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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, 7 days with students, and two teacher planning days. June 10 is my last day until August. Not that I am counting
28/May/10 11:01 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning. Empty House.
Am just up, I slept in till 9.00am. (Twas up for a short while at 6.00, before going back to bed).
You know even if I am not here and actually say it; I have you all in my thoughts.. Especially when you are ill ♥♥♥
28/May/10 11:16 AM
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Gosh, I'm here earlier today. It's not quite 10 p.m.
Hello, CynB, Broni, Suzy, June, Theresa, Heidi, Suzanne, Nola, MizTricia, Vicki, Gail, Tami the Troublemaker, Rolanda and all those missing in action! Come back when you can! We miss you!
Cyn, you are a wonderful sister to stay up so late to meet the plane and chauffeur your sister and BIL home, etc. One of my sisters would have done that for me. (She calls me Mother Theresa when talking to her friends so they'll know which sister she is referring to, However, she is the one who is a saint and always is doing something for someone!) Hopefully you got a nana nap today!
Broni, thanks for stopping in! I hope all is well and you aren't too worn out from all of the work.
Suzy, I'm sorry you have car issues! I read today of Physician Formula brand makeup with SPF50! It's said to be the highest in makeup. BTW, I like MizT's suggestion for arm cover-ups. You would still need to come up with a large-brimmed hat or something to shade your face until you can get on your moisturizer.
June, it's a pleasure to see you here! I hope you are feeling more rested today. How nice of Laura to find the spell-check on your computer for you!
Theresa, your time on the lawn swing with a cup of coffee and the 2 previously-feral cats sounds wonderful - just what the doctor ordered after the difficult time with your grandie the previous day! I've been told that for some children, the epilepsy improves as they get older. I hope that's the case for her - and for Cyn's Emily!
Cyn, I'm glad Emily's teacher called in her "mother" and convinced her to take her at least 1 day a week. E must feel so abandoned and feel as if it's her fault that she and her Dad must live away from the others. Just keep doing what you have been doing - showing her your unconditional love and acceptance.
Heidi, I wasn't sure if there might be an acupuncturist in your area. You're right that he/she would not be able to get vertebrae & disks to regenerate, but I just thought it might be a help with the pain. The description of your area and some of the people there certainly brings to mind some comedy routines. It's good to hear that Frosty is doing so well! Is her growth rate typical? Have you heard any more about the collie sisters who may be coming?
Suzanne, I hope you are able to get a good night's sleep tonight! Enjoy your cookout with friends! How nice that your parents will be able to visit for a week in June!
Nola, thank you for stopping by! I'm sure you're very busy, but we like to know that you're well! Just remember, busy can be good, but you need to have a life as well!
CynB, I hope you had a good lunch with Karin and former MIL! How nice that you have a good relationship!
Vicki, I hope you've had a lovely and restful day! It certainly is a good thing that you are independent and can do things by yourself when needed, rather than feeling you need to do things only w
28/May/10 1:58 PM
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Oops, I did it again, but forgot to save just before posting, so lost some comments.
Vicki, I hope you've had a lovely and restful day! It certainly is a good thing that you are independent and can do things by yourself when needed, rather than feeling you need to do things only with hubby.
MizT, you obviously needed the additional sleep. I'm glad the pins were less painful today. I hope that's the case tonight and you can get a good night's sleep!
Gail, I bet you've been busy getting things cleaned and back to normal after having guests. It's always so nice when guests come, but it takes a bit to feel back in the swing once they're gone.
Heidi, I'm glad the tractor rescue proceeded well!
Tami, sleep well and have a productive day at school tomorrow!
Rolanda, we're always glad to see you when you can get here! I hope you are feeling much better, and hope the same for your Mum!
Heidi, I hope Doc is doing well!
Sending lots of prayers and positive vibes for all in need. I will go check email, but hope to be back later.
28/May/10 2:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Not only is Doc out of the hospital, but he'll be ready to leave Rehab in 2 weeks! He's doing fantastically.
28/May/10 3:04 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello again everyone - hi to Gail and Rolanda, haven't seen either of you much lately. {{{hugs}}}
Julie - 'Mother Theresa' - that's what you are to all of us who rely on your updates on posts. I always read through in case I've missed something.
Tami - 10 more days - woo hoo!
Heidi - pleased that Doc is still doing well and that you got the neighbours tractor out.
Vicki - enjoy your day off!
I've probably missed other posts - I think MizT was there......
