Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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oh Juie, you overfilled your page again. I do hope you notice and post the last part.

bed time here, had my snack so time to turn in. see all tomorrow.

For whomever asked, AC made through the day, it is cool enough to curl under my monk blanket tonight!

27/May/10 2:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn! I didn't check my first post before typing the second. I see that I lost a bit of my first. At least I remembered to save before submitting and check if it was all there before leaving the page. Here's what didn't fit:

Just an update. I went to the pool yesterday and today (indoor). I didn't do the water aerobics class, but did a combination of mostly walking in the water and a few laps of swimming. I'm trying to get back to the exercising, but NOT as much as I was doing when my knees started hurting again. The general consensus is that 2 hours a day was too much. All things in moderation!
27/May/10 2:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for the reminder, MizT! Congrats on the TOPP! I had realized the missing portion, had it fixed and ready to post, then hubby came into the room, asked some questions, and I didn't submit. It has now been taken care of.

Past 11:30 p.m. now, so I'd best head to bed as well! Good Night, All and hope to be back tomorrow!
27/May/10 2:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all
I'm exhausted today and can't get my brain into gear.
We decided to go to the airport last night to collect my sis and BIL. Their plane arrived at 12.30AM! By the time they got through customs (1.15am), and we drove them home (2am), had a quick cuppa and came home - it was after 3am before we got to bed. Once upon a time I could have done that - no problems! Today - I am a walking zombie. Great to see my sister though.
So the gist is that even though I have read your comments, my brain didn't retain enough to make comments. I'm really sorry!
27/May/10 4:24 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Helloooo, just MIA!
27/May/10 5:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Home for the evening! Yay! Bits of drama with the car today, but it all worked out in the end. Well, the car still doesn't go but the kids got where they had to go and home again.

I won't buy a daytime moisturiser if it doesn't have sunscreen in it. The problem is on those days where I plan ffuts I don't have my shower until most of the heavy ffuts is done so I might not moisturise until after lunch. By then I've done 3 trips to the clothes line, fed the animals etc etc and am already burned...
27/May/10 7:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hey Broni! Still miss you, but am happy about the reasons you're missing!!
27/May/10 7:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I tried but I can't resist, 8888
27/May/10 7:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Careful about that phone number Suzy! (although the Chinese think '8' is lucky)
27/May/10 8:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Broni, I have not been about much either. I have been trying to keep up with the posts though.
I just sat down to watch Master Chef and woke up 3/4 hour later. Then came in to the putter to find a dozen Emails from FB. It appears I am in some type of Co-op. I do check in to FB occasionally and generally have to sing with my initials so people know when it is me and not my daughters!
27/May/10 8:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Laura was using my computer yesterday. Not sure what she did but I have got my spell check back in my icons.Good one Laura.
I have been thinking about all my friends. Please excuse me if I have not commented on all you have been doing.
27/May/10 8:40 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

I just spent the last hour sitting on the lawn swing enjoying two cups of coffee. The humidity is gone for now and there's a nice breeze blowing. It doesn't get any better than that. I also had the two formerly feral cats (Sweetie and Splotch) join me and they took turns sitting on my lap. Now back to reality!

