Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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it's 1 am, and I'm tuckered out after an un-strenuous day.
30/May/10 3:01 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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They're the one that tucker you out, Heidi!
30/May/10 3:16 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks heidi for illuminating a little what I thought was the case... that the egg donor had rejected one daughter while she kept the other two.
Pretty ghastly way to carry on but it is interesting to think, in light of your experiences, that maybe this is for the best? It is probably far better that she be with someone that loves her and wants her, presumably her father, than to witness her sisters being favoured while she is left out in the cold. Everybody deserves to be loved and wanted and my first reaction is that she is better off away from someone like that. Look forward to having the time to scroll back thru the pages to see how this all evolved...
30/May/10 3:30 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I think Jess and Jewel would make good FB friends... will set it up while her lord and master is at work and see if she can gather a clutch of friends before he notices...

Any good reason why I shouldn't convince him that I am completely nuts? Hmm... he WILL be determining what happens to me in my old age.... but then again it may never happen so lets have a laugh...
Ciao for now... will try to come back tomorrow.
30/May/10 3:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Finally stole the computer back. The wind either never made it here or is still on its way. I suspect it's lost it's oomph. It has just started to rain lightly so...

Bean, I thought the same about the 'rejected' daughter, but she is blaming dad and grandparents and idolising mum so is making herself miserable. I'd like to rip the face off the egg donor myself.

Theresa, I hope the privacy barrier works. Hubby and I think the people across the road should do the same thing - trucks use their front yard to turn around! I love your thoughts on the youth centre. Your neighbours' attitude is very common so it's hard to find places for kids and it is especially important in smaller towns where there isn't much to do.

Rolanda, you may have to resort to the guilt thing for your mother's own good. Blame it on you not being able to keep up rather than on really needing the extra care. Would she accept it better if she thought she was doing it for you rather than her? It's so hard to get older!
30/May/10 6:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I don't need to make FB pages for my dogs as I have been using Ebob's and Ally's to send myself gifts for a couple of weeks now - hehe. Bean, tell Lachie he has no sense of adventure/fun!

Ally and her friend did get to practice. Her friend's mother said that their voices are very very different but seem to compliment each other and sound great together. I can't wait to hear them now!!
30/May/10 6:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Suzanne, what will hubby do for a job when you move? Can he transfer?

Heidi, it can be more tiring doing nothing. You're better than me though. I usually ignore the 'stay out of the sun' directions on medications...
30/May/10 6:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Keep checking the radar Suzy, looks like you are getting some light rain now but the winds are only about 17 k/h so not too bad. looks like they did get it further south.
Went to the local shopping centre today to buy grandson a birthday present (next Tuesday) and had lunch while we were there so ham and vegetable soup tonight. Made this afternoon so that will do for a couple more meals. Will probably take MIL out for lunch tomorrow so lots of "Gail's" this week.
30/May/10 7:06 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Bean, I am not implying that my brother was an angel and this was 30 years ago.When my niece was born my exSIL was disappointed that she was a girl, she looked after the baby well until 2yrs late she had her son, that was when the neglect and rejection started. With my exSIL it was what went on behind closed doors which was the problem. She slept around,while my brother was working all hours to buy things she wanted, and it only got out when one of her 'sleeping partners' turned out to be one of my brother's friends (now ex friend.) My exSIL re married, bought a new house, lived there with new husband and my nephew leaving my niece with her grandmother. My brother used to have the children every other year for Xmas. I remember one year my niece brought a small TV with her which her mother had given her for Xmas. I thought it looked a little bit of a boys TV (the casing was camouflage green). My nephew, who was probably about 6 at the time, let it slip that it had been his TV.
I also agree with you that people never know what is going on in relationships, my grandmother always used to say there are always three sides to a relationship...the woman's side, the man's side and something in between which is nearer the truth of what goes on.
30/May/10 7:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
I think hurting children always brings out the 'emotional' in all of us! In January this year Ebob insisted we had to get something relatively nice for twin girls turning 16 who live next door. The boys always get the best of everything. On their birthday their mother had a watch each away on layby/layaway for them. After their birthday she took them off. The only gifts they got were the ones we gave them.... Ebob was right.
30/May/10 8:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, it looks like a nonevent - thank goodness!
30/May/10 8:06 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Do any of you Aussie girls watch Masterchef?
Glad that was a non event Suzy.
Bean & Brenda. You are correct in saying people never know what is going on in relationships.
From the outside things can look and seem just fine but in reality they are not.
June how is your eye now? I have been meaning to ask you.
CynB sorry to hear about your accident.
It is very unsettling.
30/May/10 8:59 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh yeah! Viv, I watch Masterchef. Tried not to, lasted about a week, now it's series linked on IQ so I can't miss it.
Winner? Marion? She never seems to put a foot wrong and is nice with it.
Loser - I hope - Joanne. Looking for a FB page like - 'I hate Joanne from Masterchef - get rid of her now - what's wrong with you George, Gary and Matt?'
Actually, might start one myself. If my dog can have a page, what's wrong with that?
30/May/10 9:52 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Update on my friend's shaky marriage. Both are trying to sort it out but still very shaky. Watch this space.....
30/May/10 9:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Viv, Eye now completely recovered and back to normal colour! You have a heart of GOLD, girl!

