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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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25/Jul/09 12:59 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Night Friends, Thanks for all the well wishes for my back. At the moment it is not too bad, but I have been off my feet and with the heating pad on while watching TV. I have so much I want to do, some ambition at last, and a bit of energy to go with, and then the back says NO NO, not now. Such is life. I am getting a few things done though.
If you look very closely, you can tell that is not me on the riding mower, it is AL! He went to work on it again, cranked it, and it backfired . . BOOM. Then it started running just like new again. Once more hubby is rewarded for his procrastination, he did not have to take a carburetor off to repair it. Back and side yard all cut, tomorrow I will try to get the front.
I at last have my hoses set up for watering front and back porch containers. No more carrying water out front a gallon at a time! The cleomes are getting very tall and require lots of water now. I have picked more zinnias from the container on the back porch. they are as tall as my deck rain, that is about 36 inches high or so. I keep a small vase of them in my kitchen to enjoy. the more I cut, the more blooms I get.
Good night friends, and will catch up on all the posts and replies tomorrow.
25/Jul/09 1:42 PM
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Hello, Everyone!
Brenda, it's so good to hear that your friend is making some progress. Continued prayers for her!
I hope Tami, Bobbi, Mamacita, and Heidi are having a wongerful visit with others at FionaFest! Did I miss anyone?
MizT, I hope you're feeling better!
Broni & Gail, and Vici, I hope you are all recovering from all of your outdoor work!
Suzanne, we wish you all the best luck while house-hunting.
Bean, I hope you're feeling better!
June, I hope the work on the roof is done acceptably and hope you're not worried about getting the painting done for your MIL.
25/Jul/09 2:05 PM
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I'm falling asleep here at the computer, so best head to bed. Good Night, Everyone! Have a great afternoon/evening/night!
25/Jul/09 2:07 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well, hubby and I have been at it again! We have planted ten (count them, TEN) fuchsias into one of the large beds out the front. So proud of us.
The hebes and other plants we put in yesterday were ones we had bought, the fuchsias today were ones I have grown from cuttings.
Fingers crossed
25/Jul/09 3:13 PM
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Evening all!
I have been offline since this morning. Our resident antivirus program detected a trojan horse in Ebob's ipod program. I had to run the antivirus program from scratch to clean it out - which takes a couple of hours. Hopefully the antivirus program caught the thing quickly as it was the resident version not the regular scan. Blasted virus writers!!!!!
25/Jul/09 6:26 PM
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Tami, that's a lot of driving for such a short visit! A medal for you!
Gail, a medal for you for getting all of that planting done. Are you still on water restrictions or can you water these regularly until they are established?
June, I would have stayed home with someone on my roof too! Especially since they don't seem to wear the harnesses that workcover says they should.
25/Jul/09 6:30 PM
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MizT, glad you have your hoses set up and your mower working again! I hope your back gets itself sorted soon.
Hi Julie, once again you comment on our posts and I have no idea what you are up to! Maybe if I go back a page or 2... Would love to hear more!
25/Jul/09 6:47 PM
Stevenage UK
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Good afternoon everyone.
Hope everyone who has gone to Fionafest are having a wonderful time.
Those of us who were not able to attend.. hopefully we can have a good weekend too.
25/Jul/09 10:59 PM
Stevenage UK
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My daughter have been and bought pay as you go sim cards for mobiles out in Canada. These have cost them $45(Canadian) but only gives them $10 credit, the packaging had said that there would be a $25 dollar top up once registered. Daughter registered the card but didn't get the top up as they didn't buy a new phone. We can understand this but cannot understand the $45 charge. In the UK we can get sim cards free, then any money we top up with is all credited to the card. Does this happen in other countries?
25/Jul/09 11:17 PM
Stevenage UK
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On top of the charge Ds have found out that there is charge to accept a call. It will probably still work out cheaper than if they had taken their own contract phones as overseas use on a mobile is rather expensive.
