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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Gee I might take that 9000 post.
30/May/10 7:06 AM
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Heidi did it!
Good morning everyone. The predicted storm has not arrived. Nice morning with the sun just coming up. I do see the storm approaching Suzy though!(on the radar)
30/May/10 7:13 AM
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Morning all!
June, I woke up this morning surprised because it was supposed to hit before dawn. I've just rechecked the forecast and it's later today now...
30/May/10 7:18 AM
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I'm trying to get Ebob to get out of bed so she can get to work by 8 - ahhh!
30/May/10 7:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope it isn't too severe a storm, Suzy and June.
30/May/10 7:32 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
I'm glad the storm hasn't hit NSW.They made out it was going to be very bad....but they often get it wrong.Hope so.
It is a really nice morning here too June.Bit on the chilly side but beautiful.
30/May/10 8:09 AM
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Ebob made it to work. Now I have to wake up Ally so Ally will be ready for when her friend comes to pick her up. I'm a bit nervous about that one. They are spending a couple of hours in town, then going to the friend's house near the beach. If the winds do hit, predicted 125kph, then picking her up at 4 could be a disaster. They want to practice their duets though and that is sooooo important!
MizT, the Tea Club is a place in town that has live music. It looks like a tiny little hole in the wall but stretches back to an outdoor area with a stage and room for an audience. The acts are mostly young and local with the audience their parents and friends. Still not the kind of place you let your 13yo go to without parental supervision! Ally has decided she wants to do open mike night, yikes!
30/May/10 9:15 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, your little girl is growing up.
30/May/10 9:36 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I think I scared everyone away.
30/May/10 10:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, you did.
30/May/10 10:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm going stir crazy. I'm sick of having to stay out of the sun. At least I'm done with these meds tomorrow.
30/May/10 10:40 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all..
Forgotton half of what I read !!! Sigh
ok here goes
Cynthia.. eeekkk !!!! Glad you and Col are ok!!
Gail: yummm.. I am having Lamb Roast today, not the Indian Spiced version tho.
Gail: I would like a couple of the receeps.. will email you the request with a couple of followups emails.
Heidi: I wish my mother would consider Assisted Living.. but NO I DON"T WANT TO LIVE IN A HOME !!!
cynB: I will become friends with Jewel.. I will introduce Jewel to Fu Manchu on FB, P's cousin in Florida's pooch !!!
If I am friends with one pooch, why not 2!!!!!!
VV : Good on you !
30/May/10 10:42 AM
Small Town Canada
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Happy Memorial Day weekend to my American friends.
Hubby and I planted 20 lilac bushes today. We are using them as a bit of a privacy barrier on one side of our house. We will now have lilacs on two sides of our property. We live on a corner lot and our little street can get busy at times, and people cut the corner on our lawn, so hopefully this will discourage that. I know the lilacs don't last long, but at least it will be green all summer. Heidi, please let us know how the re-blooming lilacs work out for you (maybe next year?).
I have read all the posts, but can't seem to remember much today. Our town's Dandelion Festival is in full swing. Lots of local bands playing all day today and still going strong. Something like this seems to bring the whole community together ... it's really nice to see. We hope to check some of it out tomorrow morning, perhaps starting with a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Rotary Club. There are lots of booths downtown, including one for Big Sky Ranch (a rescue group), that I would like to check out. Gotta run and grab some food. Hope to be back later.
30/May/10 10:44 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I hope the lilacs keep the people off your lawn. At least the bushes will smell good.
30/May/10 10:48 AM
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Okay, it's hit south of us... maybe it will lose it's oomph before it gets here...
30/May/10 11:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I only ordered one, Theresa, and they're in such demand that they won't be shipping it for another month. It'll be a baby, only about 6 inches tall, so it'll be a few years before I get a display.
30/May/10 11:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... those are hurricane force winds!!
30/May/10 11:15 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks, Tami. In actual fact right next door to us is a former Pentecostal church. They moved to a bigger facility a few years ago, and now the old church is being converted to a youth centre, which has outgrown their facility. This will mean an increase in foot traffic on that side of our property. The youth centre is not a fait accompli ... it has to go for a zoning change approval (town council meeting in June). Almost all of our neighbours will be going to the meeting to vote against it, but I don't think I will. The teenagers are young teenagers, the place is well supervised, and closes at 8:00 every night unless there is a planned dance or other activity. I know it will mean some inconvenience on our part, but it's important for young people to have a place to go. The neighbours seem to feel, "That's fine, but not in my neighbourhood." Time will tell.
