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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, glad you got checked before it became more serious. Hope these antibiotics don't affect you as badly as the other ones.
Gail, sorry to hear about the passing of Ian's wife. At least now she is pain free and resting in peace.
25/May/10 7:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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A surprise TOPP.
25/May/10 7:34 AM
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I'm laughing at the idea of Bull Bingo!!
Morning Tami!
25/May/10 8:04 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I agree. I can't wait for Heidi to tell us what it is.
25/May/10 9:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's every bit as silly as you might think.
We set up a pen, and mark a grid with numbers in it. Then we sell chances on the numbers. Once all the numbers have been sold, usually 100 of them, a bull is turned loose in the pen. Whoever has the number that gets bingo-ed on wins half the money. Usually, the bull has been well fed, and cooperates fairly quickly. Plop.
25/May/10 9:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We've decided to have a kids carnival this Fall. Various games and rides. I volunteered to do a petting zoo. The friend that I gave the pony to is training a camel to ride, and I'm hoping to get the use of the camel. I even have 2 camel saddles.
25/May/10 9:58 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Part of me wants to ask why you would have camel saddles but I really don't know if I want to ask.
25/May/10 10:06 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Is that TWO saddles, or ONE saddle for a two-humped camel?!
25/May/10 10:08 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Do you NEED to know?
25/May/10 10:09 AM
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Just don't do what the camel ride guy did to me when I took the kids to one of those kids' carnivals when they were younger. He told them to ask their grandmother (me!) if they could have a ride!
25/May/10 10:16 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Did you throw a camel pat at him?
25/May/10 10:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That's two saddles for dromedary (one hump) camels. You really don't need saddles for Bactrian (2 hump) camels. They're built in.
When I worked in the zoo, we had 19 camels, mostly Dromedaries. We trained them all for riding and gave free camel rides every Sunday morning. I have a serious weakness for camels.
25/May/10 10:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Camels don't have pats. They have nice, tidy little pellets, very dry and odorless.
25/May/10 10:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think I'm gonna take a nap. I got no sleep last night, and only 3 hours the night before.
25/May/10 10:33 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well in that case, I would have offered him a bag of little black lollies...
And on that note, I MUST leave...much to do, post-visitors.
Catch you later.
25/May/10 10:34 AM
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Bugger, I finish feeding the animals and everyone leaves! I promise I don't smell, I've just had a shower!!
25/May/10 10:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I can smell you all the way up here.
25/May/10 10:49 AM
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You must smell vanilla - my favourite!
25/May/10 11:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Vanilla is my favorite also.
25/May/10 11:09 AM
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We have good taste!
Oh oh, a text, who has forgotten what?
25/May/10 11:10 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Which one of the kids forgot something and what did they forget??
25/May/10 11:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I an laughing too hehehe now I just want to know what it is. Wonder if Mr Google knows? Nope but did find some interesting games to play in cooperate meetings
wearing new clothes that fit, sure feels different. I shall have to put on an apron to cook dinner tonight,
25/May/10 11:16 AM
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Good Evening, Sudoku Folks!
Hi, June, Heidi, Gail, Suzy, Vivacious Viv, Broni, Rolanda, Tami, Theresa, MizTricia, Nola, and anyone I've missed!
June, I'm sorry I missed you (my last night/early morning). I hope all of the bowls games are interesting, and luckily you don't need to stand throughout! Too bad they don't provide more than sandwiches - or do you need to provide your own? Sorry you missed lunch out with hubby and your MIL. I quite understand him wanting home-cooked meals after being away and you wanting to go out, after being home.
OMG, June, I hadn't thought what it would be like to get 240 hours of behind-the-wheel training if you have twins. The neighbors behind us have almost-20-year-old twin boys. The neighbors across the street have twin boys who are about 12, I think. Worse still, I know someone who has triplets. You'd have to rely on grandparents & friends to squeeze 360 hours in!
Heidi, I am SO glad you got to either the hospital or urgent care! That was something you definitely did not need to wait for daylight and "business hours" to investigate. I'm pleased to hear that you are better, have a diagnosis, and antibiotic. Also pleased that the roof is going up on your barn. Take care of yourself!
Gail, it's so sad that Ian's wife has passed. I will go to his page and express condolences. Thank you for letting us know!
Broni, thank you for sharing MizT's post from April 2007. I think her description still fits!
MizT, I'm glad you're getting sleep, even if it's during the morning hours! I hope your hand is feeling better! Also glad to hear your friend Sue is enough better to leave ICU! She sounds like she has a great spirit! All the best and lots of positive vibes to her!
Nola, I'm so glad your first day of prac went well! Also glad you got to do a bit more than just orientation, manuals on safety and protocols!
Heidi, I hope you enjoy the Lion's Club meeting! Should be interesting - choosing the scholarship winner! Thanks for the explanation of bull bingo!
OMG, Heidi, you own TWO CAMEL saddles? Petting zoo and camel rides should be fun for the kiddies! Of course, it makes complete sense for when you worked at the zoo with 19 camels! I should have remembered about camel dung. I saw a program about people raising camels and unable to sell their milk and some of the uses of camel dung. Hope you had a great and restful nap!
Tami and Suzy, vanilla is a favorite scent and flavor for me, too!
Gotta run for now.
25/May/10 12:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Couldn't nap, unfortunately. So I'm gonna feed dogs instead. They'll appreciate it.
25/May/10 12:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am getting so excited about the sun room. Can't wait! I get to move all the birds out there, as well as my painting and craft things.