25/Jul/09 11:20 PM
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Hey Brenda,
I'm not here, I'm sound asleep where I should be. SIM cards here cost, but you usually get more credit than you pay for the card. eg. I bought a $10 card for one of the girls and got $25 credit. Not that it goes very far!! The bennies for top ups depend on how much you pay. Mum pays $30 a month (though I think that went up recently) for a prepaid card and gets 5 numbers on the same provider that she can call for free for the next month. Others give more credit than you pay for if you buy over a certain amount etc....
25/Jul/09 11:25 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good day all! Just a quick stop. First group of company has left and is on their way to Smuggs. My brother and mom are supposed to come this afternoon, although I haven't heard from them. Now I must get packing since I didn't do any while I was cleaning! Leaving at first light tomoroow morning.
Brenda, your friend continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.
MizT, hope you're feeling much better.
Gail, hope you didn't hurt your back planting all those plants. That's a lot of plants!! Fingers crossed that they take!
All those at the Fionafest, hope you're having a great time! Can't wait to see the pics.
Can't remember what else.
Hope everyone has a great day!; )
26/Jul/09 4:27 AM
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Hi, fellow Sudokuaholics! Oh my, Stella, you have been so busy. Get packing, Girl, so you can have a wonderful time with everyone at Smuggs!
Gail, congrats to you & hubby on all the planting. Keeping fingers crossed here for you to have wonderful weather & enough dampness in the right places so they all "take."
Brenda, prayers for you friend & hoping your daughters can get the correct minutes on their cards. I really don't know about those, as we rarely travel, other than to visit Ds & grandies.
Not doing much of anything here. Just water aerobics every day & lots of ffuts (sloshy & spinny, sorting & organizing mail that was held for us while gone). It's pretty boring here, actually.
Hope you all have a great day!
26/Jul/09 6:02 AM
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everyone! Met again with the manufactured home agent (Dale--VERY nice & very professional). He referred us to his in-house real estate agent (Jeff) who is going to work with us. We are going to meet with the finance person on Monday to see how much $$ we can qualify for...Thank you to everyone for the good luck wishes, we NEED it!! Darrell napping again while I work on the laptop...Invited to Laura & Mike's for dinner, not sure if we're going or not. We had a HUGE lunch at a mexican restaurant near Jeff's office...It's 3:45 and I am still full from lunch! That's it for now, TTFN all!
26/Jul/09 7:42 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks.
Can hardly remember what I've read!!
Woken early [5am] by cruddy chest and sniffles. Have cleared the lungs a bit and I'm going to go to bed now with the Sunday paper and not worry if I fall back asleep.
Good work Gail...I am impressed! Today I am going to finish topping the bins up.... not sure where I will put them... on the neighbours naturestrip across the road I suppose...our side is chockers all the way to the next driveway! No good junk amongst it though I did score a rectangular terracotta pot saucer... I said something to Lachie about all the junk I would now be able to bring home with all the space I have made and his his reaction was hysterical. At least he knew I was joking... seriously... I was JOKING!!
Tricia I am glad that your back is a little easier. You need to take a photo of your zinnias for us.. I love zinnias and I would love to have a go with cleome...have never grown them before.
My goal at the moment is to get my vege garden up and running ready to be planted out in spring.
I feel like cutting and pasting Julies post...says it all!!
Stella... you exhaust me ... always on the go!
Brenda I think phones are a necessary evil and if there is some way that the providers can hit you for some cash they certainly will. As to what is the norm... who would know. Seems to change all the time.
Suzy... hope the antivirus has done the trick... I was so tired that I didn't turn the computer off so who nows what has slipped in while I have been sleeping!! Time I ran a couple more antivirus again myself.
Hope you all have a wonderful day...
26/Jul/09 8:11 AM
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Morning all!
Very quiet overnight...
Have fun Stella!
Julie, water aerobics sounds like fun. Though it probably depends on your instructor...
Suzanne, good luck!
26/Jul/09 8:40 AM
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Good morning everyone! Hope you're all well, or will be feeling better soon.
