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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Fernlands Qld
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Page 221
25/May/10 3:29 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Wow! Where is everybody? 6 hours+.
25/May/10 9:34 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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An hour ago we gave our dog a bone. We just went outside and she ignored us so Colin kicked her favourite ball. She rushed over, picked it up, ran back to the bone, sat on the ball and continued chewing, giving us a look as if to say - I'll play when I'M ready! We considered ourselves told - by a dog!
25/May/10 9:37 PM
Small Town Canada
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It's way too hot here for me ... 33C today and 35C tomorrow ... but it's very humid. The humidity does a real number on my arthritis. It's not even 11:30 AM and already I'm exhausted. I know, I know, would I like a little cheese with that whine!
26/May/10 1:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, you know me too well, about liking the sun room idea. hehehe Thanks, yes, I did sleep better last night. No phenergan needed to "calm me down" either. Bone doc said, when he suggested I add that to pain meds, that these meds usually put most people to sleep, but I was one of the few that these meds "energized". Remember, I told you all, I do strange things with meds. Half a tab made me sleepy and knocked pain levels down enough I could sleep. got my 8 hours and during the dark hours mostly, too. MUCH better.
Heidi, all that sun sounds wonderful, and no curtains! How large will it be? Here, a south facing sun room would be too hot summers, but wonderfully warm winters. Hope that not the case in Kentucky. Nice of the bulls to cooperate providing only one winner.
CynB, happy your exDIL was pleasant when meeting you today. Why does putting an ex in a relationship turn some so spiteful.
Vicki, how incompetent of flight crew ignoring you on flight home. How long a flight was it? Terribly unsure of your area geography. At least you had the 19 days fore it happened.
this ends page 220, and I will post fore turning the page
26/May/10 1:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I do not consider that a whine, but a statement of fact. I know just what you mean about the humidity wearing you out. Had that here just 2 days ago . Not as hot today thankfully.
we did have a thunder boomer come through just as I was falling asleep lost night. Lots of lightning that lit up my windows, torrential ran that flattened some of my plants. Poor petunias look sad, they closed all blossoms to protect their vital seed making parts. They should re-open today.
I re-potted an African violet today. my BIL gave me 2 tiny just rooted plants a few years ago at Christmas. He has great luck with rooting them. One is doing great, Huge plant, lovely green leaves, full of flowers. Just this week, I noticed flowers of a second color, first were blue, this is their second or third time to bloom. This week, I have deep red flowers. Did some looking, there are 2 plants there, of course there has to be hehehe.
Other plant looks stunted, some yellow limp leaves. I tumped it out and not much soil and soil was way too wet, Healthy plant was in a pot that drained, stunted one did not. Pretty little ceramic pot, but I re-potted it to an old plastic pot with drainage. hope this one improves now.
that is your garden report for today. Now we return you to regularly scheduled posts.
26/May/10 2:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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You are SO much better with plants than I am, MizT. I don't have a green thumb.
I had a WONGERFUL night's sleep! I slept all through the morning, too.
26/May/10 3:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The barn roof is completed! Now they need to put up siding, trim and doors. I nice sight to wake up to.
26/May/10 3:06 AM
Small Town Canada
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Well, I didn't get as much yard work done as I had wanted to. Nurseries and stores were so crowded because of the long weekend, we decided to wait with planting until next weekend. Got existing plants moved to where I wanted them and got some weeding done, lawn furniture and kids toys are outside now, etc. My clematis are coming along nicely (I have four plants), my lupins are flowering, the wegalia (spelling???) is in full bloom. Also the dandelions are doing well. Our province has a ban on chemical pesticides so we try and make the most of it. In fact this coming weekend is our annual Dandelion Festival in town. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Heidi, glad you got to sleep in. Hopefully the antibiotics will not make you too ill.
26/May/10 3:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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WOW! One side is already up!!!
26/May/10 3:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It got way too hot, so the guys quit for the day. I think they got a LOT accomplished.
26/May/10 6:12 AM
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Morning all!
So much to comment on this morning and I can't remember any of it... sigh. I will probably have time to reread later if I miss some as I'm taking hubby's car in for a service and I will take the laptop with me. I'll sit at maccas with a tall cappaccino and maybe a cake...
26/May/10 8:17 AM
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I can't remember what happened when I got the text yesterday now. One 'disaster' seems to run into another these days.
Heidi, I can't imagine a room without curtains even if nobody can see in. Here it would be too hot in summer and too cold in winter - says me with my 5 degree temperature comfort zone!
Vicki, I think your homeymoon disaster sounds worse than mine! At least my surgery and the trip to immigration were planned!! The other stuff, not so much - lol.
Cyn, hugs from Chloe sound wongerful! Makes the whole day better.
26/May/10 8:21 AM
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Theresa, I didn't hear a whine either! I love your towns dandelion festival!! Here people mow them down before they have a chance to grow - well, most people... (she whistles as she looks at the air around her)... hehe.
I'm just waiting for the bathrooms to be freed up so I can get ready to take the car over. Catch you later all!
26/May/10 8:25 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Good Morning everyone!