30/May/10 11:18 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for the info about the lilacs, Heidi. I hope to still be around in a few years.
Wow Suzy, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the oomph has dwindled greatly before it gets to you.
30/May/10 11:21 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks.
Believe it or not it isn't that long since I last tried to post...last time I couldn't access the 'Comment Type' selection and my wonderfully witty post has long since been forgotten...
30/May/10 11:28 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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and here I am again...delighted to see my post has gone thru!!
Dropped in to TRY to catch up on about out of the loop! So relieved there wasn't anybody 'physically' hurt in the MCA Cyn. The financial and emotional scars will take a while to abate. Col was very lucky.
Want to say I really like Col's style... I have been wanting to start a FB page for Jess for a while... I don't like badgering my friends to be neighbours on all my you think she would be my FV neighbour? LOL
30/May/10 11:34 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Heidi I too believe in helping others where possible, and treating people the way I'd like to be treated. Too much so at times. [or so I have been told] But what goes around comes around. I would have been lost over the last 6-8 months if it wasn't for the help of my friends through this somewhat difficult chapter of my life. They see it as a way of repaying old debts...not that I ever considered that there was a tab to be balanced.
30/May/10 11:40 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Haven't time to read and catch up on all the news ... and there are some interesting threads that I would like to chase up on... particularly the one about egg doners...
I am not defending or condoning the actions of some [trading in a Honda..crazy or what?] but we do all need to remember that none of us know what goes on behind closed doors. Brenda sometimes there is no choice but to close all contacts for the safety and wellbeing of all involved. One can just hope that with maturity will come understanding and hopefully bonds can be re forged... It can be an impossible decision for anyone to make.
I have grappled with many of the choices and decisions I have made through my life and with time we see the repercussions of our actions and one doesn't always like what one sees at time. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing but personally I still stand by all my choices even tho they seem bizarre to those without all the facts... which is everybody really.
Nobody can ever know another's truth...
30/May/10 11:57 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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That is all a bit heavy for this hour of the day...
A CP should lighten the load... LOL
btw Cyn...Lachie is NOT at all impressed with the idea of Jess having a FB page...
Ciao for now
30/May/10 12:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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GREAT seeing you here, Bean.
The thing that's bugging us the most about the egg donor is her rejection of one daughter, while she kept the other two. There is no excuse for an adult to do that to a child.
30/May/10 12:17 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Beanie - I'll send you a friend suggestion for Jewel and tell her controller (Col) to accept you FV neighbour request.
Picture of my car on my page.
30/May/10 12:26 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Beanie - get a FB page for Jess and she and Jewel can be friends! Good idea?
30/May/10 12:27 PM
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Good maEn everyone!! Cyn: Glad to hear you are all ok from the accident. Read the last 2 pages, can't remember much.
Heidi: Congrats on the boids (NY accent, sorry!!)TEE HEE
TTT: Glad to see you here too.
Had an early Memorial Day BBQ last night. Was actually nice enough for us to eat outside. My parents get here on Wednesday, NBA playoffs start Thursday. GO LOS ANGELES LAKERS!!!
Darrell just called, he's on overtime AGAIN...We're going to get the ball rolling after my folks leave to sell the house. That's about all for now, tired. Slept TERRIBLY the last 4 nights. Was clock-watching last night.
TTFN everyone.
30/May/10 1:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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good night friends. I read this far, would love to make more comments than I am able at the moment.
will say, good to see you Bean,(cause you been gone the longest) loved the CP.
30/May/10 2:27 PM
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Good Evening, All (at least from here)!
Hi, Heidi, MizTricia, CynB, Nola, Gail, Brenda, Vivacious Viv, Suzy, Tami the Troublemaker, June, Rolanda, Theresa, Bean, Suzanne, and anyone I've missed.
MizT, I hope you and Al have had a good day and got the food prepared for the picnic on Sunday! I hope you have beautiful weather tomorrow so the picnic can be outside!
Cyn, wishing your sister a very Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you found a present. I hope your dinner was yummy! (So, does Jewel share the same last name as you and hubby? I suppose we should check out her FB page.) Thanks for the beautiful orangutan and dog email!
Nola, I hope all is going well with your prac, studies, work and life! You are one busy person! I'm wouldn't be able to keep up with your schedule!