Looking forward to hearing how the get-together goes. Hope everyone has a great time. :)
Bean, don't overdo things, the garden will still be there tomorrow!
Gail, you put me to shame - well done for getting actual work done!
The sun is shining, but it's still VERY cold here. Yesterday we had to drive to Korrumburra for a family do - more fun than I exected, but SO much food! (one of the sons is a chef). Today we have to have another look for a nice bed for the "guest-room" - didn't like any we saw last time - and go to the gym to work off all the excess calories we got yesterday!
26/Jul/09 10:07 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just got home from Fionafest and had a great time. Did not get to meet Fiona and family today but I did get to meet a lot of others. Today we had: Mamacita, Jane, Kathy, LynDee, Sue and Harry, Debby, Heide, Bobbi and me and the beastie boys. It was a lovely lunch at a great pizza place. Just before we were leaving, Vici skype'd us and we spoke for a few minutes. I will post pictures tomorrow. I don't know if I will be back tonight but will return tomorrow with more details.
26/Jul/09 10:11 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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We left my house this morning at 7:30. We arrived at the cottage at 11:30. Drive up was good. Most people were at the cottage, a few arrived shortly after us. We sat and talked for a little while. Sue and Harry came over. Harry set up his laptop. We then had a skype call from Vici but we were getting to leave for lunch so we only spoke for a few minutes. We went to this little pizza place that had one of the best pizza's I have ever had. It was real New York pizza. After lunch, we went back to the cottage but by then it was time for us to start driving back. I packed all the beach stuff and we never went to the beach. Beastie boys were a little upset but they will get over it. Several of us took pictures. I will try to post mine tomorrow when I am more awake. I arrived back at my house at 7:00. I then had to drop my mom off but my dad met me half way. I am now at home and going to rest. I did all the driving. It was 502 miles (808 Km) My mom drives but I prefer to do the driving.
26/Jul/09 10:29 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Stella, tried to find your friend's restaurant but could not.
I am going to say good night. I will be back tomorrow. I really enjoyed my first meeting of my sudoku friends.
26/Jul/09 10:36 AM
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Hello, again!
Bean, I hope you are taking care of yourself! Don't over-do, because then you won't be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors, just wish they had not caused so much discomfort.
Suzanne, continuing to wish you luck for finding the perfect house. Today sounds promising.
Judy, your family get-together sounds great. It's so nice when you can actually have fun at a family gathering!
Tami, I'm so glad you and Bobbi (and the Beastie Boys, of course) were able to meet up with many of the folks from FionaFest! It's too bad you missed Fiona & her family, though! Looking forward to your pictures!
26/Jul/09 11:23 AM
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Suzy, yes, water aerobics are fun. Today's class was in the outdoor pool (deep end) under a blue sky with the sun shining. There are 4 or 5 different instructors - all good and each with their own area of expertise. It helps give variety to the class so you don't feel like you're doing the same thing all the time. With my bad knees, water aerobics is one of the few kinds of exercise I can do. (I was headed toward double knee replacements last fall, but my sciatica was very bad, and the orthopedist wouldn't touch my knees until it was cleared up. (So now you know a little of what goes on in my life - essentially boring stuff.)
26/Jul/09 11:29 AM
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I'm sorry to post & run, but there is more ffuts that awaits my attention.
26/Jul/09 11:30 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I just looked at hubby and posed the question of whether we were going to do any more today...his look said a thousand words!
Apparently no gardening today.
Better go into the sloshy room then and do that ffuts. Uniforms, I hate uniforms...
26/Jul/09 1:15 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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He feels better, we're going out to buy more soil and compost for the garden. (We were using our own compost, but we have finished the oldest brew, and the rest isn't ready yet)
26/Jul/09 1:36 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Ruddy 'ell Gail... watcha tryin ta do? Put me ta shame!!! Uh?? Ere I bin wallowin away 'n ma bed aw mornin wid me paper... slack ol' bag that I am!!!