What a late night/morning, Cyn. I too used to take things like that in stride, sometimes not even sleeping at all, but those days are gone. If I try that now, I'm wasted the next day.
27/May/10 9:32 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My headache is gone today after looking after the grandies yesterday. My oldest grandie (now 7) has a temper problem. She has epilepsy and the doctor is not sure if the temper has something to do with that. She is supposed to go see a specialist about that. She goes for her six month check today re the epilepsy to see how it's going. I love those two kids dearly, but there are times that they act up when I least need them to. Isn't that always the way? You're right Heidi, they should be careful not to tick off grandma because she's the one that spoils them!
27/May/10 9:37 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Theresa - I understand. My lovely 8yo granddaugher Emily - the one abandoned by her mother in the marriage break-up also has epilepsy, under control by medication. She has an attention problem and can be hard to control - I have learnt strategies. Of course she is much worse these days because she wants to be with her Mum and seems to think her Dad and hubby and I are the ones keeping her away. It's an awful situation. Her Mum got called up to Em's school this week after a parent-teacher interview with my son. Em's schoolwork is suffering and even at school, when reprimanded, she just says she wants to live with her Mum. It's time her mother took responsibility for what she's done. Result is that her Mum is taking her one school night per week on top of every second weekend.
Not enough but a start! It should never have happened!!!!
27/May/10 10:02 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Cyn, some parents just don't understand that what they do (or in the case of your DIL don't do) really affects children and can affect them for the rest of their lives. You're right about the extra night per week ... not enough but it's a start. As grandparents we want to be there and make all their problems go away, but sometimes we just can't. Sigh ...
27/May/10 10:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just shutting down the computer but had to say I'm glad for Emily that she gets to be with her sisters a little more. That person who is named her mother on the other hand.... well, I hope she isn't being too cruel to her little girl. So very little to be dealing with a grown up child like her mother!
27/May/10 10:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CynB... Emily's mother reminds me of my mother... an expert at manipulating. She has Emily convinced that she needs her desperately, even though she doesn't want her daughter around. It's an ego thing. It's important that nobody bad mouth her mother in front of her, but instead give her love and support. Eventually, she will come to realize how much she is loved by the people who count.
27/May/10 11:24 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, have you tried acupuncture as mentioned in Julie's post yesterday? I was a skeptic, but after undergoing six months of physio for a torn rotator cuff in the right shoulder, I tried it and gosh darn it, the pain disappeared. The therapist had been after me for months to try it, but I am not a big fan of needles. Glad I finally succumbed. BTW this was about 10 years ago, not recently.
27/May/10 11:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I cannot imagine how acupuncture could help several degenerative vertabrae, degenerative discs, herniated discs and osteoarthritis resulting from an untreated broken back. Nor do I know of an acupuncturist anywhere near here. This is very rural Kentucky, land of hillbillies and rednecks. An acupuncturist would probably be shot on sight. (Yes, almost everybody carries a gun... a few years ago, a couple of young men robbed the local bank. They took off on a 4 wheeler towards our place. A couple saw them leaving the bank, guns in hand, and took off after them, trying to shoot out their tires. By the time the sheriff got there, the men had fled on foot, leaving behind the shot up 4 wheeler, and the money.)
27/May/10 11:59 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!! Rough night sleep (stupid wind & Darrell snoring!) Today is my Aunt Sandra's 75th birthday. Called to wish her a happy birthday. Getting my artificial nails removed today (ticked off at the girl who has been doing them for me for the last 6 years). I had a standing appointment with her last week, she "FORGOT" to put me in her book. I have re-arranged my schedule for her several times, this was the last straw.
Having a BBQ tomorrow night (early Memorial Day) with Terry, Theresa, their kids, Mike (Doc) & our friend Steve. Should be fun. My parents are coming to visit June 2-9! Can't wait, it's been 3 years since I've seen them.
To those who are ill (Heidi) & in other ways need SA9A vibes, sending mine your way.
Got to get my act together this morning & do some ffuts around the house, will try to pop in later, TTFN
28/May/10 12:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, your area of Kentucky sounds like what Jeff Foxworthy had in mind for some of his jokes. BTW, did the two young men get away on foot (minus the money) or were they soon caught?

Suzanne, I am assuming it's not me (Theresa) who is coming for the BBQ tomorrow. If it is me, sorry, it's a bit far for me to travel right now (tee hee). Glad you will have time to spend with your parents ... three years is a long time.
28/May/10 12:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They got away. And this area is straight out of a Jeff Foxworthy joke, including the inbreeding.
28/May/10 1:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Around here, most family trees look like power poles. Every family reunion includes nearly the entire community, except for foreigners (out of state people) like me.
28/May/10 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just saw Frosty. I was shocked. She's now the size of my entire hand!
28/May/10 2:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just had a wee bit of a nap and feel more human now. The last couple of nights have been too humid to get a good quality sleep. It's just starting to very lightly sprinkle outside - maybe I won't have to water the plants this evening.

How old is Frosty now, Heidi?
28/May/10 4:53 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Another quick visit.I miss you all and don't have time to stay and chat.
Keep happy and healthy.
28/May/10 5:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I found Frosty encased in ice in early January. At that point, she was still the size of a hatchling turtle. She was probably born in the early fall. All of this growth has been over 5 1/2 months!!!
28/May/10 5:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to do my good deed for the day soon. My neighbor's son-in-law, who has a farm 7 miles away, got his tractor hung up in deep mud. (I've been there, done that.) I'm taking my bigger tractor down there, with several logging chains, to pull him out. I'm meeting them in an hour and a half.
28/May/10 7:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Cyn, I thought of the way to prove that it is her mother that is causing the problems rather than you and your son. Then she won't be as angry with you and has a place to be happy. The only problem is that she would be angry at the world instead. Talk about lose, lose, lose.... maybe a counsellor could tell you the best way to approach it? Sigh.