25/May/10 12:38 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone! I've been MIA for a few days but I'm back now.
Heidi, you actually have time to do painting and craft? I'm amazed! I'm also glad to hear that you went to the hospital and I hope the treatment works quickly.
I knew what bull bingo was before you told us. I've never seen it but have been at fetes where it was one of the "attractions".
Suzy, your honeymoon sounds worse than mine. I only had to fly home early from Fiji to have my appendix removed. The nurses all thought it was hilarious but they did let me keep my wedding ring on. I think they taped over it.
At least my appendix wasn't as bad as the girl in the bed beside me. She had been in a car accident and knocked unconcious. They thought she had internal injuries and opened her up from neck to navel. She had a bad dose of bronchitis before the accident and that caused the "internal injury symptoms". I left hospital long before she did.
I hope everyone is having a great day.
25/May/10 1:17 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I would be excited about a sun room too. In my opinion, you cannot have enough natural light inside. My job every morning is to open curtains and blinds. Hubby thinks his job is to close them all in the afternoon. "someone might see in". Like we are doing anything anyone would want to observe. I imagine your birds will be happy there.
Just wondering, how did you get a UTI while on 2 different antibiotics?? Are you feeling any better? Headache getting better now?
Julie, thank you, I am glad I am getting some sleep too. I get cranky with no sleep.
My post is out of place. I wrote it just after Heidi's about Bull Bingo, but forgot to click send. Heidi, what happens if the cow patty lands in 2 boxes, straddling the line??
Yeah, Suzy, what Tami said. you must have had to leave suddenly.
Well, I am getting sleepy. I onlt took half a pain pill tonight, trying something different in hopes I can get to sleep. I do think the cast people need to find a way to keep a cast from rubbing and pressing on those pins. That is what hurts, the day's worth of rubs and bumps. Daytime I can manage without pills, but come night I need some help.
Night friends, catch you later.
25/May/10 1:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Vicki, how terrible to have appendix out while on your honeymoon. How long were you in hospital? your post was not available when I started typing, it takes forever with just one hand,
25/May/10 1:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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If the patty lands in 2 boxes, they split. So far, that's never happened to us. The bulls cooperate.
25/May/10 1:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... the sun room won't even have curtains. It's facing the back yard, and is 3/4 mile from the closest neighbor. It's a southern exposure, too, so it'll be light all day. A dream come true.
25/May/10 1:45 PM
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Hi, Heidi, Victoria and MizT!
Heidi, so sorry you didn't get a nap! Hopefully you can get to bed earlier than usual tonight, which seems possible since you mentioned feeding the dogs over an hour ago. Your sun room sounds WONGERFUL and delightful for you and the birds! I hope you're able to get a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep!
Oh my, Vicki, a honeymoon cut short by appendicitis! Not fun! But SO much better than the girl in the bed next to you. How awfull!
MizT, I knew you'd like the idea of a sunroom, too! I hope your idea of taking less pain medication will help you get a better night's sleep tonight! Sleep well!
I'm actually going to try to get to bed soon as well. We're looking at another early morning tomorrow. All the best thoughts and positive vibes to everyone! Enjoy what's left of your day/night!
25/May/10 1:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The dogs are done with their suppers
, so I'm off to bed in a few. I still need to feed the fish, and make up some egg food for the finches.
25/May/10 1:48 PM
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Sorry, Heidi, you posted twice while I was typing. The sunroom sounds fabulous. Somehow I'm picturing a Sudoku gathering in it with everyone basking in the sunlight amid cheerful chirping of birds.
And now, I need to head to slumberland.
Good Night!
25/May/10 1:49 PM
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Wow, you did it again and got another post in while I was typing. Sleep well when you finally get a chance, Heidi!
25/May/10 1:50 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all - I'm late getting here again today. I hate it when real life interferes with my pooter time! I shouldn't complain , went to visit my Mum, then to the bank and ran into exDIL with Chloe - so I got a nice surprise, a big cuddle from her and DIL was quite pleasant today.
25/May/10 1:55 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - I'm so glad you got medical treatment! Pleased your barn is coming on well. And MizT asked the question I wanted to - what happens if it hits 2 squares. Ah well!
Vicki - I imagine a flight home from Fiji while in pain from appendicitis would have been fun -NOT! Did you ever get back there?
Hi to Julie, Tami, Suzy, Gail, Nola, Broni, Rolanda and anyone else I've missed.
25/May/10 2:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It looks like I'm getting 2 more seniors! Ten year old sisters whose owner is too ill to care for them any more. That's all the info I have so far.
25/May/10 2:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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25/May/10 2:31 PM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I am so jealous about the sunroom. That would be a dream come true for me! A space for me. The way our house is situated however does not make a sun room possible. The only possible place would be on the north side and wouldn't get a lot of sun because of the shape of our house. Maybe some day I'll win the lottery and get a new house ... of course I don't buy lottery tickets so I guess that's out of the question. Dream on Theresa.
25/May/10 2:47 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Sorry, I had to run away as they were shutting down the server again! Grrrr!!!!!!
MizT, I was only in hospital 3 days. By then I was bored and feeling better. I discovered a friend of ours was in another ward and spent most of the 3rd day visiting him. They decided I could go home then.
The flight home from Fiji was ok but the cabin crew on the plane never came near us once they discovered I had appendicitis, not even to offer a drink or anything.
We never did get back to Fiji. We had been there for about 10 days before we left.
25/May/10 3:25 PM
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