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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Good morning all my friends.
22/May/10 9:56 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning from me too
22/May/10 10:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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everyone, or should I say "good maEn".
22/May/10 11:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I had a nice nap, finally, and feel better.
22/May/10 11:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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BIG thunderboomer now.
22/May/10 11:52 AM
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I'm back! Ebob has her L's!!!! And no, I haven't told her what happened to Toy Elephant - no sense freaking her out.
22/May/10 12:04 PM
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Paraphrase my honeymoon - hmmmm. Blisters, fed ex, immigration, back injuries brought on by very hot water, head injuries caused by road signs, face surgery with 12 square inches of my head shaved, first time immigration in Hawaii, almost missing connection to LA, hubbies job unexpectedly moved to Utah 3 weeks after we got back.
22/May/10 12:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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PLEASE fill in the blanks, Suzy. It sounds horrific! At least you knew that the marriage could only get better after all that.
22/May/10 12:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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OMG Suzy - that would make a horror novel! Poor you, and here was me thinking that my honeymoon was just 2 nights away and then back to the kids, work and the general grind. I had it easy!!!
News from Andrew - he went back to the Oasis site and clicked on the girl's now closed account - a message came up that 'this account has been closed by Oasis due to suspected fraudulent activities now being investigated. As I said to him - you have your girls, your family and your friends and you have had a lucky escape! He's OK - albeit a little wiser.
Now, I'm off to fold the clean clothes while I watch Angels & Demons again.
22/May/10 1:16 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - glad you're feeling better.
22/May/10 1:17 PM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB.... Andrew had an escape, and she's being investigated!
22/May/10 1:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm done with the antibiotics now.... the last was 8 hours ago, so the side effects should start wearing off soon.
22/May/10 2:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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22/May/10 2:09 PM
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Hubby took Ebob for her first driving lesson. She was terrified and loved it at the same time. One hour down, 119 to go...
22/May/10 2:24 PM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics! I don't know if I should say Good Night or Good Morning. (It's midnight.)
22/May/10 3:01 PM
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Hi, Suzy, CynB, Heidi, MizTricia, Theresa, Brenda, Suzanne, Rolanda, Tami the T, Mamacita, June, Broni, Gail, Vivacious Viv, and anyone I've missed!
Cyn, hoping for the best with your son. Hopefully this "relationship" has been nipped in the bud and he'll be saved any heartache or the much worse destruction of finances, etc.
Suzy, quite an experience, eh? Can be somewhat unnerving. Fortunately, your head is on straight and you're not swayed by the attention, as you said, of a sleazeball. (Obviously, some people are.)
Heidi, so glad to hear that the roof trusses (and workmen) are behaving today! Your barn's roof will be up soon!
Suzanne, that's fantastic news about Doc! Have a WONGERFUL dinner with him!
MizT, I hope you have taken it easy with your hand! Sure wish it didn't hurt when you start the day, as what happens if it gets worse? Do you still have some pain meds left?
Cyn, I hope you and Hayley, her sisters and her Dad had fun sharing her birthday cake!
Happy Birthday, Hayley!
Brenda, what fun learning about how you and hubby met! Obviously, a match made in heaven - and on the internet!
Tami, I hope the field trip and EXTREMELY long day were fun and well worth the lack of enough sleep!
Rolanda, can't wait to see your new "do!" Will you be posting pictures? Your description sounds very pretty!
Mamacita, hope you have a wonderful birthday, fun with family, and come home with more cash than you left with!
to you!
to you!
dear sweet Mamacita!
to you!
I hope you get to share a yummy cake
with your family! We need a dollar sign smilie!
MizT, I'm sending lots of prayers and positive vibes for your friend Sue! May the doctors and nurses see to it that all goes well! Wishing her the very best!
June, I hope you enjoyed your lunch with friends and your ghost tour! Seems a very good idea to take a torch/flashlight to illuminate your path!
Broni, busy is good, as long as you can find time to pop in here and update us on a regular basis! I hope all goes well with the felling of the tree! Enjoy your weekend!
V VIv, we're always glad when you can pop in for a visit!
Gail, enjoy your visitors!
Heidi, we need to break your string of bad nights! Also, I hope your gout improves. Hubby has had it, and it's NO fun! Do you take a medication to help ward it off? Hubby does. I think it's called Allopurinol. Feel better SOON!
MIzT, your dinner sounds yummy, especially the pumpkin pie!