28/May/10 3:37 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Had a nice lunch with Karin and Eva (my ex MIL - she is nearly 89 and not in great health any more - she looks so frail. My ex FIL who was there when we dropped her home and is 90 in Nov is fighting fit though!
28/May/10 3:41 PM
Perth W Aust
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Pumpkin Soup for dinner this eve.
Been busy with Mum and her various appt. I am mudling along, trying to keep my head above water, looking for the light at the end of the Tunnel.
As Gail puts it....
It is what it is !!
28/May/10 4:17 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello my friends, I have missed you all.
Julie, thanks once again for the updates as haven't had time to read all.
I am well and happy in my new job, didn't realise how much D&D were getting me down. I offically finish with D&D next week so at least I can get my money out of them but will work one day a week until the end of June to help train the newbie(not that they have anyone yet!) and finish off the end of year.
Wish I could personally give all who need a BIG HUG!
28/May/10 4:29 PM
Qld, Australia
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Pumpkin Soup, good idea Rola, have some frozen! It is cold up here.
28/May/10 5:35 PM
Perth W Aust
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Broni.. mine was frozen too.
Made a hug pot full last week, and froze half of it.. which is tonights dinner!!
28/May/10 5:41 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good mAen all.
Julie, the specialist at the Children's Hospital told us there are 3 types of epilepsy: the mild ones that will disappear by age 12, the middle ones that could disappear by age 12 but may not, or the heavy duty ones that used to be called grand mal. My grandie is in the middle. The tests yesterday showed that the activity on the left side of the brain that shows epilepsy has significantly decreased, while the right side is the same. So there is some improvement. It is still possible the epilepsy could be gone by age 12 ... I sure hope this is the case.
28/May/10 6:17 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Theresa - that's the same one they think Emily has - not the grand mal, but the middle one that they can't assure us will disappear by age 12. This, we think, is what sent her mother over the edge. My feeling has always been that she left because she could not handle her child having this - which is nonsense - you just get to know what it's about, roll your sleeves up and do the best you can!!
28/May/10 7:02 PM
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Evening all!
Home early from Pride Rehearsal this week. The lead girl was missing - doing her math training at Brisbane University to see if she can become a pilot. This is actually good practice for them for if she does leave to train to be a pilot!
Cyn and Theresa, when Ally was about 2 weeks old she was in hospital being tested for a 'disease' which could have meant the removal of her bowel. Her pediatrician didn't/wouldn't say what he thought might have been the problem, we didn't even know if whatever was wrong with her was potentially fatal. It wasn't until we saw the specialist that we knew. I went home and researched it, found out what it was about, and then I was 'okay' - as okay as you can be when they are doing those tests. That's what a sane person does. Emily's egg donor is not sane. Nobody who willingly gives up one child while keeping the other 2 could possibly be. Correction, maybe they could be if they were the most selfish person on the planet.
28/May/10 9:15 PM
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Rolanda, sending thoughts and wishes for a little break for you in the middle of the madness...
Gail, hoping you feel chatty again soon...
MizT, hope you wake up without an achy arm and it stays that way the whole day...
Julie, hope your knees start to be less achy soon...
Heidi, hope your infection clears up quickly so there are no problems with your next scheduled epidural...
Broni, I hope the new 'girl' trains up quickly so you can quit before christmas!!
Tami, if I were you I wouldn't need anyone saying anything nice to me at the moment. I'd still be on a high about Mitchell's achievement!! Oh, and the upcoming school holidays, that would help too.
28/May/10 9:25 PM
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Vicki, I hope your day off stayed as relaxing as your morning sounded...
Hugs to absolutely everyone! You keep me sane.
28/May/10 9:27 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Here's the latest on the 'egg-donor' Suzy!
When they seperated they owned (outright) a near-new top-of-the-range Honda Accord. 6 months ago, she decided that she didn't need a car 'that big' for 'just the 3 of them'. So she traded it in for $19K (it was worth at least $24K) and got a brand-new Toyota Corolla (for $21K) but found the hand-brake 'too hard and stiff' - she whined about it for months as if my son had forced her to buy it. Today, we find out that she has again traded that in on, wait for it, a Commodore V8!!
Words fail me!!!!!! This is what we deal with on a daily basis with this idiotic woman!
28/May/10 9:30 PM
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Had a nice lunch out with Ken overlooking the water.We both needed some time out.
Home made chicken and vegetable soup tonight(which I made yesterday)
Why do I go to sleep in front of the TV and computer and then wake up when I get into bed?