I don't know about dandelions but I have a front yard full of cobbler's pegs. We really need to have a gardening weekend soon.
26/May/10 9:06 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
Vicki - what happened to your Qld avatar!
Suzy - good luck with the Macca's wifi - I found it exastparatingly (sp) slow!
Heidi and MizT - glad you both had a good night's sleep, and that Heidi's barn is coming along well.
Theresa - I, too, am smiling at a dandelion festival!!
26/May/10 9:27 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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News on Aunty Vi - she went back into hospital yesterday. She had an irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure. Spoke to her this morning, she sounded OK but said the nurse told her it's still irregular this morning so I think she's back there for a few days.
My sister get home from her European Odyssey late tonight. It will be good to see her.
26/May/10 9:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, I am still keeping your Aunt Vi in my thoughts. I do hope she can go home soon.
Heidi, as always, you make me laugh. I hope I get to see your farm someday.
Don't remember what else I read so if I missed anyone, I apologize.
Good thoughts and wishes go out to all my friends
26/May/10 10:12 AM
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Good Evening, Sudoku Friends!
Hi, CynB, Heidi, Theresa, Victoria, MizTricia, Suzy, Tami, and anyone I've missed!
Cyn, you had a busy day yesterday. So pleased you had the opportunity to visit your Mum - and the surprise running into your ex-DIL and Chloe! I'm glad you got a big hug!
Heidi, I hope the 2 new senior collie sisters make a good adjustment to your other dogs and your house! So sad that their owner needs to relinquish them, but probably knows what is best for all.
Theresa, you can DREAM about winning the lottery! One of my brothers has gone so far as to start putting in writing what he would do if he ever wins. He says it's therapeutic and helps him set priorities.
Vicki, YIKES, another day with the server shut down! Are you twiddling your thumbs? I'm glad to hear that you had actually had 10 days in Fiji before the appendicitis struck, but can't for the life of me figure out why flight attendants avoided you like the plague on the flight home. Also glad you only had to spend 3 days in the hospital!
Cyn, at least your dog has its priorities set! Some people can't make that kind of decision.
Great TOPP, Vicki! And a new avatar further down the page. I almost missed you!
Theresa, I didn't hear or see a whine - just a comment about actual temperatures and humidity. Sounds like a weather report to me.
MizT, I'm glad you investigated that African violet. You may have saved it from drowning - or at least a water-logged semi-existence. Sorry the storm flattened the petunias. I hope they jumped to their feet as the day progressed. Wow, a weather report from Theresa and a gardening report from Tricia! Thanks, girls!
Hurray, MizT and Heidi BOTH slept better! Wishing the same for both of you tonight, though not yet.
Heidi, your workmen got a lot done today! Just 3 more sides, trim and doors to go! Are they getting enough water while working outside in heat and humidity?
Theresa, I've been spelling it Weigela, but could easily be wrong! The replacement for the chewed-up one we moved to the back yard arrived today. (It was a Red Prince Weigela.) Yesterday we planted 3 Wine and Roses Weigela - also in the front yard. I hope you'll have an opportunity to shop for plants and get them in the ground soon. Yep, a Dandelion Festival would work for me, though the neighbors would be none too happy.
Suzy, I hope you "enjoy" your time at Macca's while the car is in the shop. (said with a smile) OK, I must be reading pages WAY too fast, as I don't remember reading your explanation of your honeymoon. Does anyone happen to know what page it was on? Thanks in advance!
Vicki, you have me stumped. When I finish here, I'm going to consult Mr. Google about "cobbler's pegs."
CynB, I'm glad your sister is home safely. Sending loads of positive vibes and prayers for your Auntie Vi! I hope they can find the cause of the irregular heartbeat - and deal successfully with the cause!
Tami, hope your
26/May/10 10:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Proud Mommy moment to share:
Tomorrow morning Mitchell is being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.
26/May/10 11:12 AM
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Oops! I did it again. I think I wanted to say that I hope your day went well today, Tami! Are you counting down the days? You may have already headed to slumberland, so I hope you sleep well!
26/May/10 11:13 AM
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Nope, not in slumberland yet!
Congrats to you and hubby and Mitchell! Well done, Mitchell! All of your Sudoku aunties are proud of you! Tami, will you and hubby be able to attend the ceremony? (I hope you can! I think the ceremony was in the evening when our girls were in junior high/middle school.)
26/May/10 11:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Mitchell's is at 8:30 am. I will go, hubby has to take other one to school. My first class is at 9:30 and I have 30 minute drive. I have a friend watching my first class for me. I should be there by 10:30. It is nice to have coworkers that owe you favors.
There are 8.5 days left for students and 10.5 left for teachers. This Friday is a teacher planning day and the last day of school is early release, the kids get out 2 hours early. I go one day after the kids to finish packing up room and sign everything back in. I will my room done before the kids leave. The last week they will help me.
26/May/10 11:24 AM
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I'm back and soaking wet! Maccas and the dealer are next door to each other, but the rain was coming down so hard I still managed to get very wet going from one to the other.
26/May/10 11:32 AM
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Congratulations Mitchell!!! Proud SAunty here! Now Tami you have to tell me what it means exactly - a National Honors Society sounds seriously impressive...