Heidi, good news that Doc is out of the hospital and into a nursing home! (I'm assuming that it's for some rehab/physical therapy.) Also, good news that Dennis "weathered" the storm without tranquilizers!
Suzy, congratulations to Ebob! (I won't say a word about what happened to Toy Elephant.) Do you have to log the hours or provide some kind of proof?
Suzy, are you going to fill in the blanks? You shoul
22/May/10 3:53 PM
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Suzy, are you going to fill in the blanks? You should write a book for your daughters - but also for future grandchildren!
Nearly 1 a.m. here, and time to head to bed! Enjoy the rest of the day and/or night, Everyone!
22/May/10 3:54 PM
Stevenage UK
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Hope everyone is well or better than before. Anyone needing healing vibes they are there for you.
I'm going to be away for a few days. Richard and I are taking a short break in Somerset.
22/May/10 4:50 PM
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Evening all!
Back again. Brenda, have a wonderful time!
Cyn, are you patting yourself on the back about your wonderful instincts? I'm so glad it worked out the way it did.
Julie, there is a log book that has to be filled out everytime they have a lesson. 120 hours is a lot to do. Ebob has told me that some of her friends have had their learners permit for months and only have 4 hours done. She's quite excited to already have a whole hour. There are pages and pages of information that we need to read and probably should have read before we started the lessons...
Heidi, I hope you sleep better without the antibiotics. I'm guessing their will be no progress on the barn over the weekend.
Sleep well Julie!
22/May/10 5:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MUCH better night without the antibiotics, but I woke with a splitting headache. And IH got home after midnight, and has been irritating me since.
22/May/10 10:40 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - my instincts started working overtime when Andrew told me last week that this woman was 31 and both of her parents were dead and she had no relatives. I know it's possible, my late cousin's daughter Lisa had lost both her parents by the time she was 35 (her Dad died in a car crash when she was 2, and her Mum died in 2001), but, I'm an avid fan of real crime shows as well as crime novels, and I know to be suspicious of someone who claims to have NO family at all. (Lisa has Vi, she has 3 half-siblings, nieces and nephews, a step-Dad, uncles and cousins - and a wonderful partner - she's not alone in the world like this woman claimed to be.)
Or, maybe I'm just a suspicious old bag!!
22/May/10 10:53 PM
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Hello All!
Brenda, I hope you and Richard enjoy your weekend!
Suzy, I hope you, hubby and Ebob enjoy those 120 hours or so! With all the activities your girls do, I'm thinking she should be able to accumulate hours if she drives either to or from some of them.
Heidi, I'm SO glad you slept better, but sorry you woke with a splitting headache! Do you think it has anything to do with weather/barometric pressure? I think mine do! Or sometimes having a particulary BUSY dream with lots to do and no way to get it accomplished leads to waking up tired and with a headache.
Cyn, I'm so glad you listened to your instincts and warned Andrew! Sometimes it pays to be a suspicious Mum!
23/May/10 1:28 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good afternoon everyone. I have survived the trip and we did not lose any students. 4 of them were late getting back to the bus to leave and one was late at the dinner stop. All 5 will be paying the price on monday. Only one showed any remorse. One of the boys who was late to the bus was only late because of the 2 other boys he was with. since there are only 11 school days left they will all be washing tables and sweeping floor at lunchtime. The assistant principal bought us all lunch at a nice restaurant, instead of the usual junk eaten at a park. 5 of the chaperones spent the day together and had a great time. On my bus, after dinner we still had about a 2 hour ride home and the entire bus fell asleep. It was peaceful. I slept a little and kept checking location. When we were about 30 minutes away, I started to wake up the bus so all the kids could call mommy and daddy to come get them.
23/May/10 2:14 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The only part that was disappointing yesterday was: Universal's Islands of Adventure is opening a Harry Potter section. We thought it was going to be opened already but it is not opening until June 19. We saw bits and pieces and I can't wait to go back after it is opened. If you google park name, you will see highlights.
23/May/10 2:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Head still achy, but not screaming at me when I breathe.
I had to dig up my baby banana trees, and temporarily pot them. Otherwise the workmen would have trampled them while building my sunroom. In case anybody is wondering, it's a variety of banana named Basjoo. It's actually hardy to -20℉ / -28.9℃!!! They don't grow edible bananas, though.
23/May/10 5:32 AM
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Morning all!
Tami, it sounds like you had a wonderful day! 5 kids getting in trouble isn't much considering the size of the group!
