Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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They will be very individual shirts Tricia. I cannot see my hubby wearing shirts with those animals.
Hope you are feeling better and that you are able to get your mowing done.
26/Jul/09 10:41 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Doubt my husband or son would wear it either.
Then again my two mean are a bit staid, both prefer plain shirts or at the very most striped shirts, in muted colours.
27/Jul/09 1:07 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all,it is nice to be back and to read what has been going on.Had a look at Sue's Fionafest pix.
Tami..what a shame the boys didn't get to have a snorkel or swim.
I hope everyone is happy and healthy and had a good weekend.Catch you later.
27/Jul/09 3:51 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Great meeting all the women, and man in Daytona. Next time Tami & I will take a room for the nite. Sorry we had to leave early, but it took us 5 hours to get home. Hope we can meet again soon.
27/Jul/09 4:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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June and Brenda, sorry , I forgot to add this is a scrub top kind of shirt, and al only wears them for working. Says they are cooler. Heck he has one that is rows and rows of corn kernels. like one HUGE ear of corn. His favorites are his "pink" ones hehe. Not really pink, but a dusty color, somewhere lighter than cranberry. He has 3 that are near that color and drags them out every time they are clean. The bugs are small also, thumbnail size or smaller and widely scattered on a nice yellow background. NOPE, he would not wear a regular shirt like that.
27/Jul/09 5:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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The grass did get mowed, and I worked some on the shirt, but shoot, this do a bit and rest the back a bit is not very productive. Glad my appointment is Thursday.
27/Jul/09 5:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I was able to upload some of the pictures to my page. I hope I got all the names correct. If I made any mistakes, I apologize and will fix them.
27/Jul/09 6:25 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks for putting up the photos Tami.Hope the beasty boys forgive you for not letting them get into the water.
27/Jul/09 7:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Great photos Tami!
June, glad you are getting a day off from painting.
Julie, it's all interesting to me.
MizT, I love the sound of that shirt - wonder if hubby would wear it?
27/Jul/09 7:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, the beastie boys already forgave me. I only live 20 minutes from the beach so they will have another chance to go.
27/Jul/09 7:05 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Photos look good Tami, just a little on the large side.
27/Jul/09 8:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everybody... I'm home and tired, but I had a FABULOUS time.
27/Jul/09 8:40 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It is always nice to know when people are home safely. Glad you had a great time Heidi. How was the snorkeling?
Lovely sunny day and we are about to leave for our day out. Should be fun.
27/Jul/09 8:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No snorkeling, unfortunately. It had been a little too stormy down there and the water was so churned up that there was very poor visibility, and a rough surf. Fun to play in, though. We did have a little weather related excitement. Friday evening we had to leave the beach because of black clouds and lightning, but no rain. We sat in the cottage and watched the wind blow in all 4 directions. A neighbor came out with a video camera during all this. The next morning, the front page of the newspaper showed stills from a video camera in the neighborhood of the tornado that had formed right around our cottage. It damaged 169 homes!
27/Jul/09 8:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Otherwise the weather was perfect. So was the company. I find it hard to believe that we had just met. I felt like I had known them all my entire life.
27/Jul/09 9:04 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It feels like that every single time I have met anybody from the site Heidi, like I have known them my whole life.
I love this place.
Great to hear you all got home safely and that you had such a wonderful time.
Thank you for the photos Tami.
27/Jul/09 10:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I will try to resize the photos sometime this week. Like Heidi, I felt like I had known these people for a long time, not just meeting them. My mom and I had a great time. She is tired. The trip was hard on her. Like she said, the next time, we will stay the night (and leave the beastie boys at home).
27/Jul/09 10:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good night everyone. I have to get up early for camp tomorrow and I am still tired from yesterday. Hope everyone has a great day/night wherever they are.
27/Jul/09 11:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed soon myself.
27/Jul/09 2:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! It's nearly midnight here, and just popping in for the first time today.

