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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Alabama, USA
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Apologies for not checking to see if the entire story fit. It did not seem that long when I was reading it.
Theresa, hope your back is better. that hurt when you breathe is major not fun, cause you cannot stop the activity till you feel better.
Rolanda, hope you can keep that foot elevated today!! Stay off it and take panadol, just like the doc ordered
Cyn, are you home yet? We want to see the new and improved you! Getting a bit of color always helps, right?
Gail, I know what you mean about crossing things off your list. that is just why I make lists, so satisfying to see a long list with over half crossed out! One has prof they have done something with their time!!
06/Oct/10 9:07 AM
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I have a different kind of list today:
- drawing on furniture when you were 2 was annoying but cute, it's not cute anymore
- if you put your pencils in your pencil case when you're finished with them then you won't lost them under the lounge..
etc etc
06/Oct/10 9:55 AM
Small Town Canada
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Well, Splotch has a reprieve - neither hubby nor I has the heart to put him down. So far things are okay, and as the vet said he could easily live quite healthily for 10 years. I've cancelled the appointment. If and when he starts to go downhill, we will make the appointment, but now is not the time.
I have a list every day also. Sometimes I forget to look at it, but I do have one.
Well, off to help with the grandies and their cats, etc. etc. TTFN
06/Oct/10 10:24 AM
Small Town Canada
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> Little Johnny's at it again... A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?' 'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!'
06/Oct/10 10:28 AM
Small Town Canada
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Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. 'Why do you do that, mommy?' he asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue. 'What's the matter?' asked Little Johnny. 'Giving up?'
06/Oct/10 10:28 AM
Small Town Canada
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Little Johnny's kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person. 'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him. Little Johnny asked, " Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture ? "
06/Oct/10 10:29 AM
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Theresa, that would have been a tough call. I hope Splotch gives you lots of happiness and appreciates so much what you have done for him that he never tears up anything precious, has no more fights, and hugs you lots and lots...
06/Oct/10 10:45 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning Ladies.. yes I had the leg elevated, and took Panadol. and more Panadol at 3am, just up, and the leg is sore, so will take some more presently.
On my list for today, is ummm... hang on .... there is no list.. so I guess there is nothing for me to do.
Other than have a Shower (without getting the leg wet
, Dress, Breakfast.....
and take some more Panadol!
Later Aligaters..
06/Oct/10 11:31 AM
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You do so too have a list Rolanda!!!
1. Stay off it
2. Keep it elevated
3. Take panadol
06/Oct/10 11:50 AM
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I wish I was allowed to show you the movie I just took of hubby playing with Nomnom. He does this thing that I think would win on Funniest Home Videos it's so weird. Hubby rubs his tummy and makes laugh type noises. Nomnom puts his head back with his mouth wide open as if he is laughing too! It's so coot!! OMG, I sound like a cat lady with a million cats and no life...
06/Oct/10 11:54 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hey Suzy, I resemble that remark! Just joshing ya. Cats and dogs do some cute things and they are so amusing to watch.
I am off to bed. I just took an anti-inflammatory so hopefully it will ease some of the pain and let me sleep. I am so done for today. Tomorrow I get to do it all over again, as well as get a few groceries for my daughter. Never a dull moment.
BTW, Splotch is currently sleeping on my pillow. So cute.
06/Oct/10 12:06 PM
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hehe Theresa, all except for one bit - you have a life! A very busy one...
Sleep well and I hope the anti-inflammatories work...
06/Oct/10 12:22 PM
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I just had a little chat with our great? niece on facebook. I'm not sure what the relationship is actually. Once it gets past cousins I'm lost. Her grandmother is hubby's half sister. This is the one whose mother died a few months ago. Sigh.
06/Oct/10 12:25 PM
Perth W Aust
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yes Gr Niece Suzy...
06/Oct/10 12:30 PM
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Thank you Rolanda! It's very confusing when it comes to hubby's family because of the age thing and the family mix. His nephew, his sister's oldest, was raised as his brother. His sister is the same age as my mother. His nephew is only 5 years younger than him. I am 4 years younger than his nephew. His parents were older than my grandparents. His nephew is more like a brother and so considered to be out kids' cousins.... only they're not. What's that relationship? Hubby's nephew's kids to my kids??
06/Oct/10 12:35 PM
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...his kids are considered to be...
06/Oct/10 12:39 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, that's all too confusing.... I think my eyes are rolling around inside my head.
06/Oct/10 12:48 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone.
It's a quiet day here at work (finally). I've been busy and haven't had a chance to pop on and say hello... but I'm back now. Everyone else here is having holidays until mid November so there are no days off for me.
06/Oct/10 12:57 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a quick hello. I had a funny incident on sunday but of course could not think of the correct reply until later. We took the boys to watch hubby play softball on sunday morning. I was standing behind the dugout, the only shady spot, when two of his team mates were discussing their ages. One of the men did not notice me standing there as he said "I am 64, but my (private part) is 35." He then noticed me and apologized. I wish I had thought about making the comment that I heard viagra worked wonders. Why do you always think of the best answer too late?
06/Oct/10 1:05 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Rolanda, hope the leg is better soon.
Hello to all. My brain is too tired to think and I am ready for bed. I will try to pop in tomorrow morning if I have the chance. Hope all is well with everyone in the world.
Loved the little Johnny jokes.
06/Oct/10 1:06 PM
Perth W Aust
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Cousins Suzy !!
and yes confusing to say the least...
