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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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If I counted correctly, this should put us over the topp.
13/Sep/10 1:37 PM
Alabama, USA
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You counted right Tami. congrats on the TOPP.
Broni, I like those shade sails, wish I had some outside. my back yard is soo sunny till you get almost to property line, then trees, on the part we never walk through. I do have a covered back porch though and that helps a lot.
I waited dinner, and no one joined me
, not even hubby. He was not hungry, ate a huge lunch today. I did make him a smoothie later, which he enjoyed.
Time for bed now, hugs to everyone,
13/Sep/10 1:49 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Since it is now after midnight I will try to go to sleep before I turn into a pumpkin.
13/Sep/10 2:02 PM
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Good Evening, Friends!
Hi, Heidi, Bean, Rolanda, Theresa, Tami, June, MizTricia, Jerry, Brenda, Suzy and Broni!
Welcome, Jerry! Hope you visit again!
Bean, it's nice to have you visiting again! We have missed you! Don't worry about catching up; just jump right in and we'll help fill in the blanks!
Rolanda, I'm glad to hear you had a nice weekend away! Hopefully the weather will begin to warm up a bit before your next weekend!
Theresa, did you get the mouse cleaned?
Tami, you have another big meal to make in a week? Wow, I'm glad I'm not in your shoes! I'm never comfortable preparing or the actually day of a big gathering. (I'm a perfectionist, and nothing ever turns out perfectly, so I spend a great deal of time worrying and being uncomfortable. I also know I'm not a good cook, which adds to the discomfort and worry.) Good for you for being comfortable entertaining!
June, I'm SO glad you had an enjoyable weekend! How nice of the current owner to drive you around & show you improvements he'd made to the old family property! Seeing the Prime Minister's and Governor General's homes sounds fun. I'm so sorry your hubby went MIA and didn't let you know where he was or when he would return. (Was he feeling left out from your activities?) BTW, sending warm hugs and prayers for you and your friend!
We eat the potato skins when we have baked potatoes too. Maybe it would be worth keeping and freezing them for a yummy snack, like you do, Theresa!
Tricia, I enjoyed your questions to Rolanda about the caravan and the weekend!
Rolanda, thanks for answering MizT's questions! Now MANY inquiring minds know!
Theresa, I agree; slaughtering animals doesn't sound like the kind of family outing my family would enjoy.
Tami, you and your hubby and friends do a great job of celebrating birthdays!
MizT, I'm salivating as I read about the meals you have started! The cake recipe sounds interesting! A friend was telling me yesterday about a chocolate beet cake, but I didn't get the recipe.
I will soon sneak away and take a look at the pictures of your sunroom, Heidi!
Tami, you ARE a troublemaker! I haven't seen or heard any other football scores, other than the Bills/Dolphins.
Suzy, it's the same at our house. Hubby and I let each other know where we are going and try to give an estimated time of return. However, if there has been an argument, he might hop in the car and be gone somewhere for as long as needed. (My tendency is to head to the computer.)
I'm off to see Heidi's pictures.
13/Sep/10 2:57 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... the sunroom is 16 X 20.
13/Sep/10 3:03 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi Julie, thanks for the update but how are you?
Goodnight and sweetdream MizT and Tami. It must getting near bedtime for you too Heidi.
13/Sep/10 3:13 PM
Qld, Australia
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Just took Bella for a walk and it is hotter out there than I expected, we both need a drink.
13/Sep/10 3:15 PM
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Thanks, Heidi, I finally got to the sunroom picture where you gave dimensions. I think I would spend a lot of time out there - your little piece of heaven!
Hi, Broni, things are doing well here. We are planning to take a couple of days to visit some of hubby's relatives sometime in the next week or so. If I suddenly disappear for a few days, I may be without internet access. At one time he wasn't too interested in staying in touch, but that changed a couple of years ago when he got interested in genealogy. He was an only child and has 4 cousins on one side of the family and 2 on the other. Luckily, he gets along well with my siblings - and my cousins that he has met. (My side of the family is much larger and quite spread out.)
