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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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And If I counted corretly:
Mamacita. Hope it is a great day and many more.
23/May/10 10:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back. I spent half the time at IH's cousin's house in his bathroom worshipping the porcelain god. T was even tossing up blood. Not good.
23/May/10 11:45 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I hope it is still just a reaction to the antibiotics and should be over soon.
23/May/10 11:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, if you are tossing up blood, that is MAJOR not good. If you do that again, time for the ER young lady. That could be minor, a capillary in throat burst from so much vomiting, or it could be a major problem. Blood means something is wrong. Please do not ignore it, friend.
23/May/10 12:19 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - listen to MizT, she is a wise woman!!
MizT - glad Sue's surgery went well. best wishes for her recovery.
Tami - I'll volunteer for next year. Do you think they'd pay my airfare and accomodation? lol
23/May/10 12:23 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Why do these things happen ? It looks like our friends, the ones who adopted the little boy, may be seperating. I can't believe it, I never saw any signs. They seemed a loving couple. I think, despite wanting a child for so long, the reality and constancy of parenting has worn her down. She has suffered mental breakdowns before and I believe she is suffering from depression again. Please send them your good thoughts, for their sons sake. Thanks!
23/May/10 12:27 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, I will definitely keep the family in my thoughts. I hope your friend gets the help she needs to battle the depression. It is not easy for anyone to deal with. No, I don't think they will pay for airfare and hotel. Do you really want to go on a bus for 4 hours, each way, with 100 12 year olds????? We took two buses this time, appx. 50 each.
23/May/10 12:32 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, please listen to Tricia, she does know what she is talking about. We all worry about you.
23/May/10 12:33 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - I'll just sit on the bus, the rest of you can supervise them! lol
23/May/10 1:25 PM
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Sigh. Warm fuzzies. Ally is playing her guitar and singing with Ebob and her friend. Ebob had asked her to learn a particular song, I think it's called Hero of War. They're helping her learn the intracies of the song. It's really nice to hear them getting along so well. Of course a different song would be good but I'll take what I can get.
23/May/10 2:40 PM
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That's what happens when you don't refresh before you post. Cyn, I am sending all kinds of vibes that they work it all out, especially so soon after everything became official. I have a friend who is all over the place emotionally at the moment (menopause?) and she has talked about dropping her husband, kids, friends, everyone except her animals! I hope with help your friends can get there.
23/May/10 3:34 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - that what this lady is like and I suspect menopause, she is 44 but it can come that early. I had my kids young but I imagine the older a person is, the more set they are in their ways and a child may seem a huge disruption. It is at any age but the younger a person is, the easier it is to adapt. She spent the last 15 years trying everything to have a child and now wonders if there's more to life than just being a mother. Of course there is, but she can't see the forest for the trees. She hasn't spoken to me about it, her husband has told us of his anguish. I think counselling would help her get her mind in order if needed but if it's made up, that's it!
Has anyone here on SA not had children until their 40's? And how did they adapt?
23/May/10 3:53 PM
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Shoot I was 29 and found it very hard to adapt! In fact I was talking to someone about it just yesterday. We were talking about how hard it is to go back to work when you have lost who you are, as in you are now a mother, a wife, a driver, your kids mother, your husband's wife, but very rarely are you just YOU. It's why I keep my coffee dates with friends even when I feel like I couldn't touch another cup of coffee!
23/May/10 5:11 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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So true, Suzy! I was 23 and 2 days old when I had Andrew - I had no idea and the first year or so I was lost, I did improve and of course I went back to work when they were 6 & 4 but still felt awkward and useless after 6 plus years away from the workforce. She got back in after 6 months (nights and weekend nursing) and her hubby works from home 2 days per week so she's had it better than we did! She's selfish - but not intentionally so - just had too many years to indulge herself, travel extensively, eat out whenever, go wherever etc - now she's got someone little and helpless that she has to put first. She loves the bones of him but for her, it's too confining. Basically she needs to get over it, there's lots more years to go and sooo many rewards along the way!