28/May/10 9:43 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sounds like you and Ken had a wonderful day June.
The sleep thingy is one of life's ponderers!
28/May/10 10:18 PM
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Hmmmm, so not just selfish, stupid too... your son is soooo lucky he got out of that.
28/May/10 10:21 PM
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June, what Gail said...
28/May/10 10:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... You described MY mother again. I was her first child, and a major disappointment, because I was a girl. She firmly believes that the ONLY reason for a woman's existence is to provide sons for her husband. When my brother was born a year and a half later, she sent me away to live with my grandparents. Massive social condemnation caused her to take me back a year later, but it wasn't something she wanted to do. Because of this, I understand what Emily is going through.
28/May/10 11:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB.... Words fail me to describe the "egg donor"! Emily will turn out better without her full time influence.
28/May/10 11:09 PM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn, when my middle brother split from his first wife they had two young children. She went back to the place she used to live taking both kids with her. She made it very difficult for my brother to see the kids. As it turned out she kept the son with her and the daughter went to live with maternal grandmother. For years this went on,and the mother made sure that they thought it was all my brother's fault so they were very distant with him. When my dad died 11yrs ago, both my brothers kids came to the funeral. The kids were in their mid 20s. I took it upon myself to set a few things straight. My exSIL didn't want girls, she looked after their daughter well until after she had their son, then all her love and attention went to him. My niece looked very thoughtful for a while after I told her this, then told me that a lot of things had now fallen into place about her life. She had never had a great relationship with her mother but after that it made sense. The final outcome was that both children became closer to their father and had very little to do with their mother.
29/May/10 2:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Quiet here today. Everybody sleeping in?
29/May/10 3:39 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good news: Some of you know I have had medical worries after my last physical. One worry is now gone ... no malignancy was found due to cervical polyp. One test down, one to go (which doesn't happen until June 17). It's going to be a good weekend!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO Thanks for being here for me.
29/May/10 4:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa!!! Fantastic news!!!!
29/May/10 4:09 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks Heidi ... I'm on cloud 9 right now. I know polyps are common, but until you definitely hear there's nothing wrong you worry, worry, worry.
29/May/10 4:24 AM
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Theresa, one big load lifted from your shoulders. I hope the next results are just as good.
Tami, enjoy the upcoming holidays.
Heidi, you may live in 'Hill Billy' country but at least you are all there to help each other out.This time "Good Neighbour Award" goes to Heidi.
29/May/10 4:32 AM
Stevenage UK
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Great news Theresa.
29/May/10 4:46 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
Great news for Theresa and Heidi's FIL.
It is nice to have some positive results from tests and to hear Doc is doing well. life is looking better for you with the new job!That is also great to hear.
I am looking forward to catching up with you when Brenda comes next year.
Gail..hope you are OK.
Good morning Suzy, June,Brenda,Theresa and Heidi and anyone else that drops in.
29/May/10 7:02 AM
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Woo Hoo! I made it here in the afternoon!
Greeting to all who venture here!
Hi, Heidi, CynB, Rolanda, Broni, Theresa, Suzy, June, Gail, Brenda and any visitors or lurkers!
Heidi, that's wongerful news about Doc! Sounds like he's a fighter!
Cyn, I'm glad you had a nice lunch! So sorry that Eva is frail, but happy for her that her hubby seems to be in good health, as it's a bit less of a worry.
Rolanda, we're always glad to see you here when you're not being chauffeur and advocate for your Mum! I'm sure you're doing much better than muddling! It's just a new and different experience. Yummy - pumpkin soup, but a bit too warm for that here.
Broni, I'm so glad for you that the end of working for/with D&D is in sight! What if they don't find a newbie for you to train on 1 day a week? Will you just need to keep filling in - or will they be out of luck? It keeps you busy, but helps pay your bills, so we can't complain.
Theresa, thanks for letting us know about epilepsy. I wish both sides of your grandie's brain showed decreased activity, but at least one side is improved. Keeping fingers crossed that it will disappear by age 12.
Cyn, keeping fingers crossed for Emily, as well.
Sending positive vibes and prayers for both young girls!
Hubby needs the pooter, so I will relinquish for now. I hope to be back later.
Sudoku hugs to everyone!
29/May/10 7:11 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I have had 3 coffee's this morning and my tablets are still sitting on the computer desk for me to take.I can see it is going to be 1 of those days.