Gail, I'm glad you're able to get back into the routine, shopping, and, best of all, menus! We've missed them! Just imagine if we all relied on them completely. Think what it would be like if we all were serving the same meals each day!
Viv, we have missed you! I'm glad the Avon continues to go well. So sorry to hear about the situation with your friend. It must be difficult for her and time consuming for you. What a good friend you are!
Suzy, did Ally enjoy the Tea Club? Did you?
Cyn, so sorry that you and hubby are still a bit shaken up and about the damage to your car. I'm not sure if it's better when you can see it coming and be a bit prepared or just out of the blue. Col must be pretty calm & collected & have good reflexes when he drives! I hope the damages are minor. Too bad for all involved! At least you could still enjoy the birthday dinner with your sister & her husband!
Tami, I hope your grocery shopping & errands with the Beastie Boys went well!
Heidi, the story of how you were able to help your friend and her family is amazing! I feel honored to be one of your friends! That's a great avatar for the Memorial Day weekend!
Heidi and Tami have been busy with errands today. MizT has already made the salad to take to her picnic tomorrow. I feel like I'm lagging behind - only got a little bit of ffuts done in the house today.
We took a friend out to dinner tonight. She lost her husband, who had been one of hubby's good friends, about a year ago. They had retired and planned to do some renovation in their house, but he was diagnosed with cancer and all of their efforts went into that struggle. Now, she is starting to make some decisions about the renovations, but worries that some people will question her spending the money.
Heidi, will IH's cousins be staying with you - or in their new house? What fun to think about relocatiing to a beautiful area after retirement!
June, great TOPP, and glad you've dodged the bad weather. Apparently, Suzy has also dodged it so far.
Suzy, I hope you were able to get Ebob up and to work on time. (Doesn't she know she needs to be ready early if she wants to drive?) Thanks for the explanatio
30/May/10 2:46 PM
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Here's the rest of that post (continuing with comment to Suzy):
Thanks for the explanation of Tea Club! I hope the weather held off long enough for Ally and friend to practice their duets and Ally to get home safely! Her confidence has really grown if she's thinking of doing an open mic night at the Tea Club! Ooh, just read about the winds heading in your direction. I hope they don't cause any damage! Stay safe!
Rolanda, it's too bad your Mum thinks of Assisted Living as being in a home. MIL had her own "apartment" - actually a fairly good sized bedroom (maybe 18 by 20 feet or more) and private ensuite bathroom. Meals were provided. She had a single bed, desk, table with TV, tall dresser/wardrobe, shorter chest (about 3 drawers), rocking chair, straight chair, at least 4 feet of hanging closet space. Has she visited anywhere that provides assisted living accommodations? Have any of her friends moved into assisted living that she could visit? Good luck with all of the things you are doing to help her transition to the next phase.
Theresa, your yard will look and smell lovely with all of those lilacs! I hope you enjoy the Dandelion Festival tomorrow! You have such a wonderful attitude about the youth center which might move in next to you!
Bean, you found us here! We have missed you! Let us know if you start a FB page for Jess. We might as well include Jewel & Jess in our list of friends - just so they don't stay up all night chatting!
I'm so glad you have had good friends who have been willing and able to give you a hand when you need it!
Suzanne, I'm glad the weather last night was good so that you could enjoy your BBQ and eat outside! Gosh, Darrell gets a lot of overtime, so hopefully it's a good thing in your lives! Enjoy your parents visit! Good luck with selling your house when the time comes. How are your plans coming along for your new home? I hope you get some sleep tonight (almost midnight here, so nearly 11 there, I think).
Speaking of sleeping - I should be getting ready for bed about now. Good Night, Everyone!
Good Night, MizT! Sleep well!
30/May/10 2:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Your post was cut off, Julie.
30/May/10 2:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Beat me to it.
30/May/10 2:50 PM
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That's OK, Heidi! I often don't catch it and need the reminder!
30/May/10 2:52 PM
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I just need to check! I think my avatar is similar to yours, but different, Heidi.
30/May/10 2:54 PM
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Do you mind if they look so similar?
30/May/10 2:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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LOVE the pinwheel avatar!!!!!
30/May/10 2:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Why should I mind? You can have just so many variations on a flag theme.
30/May/10 2:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I can switch to this one, if you prefer.
30/May/10 2:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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This one is REALLY close to Suzanne's.
30/May/10 2:59 PM
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