23/May/10 6:23 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Or that's my opinion, some people might think that's too black and white or too clinical but there you go!
23/May/10 6:24 PM
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Here's the difference Cyn, it was hard at times and we wished we could have it all and maybe to give up but didn't. If they can find out why she hasn't found that part of her yet they have it made. The timing seems coincidental with the 'forever' trip to the court house....
23/May/10 6:39 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - she phoned me tonight and told me she needs to have a talk to me sometime this week, so we'll see how that goes.
Yup - we stuck it out when it got hard. I never even considered there was ever a 'way out'! It's a lifetime job, it gets easier once they're grown up but they never really leave your conscienceness or your heart.
23/May/10 9:23 PM
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Nola, hope the twins had a wonderful Birthday Party in the park.
'Nite all. It has been a fairly long day. Standing out in showery weather for 3 hours 'marking' for a men's singles bowls game is not my favourite way to spend a Sunday morning.
23/May/10 10:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Still feeling "off", and the head still hurts.
Of course, this is a weekend. I just ran out of aspirin, so I've got to head off to the pharmacy. It opens in 40 minutes.
24/May/10 1:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB... I feel sorry for your friend. The reality is often a lot harder to deal with than the dream. Fifteen years ago, a dear friend of mine adopted a child from Russia. She wanted a daughter to love SO badly. The authorities in Russia didn't tell her the truth about the child. It was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and with a drug addiction. She's now 17, and has always had severe behavioral problems. My poor friend is living in a nightmare. She knows that her daughter is going to end up in serious trouble or dead. Soon. The police cannot handle her, and she will not acquiesce to therapy. My friend has tried hard to help her, with no success at all. Yes, she does regret the adoption.
24/May/10 1:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, my cousin did not get married until she was 41, he was divorced with 2 kids. They adopted a 1 yr old girl from China 10 years later. My little cousin and Dylan are 1 month apart in age. My cousin has adapted well to being a mom (and step-mom and step-grandma) and the little girl is absolutely adorable and a very welcome part of the family. I was 32 and 36 when my boys were born. I had to go back to work when they were each about 8 weeks old. It was hard, but worth every minute.
24/May/10 1:35 AM
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Hi, Everybody, including June, Rolanda, Heidi, Suzy, CynB, Brenda, Tami the Terrible Troublemaker, Nola, Broni, Gail, MizTricia, and anyone I've missed.
It's amazing - I'm here before noon!
Tami, I'm glad the field trip went well, but it's too bad that the Harry Potter section isn't opened yet. I was reading about it yesterday, and it sounds fun! I'm glad there were so few problems with as many students as you had there!
Heidi, I hope your headache is better today, and that the baby banana trees survive their temporary return to pots! I hope all is going well with the barn raising! I hope dinner last night helped with your headaches!
Happy Seventh Birthday to Nola's twin grandsons yesterday!
I hope the party in the park was fun for everyone!
Happy Birthday to Mamacita! Wishing you many more wonderful years!
Broni, I hope you're doing well and had a good and relaxing weekend!
Suzy, have you tried the recipe from Becky? If your family likes it, you can think of her every time you use it! I hope you get an email response to your email to her!
MizT, I hope your hand feels better today! Sounds like the pumpkin pie recipe is a keeper - and so is Al for potting your wave petunias! I hope they'll be blooming through summer and fall for you! Prayers and positive vibes continue for your friend Sue!
Heidi, I hope you are MUCH better today! I'm concerned for you! Please heed MizT's advice!
CynB, so sorry to hear that your friends may be separating. Positive vibes to both of them and their new son. I hope she is getting some medical care for the depression and they both get some help for issues that have appeared! I hope your talk with her goes well! Of course, we all wanted to throw in the towel at some point. The difference is that we never truly considered it an option!
Suzy, how nice that Ally, Ebob and her friend can all share a common interest and get along well! Enjoy!
June, I hope a good night's sleep rejuvenates you! Sounds like you had a busy, somewhat unpleasant morning at bowls.