13/Sep/10 3:21 PM
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Broni, good for you and Bella! I think I need to try doing some more walking outside. Too much on the treadmill doesn't seem to be a good idea. I'm not sure if my knees are anticipating a change in weather, but they have been feeling achey and swollen again. (I just try to ignore them.)
Good Night to MizT and Tami! I'm guessing that Heidi may be feeding dogs. I need to get myself to bed. I hope everyone has a great day/evening/night! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to everyone, whether you think you need them or not!
13/Sep/10 3:25 PM
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It has been a while since the Pepsi grants were mentioned. The voting continues. I'm not sure if people who had been voting for the autism dogs think the voting has ended, but they are no longer as high in the ranking as they had been.
Here are the links again for voting for the Pepsi grants:
Miz T's request is
My request is
The grant requests are for different amounts, so you can vote for each of them without impacting the other! Thanks to everyone who is voting!
13/Sep/10 3:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks Julie, I had forgotten. Thanks for the links again.
13/Sep/10 3:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed in a few minutes. The dogs are finishing suppers.
13/Sep/10 3:49 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all. Just sneaking in for a minute between driving Mitchell to the bus stop and getting ready for school. It is 6:00 am in case anyone is trying to figure out the time difference.
13/Sep/10 8:02 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone.
Have a good day at school, Tami.
Waiting for the coffee pot to finish gurgling and then will read the posts before getting the grandies ready for school.
13/Sep/10 8:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Where were all the DUGs, except Broni, last night? I didn't have much to read after a good night's sleep.
13/Sep/10 11:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I just did my good deed for the day. Robert's only transportation has been his motorcycle... fine for nice days, but lousy in bad weather or for carrying equipment like his weed whacker, etc. He's been looking all over for a reasonably priced vehicle in good condition. He found it this morning at a local dealership. A Ford pickup that runs well, and was priced at only $900. That was their cash only price, but that included tags and registration fees. I just paid for it, and told Robert "Merry Christmas". He's now driving around, showing it off to all his friends and relatives.
14/Sep/10 3:04 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, that was a very nice gesture and a very nice Christmas present for Robert.
14/Sep/10 3:35 AM
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Morning all!
My excuse is that the kids had the internet last night Heidi.
I'm guessing Robert just told you he'd found the car and didn't know you would do that... a lovely, thoughtful gesture.
14/Sep/10 6:32 AM
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I know a real life hero. And he's the real kind. He didn't think, he just did what he had to do. His son is bursting with pride. Last night when the hero arrived at taekwondo, his son turned the whole class to bow to him and applaud. The news story I mentioned yesterday, this man was there and he saved a life.
14/Sep/10 6:38 AM
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Heidi, a lovely gift for Robert. I am sure he appreciates it. Love the sun room photos.
I was cooking last night. Trading table at bowls today. Then a haircut and then pick up Laura so I will not be about much for a couple of days.
Suzy, hubby umpired a girls school knockout baseball game yesterday. Not many of the girls knew much about baseball so he was coaching(or telling them how to hold the bat or how to stand) both teams as well as ummpiring. It was a very big strike zone!
14/Sep/10 6:45 AM
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LOL June! I can imagine getting a ball anywhere near the plate at all was a challenge. I hope some of them become interested in taking it further!
14/Sep/10 7:14 AM
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Nomnom is having a ball. I just printed something and he is fascinated by the way the paper is coming out of the printer. At first it startled him, but now he's trying to get inside to see where it's coming from.
14/Sep/10 7:29 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, NomNom reminds me of one of my sister's former cats, PJ which stands for Paper Jam! She was kept in the computer room as a kitten, and loved to sleep in the paper tray.