Good Night, MizT and Tami!

Tami, thank you for sharing your pictures. I'm glad to hear that you, your Mom and the Beastie Boys had a good time at Fiona Fest! Bobbi, I think you have the right idea. Next time, plan for an overnight!

Heidi, I'm glad you also enjoyed it and arrived home safely. Hopefully all of your animals were able to weather your absence.

Mamacita, I hope your computer is working when you return home, and will be looking forward to hearing from you, as well!

Gail, you and your hubby will be showing up all of us and your neighbors with a gorgeous yard! Good luck with all of the planting!

Bean, I'm glad you are taking a little time for yourself to relax (hopefully).

June, I hope all is going well with the painting, etc.!

Brenda, I hope your daughters are enjoying Canada and have the phone situation sorted out! I hope your friend continues to improve.

MizT, hope you're feeling better and not overdoing with the mowing and sewing! The scrubs-type shirts you make for Al to work in sound fun, though I also don't think my hubby would wear them.

Nola, we're glad you could pop in for a while & read.

Suzy, how is your computer connection going, Teach? Will we still get to see you daily when you get a class of your own?

Well, it's now officially midnight. Good Night from here. Enjoy the rest of your day, DUGs! Thinking of everyone and wishing you all good health & happiness.

Good Night, Heidi! I imagine you're feeding the dogs about now.
27/Jul/09 3:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I was right! Heidi will be heading to bed. I just took forever to type that post. Good Night, Everyone!
27/Jul/09 3:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How well you know me, Julie.
27/Jul/09 3:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night, again! I just realized I was overdue to change my avatar. Since it's officially now tomorrow here, this is my tomorrow avatar.
27/Jul/09 3:15 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello lovely SA people - just reporting in after my bout with the flu. Had a few bad days, completely missed news of Fionafest and have had to catch up today. Not completely recovered but on the mend (as well as antibiotics) - both of us too, I might add. I really just wanted my Mum to look after me.
So pleased all went well for Heidi and Tami and Bobbi - waiting to hear more stories. Heidi, you mentioned the Police somewhere - hmmm, what was the go there?
27/Jul/09 5:44 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just became a great-Aunt again - my niece, Amy, had a little girl on Saturday called 'Ada' - she is Mum and Dad's 16th great-grandchild and my bro's 4th grandie.
27/Jul/09 6:34 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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to the world, Ada.
27/Jul/09 8:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Welcome to the world Ada. That was my Grandmothers name. (Ada May)
Hope you soon get better Cyn. That is one thing we do not need our Grandchildren to share with us. Their germs!
Had a great day. Lovely weather great company and lots of fun and singing all those very old songs our parents (grandparents for some of you) used to sing.
27/Jul/09 9:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope you are feeling a lot better now Cyn. Congratulations to your niece a family on their new addition.
June friends of ours do lots of things with Probus, not sure but I think John is treasurer of there local branch. I know that they are always doing enjoyable activities and going on holiday with them.
27/Jul/09 9:41 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi, pleased that you had a good time at Fionafest, but sorry you didn't get to go snorkling, especially after getting your special mask.
27/Jul/09 9:43 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Meant to ask earlier Cyn but how is the situation with Mum and MIL?
27/Jul/09 9:44 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, agree with you Brenda - it is a shame that Heidi did not get to go snorkeling. As long as it didn't spoil her trip - and I don't think it did.
Haven't been near either Mum or MIL all week thanks to our flu but my sister says she was fine yesterday. Hubby's Mum was too sick to even come to the phone on Sat AM but phoned him on Sunday and spoke for 20 mins - good days/bad days.
27/Jul/09 10:02 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Interesting, June, that you mention your Grandmother's name was Ada - that's all I could think of when I heard the choice of name - somebody's Grandma's name! And I was right! Their choice, I guess.
27/Jul/09 10:06 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good Maen Sudokuland!