26/May/10 11:34 AM
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Cyn, sending out more SA Vibes to Aunty Vi. A friend of mine has an irregular heart beat. There is a surgery they do that involves jolting the heart in some way to fix it. Hers can't be fixed that way, but maybe Aunty Vi's can...
26/May/10 11:36 AM
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Cyn, our maccas don't have wifi, I just took my own wireless connection along. I won't be able to do that if we switch to satellite. A major drawback...
Theresa, I spend my $2.25 a week on lotto just so I can say 'when I win lotto'. Of course I don't expect to.
Julie, your brother has the right idea about prioritising! I'm finding it difficult to choose between the roof, the electricals and the plumbing...
26/May/10 11:40 AM
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I spent almost $300 on cars today. My car needed a new battery and hubbie's had it's service. At least hubby can put the new battery in himself and we don't have to pay for that bit. The battery gave up last night when Ebob was driving. We knew it was getting close and it could only take so many restarts with the lights on before it just decided to throw in the towel. It tried it's best, it made a valiant effort, but it just couldn't keep up with Ebob...
26/May/10 11:43 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - congrats to Mitchell - another proud cyber-aunt!
Snap Suzy - Karin's battery died on her yesterday and she had to get the RACQ man out.
Hi Julie - I love your summaries. They do so help if I miss something.
26/May/10 11:53 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - I was led to believe that all Maccas had wifi but I suppose it depends on the areas. I know you're regional but not that far from Sydney and Woollongong - ah well, we live and learn.
26/May/10 12:01 PM
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Cyn, if they have it they definitely don't let anyone know. Since I know the main guy at the one I was at this morning I might ask him next time I see him.
26/May/10 12:08 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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hi folks.
Haven't had read or catch up from page 121 you think I should give up?
It seems to me the more I try to get my life in order the the more out of kilter and behind I get...
Thank you Julie...I have a bit of a vague idea as to what is going on...haha
My woes are little compared to a lot out there so big hugs to all that need them...I am here in spirit if not in any other form...
26/May/10 12:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Just got back from eating supper out. That's 2 nights in a row not having to cook.
26/May/10 12:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Also.... I heard great news today. One of the neighbors shot the killer Coy-dog!!! It's finally gone. There is still its coyote pack, and offspring to deal with, but they're not killing machines like their leader was.
26/May/10 12:38 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi Bean, how was your nephew's wedding?
Cyn, I changed my avatar to young Reggie just for a change. I might bring out the Queensland one again later today.
Tami, congratulations to Mitchell. You have every reason to be a proud Mum.
26/May/10 12:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Now to feed the dogs and go to bed early-ish. I have to leave by 6:30 am for my epidural.
26/May/10 12:46 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good luck with the epidural tomorrow, Heidi.
26/May/10 1:18 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - is that the way the doc approaches you? With a giant needle behind his back? Hahaha!
Suzy - they would have a notice on the front door as you go in if they had wifi.
Vicki - yep, bring back the avatar. Go Queensland!! (just in case no-one saw it earlier).
Bean's checked in - hello there!
26/May/10 1:30 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I'm going to my sister's place this afternoon - we have a key to get in - to stock the pantry and fridge with a few supplies so they don't have to rush out just to make a cuppa or to have some cereal or toast. I'll also cut some of her lovely blooming roses and have them in a vase for them. Col has been doing their lawns and checking the pool so we'll just do a final tidy-up out there too.
26/May/10 1:35 PM
Alabama, USA
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Vicki, I did a Google search on cobblers peg, sounds like you have a front yard full of groceries to me.
CynB, sorry to hear Auntie Vi is back in the hospital, wishing the beat for her.
Heidi, website said your high today was 83. I was just commenting how pleasant today had been, our high was only 83. Guess it is all what you are comparing it to. When will you be getting the 2 new collies?
Tami, so proud of Mitchell being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Does he know yet? When I was in school. parents were phoned at 7:30 am, so no way they could leak to the inductees. Current members wandered the auditorium, and tapped the new members on the shoulder. It was called being tapped for honor society. Wow, have not thought of that in years, thanks for bringing back memories. Our ceremony was at 10 an, for our regular weekly assembly of all 3000 students.
Julie, I do understand about your brother. I know just what I would do if I won the lottery, even though our state dies not even have one. Hubby and I occasionally play the game. It does help to prioritize. when I cannot sleep, I think about what I would do. One nights list a few years ago was a new wardrobe, from the skin out. well, I could not do the new wardrobe at the time, but I did go out and buy all new undies hehehe. You know, you can tell a lot about a person by how they answer "what would you do if. .. ."
Heidi, yeah, the killer Coy-dog is gone. I hope the pack decides to move on now without it's leader. Good luck with the epidural, hope this is a good one.
I an getting sleepy. tyring the half pill thing again tonight. hopefully with as much success. tonight before time for it, I was ready to remove this cast myself. by evening, hand is swollen enough cannot see those lower knuckles and those pins are hurty. By morning, it is all better and I am reluctant to call yet again.
good night friends, see you tomorrow. Hugs to all who need them.
26/May/10 1:48 PM
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