Al had a cat that learned to press the print button on a copy machine ( not printer, xerox kind). the top moved back and forth. Cat would sit on top, push the button and ride. I think I might have told that before but sooo funny it bears repeating.
Long long day out today, but we got a lot done including buying groceries. Only the cold things are put away, others can wait till later, I needed to rest.
Don't you hate when the phone rings just as you are dozing off for a nap? that is what happened today, Al's brother checking up on him today since we were not home earlier when he rang.
June, nice of your hubby to do some impromptu coaching, but then he always seems a nice man.
Hope you do get to check in long enough to say "HI and BYE" while you have Laura.
Heidi, what a generous gift to Robert I am sure he does appreciate it. Hope it serves him well for a long time. You is good people too!
OH, Heidi, did you see a news item about a Kentucky man who shot and killed 5 people, before turning the shotgun on himself, because his wife gave him cold eggs for breakfast? One line in the story told just how rural and isolated an area they were in. "When the state trooper arrived an hour later, he heard one gunshot and found ____ (the man) dead on the porch of another trailer. "
One, this happened in a trailer park. Two, it took an hour for any response after neighbors called 911??
14/Sep/10 9:18 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone.
Heidi, what a thoughtful gift you gave Robert. I know he appreciates it.
Suzy, nice story about the hero. It is always good to hear something nice about people. There still are good people in the world.
Tricia, glad you got some of your errands done. I do the same things at times. Put away the fridge/freezer stuff and leave cans and boxes for later.
14/Sep/10 9:39 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I had fun after school today. I am working one day a week after school for detention. I basically get to torture the kids who got in trouble. If they talk or act up they are sent out and get a bigger punishment. I was told to bring busy work for the kids. 6th grade got to copy their times tables (they do not know them yet but they should. 7th grade copied the states and capitals. 8th grade copied the presidents and vice presidents and their terms in office. I had 19 kids and it was very quiet. Especially as #20 got kicked out and has to report to the assistant principal tomorrow. Yes, I do get extra money which helps.
14/Sep/10 9:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Testing..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ......
14/Sep/10 10:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I got kicked off the site after using a bad word in my response to MizT's story about Kentucky. I'll try an edited version of it.
14/Sep/10 10:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... I haven't heard the story yet.... but are you sure that it was in a trailer park? In this area, there are a couple of real estate companies that split good farmland into 5 acre tracts (the minimum to fit into the farmland zoning) and sell it to trailer trash. They put an old trailer on it, then make the payments for a couple of years until it's repossessed. The trailers are frequently abandoned there. The company then sells it to more trailer trash, and the cycle continues. Just over a mile from us is one of those former farms. It was a good 60 acre hay field when we moved here. It's now split up into 5 acre narrow tracts. The "people" who live there keep a few chickens or a horse to qualify for the zoning... farms can have trailers on them, residential zones can not. There are regular shootings over there, besides other nasty things. If you remember last year, when I was on Jury Duty, I nearly had to serve on one case of a murder there, and another case of a guy charged with over a hundred counts of r*pe and inc*st of a minor. Both were from that "trailer subdivision".
14/Sep/10 10:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Robert wasn't expecting me to do that. He wanted me to see it, and if I approved, I was going to finance it for him.
14/Sep/10 10:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH is gone for 2 days. He'll be back tomorrow night, here all day Wednesday, then gone for 2 more days. That is, if he doesn't disappear again.
14/Sep/10 10:27 AM
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Heidi, I read the story a couple of days ago and wondered about the response time as MizT did. I thought it was in a trailer park too, though to be honest it probably just said he went from the trailer with the cold eggs to the trailer his wife ran to and I assumed it must be a trailer park.
14/Sep/10 11:31 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning..
Another sunny brr day here in the West.
14/Sep/10 11:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Another factor influencing the response time is the number of law enforcement officers on duty. In our county, as in most rural counties in Kentucky, there is only one officer or deputy on duty at any time. If there is a fender bender at one end of the county, and a call comes in that gunshots were heard, it can take an hour or so to get a response. Especially since people shoot off guns regularly in rural areas, doing target practice.