It is raining here and further south are expecting VERY bad weather,especially near June and Suzy.Hope you stay safe and don't get any damage done.
29/May/10 7:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm being a BAAAAAD girl again. I'm bidding on another pair of canaries. Picture on my page. The cute little pair that I already have don't want to mate.
29/May/10 7:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The auction ends in an 2 and 1/2 hours.
29/May/10 7:56 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning my friends.
Julie another great summary!
To those who asked I am doing them a favour staying there until the end of June, then it is full time with my old bosses. Ha! Christmas Zusy NO WAY!
Love and Hugs to you all.
29/May/10 8:19 AM
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Suzy, sending positive vibes for the lead Pride girl and her mathematics training toward becoming a pilot! Positive vibes for the other Pride girls as they learn to function as a group without her. It must have been very difficult for you and your hubby as tests were done on your baby. Visiting a children's hospital with a little one you're worried about can be so enlightening as you see the other littles - many with much more serious health issues! I think it gives some people strength and the awareness that they can deal with something that isn't as bas as they thought. (Does that make sense?)
Cyn, it seems that the egg donor has been aptly named. The portion of her body above her face seems not to be used very frequently.
June, your lunch out with Ken sounds very restful and relaxing. The evening meal sounds yummy. Hopefully you will sleep well in your bed tonight! Do you have a "winding-down" routine before bedtime? I've heard that lowering the light and perhaps some quiet reading or listening to music can help.
Gail, we're glad for your brief visit! Hopefully you'll be able to find a bit more time to pop in and chat soon. Has Toy Elephant been able to log in some more hours behind the wheel? I have been meaning to ask, how is your sister? Sending positive vibes for all in your family!
It's horrible that Heidi and Brenda have seen first-hand the kind of situation that Emily is in. However, it's helpful to be able to anticipate what can lie ahead. Cyn, we're really counting on you, hubby and son to help Emily feel loved and accepted! It's a big job, but it looks like you've all risen to the occasion. Sending hugs and prayers to all of you!
Brenda, I'm so glad you were able to shed light on the situation for your niece and nephew. Their lives will be better for it.
Theresa, excellent news from your first test! Sending prayers and positive vibes as you await the next on June 17. Enjoy your weekend!
Hi, Nola! I hope you've had a chance to take your tablets now. With luck the heavy rain/bad weather will not cause any damage for any of our Sudokuaholics!
I hope all those who are currently in Saturday will enjoy the weekend! Since it is now 5:40 p.m. in Illinois, the holiday weekend has officially begun. That means there will be a lot of "crazies" out on the road and in boats on rivers and lakes. Many of them will have had too much to drink. Wishing everyone everywhere a safe weekend! Hugs!
29/May/10 8:41 AM
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I hope I remembered to say hello, Nola!
Heidi, good luck on the auction. Cute birds! I've never seen a pink canary. Is it known if these birds will mate - or are you taking a chance that they'll either be interested in each other or a little swapping with the canaries you already have?
Broni, I was a bit confused as well. It sounded at first like you might need to stay on until the end of the year to get D&D's new person up to speed. If they don't find anyone before the end of June, you should be able to walk away with a clear conscience, as you gave them plenty of warning.
Hello to anyone else who pops in. We are supposed to go to a cook-out with the friends who have the dog rescue. It's about 1/2 hour away, but may take an hour with the traffic. It is scheduled to start at 6, but we're taking the leader of the dog rescue with us, and she doesn't expect to be ready to leave until 6:30 (which will probably be 6:45). I wonder if any food will be left by the time we get there.
29/May/10 8:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This is supposed to be a mated pair, though they are different breeds. The female is a Red Mosaic and the male is a Green Pied Gloster. These are full sized canaries in contrast to my other pair which are miniature canaries (Fife Canaries).
29/May/10 9:02 AM
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Morning all!
Doing a happy dance for you Theresa! Well, bouncing in my seat anyway. It's making it very hard to type.
Hehe Broni, I misread your post and so tortured you to the end of the year!
Ally decided she wanted to go and watch baseball today so I have an empty house - and no car. Luckily a friend is picking me up this morning to take me to coffee so the important things are taken care of.
For those of you with teenagers I found out something about the NRMA yesterday. I signed us up for road service again and just happened to mention my 17 year old in passing. She now has 2 years free membership with NRMA. It's limited, only 4 callouts a year and 8km towing, but it applies to whatever car she is in, not just our cars!
29/May/10 9:03 AM
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