Sun is up and it is getting warmer fast, humidity is up also. I think we have rain forecast again today. Never got any at our area yesterday, so not sure of our chances for today.

Today was a cooking morning, I had trouble finding something to eat yesterday without p0repared things in the fridge. I made quiche for breakfasts and mini tortilla crust pizzas for today's lunch, while I had the oven heated.

Heidi, sorry you did not get to snorkel, but the mask should be all ready for another time. That tornado sounds scary, my goodness.

Tami, thanks for the photos, I did a look around to see them, looking forward to the reduced version. Hope today is not too bad for you being already tired!

CYN sorry you are under the weather, hope you continue to improve and are all better soon.

June, happy you enjoyed your outing, sing along sounded fun.

JULIE did her usual wonderful summary of what is going on here, thank you and WHAT JULIE SAID hehehe

Hubby loves his scrub tops for working, No collar, shorter sleeves and not tucked in, he said they are much cooler when out in the hot humid weather. He also likes the 4 pockets on the front. It has 2 at the bottom , good for nails and small items he needs, the chest pockets even have pencil pockets stitched in to keep his carpenter's pencil from falling when he bends over. I think it takes as much time to make the pockets as sew the remainder of the shirt, almost.

It was just that particular fabric he was not sure of. If I find it just hanging around his closet I will tease him, that if he does not wear it, I will make him a butterfly shirt and send it off with him on his trip too. hehehe I have a really nice piece of butterfly fabric, all the bright colors on black, you could not mistake it for anything but butterflies. That would fix him!

I am sewing or mowing or doing stuff and resting the back in between, That is why the shirt is on the machine lacking only the back hem to be machined down. that close but back said NOPE, rest now and I listened!

27/Jul/09 11:13 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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SA8ers! Just got the first cup of coffee...Got to call Jeff (r.e. agent) this morning to see if he got hold of Dave (finance person)...We really want to have things in place soon. Meeting our nephew Bret for dinner at his new house tonight...can't wait to see it!! TTFN all. Have a great day/night!
28/Jul/09 12:43 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Bobbie! Think I'll join you with that coffee.
Cyn - Congrats on becoming a great auntie - welcome Ada!
Seems like there's a lot of bugs going around right now...hope you all feel better (MzT, Cyn, Bean - have I missed anyone?)
28/Jul/09 1:12 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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I agree, Gail - that is EXACTLY how it felt to meet Sudoku-friends. Can't wait for October when I get to experience that once again.
Heidi, Ouima, Tami, Bobbie - so glad you guys had such a great time. Sue told me that it was the best Sudokumeet EVER! I think because you all had such an extended time together.
Off I go to check out Sue's pictures.
Catch y'all later today.
28/Jul/09 1:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not going to tell you about the Police. I'm leaving that one to Jane, since the gremlins won't tell the story. And BOY, did we have gremlins! Don't worry, we all got on well with the police officers.
28/Jul/09 1:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think we're getting serious about the cruise next year. Everyone please start thinking seriously about it. OK?
28/Jul/09 1:33 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Heidi - was Jane the instigator that involved police? I wouldn't be surprised...she was the one that was grabbing cute surfer boys off the beach in SF to join us in our photos!
28/Jul/09 1:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I do have one brag. And I can tell this story.
The first day, we worked out who slept where. I decided that the couch was the most comfy on my back, so I slept in the living room. Since Jane was our organizer, we voted that she got the master bedroom. Debby wanted the futon because it was easy for her to get on and off, and Kathy and Mamacita took the other bedroom with the twin beds.
We all fell instantly asleep except for Kathy. Mamacita's snoring kept her awake, so she decided to look for somewhere else to sleep. She walked the house only to discover that we ALL snored! She said that I was the loudest!!! Jane was the quietest... she purred... so Kathy dragged her mattress and covers into Jane's room and slept there.
28/Jul/09 1:42 AM
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