My daughter informed us she has another horse. A rescue as it is a grey thoroughbred (ex racehorse) who popped a tendon in its last race. Was to be put down as no more use for racing. She will rest it until the leg has recovered and will train it as a good hack or dressage and then sell it (I hope). She now has 10 horses all rescued from one source or another.
30/May/10 9:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening/night all! I'm harvesting late so Ebob can get a blasted rabbit on Farmville/Facebook - the things you do for your kids!

Cyn, I hope your friends make it! It's such a lot to lose!

June, I love your 'tone' about the horse! Sounds so parental... and nonsensical!
30/May/10 11:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just reread that last post and it sounded all wrong - the nonsensical part is about rescuing so many horses - but it is also admirable.

Viv, hi!!!!!!
30/May/10 11:22 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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HI all. Just a quick post. We are about to take the beastie boys to the Marlins game. It starts at 1:00. Have to take a quick shower and get dressed. See you all later.
31/May/10 12:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Have fun, Tami and the Beasties!!!
31/May/10 1:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There are thunderstorms predicted for the next 3 days. Tomorrow is a national holiday, so nobody will be here to work. There is only one more days work left on the barn, then they start building the sunroom. There's still a lot of clean-up to do before building can start. I'm transforming the patio next to my study (pooter room) into the sunroom. It has a 2 foot tall brick wall around it that's in horrible shape, due to very cheap quality brick used. That's all being removed before building can start. Robert has been working on removal when he hasn't been needed on the barn, but there's still half of it to remove. Hopefully, a day of concentrated effort by him can finish it.
31/May/10 1:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The reason I'm building the sunroom on the patio is that there is no flexibility for expansion on the south side of the house. There are too many buried electric, phone and water lines buried there, as well as the well. The only side of the house that can be expanded is the north side. I'm planning and hoping to build on there in a year or two. Turn the small, dark living room into a great room, with high ceiling and skylights. Right now, the family room is in the finished basement... dark and gloomy.... and requires climbing stairs. I want to move everything onto one floor. I have convinced IH to let me do this by telling him that we'd build him a ground level office adjoining it. He'd lose no more papers to flooding!
31/May/10 2:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tough life. I think I'll take a nap. I've been strenuously doing nothing for 2 and 1/2 hours.
31/May/10 4:09 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Everybody! It's just before 3 p.m. here, and with a few minutes available, I thought I'd pop in!

Hi, Heidi, Cyn, Bean, Suzy, June, Brenda, Viv and Tami (so far on this page).

Heidi, it seems you've been having some VERY tiring days! I hope you are/were able to get a good nap!

Bean, if you can't have some fun, then what's it all about? I'll be looking for Jess' page, as I've already sent a friend request to Jewel. I don't get on FB regularly, but it's fun to see who's posting and playing games when I do get there. Have a great day and week, as it will be Monday when you get up.

Suzy, I like your idea that a hedge (or like Heidi, some REALLY LARGE rocks/boulders) might help your neighbors cut down on truck drivers pulling into their yard to turn around. Also like the idea you suggested for Rolanda and her Mum. It's worth trying.

June, very sensible buying a present before the last minute (often happens to me). Enjoy your Gail with your MIL!

Viv and others, it's so right that you can never tell what is happening in a relationship. Probably a fly on the wall wouldn't know all of it.

Cyn, it's good news that your friends are trying to work things out. While it's still shaky, things could be much worse than that if they weren't trying.

June, those horses are SO lucky that your daughter is involved in rescue! We have just changed the vet for our cats and found out that our new one does rescue (cats, dogs and horses). Seems like she's a good choice for a vet. Also, so glad to hear that your eye seems completely healed!

Suzy, good luck with the FV harvesting on FB. Most of all, I hope you're able to get the rabbit for Ebob! I'm not sure what you need to do to get it, but good luck!

Tami, I hope you all had fun at the Marlins game! Hope to see you later!

Heidi, I hope you don't have severe thunderstorms the next few days - nor too much rain, as that will just make mud for the workers to deal with.

Gotta run, but hope to pop in again later.

31/May/10 6:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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By the way, I decided that the pinwheel avatar was a bit too frivolous for Memorial Day. I can use it for Independence Day in July.
31/May/10 6:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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We had a great time at the game. One of our neighbors works at the stadium and gave us 4 tickets. The boys behaved themselves and the Marlins beat the Phillies 1-0. It is always a good day when your team wins. Have to fling food in a few minutes and grade the papers I have been ignoring all weekend. Luckily it will be an easy week. No school tomorrow. Tuesday is review day. Wed/Thur kids will be taking their math final. Friday my 7th graders are having a field day so it should be an easy week. The following week is only three days with kids and Wed. they get out 2 hours early. It is almost over and I am looking forward to summer.
31/May/10 8:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Booking my car in for a service today. I hope!