24/May/10 2:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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There's been no more vomiting. I will definitely go to the ER if I vomit up any more blood. Promise!
Tomorrow the workmen resume work on the barn. At the rate they're going when it's not raining and windy, it should be done by the end of the week. Tomorrow night is a Lion's Club meeting. Wednesday morning is my epidural. Then bed rest for 24 hours, and taking it easy for another day or two. I've got a full week.
24/May/10 3:18 AM
Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends, It is barely still morning as I start to type. Did I ever sleep late this morning, almost 11 o'clock, unheard of for me! Hubby did not wake me to go to church, and I an glad.
Hot hot day here today, was 85 when I got up. that was our high most of the week. Silly me had turned off the AC over night, and hubby did not turn it back on when he got up. House was 85 (29.4), a wee tad warm. Forecast for 95 (35) today, early for that, more like July temps. Hopefully it is only for one day as forecast.
Heidi, ant more blood? All those aspirin could have eroded a bit of stomach lining, you know. so many possibilities, best to let doc figure it out. Yes, being unwell always seems to happen over weekend. Hope your headache is better soon.
Cyn, it is good your friend is reaching out to you for a talk. Hope that goes well.
24/May/10 3:21 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning everyone.
MizT...glad to hear your friend Sue is doing nicely.
Your tomato plants will love the warmer weather and should give you a good crop.
Heidi..sorry to hear that you still aren't well!Get better quickly. must have been a hard job leaving 8 week old babies to return to work.Glad it was worth it.
June..shame you had to go to bowls in rain.
Suzy..Congratulations to Ebob on getting her "L"s.
How do you prove how many hours they do?
Cyn..I hope your friends can work it out,it must have been a huge ordeal trying for their own baby and then adoption.Glad your son didn't have to learn the hard way over that person on the dating line. are your knees progressing?Hope you aren't having problems still!
24/May/10 5:36 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The birthday party was very enjoyable from the kids perspective.It was a beautiful day,held in a fairly new park with a stack of rides and various things there to keep them amused.Thanks for your birthday messages everyone.
My 1st day of prac today at a different centre. Slightly nervous but excited also.It is like starting a new job.On 19th May, I have been working at the same place for 15 yrs.Wow,time flies fast.
Got to make myself bootiful (not an easy job)and make sure I have everything.Catch you later.
24/May/10 5:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Nola... several years ago I had legal custody of a 16 year old boy with his learners permit. He had a book in which we entered his driving hours... date, amount of time driving, and name of authorized adult with him.
24/May/10 6:31 AM
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Morning all!
Cyn, wishing you very good luck with that phone call! SA vibes in concentrated doses...
June, I agree, that doesn't sound like fun. I hope you dried off and warmed up quickly afterwards.
MizT, you must have needed that sleep in! I would love to see some pictures of your wave petunias. Sending more thoughts, wishes and vibes to Sue for a continued good recovery.
Julie, Saturday was a busy day here and Sunday we were hoping for a quiet day. Of course we had Ally's friend over on Saturday and Ebob's on Sunday, and of course both of them needed rides to and from our house. Sigh. They had fun though.
24/May/10 6:44 AM
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Morning Nola, your prac sounds exciting! I hope you have a lot of fun (as well as learn the stuff they want you to learn of course).
We have to use a log book as Heidi did with her ward. Of course people cheat, but we won't. We've even told Ebob that if we don't think she's a good, safe driver when she reaches 120 hours she won't be going for the test. The power having the vehicle gives you!
24/May/10 6:48 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Last day of visitors, out to the airport this arvo to see them off. It has been a lot of fun and very full-on. My mob came over for dinner last night, and as per usual, they put on an amazing comedy routine performance!
Hopefully will start catching up with you all properly as of this evening. Hubby and I have a busy time coming up over the next few weeks, so not sure how often I will get to check in.
Take care, hugs and love to all and sundry xoxo
24/May/10 7:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... I have promised IH that I'm calling my doctor first thing in the morning. I haven't thrown up any blood, but I've just had a few blood clots escape from the other end. I believe urinary tract. I still feel cruddy.