14/Sep/10 11:37 AM
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics! It has been a quiet day/night here in Sudokuland!
Hi, Heidi, Tami, Theresa, Suzy, June, MizTricia, and Rolanda!
Tami and Theresa, it's nice to see you here so early in the morning. (Sorry, I was still in bed when you first checked in for the day! I hope you both had an excellent day!
Heidi, what a sweetie you are to buy the truck for Robert! I'm sure he is very appreciative and certainly didn't expect you to buy it for him! Merry Christmas, Robert!
Suzy, how nice that you know a real-life hero! What a wonderful and thoughtful gesture for the taekwondo class to turn to him, bow, and applaud!
June, you sound VERY busy with the trading table at bowls followed by a haircut and then picking up Laura! We'll be happy to see you whenever you find the time to pop in! It was nice of your hubby to umpire the girls school knockout baseball game yesterday, including coaching/teaching them how to hold the bat, stand, etc.!
Suzy, Nomnom seems to be an enjoyable addition to your family! I enjoyed the story - also MizT's story of the cat out in Al's office!
MizT, so sorry it was such a long and full day, but you certainly got a lot accomplished! Good for you both!
Tami, enjoyed your detention story! If the kids realized you mean business, you may have fewer "clients" in the future!
Heidi, your description of the "trailer subdivision" is quite interesting. It's too bad those real estate companies can get away with that!
Rolanda, I hope you are having a good (if cool) day! How are you and your Mum?
14/Sep/10 1:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Like Suzy I assumed it was a trailer park, cause wife ran to another trailer where 2 people were also shot, then others who came out to see what was going on were shot "because they saw what he did". Being close enough to see lead me to think these trailers were in close proximity.
I had a nice 2 hours watching the inside of my eyelids instead of watching TV with AL tonight. sweet man put away the food, the pasta and sauce and the green groceries (always wanted to use that term, was just Romaine lettuce left out from our salad). I will do dishes in the AM cause I must empty dishwasher first, am still that tired. Nap did help a lot.
Heidi, here it can take sheriff almost that long to respond also and we did have 2 deputies patrolling most of the time.
14/Sep/10 1:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH, forgot to say, here the local farmers and ranchers call any subdivision of trailers a trailer park, if they have 1, 3 or 5 acre plots,or if they are jammed up together, 6or 8 to an acre or more, It does not matter, it is all the same to them.
Think I will play a few games, or read a bit, till I get sleepy. Love and hugs to all with extras.
14/Sep/10 2:01 PM
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I looked at the Kentucky map and found that Jackson is in a very lightly populated area. Based on the story, it did seem that the trailers were rather close. It could still take time for law enforcement to respond if they were in a different part of the county. Apparently the 7-year-old daughter of one of the victims saw her mother killed and asked the perpetrator not to kill her. He told her to run out of there, which she did.
14/Sep/10 2:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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This is not the place i first read the story, but it covers it. AND it does say trailer park in this one. It seems 3 of us read the article, for the others who might feel out of the loop, here is a link.
14/Sep/10 2:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's in eastern Kentucky, the home of the famous Hatfield and McCoy feud. The people there are hillbillies. I finally got around to reading that article, and it doesn't surprise me for the area. They do say that it was a trailer park, which for Hazard County is average, or better, housing. There is little to no health care there because a doctor can't make a living when nobody has money or health insurance. The literacy rate out there is abysmal, probably the worst in the country. And the drug problem there is out of control.
14/Sep/10 2:33 PM
Qld, Australia
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Another slow day here, "what Julie said" don't think I could say it any better.
Heidi, cudos to you.
Teresa is coming for dinner tonight to leave Maggie with us for a couple of days while she is away so will probably not get back tonight.
Luv and Hugs to all!
14/Sep/10 4:22 PM
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