Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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Sorry, Cap'n Bess
19/Sep/10 5:53 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Had t' go t' buccanneer speak fer th' last comment.
Ya lily livered scurvy cur!
19/Sep/10 5:54 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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little sneak ye stole th' top
19/Sep/10 5:56 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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should be sendin' ye t' keel haul th' plank
this be fun!
19/Sep/10 5:57 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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went t' be seein' Next high tide' when th' war began at th' movies todays
will someone avast me please
or jus' shoot me
Ya lily livered scallywag!
19/Sep/10 6:05 PM
   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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Sittin' on this here rear o' mine and jus' can't work out to say in pirate speak that I've heard the movie is great. What did you think of it?
19/Sep/10 6:55 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OMG - am I in another world?
When I went to forum to click on SA9A in said last post was from Red Anne Kidd and I thought - who's that? Forgot the pirate thingy and too tired to speak in pirate now. Have had Andrew, his 3 girls, Karin, Madeline and her friend Lily and my sis and BIL here this afternoon - I've been busy. Emily is staying the night and is going to work with Col in the truck tomorrow - leaving at 5am - I'll bet by 7am I get a distress call to come pick her up cos she's bored! But she does have her DS with her.
19/Sep/10 7:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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As you can tell, it's school hols here in Qld!
19/Sep/10 7:29 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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This converts it for you, just type what you want to say:
19/Sep/10 8:06 PM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Both Poss and me thought it was great, heart rate went up a few beats and even cried, have to read the book(s) now.
19/Sep/10 8:08 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I loved it.
19/Sep/10 8:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...and yes, I cried too.
Why is it that they put the crying bits just before the lights come up?
19/Sep/10 8:25 PM
   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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I cried reading the books - not sure how I'd cope in the movie...

Cap'n Bess - do it! Having kids in high school exposes us to the most amazing stuff.

19/Sep/10 9:11 PM
   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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James is amazing! I might vote for the first time in the history of these talent show thingy's!! Having said that, I think Kyle might be onto something too... not going to let that bias me against that amazing voice.
19/Sep/10 9:15 PM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good Mornin' me hearties! I be weighin' anchor in about an hour, and steering a course north to pick up another water tank. Can't talk that scurvy dog, IH, into doin' it instead. He be having all kinds of scurvy excuses so he can shirk responsibilities here. He be needin' to walk the plank and feed the sharks.
19/Sep/10 11:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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good morning friends, it is a fine looking morning today, sunny and headed for HOt, way to hot for September.

There is a new teen young man in our neighborhood, living with his grandparents after some problem in his neculear family. His name is Toby, and he gets bored easily. I met him at the mailbox, and he politely asked if I needed any work done. I told him I could not afford to pay for work done now, but thanked him. He said he did not require pay, he was just bored! We had just come back from doc and were tired, so I told him not today. He came over yesterday and cut my grass, did a fine job, listened to instructions and followed them. Said he would come back today to week eat! What a pleasant surprise to find such a well mannered 14 year old. Yard looks good this morning.
20/Sep/10 12:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck with the tank. Did you find your pirate shirt to wear today?

Never been into pirates and no pirate avatars, but it is fun figuring out what you all are saying.

What is the name of the movie you are discussing? It got lost in the pirate talk somehow. Or my scrambled brain just overlooked it.

Anyone in the USA bothered by miniature house flies? these things are tiny, gnat sized, but look just like a house fly, only shrunk. I was told they were imported in an effort to control fire ants. they supposedly lay eggs on the neck of the ants and their larva invade the brain and kill them. BUT they do find their lay inside the house and they try to fly into mouth, nose or eyes. I am thinking of getting a Aussie hat with the bobbing do-lallies, to see if that will keep them away from face.
20/Sep/10 12:15 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Aye, I found the treasure I be looking for. I be wearing my ITLAPD tee, with Anne Bonney's picture on the front, with a quote of hers. "If you'd have fought like a man you wouldn't be hanging like a dog." I suspect that she said that to Calico Jack Rackham after they were captured.
20/Sep/10 12:42 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I be weighing anchor now, and navigating towards the North Star. I'll need to batten down this tank so she don't be slipping anchor like the last one did. I be hoping there's no Jonah aboard this voyage.
20/Sep/10 12:47 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Evening, way past my bedtime here.. but how can one sleep, when one just heard that she is about to become Gt Aunty of 7.
From my understanding Niece has gone to hospital and Baby #4 is on his way.
20/Sep/10 1:17 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Midgies is what I call them Tricia.
20/Sep/10 1:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rolanda we have very small gnat insects that are called Midgies, or no-see-ems cause you cannot see them. They have a different body shape and wing structure from these pesty things. these are different from gnats. They are perfect miniatures of the house fly and they are new, this is their second summer here.

