Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh June! Men and babies! H never stirred to ours when they woke at night. Don't suppose he'll be any different when the grandies come along.
23/Aug/07 8:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Going to do some jobs for awhile. Maybe catch you later.
23/Aug/07 8:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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No worries June. I've got heaps to do here!
23/Aug/07 8:41 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Good morning all! Hi Gail and June! Woke up this morning and my headache is worse. Don't know what I'm going to do to get rid of it, I don't have time for a headache! Have a good night/day everyone!
23/Aug/07 9:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Maen sudokuland!

Coffee is on, and almost time to make another pot, anyone want to join me?

last night I did convince hubby to keep the big AC in living room on all night, his habit is to turn it off fore he goes to sleep. house was still way to wqrm at bedtime and I knew we needed to start COLD this morning. It is plesantly cool this morning, inside,a nd I should get everything I need to do done while it is! Did run the dishwasher, yes, even that adds uncomfortable tot he heat load mid afternoon and evening.

yep, another heat advisory, actual temps of 104, and heat index of 108, and the last night low did not get low enough or some such, calls for a heat advisory. means much more likely to see heat induced ilnesses. I had heat induced laziness yesterday, after 4 very busy days and many road trips. I vegged out most of the day. Could not get my usual nap, bedroom is the warmest room of the house at nap time and yesterday too warm to sleep, even with AC. I THOUGHT we were forecast for gradually lowering temps all week, but they changed it again!

RUBY so glad you got the hour of rain last evening. hope it traveled on to you Cyndi, or you conjure up your own t storm down your way. i am not familiar with how SC shares it's weather or they geography between you two hehehe.
23/Aug/07 9:58 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI STELLA, hope the headache gets better and soon! have you tried thinking your hands warm? It can be learned and it was what I did to relieve migraines, back when I had lots of them. If interested, I can tell you more on your page or messages.
23/Aug/07 10:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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WHAT's for Dinner?

that has become an important question here, prepare it early and avoid the heat. boy it has been nice to open the freezer to find smoked turkey and that crock pot cooked pork with BBQ sauce. NO COOKING the entree tonight, it is bbq pork, I just need veggies to go with and can steam in microwave, YEAH, no heat cooking.

What's did you aussies prepare and eat, and what will the topsiders have tonight???
23/Aug/07 10:08 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi MizT! Was roaming around.
23/Aug/07 10:19 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I have never heard of thinking hands warm. It sounds intriguing! It's hard to think or see with the headache but it is actually worse when I lie down.
It's been chilly here MizT. I wish we could mix the two weather systems and get a decent summer day. I had a sweater and jacket on yesterday and this is supposed to be the warmest month! It's around 60*F this morning. 60 in the winter would be tshirt time, but in the summer, it feels chilly.
23/Aug/07 10:27 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi girls, just one more puzzel to complete but that can be done any time. Would rather be here with you.
23/Aug/07 10:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Stella, so sorry to hear about your headache. You have had a lot to go through.
23/Aug/07 10:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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MizT, I am blown away by the temps you have been experiencing. We don't get the two temps like you have described. It seems to me that hot is hot!
23/Aug/07 10:42 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Gail! It must be the bewitching hour where you are! 11pm cutoff still?
23/Aug/07 10:54 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I was just send MizT a private message, it took me 20 minutes to type it, and then I forgot to ask about the hand warming thing. lol
23/Aug/07 10:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Not tonight. I'm all yours!
23/Aug/07 10:55 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I'm going to move all of S#1's boxes, suitcases and stuff into the garage so I can see what he has and what is missing. He packed at the last minute and it is just thrown together. D#1's stuff is all nicely organized.
23/Aug/07 10:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Was going to mention that in my first post to you but I am too quick to submit! Sounds fascinating. I'm open to anything that does not include medications. I am lucky enough to not have migraines, in fact, I have only had two. They were years ago and years apart. Out of the blue. But I remember them to this day so I sympathise sincerely.
23/Aug/07 10:59 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Groan! Boys=last minute!
23/Aug/07 11:00 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Yes, I'm not sure if I should eat or not. Don't know if you are still around Gail, but have a good night sleep! Hope to catch you on the flip side!
Oh, a blue jay just landed in the bush outside my window. How pretty!
23/Aug/07 11:07 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Oh my goodness, there are three of them!!! I wish I could get a picture but they scatter with the slightest noise.
23/Aug/07 11:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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So very sorry, got called away. Are you still here. I'll put the kettle on.
23/Aug/07 11:48 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Beautiful bluejays. That would make a brill competition pic. I hope your day gets easier for you, Stella. Will go answer a few visitors comments and check in here in a minute or two.
23/Aug/07 11:50 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Good Morning, anyone still here? (it seems I'm always asking that question!)
23/Aug/07 11:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hello Cyndi.
23/Aug/07 11:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Lovely to see you. How are you today? Hows the weather treating you?
23/Aug/07 11:53 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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We had rain!! After a record 14 says with temps over 100F, and no rain in over a month, we actually got some rain. Not enough mind you to perk my plants up--they're still drooping--or to green the grass up, but it is a litte cooler this morning (until the sun comes out, I'm sure)
23/Aug/07 11:58 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Any relief is good relief, Cyndi!
23/Aug/07 11:59 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Just about changeover time.
24/Aug/07 12:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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And with that, I must bid you adieu. to all. Have a great day/night. CYOTFS
24/Aug/07 12:15 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Wow, we have predicted thunderstorms until 10:30am (how do theyfigure that) and then a high of only 93F--bring out the blankets and jackets!!

MizT: R uby lives in the northern part (the "Upstate") of the state, an I'm smack in the middle (the "Midands"), so our weather may be similar but different. It's usually a degree or two cooler up there and we may get rain but not usually at the same time. Does that make sense?
24/Aug/07 12:15 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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I'm off to the puzzles, be back later.
24/Aug/07 12:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI CYNDI, still there??
24/Aug/07 12:18 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Cyndi! Glad you got some relief anyway. It looks like rain here but I don't know if it will. The coolness seems to be keeping it away. I think we are actually slightly above normal rain levels. I wonder if that means a mild winter?
24/Aug/07 12:20 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I took sinus headache medicine thinking that it was due to the eather and allergies and now I feel sick to my stomach. You can't win!
24/Aug/07 12:23 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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eather = weather
Can't type either!
24/Aug/07 12:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Stella, I saw that you forgot to ask about thinking hands warm, I will write up something this afternoon, and send off to you. It is a type of biofeed back and you will need someone at first to monitor hand temp to let you know when you are making progress. I taught myself with my husband tohelp, and it was well worth it! it works best if you can do this exercise when you first start a headache, but it is possible, after you get the hang of it, to do during a full blown headache.

Another non chemical relief I found helpful was an old fashioned bonnet hair dryer, the kind with a flexible hose and a soft bonet over the head. turn on low and rest in a dark room for a few min, would put me to sleep and I would wake with no headache, the heat helped to relax the blood vesels that spasm and cause blood congestion that is the mechanism of pain in many migraines. The white noise of the fan was sothing and blocked other noises that sound so loud during a migraine.
24/Aug/07 12:25 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Thanks MizT!
24/Aug/07 12:34 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi Stella are you still around?
24/Aug/07 1:57 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Hi Brenda! How are you today? I'm not getting anything done today because of the headache. It has abated a little, but not much.
24/Aug/07 2:34 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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24/Aug/07 5:32 AM
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