06/Oct/10 1:07 PM
Perth W Aust
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Tami that is funny !!!
06/Oct/10 1:09 PM
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ROFL Tami! You could even have asked what he thought of the discounted ones from the online pharmacies, did he think they worked as well as the presciption ones from his doc?
Vicki, how did you draw the short straw? Don't they know we need you???
You should try explaining the family to the kids! What do you mean Uncle Donnie is my cousin and Aunty Vera is his mother? And who is that and can we go to Texas to meet them?
06/Oct/10 2:01 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, I don't get much choice. There are only 4 of us and 1 person on holidays leaves a big hole. I can't complain though as I had 3 weeks off last Christmas, 1 week in May and 2 weeks in August/September and then I will have another 2 weeks this Christmas. That makes it sound like I'm always on holidays doesn't it?
06/Oct/10 2:32 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I'm hoping it doesn't rain this afternoon. I'm going for a walk with my neighbour. We seem to be having lovely mornings but come the afternoon the clouds come in. I got soaked on Monday running 50 metres to my car. The rain was absolutely belting down but there is no guarantee how long it will last.
The best part about all this rain is that Brisbane's dams are now at 99% full!!!!
06/Oct/10 2:36 PM
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hehe Vicki, it sounds like you are fitting 2 years worth of holidays into one! I know it's not really like that because technically you had 3 weeks at the end of last year...
Hubby gets to take off pretty much whenever he likes at the moment. They owe him so many holidays that he is technically over the allowed limit for carrying them over so if he says he needs some time off they say YES PLEASE.
The last time we were up Queensland way the water restrictions were on the maximum possible level. 99% sounds great to me! Let's hope they make it through summer still on the high side.
We keep hoping for rain because when Sydney dams get low they draw from our river - and you can imagine what that does to it. All you have to do is look at the rivers down south to know what we were starting to look at last few summers. I wonder how it is feasible to pump water that far, and then I think about Southern CA water coming from Northern CA and realise it's not that far after all.
06/Oct/10 3:14 PM
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Good Evening, Good People! Just popping in at the end of a long day. I don't have time to read, but wanted to let you know I'm thinking of all of you and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Good Night!
06/Oct/10 4:20 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Have a good night everyone. I'm about to head for home and my afternoon walk, before relaxing in front of the tv. First stop is the fish shop for some fresh fish to throw on the barbie.
06/Oct/10 5:20 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon All.
Good to see you back Vici.
Brain freeze, has Heidi been on today or lurking again?
Hope all is well in your worlds.
Hugs to all.
06/Oct/10 5:38 PM
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Some amazing true photos in this link! Incredible stuff!
06/Oct/10 6:41 PM
qld, australia
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Not what I expected Zusy, very clever.
06/Oct/10 7:23 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Suzy, sorry, I can see you, but you can't see me :(
Sorry to all, we were chatting, and we lost each other
06/Oct/10 7:28 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning all. Just got Mitchell to his bus and now I have a few minutes to play on the computer.
Just watching a story on the news. A group of high school cheerleaders just got new uniforms and they don't want to wear them as they are too skimpy. I like that. A group of teens who are willing to say "I don't need to show my middle in order to cheer." The compromise was black bodysuits under the uniforms.
06/Oct/10 9:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I will be making a pot of coffee soon. Who wants a cup?
06/Oct/10 9:10 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all. I got about 7 hours straight sleep and am feeling better. The left hip is still aching, but soooooo much better than yesterday.
Tami, I'll take a cup! Hope you have a good day at school. I was thinking of you when I posted the little Johnny jokes. It's nice to see some teens who don't feel that looking sleezy is cool.
06/Oct/10 9:18 PM
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Yeah right Gail!
Theresa, glad you got some sleep and feel a bit better. Don't overdo it today!
Tami, wrong end of the day. Unless it's an Irish Coffee of course...
Tell me about the revealing clothes thing! My girls don't show off their midriff, but Ebob and the low cut things drives me crazy!! She met a male friend's girlfriend the other day and told me she didn't understand why this girl was giving her 'evils'. I asked her what she was wearing, she said 'this' and I said 'there you go'...
06/Oct/10 9:43 PM
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Vicki, I hope you got to walk without rain.
MizT, what is the cupboard and leaking pipe situation? All fixed?
1. Stay off it
2. Keep it elevated
3. Take panadol
4. Ignore the dishes
Theresa, did you tell us about your drive?
Waaayy too many chocolates on this page so I will retire until the next one...
06/Oct/10 9:49 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I think I just said in passing that the drive was nice. The leaves weren't out in full colour though. It could have waited a week or two, but we have Thanksgiving weekend coming up and different things so it was harder to schedule. We have a tree in our backyard that has changed colour and the leaves are dropping, but apparently most of the rest of the local area is not like that. It was fun anyway, and MIL treated us to a Chinese buffet for supper. I'll go anywhere for free food!
As far as taking it easy today, that's kind of hard to do when I have to help the grandies. I'm hoping to postpone the shopping trip for my daughter, or perhaps take her along in the wheelchair, or at least keep it to a minimum. I don't want another day like yesterday. Hubby did some of my chores last night, like scooping the litter. He said he would do the same tonight if I'm not better. What a sweetie!
06/Oct/10 10:22 PM
Small Town Canada
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Hope you are okay, Heidi. Missed you yesterday!
06/Oct/10 10:23 PM
Perth W Aust
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I think I got the message...
and Zusy, he did do them this morning before he flew out the door running late for work....
06/Oct/10 10:27 PM
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