Maybe they did come from Australia, lots of strange things down under.
20/Sep/10 1:43 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ahoy, me hearties! I be back from my voyage sailing the open seas in search of a fresh water tank for the cows. Not only did I find me treasure, but I hauled her back safely to port.
20/Sep/10 3:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am not in the mood to talk like a pirate. My brain is too tired to translate. Hope all is going well.
Heidi, glad you got the tank home safely.
Have to grade some homework and get ready for the week. I will be back later.
20/Sep/10 3:44 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ye shall walk the plank for talk like that, ye scurvy dog!!!
20/Sep/10 3:46 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I be bunking down for a bit of a kip. It were a stressful voyage home. This tank tried to take sail, too, but she was well battened down. I still had to drop anchor once and re-secure the lines. It were blowing hard enough to loosen the tie downs.
20/Sep/10 3:51 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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little Steven Jai was born about 2 hours ago..
20/Sep/10 5:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Congratulations Aunt Rolanda.

Steven Jai. Hope you have a beautiful life. You have a lot of sudoku aunties who will always be wishing the best for you.
20/Sep/10 5:44 AM
   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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Welcome Steven Jai! A happy life to you!

Glad you are home safe Mad Bess.

MizT, we have big flies (blow flies? - correct me here fellow Aussies) and little flies (house flies?), but I'm not sure how little your little flies are. Most Australians are very much against importing anything to fix problems - rabbits and cane toads being our major mess ups experimenting with that technique!!

I don't see the answer to your movie question MizT, It is "Tomorrow When the War Began".
20/Sep/10 6:13 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Steven Jai
Welcome to the world!!!
20/Sep/10 6:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mom was lurking again today but did not post.
20/Sep/10 6:35 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I know the flies you're talking about, MizT. They look exactly like house flies , only a lot smaller. ( A little larger than a fruit fly.) I'll see if I can find them in any of my insect books.
20/Sep/10 6:43 AM
   Red Anne Kidd  From Oz
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Hello lurker!

20/Sep/10 6:48 AM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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good mornin' me heartys

MizT just googled your fly and think it may be the Phorid flies or Phoridae.
Glad the tank got home safely Mad Bess.
Welcome to Steven Jai.
Red thanks for clearing up the movie for MizT.
Hi Tami and Bobbi.
20/Sep/10 7:25 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The tank is filling. It took more work than expected to install it. It's replacing a previous 8' diameter tank that developed 3 leaks, and has turned the area into a mud hole. We went to put the new one in it's place (along a fence line so it serves 2 pastures) only to discover that this 8' diameter tank is 8 inches wider than the other 8' diameter tank!!! So I was out there with power saw and hammer, cutting back the wooden fence to fit it in. In deep mud. The only consolation was that IH got hurt. I was pushing the tank into position, and I jammed his hand between the tank and fence.
20/Sep/10 7:47 AM
   Captain Bess Bonney  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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You are a little devil Mad Bess! Hope you didn't put too much strain on your back.
20/Sep/10 7:50 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was using the tractor to push it. I wasn't going to risk hurting my back.
20/Sep/10 8:22 AM
   Mad Bess Flint  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH will be on his way to the plant in a few minutes. He'll be returning late Tuesday night, and bringing a friend home for the night after attending a goat meeting in this area. The 2 of them will leave at 5 am the next morning to go back to the plant. I'm gonna have a quiet few days.
20/Sep/10 8:41 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all!
Broni & Vicki - just got a message from Susan to say she and Wendy will be in Brisbane from 23-28th Sep - hopefully we'll be able to organise something to see them this time.
Be back later for a catch-up!
20/Sep/10 9:16 AM
   Gr Auntie Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Just heard from the Oma (my sister), telling me that young Steven Jai was in the world.
The baby was born around 12.30am. He came vewy quickly, I think the waters broke around 11.00pmish, she was at the hospital just before midnight, with no contractions...
(My nephew was on FB last night, saying his sister was about to have the baby.. that is how I knew)
20/Sep/10 9:37 AM
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