Heidi, it's a shame there is no accupuncture available where you are. Obviously it wouldn't do anything to help the discs etc, but it would be brilliant for pain management - and no having to wait 3 months in between!
28/May/10 8:30 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, your water walking sounds like a nice compromise. You are so busy I don't know how you fitted the 2 hours a day in anyway!!

June, on FB I know it's not you when it's to do with any of the games! From what I can see neither of your girls comment as you, only post co-ops, rewards etc from your games. Unlike me - I posted as Ebob yesterday because I forgot I was logged on as her to check her farm...
28/May/10 8:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, you need to do what I do, keep a hat and light weight long sleeve shirt by the door, slip them on fore a trip out. Ir try my "sleeve". I nade an elastic top and bottom tube from white knit, slip it on top up under my short sleeve shirt, appears I have a layered look hehehe. Only need one of them at the moment, cast serves on my left arm. for a fsst trip to the office out back, I use my umbrella, create my own shade. my skin just dies not like something that is in sunscreen, and I do not like removal of skin cancers, so I do what I can.

CynB, what a lovely thing to do for your sister. First shopping for essentials, then meeting them at airport. Will you be my sister? I would try to schedule my arrivals for a wee bit earlier in the evening.
28/May/10 8:56 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Suzy - haha - I have done that, posted as Colin when I was playing on his Zoo or TM - don't do either any more so his page is safe!
Yes, when Em asks me why she can't live with her Mummy like the others do - I always tell her to ask her mother. Why shouldn't she deal with the uncomfortable questions?
Heidi - can't believe how Frosty has grown.
Hi to Theresa, Nola, Suzanne and everyone who visits today.
28/May/10 9:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I'm off to have lunch today with Karin and her other Grandmother, my lovely ex mother-in-law who has always been my other mother. Looking forward to seeing her, last time was before Christmas.
28/May/10 9:10 AM
   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Good morning all!
I love these Fridays off work. I got to sleep in until nearly 7:30. Shame about the little yapper next door barking from when his owners leave just after 6.
Shaun has taken my car to Uni today - I did give him the keys - so I'm sort of trapped at home today until he returns. I could use his old car if I really needed to. I have to take the dog to the vet at 10 but that's just a walk down the street to the shops at the corner.
Kevin will be home from work just after midday. He hates his new roster. There are lots of 3am and 6pm shifts - just horrible.
Over the years I've become used to spending lots of time by myself. Apart from cooking for the family I get to do what I want, watch what I want on tv or give up and read a book.
Unfortunately one of the down sides is that when we are invited out he is often unable to come because of work. Tonight and Sunday afternoon are just two of the events he can't attend. We might skip tonight altogether - depending on how tired he is - but Sunday is just drinks to meet some new neighbours. I'll go to that.
Gotta run and hang out some of the gnihsaw and then get showered and changed (still sitting here in my nightie).
28/May/10 9:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, I have caught up reading, but remembering, and having time to hunt and peck out a comment is a different matter. So, hearty hello to all, hope you, your family, your animals and vehicles all are doing well or soon recovered. I have slept the day away, after a really good night's sleep, too. This after meds were adjusted some, but I shall not complain. Pins in hand not hurting, and one day closer to my return appointment. Less than a week, I can do this!!!

time to fling food, I have planned overs tonight. Al helped make a one dish meal last night, he did the slicing and dicing, I did the saute and simmering. He even served up our plates and served dinner.

till later, hugs
28/May/10 9:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry I haven't been here to stay and play. I have read everything, but just been feeling a bit to flat to chat, post visitors I suppose...

Hope all are well(ish) and know that I hold you all dearly in my heart ♥
28/May/10 10:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from my rescue job. The other tractor was really hung up... nearly on it's side in 3 feet of thick mud, and wrapped into a barbed wire fence. It took 20 minutes to get it out, and it bent the hook on my heavy duty logging chain. I didn't think those things were bendable.
28/May/10 10:25 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. Going to sleep early. Tomorrow is a teacher planning day, no students. Should be a chance to get grades done and start cleaning classroom for end of year. I have a 3 day weekend and then only 7 days left with students.
28/May/10 10:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Only 7 school days left???
28/May/10 10:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, I can sympathize with how you feel about Emily. Just always be there for her. At least she will know someone cares. I teach in an area that most of my students are at or below poverty level. Parents are in jail or nonexistent. I have heard horror stories. The worst behaved of the bunch (usually) are the ones with the least support. Those that at least have someone tend to do better. Remember your friends are here to listen and give you a shoulder to lean on.
28/May/10 11:00 AM
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