26/Jul/09 1:54 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Julie thanks for your concern... overdoing it certainly isn't on my agenda for today.
Glad you got home safely Tami... look forward to your photo's. I would like to know what constitutes a real New York pizza. Isn't it wonderful to meet fellow sudokuites. Can't imagine meeting that many ALL at once!
Poor Beastie boys... not getting wet certainly put a dampener on things for them!!
Now that I have made you all groan at my weak attempt at humour I need to find some food....
26/Jul/09 2:03 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, I thought it was funny! Hope you feel better soon.
Gail, wonder gardener, boy you will have a picture perfect garden at this rate. Isn't compost great? Where I lived before had access to cow manure and moldy hay and other good stuff for composting. I had my first batch ready to use in 6 weeks! Beginners luck, but that was the hottest and best working compost pile ever!
Julie, glad you have a place to do water aerobics, my sister does that, too. about 10 years ago, I took Mom up to classes, lots of fun, but it is such a long drive.
Sorry, I am fading fast. time for lights out here, tomorrow is another day. Hugs to all.
26/Jul/09 2:24 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Night Tricia... sleep well. Don't forget to photograph your zinnias for me...
26/Jul/09 2:32 PM
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Afternoon all!
I lost a long post... sigh.
Be back later to try again.
26/Jul/09 2:51 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Bean, I said we were going out to buy it, I didn't say anything about using it today!
26/Jul/09 3:39 PM
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Gail, your garden will look wonderful. You and Bean should have some wonderful display come spring.
Pleased you had a great trip Tami. It is fun meeting others from the site.
Julie,I hope the water aerobics is helping your knees.
Judy sounds like a nice time with your family.
We have been painting at MIL's today. The furniture will go out tomorrow so we will be back to finish up on Tuesday. We also have to put down some lino in the kitchen. It is sad seeing so much of her treasures going out. We all have a limit to how much we can take.
Today she handed me a metal sieve and said she used to strain Ken's baby food (70 years ago!)It has moved house a few times!
26/Jul/09 4:42 PM
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Tomorrow we are out with our Probus Club to a theatre Restaurant for lunch after 1 hour train trip to get there. It will be good fun and a good sing along.
26/Jul/09 4:44 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Sounds like a hoot June.
In 25 words or less, what is Probus? Kinda like Rotary and Lions etc?
26/Jul/09 5:11 PM
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Probus:" A social club for Retired and Semi-Retired professional and businessmen (and women) to stimulate through participation in activities at the time of life when horizons are narrowing and opportunities to make new friends limited."
It is non profit and each group organises there own activities, outings , trips etc.
Just walked into the computer and realised I had typed the above about 4 hours ago but did not hit submit!
26/Jul/09 9:41 PM
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And nobody has been to the site since??? That was a surprise!
26/Jul/09 9:43 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks June, sounds good. How often are these sort of outings?
26/Jul/09 9:48 PM
Alabama, USA
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Just popping in fast like to say Morning Sudokuland. I am up and about, doing ffuts already this morning. I forgot to hang out my last load, and now we have rain forecast and high high humidity. That hot spinny thing is at work!
I really need to get the front grass mowed before it rains cause it is a forecast possibility for the next 5 days. . I went out mid day yesterday and decided it was too hot. last I thought of it hehehe.
I am back in sewing room, making Al a couple more shirts. Fabric is printed with bugs and snails and caterpillars, some dragon flies and moths. he took one look and said " butterflies?" No , just bugs. He decided he would wear it. MEN> We will see if it just hangs in his closet.
I am off for my coffee and hope to get back to comment on all the posts I read. Hugs to all.
26/Jul/09 10:08 PM
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Gail, our club has lots of activities and developing more for all different interests. There is walking, touring, camera, different sports,overseas trips,weeks away,etc. They are just about to start up majong, camera and gardening groups. You can select in what you want to participate. Our trip to Malaysia last year was with our Probus group.
26/Jul/09 10:39 PM
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