Julie, if Ebob's confidence gains quickly enough, she'll be able to drive to and from baseball which is an hour each way. We're a little while off that though. You should have seen the smile on her face when I picked her up from work last night. I had said 'soon when I pick you up I'll have put the L's on the car and you'll be driving home'. Huge smile and a little giggle!
23/May/10 6:06 AM
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Heidi, I hope by the time you read this you're headache is much better.
Cyn, no family at all is extremely suspicious. I'm wondering if she will still try to call your son... How thick is her skin and how smooth are her lies???? Our honeymoon is funny to look back on. Although it would have been nice to have a week of sun and sand, it's fun to have a story to tell. As you can all tell, I have a few of those! I seem to collect them!
23/May/10 6:12 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning everyone.
So much to read.Sending good vibes to those that need them and am happy for the rest having a good time.
Happy Birthday Mamacita!!!
Twin Grandsons birthday today also.They are turning 7 and are having a party in a park this morning.
Catch you all later.Bye
23/May/10 6:18 AM
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Gail, do you have to do 120 hours with Toy Elephant too or is it different in Victoria?
Good morning June and Rolanda. I hope you are both doing well with no achies!
23/May/10 6:21 AM
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Happy Birthday Mamacita!
Happy Birthday Nola's grandsons!
23/May/10 7:02 AM
Qld, Australia
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Gpod Morning my Friends.
Happy Birthday Mamacita!
Happy Birthday Nola's grandsons!
23/May/10 8:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Headache is still lingering, despite 12 aspirin already..... BUT, I have to eat. Going over to IH's cousin's for supper now.
23/May/10 8:34 AM
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I just found an old email from Becky with a recipe for Chicken Chimichangas. It's really old! Been in my inbox since Oct 2008!! I sent her a message anyway letting her know she had been asked after.
23/May/10 9:01 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I am not here, but having just glanced through the posts, I saw yours. MizT, asking for prayers and thoughts for your friend, Sue. Please know I will be thinking of her and wish her all the best for the surgery and recovery, and hope it gives her a better quality of life from now on. ♥
Missing you all, but having a good time.
Lunch out today at another friend's place, as a belated double birthday celebration.
Guests leave tomorrow, so hopefully I will get back here in the evening, but have yet another busy period coming up, and as yet am not sure of my SA9a schedule.
23/May/10 9:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, I am also keeping your friend in my thoughts. I do hope surgery goes well.
23/May/10 9:14 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
First and foremost is to wish our lovely Mamacita a great big
- enjoy your day! Birthday wishes also to Nola's big 7yo grandsons!! I hope they enjoy their party in the park.
Tami - what a shame that the HP section wasn't open yet - I'd be in that!!
Suzy - even if that woman tries to call my son, she won't get a good reception!
hello to Gail, Heidi (hope your headache clears up soon!), Broni, Julie and anyone else who's around.
23/May/10 9:23 AM
Alabama, USA
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Report on my friend Sue. She came through surgery without mishap, and spent the night in the recovery room for close monitoring. Last I heard this morning. Hoping for more news soon.
Julie, yes I still have pain meds left. Either I do not take as much as most people, or doc is very generous with what he prescribes.Eleven more days till I go back, and how I hope these pins come out then!
The pumpkin pie was very good!
Heidi, happoy to hear Doc is out of hospital. Is he in nursing home cause noone at home to care for him? Does he live alone? Reason I ask, I know my dentist went to nursing home after his surgery, he is a widower, they would not send him home alone.
Brenda, enjoy your holifay and have a safe trip.
Gail glad you stopped by. enjoy the birthday celebrations.
busy day today. I got hubby to plant my new wave petunias. I have them in a nursery now, only morning sun, till they recover from transplant. There were 6 instead of 4 as I thought earlier, so I shall have lots of blooms if they are as good as the one I already have. I made room for 2 on back porch, and 4 will go to front.
Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and vibes for Sue, I do appreciate it.
hugs to all, it is time to fling food once again. later.
23/May/10 9:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, glad Doc is out of hospital and on the road to recovery.
Tricia, glad that your friend's surgery was successful. I hope she has a speedy recovery also.
Cyn, we tried to convince them that as teachers would should get a sneak preview but it did not work. Assistant Principal wants to go to Disney for next years trip but will probably go back just so we can all go to HP. I have already volunteered to chaperone.
23/May/10 9:54 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I guess everyone else has something better to do on a Saturday night (Sunday morning). We are watching a movie as a family and due to an afternoon nap I am actually able to stay awake.
23/May/10 10:46 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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This should be the bottom of the page.
23/May/10 10:47 AM
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