We have rain with 30kph winds, 40-50kph gusts. Not bad at all considering what they were forecasting...
31/May/10 8:42 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, it was last minute shopping as I have to send the parcel Express Post to Melbourne!
My daughter is even given horses or buys them at the auction before the 'doggers' (bought for dog food) buy them. She now has 10 horses to feed. One my father bought for his 'grandchildren' to ride back in about 1980. Also a couple of ponies for Laura. (Good Auntie). She does have a couple she rides herself.
Sounds like a good game Tami. I did look up the score at one stage. Bit late here to see if it was on TV.
Did not sleep much last night so I apologise for not many comments but I am thinking of you all.
31/May/10 8:50 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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greetings friends. not able to type comments, I am so far behind. wanted to check in though.

our picnic went off without a hitch, no rain till after the last dish was returned to trucks or cars. we were very lucky, it rained all around us before and during. we have had 2 thunder storms since we got home, reason I am so late getting online. torrential rains, loud rolling thunder, so bad kitties hid under tables.

must check with hubby to see if he wants dinner or just a snack. it is 7 pm here. I am not hungry and have no desire to cook.

till later, hugs to all.
31/May/10 10:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up from a delightful 5 hour nap. I think my body is actively recuperating now.
We haven't had any rain or thunderstorms yet, but it won't affect construction of the sunroom much. The men will be working on a concrete deck, so no mud to speak of.
Just looked at the radar, and it looks like we should get a storm in a couple of hours.
Well, better go fling food. First I need to decide what to make.
31/May/10 10:12 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - just a quick check-in. I've just been for my 2 yearly 'squishing' this morning and now we have to concentrate on getting something done about this poor squished car. Back later!
31/May/10 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi CynB.... Don't you wish that they'd figure out a better way to do it other than squishing?
31/May/10 10:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just stopped in to say goodnight to all. I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day to all my sudoku friends.
31/May/10 11:43 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning all..

to those that asked the questions.
Yes Mum has spoken to friends that are in assisted living ( Low Care Facilities), they are all unhappy !!!
Put the guilt trip on mum hmmm, yeah good luck with that. She has however mastered the art of putting the guilts on you !!!
She does not listen to what she does not want to hear!!!
She has got herself into a Hissy Fit because one of her doctors told her that she will not get better, like she was before.
Mum has full expectations of being completely better, ie before the Br Cancer, before the Heart Attack. After all she knows people who are much older, and they are well.......
Meanwhile, we have been able to get more homehelp for Mum ( well as much as she will reluctantly allow herself to have ).
We have earmarked a few Low Care Facilities, I will ring them to make appt to view, and put her name on the list. Mum is happy enough to do that, as long as she does not have to go in one!!!
31/May/10 12:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rolanda... that sounds like a no-win situation. Your Mum will easily find something to complain about if she goes there.
Doc has visited the assisted living place and likes it. A lot of his old friends are there and are all happy with the place. He and my late MIL checked it out years ago when my MIL started having serious health issues, liked it, and got on the waiting list there. Too bad your Mum can't go to the one my FIL is going to.
31/May/10 12:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've got a tummy full of Chicken Parmigiana. Happy tummy.
31/May/10 12:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Heidi :

Her comment about the one near my place, which has a good reputation, and she has been there to view (with one of her clubs), yes it is nice, but not like the ones in Holland !!!!!
31/May/10 12:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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For dinner this eve.. we have leftovers from Dinner yesterday at MIL's ( for my birthday)..
All I have to cook is the meat (and Gravy) to go with the Veg.
And make custard to go with the Apple Slice
31/May/10 1:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, when your Mom said that, did you have , even for a second, the desire to send her to one in Holland? If you did not, you are a saint, my dear.

I know it is hard for her to accept that she will not get better. it was for my mom. Her beginning of understanding and acceptance of that was when she kept being taken to ER by my stepfather and having long and uncomfortable tests run again and again, but not getting better. She decided the doctors were not doing her any good (they were not, nothing more to be done) and Mom decided she would no longer go to ER. after months of being able to do less and less for herself, it was just weeks fore the end when she asked us girls, "am I dying?" So hard to accept, so very hard.
31/May/10 1:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I did not cook tonight either. We had 3 bean salad and tomato wedges with ham and cheese sandwiches, fast, easy.
31/May/10 1:31 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Rolanda, I know how difficult this is for you. My mother also did not want to go into a care facility, but we had to make the decision with the doctor to have her put in one. She also had someone come in twice a week to help her when she was in her apartment, but it got to the point where I had to take her meds away from her because she was taking them at all hours and doubling up on some. I would go to her place four times a day to give her her meds, and quite often there would be burned pots on the stove. A neighbour of hers told me one day that mom had been knocking on neighbours' doors looking for the bathroom. It was a difficult time because she felt she could still live on her own, but my sisters and I knew better. She was a danger not only to herself, but to the neighbours in her apartment complex. Very difficult and upsetting time for me and for her.
31/May/10 1:49 PM
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