22 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Thanks Tami.
11/Dec/11 10:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tis the season to be jolly
fa la la la la la la la la
11/Dec/11 10:43 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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What Tami said Mama.
11/Dec/11 11:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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For the moment, Mum seems to be doing OK, sitting up and eating breakfast, being social, and talking on the Mobile Phone.

We will be visiting with her sometime this morning, between Peter delivering tables and chairs at his Mum's, and we going to Mum's for the (wider) Family Christmas Afternoon Tea.
11/Dec/11 11:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds good, Rolanda. She sounds like she's comfortable, and that's all anybody can hope for in life.
11/Dec/11 12:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH just walked in the door. He was only gone 28 hours.
11/Dec/11 12:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends, I am going to bed early tonight. Hope it is a good a night as last night was, see you tomorrow.
11/Dec/11 2:16 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Look out Cyn, we are about to be drenched!
11/Dec/11 3:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Liked this one so much from the other site I had to share with you.
"I'm going to have a quiet but harsh word to the universe tonight - for all my friends near and far who are facing huge challenges, fighting for their lives, their loved ones lives, suffering, anguished, feeling beaten down, had their hearts broken, are feeling lost and defeated... I will be pleading all their cases passionately xx"
11/Dec/11 3:56 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Did you get drenched Broni? We didn't. It looked bad but the ridge to the west of us blocks the worst of it for us luckily.
I love that thing you posted on FB and now here!
Our Chloe is 6 today, sharing her birthday with Sudoku's Amelia. Had a party this morning for her.
11/Dec/11 5:37 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Nah missed us too Cyn.
11/Dec/11 5:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Rolanda, I'm so sorry to hear that your Mum is back in the hospital! I hope she is OK! Do you think this will be a wake-up call to your Bro and SIL? Sending positive thoughts and warm {{{HUGS}}} for you, your Mum and family!

June, even though I haven't had a plum pudding, your sounds delicious! I'm sure it will be a hit at the bowling club on Tuesday!

Judy, you're welcome any time to help clean out my cupboards, cabinets and closets! Will you decorate your tree tomorrow?

MizT, I'm so glad you slept well and felt better today! A wise decision to visit the cemetery and see the wreaths on another day when you can go at your own pace and with fewer crowds!

Tami, I hope Mitchell and friends enjoyed their lunch! Happy Birthday early for Mitchell! This is NOT a cake ! It's a great big birthday brownie!

Mama, thank you again for saying so well what we think! I, too, hope that one day the sd will come to his senses and decide to help support his son! In the meantime, I understand your gd's feelings about fighting over money, but know that it's a necessary evil to get the necessities!

Heidi, too bad IH being out of state only lasted 28 hours! It's as if he wants to be at home?

Broni, I like that, too!

Cyn, please wish Chloe a Happy Birthday! Chloe! I hope you have a yummy cake and lots of presents!
11/Dec/11 8:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sending as many positive vibes and thoughts as possible for everyone! , prayers and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for all of you and your loved ones!

Good Night and Sleep Tight!
11/Dec/11 8:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

I have a busy day today. First I have to help with the class party in Sunday school. Then I need to take Mitchell to a kickball tournament. While he is playing, I am going shopping with a friend.
12/Dec/11 12:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Between Sandy and Willow, I've got a challenge on my hands. I have a 4 ft. tall pet gate across the opening to the sunroom. It has a small 7"x10" inset door for cats to pass through. i figured that I could open the little door for puppies to use, and it would keep the big dogs out. That way I could let the puppies loose in the sunroom, feed them there, and the adults couldn't get to the puppy food. Wrong. Willow really wanted the puppy food. Willow is 25 inches tall at the shoulder, and a trifle overweight. I opened the cat door because Sandy was making a racket wanting to be with me. Willow watched Sandy run through the cat door and decided that if Sandy could do it, she could, too. It was like watching somebody successfully stuff a fat sausage through the eye of a needle! I was watching and I still don't know how she squeezed through that opening! But she did, and started gobbling up the puppy's breakfast as fast as she could.
12/Dec/11 1:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So now I have to keep that little door shut. But that doesn't bother Sandy. After she watched Willow contort herself through the cat door, Sandy is back to squeezing between the bars of the big gate and running loose in the house. She makes a bee-line for me and has to go everywhere I go. The other puppies stay in the sunroom and play with each other, and with their toys.
12/Dec/11 1:49 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!
Sending healing vibes, love, hugs & prayers to all who need them with extras.
Rolanda: Special prayers for your mom!!
Quiet here, Darrell worked overtime last night. Had a nice time yesterday at the Mason Lodge Christmas party. Have some work to do to get into Eastern Star. Doesn't seem to be a problem with my family's history on my dad's side. His grandfather was a mason and his grandmother was in Eastern Star for over 75 years. Just have to find out which chapter they were in and go from there.
12/Dec/11 2:37 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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time for a second cuppa coffee. ttfn all!
12/Dec/11 2:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it appears that Sandy has decided you belong to her! How cute that she has to be with you every chance she gets. she is a smart young lady!

Happy Birthday to Chloe, hope today is/was a great day for her.

Tami, after everything you must do today, I hope you enjoy the shopping with your friend, sounds fun.

June, I did not know what sago was, so I looked it up. Still not sure hehehe, saw a photo of the plum pudding and it was very dark, almost black. What makes it so dark? the ingredients did not seem to be so dark. Know I got the right recipe, or one very similar, it was in the Sidney Newspaper.

Broni and CynB, glad you did not get drenched, or did you need the rain?

Another good sleep last night. Hips tolerable, if I do not use them much. I started a pollow for Joy for christmas, I plan to make 4 for her black sofas. Bright jewel tone prints with metalic gold, something to add some color, bkack furniture is so dark and dull. She knows I wanted to get them done, she picked the fabric from my stash of quilting stuff. I hope I can get all 4 finished fore Christmas. Sheesh, just a few years ago, that would be half a morning's chire. My how we do slow down with age.

My $1 gifts are all wrapped. I did not have to buy a one, found enough things here that I could re-purpose, things I would have to get rid of before I moved. I found 2 really cute little baby dolls a friend had made me, as big as palm of your hand, Porcelain head and hands, and a warm fuzzy "sleeper " with a hood stuffed for the body and arms. Perhaps they can be decoration in 6 month old Miranda's room till she is old enough to play with them?? Miranda is the child of the niece who lost her first baby at 10 days old, remember me telling you? she is coming to Christmas, first time I will get to see her! It has been a while since we had a little one at Christmas, our youngest before Miranda is Lucas, who is now 7 years and does not think he is little hehe.

I joined my sister and her grands yesterday by phone as they decorated the sugar cookies. This is a tradition for them, spending a Saturday with Grandma and having icing in every color imaginable to create their masterpieces. the re is a cat cookie that looks like resident cat Figaro, A dog cookie that looks like Oreo, black and white of course hehehe. It was fun listening to them as they worked on their cookies. Sorry I missed it live and in person.

Time for one more cup of coffee, then I must dress warmly and oversee friend Terry who is coming to remove scrap wood from the dome. He has a wood heater in his shop, he can use this and will help get the dome in better order. Hugs to each of you, till later. OH, almost forgot the extras

12/Dec/11 2:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just took a short nap. Sandy HAD to join me! She curled up next to my head on the pillow and slept a bit. Now she's under my computer desk nibbling on my toes. All of the other puppies are in the sunroom, by choice.
12/Dec/11 5:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have never had a puppy bond so strongly to me at such a young age.
12/Dec/11 5:59 AM
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