24/May/10 8:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, thank you for calling your doctor tomorrow. You take excellent care of your animals. You need to take excellent care of yourself, also.
24/May/10 10:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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If my doctor can't get me in tomorrow, I will go to the urgent care center. That's half way between here and the hospital and my doctor.
24/May/10 10:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Since my blood and gore stories scared everyone away (tho' I did spot Ditzy Dizzy Lizzy reading), I'll head off to bed. I'm gonna try for a good night's sleep.
24/May/10 1:00 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all - bit late visiting today, had busy morning.
Oh Heidi - pleased to hear you are taking this seriously. Sleep well amd let us know how you are in the morning.
24/May/10 1:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope you get a good nights sleep. Do let us know if you get an appointment tomorrow, we are interested to know what is going on with you.
Gail, hope you can be back visiting us a bit more now your visitors have gone. Sounds like you had a successful visit, car or no car.
Suzy, it would be a bit hard, if not impossible, to take photos one handed. Hubby does not take good photos, his subject might be about pea sized somewhere in the photo hehehe, never gets close enough. Besides, he gets this look now when I say " honey, I need your help". I think he is about helped out. 10 days till I go back to doc, HOPE the pins and cast are history after that.
Time for my bedtime snack, hope I can get to sleep a bit earlier tonight. Hugs and extras, see you later.
24/May/10 1:33 PM
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Hello, All! Just popping back in for a few minutes!
Heidi, thank you for promising to followup! You certainly have a busy week! I hope you truly can get 24 hours of bed rest after your epidural this time! Sending positive vibes for quick recoveries!
MizT, so glad you got a good rest! Too bad the AC wasn't on for at least a portion of it! We had temperatures around 90* F today, too!
Nola, I hope your first day of prac at a different center went well today! Have fun getting to know the new locale and people! Keeping fingers crossed that it's a great day, not that you need it!
Gail, so glad you had fun with your visitors!
Gail and Suzy, good luck with your learners! I hope the 120 hours breeze through easily and without incident!
Sleep well, Heidi and MizT!
ALERT: There is some swearing in the following review of the day. We had a busy day today, in spite of the warm temperatures. We bought 9 plants yesterday. The three butterfly bushes were planted yesterday, as well as moving a Weigela that had much of its bark chewed off during the winter. There's some hope that with pruning it will recover, so we moved it from front to back yard. Today, it was 3 new Weigela and 3 Coral Bells for the front yard. Then hubby decided to naelc out the garage & hsaw the floor. That was my cue to come in and muucav. Lots accomplished, including some sore muscles.
BTW, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before. On Friday I had my 6-month check up with the surgeon who did my knee replacements. He was pleased with the progress and said it's not unusual to have some soreness and stiffness and feeling swollen for a full year. He isn't concerned that I still have discomfort when walking up and down stairs. He said I should keep up with the icing each day. So, I guess it's just a problem with my expectations and not my knees
Sending lots of positive vibes and prayers for those who need them! Sudoku Hugs to all! Good Night from here - and good afternoon and evening to those still enjoying the day!
24/May/10 3:09 PM
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I see June's light on! Hi, June! I hope you're enjoying better weather and some time to yourself today!
And now, I'm off to bed. Good Night!
24/May/10 3:11 PM
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Hi Julie, sleep tight. You got a nice lot of gardening and other jobs accomplished.
I have been umpiring at bowls today. Teams from other clubs were playing and the preliminary round to the State Pairs.
Tomorrow I umpire for our club singles. I do not mind umpiring for most of the time I just sit on the verandah and watch the games. In 3 hours today i got called out about 4 times to do a measurement.
24/May/10 3:32 PM
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I missed out on a nice lunch today. Ken took his Mother out to lunch, but of course I was at the bowling club and we just had sandwiches. I have been complaining as well as he has been eating out a lot when overseas. Then comes home and only wants nice home cooked meals. I must admit though he was welcome to have the curries for breakfast.
24/May/10 3:36 PM
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